968 resultados para Implicit calibration
This work describes the development of an engineering approach based upon a toughness scaling methodology incorporating the effects of weld strength mismatch on crack-tip driving forces. The approach adopts a nondimensional Weibull stress, (sigma) over bar (w), as a the near-tip driving force to correlate cleavage fracture across cracked weld configurations with different mismatch conditions even though the loading parameter (measured by J) may vary widely due to mismatch and constraint variations. Application of the procedure to predict the failure strain for an overmatch girth weld made of an API X80 pipeline steel demonstrates the effectiveness of the micromechanics approach. Overall, the results lend strong support to use a Weibull stress based procedure in defect assessments of structural welds.
The practicability of estimating directional wave spectra based on a vessel`s 1st order response has been recently addressed by several researchers. Different alternatives regarding statistical inference methods and possible drawbacks that could arise from their application have been extensively discussed, with an apparent preference for estimations based on Bayesian inference algorithms. Most of the results on this matter, however, rely exclusively on numerical simulations or at best on few and sparse full-scale measurements, comprising a questionable basis for validation purposes. This paper discusses several issues that have recently been debated regarding the advantages of Bayesian inference and different alternatives for its implementation. Among those are the definition of the best set of input motions, the number of parameters required for guaranteeing smoothness of the spectrum in frequency and direction and how to determine their optimum values. These subjects are addressed in the light of an extensive experimental campaign performed with a small-scale model of an FPSO platform (VLCC hull), which was conducted in an ocean basin in Brazil. Tests involved long and short crested seas with variable levels of directional spreading and also bimodal conditions. The calibration spectra measured in the tank by means of an array of wave probes configured the paradigm for estimations. Results showed that a wide range of sea conditions could be estimated with good precision, even those with somewhat low peak periods. Some possible drawbacks that have been pointed out in previous works concerning the viability of employing large vessels for such a task are then refuted. Also, it is shown that a second parameter for smoothing the spectrum in frequency may indeed increase the accuracy in some situations, although the criterion usually proposed for estimating the optimum values (ABIC) demands large computational effort and does not seem adequate for practical on-board systems, which require expeditious estimations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work, the sensitivity of NIR spectroscopy toward the evolution of particle size was studied during emulsion homopolymerization of styrene (Sty) and emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate conducted in a semibatch stirred tank and a tubular pulsed sieve plate reactor, respectively. All NIR spectra were collected online with a transflectance probe immersed into the reaction medium. The spectral range used for the NIR monitoring was from 9 500 to 13 000 cm(-1), where the absorbance of the chemical components present is minimal and the changes in the NIR spectrum can be ascribed to the effects of light scattering by the polymer particles. Off-line measurements of the average diameter of the polymer particles by DLS were used as reference values for the development of the multi-variate NIR calibration models based on partial least squares. Results indicated that, in the spectral range studied, it is possible to monitor the evolution of the average size of the polymer particles during emulsion polymerization reactions. The inclusion of an additional spectral range, from 5 701 to 6 447 cm(-1), containing information on absorbances (""chemical information"") in the calibration models was also evaluated.
Highly redundant or statically undetermined structures, such as a cable-stayed bridge, have been of particular concern to the engineering community nowadays because of the complex parameters that must be taken into account for healthy monitoring. The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and practicability of using GPS to characterize dynamic oscillations of small span bridges. The test was carried out on a cable-stayed wood footbridge at Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos-Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Initially a static load trial was carried out to get an idea of the deck amplitude and oscillation frequency. After that, a calibration trial was carried out by applying a well known oscillation on the rover antenna to check the environment detectable limits for the method used. Finally, a dynamic load trial was carried out by using GPS and a displacement transducer to measure the deck oscillation. The displacement transducer was used just to confirm the results obtained by the GPS. The results have shown that the frequencies and amplitude displacements obtained by the GPS are in good agreement with the displacement transducer responses. GPS can be used as a reliable tool to characterize the dynamic behavior of large structures such as cable-stayed footbridges undergoing dynamic loads.
