903 resultados para Gold, Nanotechnology, Oxidation, Photochemistry, Surface Plasmon Resonance
The anomalies in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios in single-molecule surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering were investigated. Brilliant green and crystal violet dyes were the molecular probes, and the experiments were carried out on an electrochemically activated Ag surface. The results allowed new insights into the origin of these anomalies and led to a new method to confirm the single-molecule regime in surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Moreover, a methodology to estimate the distribution of resonance energies that contributed to the imbalance in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios at the electromagnetic hot spots was proposed. This method allowed the local plasmonic resonance energies on the metallic surface to be spatially mapped.
Silver containing heavy metal oxide glasses and glass ceramics of the system WO3-SbPO4-PbO-AgCl with different AgCl contents have been prepared and their thermal, structural and optical properties characterized. Glass ceramics containing metallic silver nanoparticles have been prepared by annealing glass samples at temperatures above the glass transition and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The presence of the metallic clusters has been also confirmed by the observation of a surface plasmon resonimce band in the visible range. Cyclic voltammetric measurements indicated the presence of metallic silver into the glasses, even before to perform the thermal treatment.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von nematischen und smektischen LC-Polyestern, die mit ionischen Gruppen funktionalisiert wurden. Als ionische Gruppen wurden Phosphonsäure-salze und Phosphonium- oder Ammoniumgruppen verwendet. Je nach Polymerrückgrat erhält man LC-Ionomere, bei denen die ionischen Gruppen entweder an das Mesogen oder an den Hauptkettenspacer gebunden sind. Diese LC-Ionomere können zusammen mit amorphen Polyelektrolyten oder anorganischen Schichtmineralien für den Multischichtaufbau durch alternierende Adsorption von Polykation und Polyanion aus der Lösung verwendet werden (Methode von G. Decher). Die Multischichtbildung konnte mittels UV-Spektroskopie, IR-Spektroskopie, Kontaktwinkel-Messungen, Röntgenreflexionsmessungen und Oberflächen Plasmonen-Spektroskopie verfolgt werden. Die Subschichten sind zwischen 25 und 55 Å dick und hängen z.B. von der Polarität des Lösungsmittels ab. Erste cis-trans Isomerisierungen und Photoorientierungs-Versuche wurden durchgeführt.
The amyloid peptide (Aß), a normal constituent of neuronal and non-neuronal cells, has been shown to be a major component of the extracellular plaque of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The interaction of Aß peptides with the lipid matrix of neuronal cell membranes plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD. In this study, we have developed peptide-tethered artificial lipid membranes by the Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer methods. Anti-Aß40-mAb labeled with a fluorophore was used to probe the Aß40 binding to the model membrane system. Systematic studies on the antibody or Aß-membrane interactions were carried out in our model systems by Surface Plasmon Field-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (SPFS). Aß adsorption is critically determined by the lipid composition of the membranes. Aß specifically binds with membranes of sphingomyelin, and this preferential adsorption was markedly amplified by the addition of sterols (cholesterol or 25-OH-Chol). Fluorescence microscopy indicated that 25-OH-Chol could also form micro-domains with sphingomyelin as cholesterol does at the conditions used for the built-up of the model membranes. Our findings suggest that micro-domains composed of sphingomyelin and the sterols could be the binding sites of Aß and the role of sphingomyelin in AD should receive much more attention. The artificial membranes provide a novel platform for the study on AD, and SPFS is a potential tool for detecting Aß-membrane interaction. Numerous investigations indicate that the ability of Aß to form fibrils is considerably dependent upon the levels of ß-sheet structure adopted by Aß. Membrane-mediated conformational transition of Aß has been demonstrated. In this study, we focus on the interaction of Aß and the membranes composed of POPC/SM/25-OH-Chol (2:1:1). The artificial membrane system was established by the methods as described above. Immunoassy based on a pair of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against different epitopes was employed to detect the orientation of the Aß at the model membranes. Kinetics of antibody-Aß binding was determined by surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS). The attempt has also been made to probe the change in the conformation of Aß using SPFS combined with immunoassay. Melatonin was employed to induce the conformational change of Aß. The orientation and the conformational change of Aß are evaluated by analysing kinetic/affinity parameters. This work provides novel insight into the investigation on the structure of Aß at the membrane surface.
Biological membranes are one of the vital key elements of life but are also highly complex architectures. Therefore, various model membrane systems have been developed to enable systematic investigations of different membrane related processes. A biomimetic model architecture should provide a simplified system, which allows for systematic investigation of the membrane while maintaining the essential membrane characteristics such as membrane fluidity or electrical sealing properties. This work has been focused on two complementary parts. In a first part, the behaviour of the whey protein ß-lactoglobulin (ßlg) at a membrane interface has been investigated. Protein-lipid interactions have been studied using Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface and tethered bilayer lipid membranes. A combination of different surface analytical techniques such as surface plasmon spectroscopy, neutron reflectivity and electrochemical techniques allowed for a detailed analysis of the underlying processes. Those experiments showed that the protein adsorbed in native confirmation, slightly flattened, to hydrophobic monolayers. If hydrophilic bilayers with defects were present, ßlg penetrated the upper layer. Interactions with phospholipids were only observed if the protein was denatured beforehand. Experiments at the air-water interface showed a more rigid conformation of the protein at acidic pH compared to alkaline pH. In the second part of this work, the structure of different model membrane systems has been investigated. Solid supported membrane systems have been established as powerful biomimetic architectures, which allow for the systematic investigation of various membrane related processes. Additionally, these systems have been proposed for biosensing applications. Tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMS) are one type of solid supported membranes. The structure of the anchor lipid that tethers the membrane to the solid support has