We report here the observation, for the first time, of the enhancement of Europium-Tetracycline complex emission in cholesterol solutions. This enhancement was initially observed with the addition of the enzyme cholesterol oxidase, which produces H2O2, the agent driver of the Europium tetracycline complex, to the solution. However, it was found that the enzyme is not needed to enhance the luminescence. A calibration curve was determined, resulting in a simple method to measure the cholesterol quantity in a solution. This method shows that the complex can be used as a sensor to determine cholesterol in biological systems.
Establishing a few sites in which measurements of soil water storage (SWS) are time stable significantly reduces the efforts involved in determining average values of SWS. This study aimed to apply a new criterion the mean absolute bias error (MABE)-to identify temporally stable sites for mean SWS evaluation. The performance of MABE was compared with that of the commonly used criterion, the standard deviation of relative difference (SDRD). From October 2004 to October 2008, SWS of four soil layers (0-1.0, 1.0-2.0,2.0-3.0, and 3.0-4.0 m) was measured, using a neutron probe, at 28 sites on a hillslope of the Loess Plateau, China. A total of 37 SWS data sets taken over time were divided into two subsets, the first consisting of 22 dates collected during the calibration period from October 2004 to September 2006, and the second with 15 dates collected during the validation period from October 2006 to October 2008. The results showed that if a critical value of 5% for MABE was defined, more than half the sites were temporally stable for both periods, and the number of temporally stable sires generally increased with soil depth. Compared with SDRD, MABE was more suitable for the identification of time-stable sites for mean SS prediction. Since the absolute prediction error of drier sites is more sensitive to changes in relative difference in terms of mean SWS prediction, the sites of wet sectors should be preferable for mean SWS prediction for the same changes in relative difference.
Using a numerical implicit model for root water extraction by a single root in a symmetric radial flow problem, based on the Richards equation and the combined convection-dispersion equation, we investigated some aspects of the response of root water uptake to combined water and osmotic stress. The model implicitly incorporates the effect of simultaneous pressure head and osmotic head on root water uptake, and does not require additional assumptions (additive or multiplicative) to derive the combined effect of water and salt stress. Simulation results showed that relative transpiration equals relative matric flux potential, which is defined as the matric flux potential calculated with an osmotic pressure head-dependent lower bound of integration, divided by the matric flux potential at the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions. In the falling rate phase, the osmotic head near the root surface was shown to increase in time due to decreasing root water extraction rates, causing a more gradual decline of relative transpiration than with water stress alone. Results furthermore show that osmotic stress effects on uptake depend on pressure head or water content, allowing a refinement of the approach in which fixed reduction factors based on the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil solution extract are used. One of the consequences is that osmotic stress is predicted to occur in situations not predicted by the saturation extract analysis approach. It is also shown that this way of combining salinity and water as stressors yields results that are different from a purely multiplicative approach. An analytical steady state solution is presented to calculate the solute content at the root surface, and compared with the outputs of the numerical model. Using the analytical solution, a method has been developed to estimate relative transpiration as a function of system parameters, which are often already used in vadose zone models: potential transpiration rate, root length density, minimum root surface pressure head, and soil theta-h and K-h functions.
Hydrological models featuring root water uptake usually do not include compensation mechanisms such that reductions in uptake from dry layers are compensated by an increase in uptake from wetter layers. We developed a physically based root water uptake model with an implicit compensation mechanism. Based on an expression for the matric flux potential (M) as a function of the distance to the root, and assuming a depth-independent value of M at the root surface, uptake per layer is shown to be a function of layer bulk M, root surface M, and a weighting factor that depends on root length density and root radius. Actual transpiration can be calculated from the sum of layer uptake rates. The proposed reduction function (PRF) was built into the SWAP model, and predictions were compared to those made with the Feddes reduction function (FRF). Simulation results were tested against data from Canada (continuous spring wheat [(Triticum aestivum L.]) and Germany (spring wheat, winter barley [Hordeum vulgare L.], sugarbeet [Beta vulgaris L.], winter wheat rotation). For the Canadian data, the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) for water content in the upper soil layers was very similar for FRF and PRF; for the deeper layers, RMSEP was smaller for PRF. For the German data, RMSEP was lower for PRF in the upper layers and was similar for both models in the deeper layers. In conclusion, but dependent on the properties of the data sets available for testing,the incorporation of the new reduction function into SWAP was successful, providing new capabilities for simulating compensated root water uptake without increasing the number of input parameters or degrading model performance.
Due to the rapid depletion of water resources, water must be used more efficiently in agriculture to maintain current levels of yield in irrigated areas. The efficiency of irrigation systems can be increased by adjusting the amount of water applied to specific conditions of soil and crop, which may vary in a field. Taking into account spatial and temporal variability, it is evident that an equipment capable of providing different irrigation levels is necessary to meet the water requirement of the soil. This work aims to develop and evaluate a flow rate sprinkler to be used in center pivots or linear moving irrigation systems, with potential for utilization in irrigation scheduling. A prototype was developed by duplicating its calibrations, and discharge coefficient adjustment was carried out in the laboratory. To predict the flow rate, a successful model that represented the operation of the flow rate sprinkler was established. The calibration of the flow rate sprinkler prototype showed satisfactory statistical and technical results. Automation of the prototype was achieved by driving a step motor using communication from the parallel port of a microcomputer, which was controlled by a software developed for this purpose. The results were satisfactory and technically feasible.
introduction of conservation practices in degraded agricultural land will generally recuperate soil quality, especially by increasing soil organic matter. This aspect of soil organic C (SOC) dynamics under distinct cropping and management systems can be conveniently analyzed with ecosystem models such as the Century Model. In this study, Century was used to simulate SOC stocks in farm fields of the Ibiruba region of north central Rio Grande do Sul state in Southern Brazil. The region, where soils are predominantly Oxisols, was originally covered with subtropical woodlands and grasslands. SOC dynamics was simulated with a general scenario developed with historical data on soil management and cropping systems beginning with the onset of agriculture in 1900. From 1993 to 2050, two contrasting scenarios based on no-tillage soil management were established: the status quo scenario, with crops and agricultural inputs as currently practiced in the region and the high biomass scenario with increased frequency of corn in the cropping system, resulting in about 80% higher biomass addition to soils. Century simulations were in close agreement with SOC stocks measured in 2005 in the Oxisols with finer texture surface horizon originally under woodlands. However, simulations in the Oxisols with loamy surface horizon under woodlands and in the grassland soils were not as accurate. SOC stock decreased from 44% to 50% in fields originally under woodland and from 20% to 27% in fields under grasslands with the introduction of intensive annual grain crops with intensive tillage and harrowing operations. The adoption of conservation practices in the 1980s led to a stabilization of SOC stocks followed by a partial recovery of native stocks. Simulations to 2050 indicate that maintaining status quo would allow SOC stocks to recover from 81% to 86% of the native stocks under woodland and from 80% to 91 % of the native stocks under grasslands. Adoption of a high biomass scenario would result in stocks from 75% to 95% of the original stocks under woodlands and from 89% to 102% in the grasslands by 2050. These simulations outcomes underline the importance of cropping system yielding higher biomass to further increase SOC content in these Oxisols. This application of the Century Model could reproduce general trends of SOC loss and recovery in the Oxisols of the Ibiruba region. Additional calibration and validation should be conducted before extensive usage of Century as a support tool for soil carbon sequestration projects in this and other regions can be recommended. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction - Ayahuasca is obtained by infusing the pounded stems of Banisteriopsis caapi in combination with the leaves of Psychotria viridis. P. viridis is rich in the psychedelic indole N,N-dimethyltryptamine, whereas B. caapi contains substantial amounts of beta-carboline alkaloids, mainly harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine, which are monoamine-oxidase inhibitors. Because of differences in composition in ayahuasca preparations, a method to measure their main active constituents is needed. Objective - To develop a gas chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of dimethyltryptamine and the main beta-carbolines found in ayahuasca preparations. Methodology - The alkaloids were extracted by means of solid phase extraction (C(18)) and detected by gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorous detector. Results - The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 0.02 mg/mL for all analytes. The calibration curves were linear over a concentration range of 0.02-4.0 mg/mL (r(2) > 0.99). The method was also precise (RSD < 10%). Conclusion - A simple gas chromatographic method to determine the main alkaloids found in ayahuasca was developed and validated. The method can be useful to estimate administered doses in animals and humans for further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of ayahuasca. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A simple spectrophotometric method has been developed,for the determination of fenoterol hydrobromide (FH) in tablets, drops and syrup, as the only active principle and associated with ibuprofen. The method is based on the oxidative coupling reaction of the FH with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) and ceric sulphate as oxidant reagent. The mixture of the drug, MBTH and ceric sulfate, in acid medium, produces a red brown color compound, with absorption maximum at 475 nm. The calibration curve was linear over a concentration range from 3.0 to 12.0 mu g/mL, with correlation coefficient of 0.9998. The different experimental parameters affecting the development and stability of the color compound were carefully studied and optimized. The method was applied successfully to assay FH in dosage forms and simulated samples. The coefficient of variation was from 0.25 % to 0.82 % and average recoveries of the standard from 98 % to 102 %. The excipients (tablets and drops) did not interfere in the analysis and the results showed that method can be used for determination of the FH isolated or associated with ibuprofen with precision, accuracy and specificity. In case of syrup, the interference in the analysis suggests a possible reaction between vehicle components with MBTH.
The aim of this study was to validate an agar diffusion method through the parameters linearity, precision and accuracy, to quantify apramycin in soluble powder. The calibration curve of apramycin was constructed by plotting log of concentrations (mu g ml(-1)) versus zone diameter (mm) and shows good linearity in the range of 1.0-4.0 mu g.ml(-1). The precision of the assay was determined by assaying samples at the same day (repeatability - R.S.D. = 2.00%) and on different days (intermediate precision - R.S.D. = 5.06%) and indicate good precision. The accuracy expresses the agreement between the accepted value and the value found. The mean recovery was found to be 100.49 % for apramycin soluble powder. The results indicated that the microbiological assay proposed in this work hold linearity, precision and accuracy being an acceptable alternative method for routine quality control of apramycin in the pharmaceutical dosage form studied.
In the present study a fast, sensitive and robust validated method to quantify chlorpheniramine in human plasma using brompheniramine as internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by LLE (diethyl ether-dichloromethane, 80:20, v/v) and analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Chromatographic separation was performed using a gradient of methanol from 35 to 90% with 2.5 mm NH(4)OH on a Gemini Phenomenex C(8) 5 mu m column (50 x 4.6 mm i.d.) in 5.0 min/run. The method fitted to a linear calibration curve (0.05-10 ng/mL, R > 0.9991). The precision (%CV) and accuracy ranged, respectively: intra-batch from 1.5 to 6.8% and 99.1 to 106.6%, and inter-batch from 2.4 to 9.0%, and 99.9 to 103.1%. The validated bioanalytical procedure was used to assess the comparative bioavailability in healthy volunteers of two dexchlorpheniramine 2.0 mg tablet formulations (test dexchlorpheniramine, Eurofarma, and reference Celestamine (R), Schering-Plough). The study was conducted using an open, randomized, two-period crossover design with a 2 week washout interval. Since the 90% confidence interval for C(max) and AUC ratios were all within the 80-125% interval proposed by ANVISA and FDA, it was concluded that test and reference formulations are bioequivalent concerning the rate and the extent of absorption. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
High-performance liquid-chromatographic (HPLC) methods were validated for determination of pravastatin sodium (PS), fluvastatin sodium (FVS), atorvastatin calcium (ATC), and rosuvastatin calcium (RC) in pharmaceuticals. Two stability-indicating HPLC methods were developed with a small change (10%) in the composition of the organic modifier in the mobile phase. The HPLC method for each statin was validated using isocratic elution. An RP-18 column was used with mobile phases consisting of methanol-water (60:40, v/v, for PS and RC and 70:30, v/v, for FVS and ATC). The pH of each mobile phase was adjusted to 3.0 with orthophosphoric acid, and the flow rate was 1.0mL/min. Calibration plots showed correlation coefficients (r)0.999, which were calculated by the least square method. The detection limit (DL) and quantitation limit (QL) were 1.22 and 3.08 mu g/mL for PS, 2.02 and 6.12 mu g/mL for FVS, 0.44 and 1.34 mu g/mL for ATC, and 1.55 and 4.70 mu g/mL for RC. Intraday and interday relative standard deviations (RSDs) were 2.0%. The methods were applied successfully for quantitative determination of statins in pharmaceuticals.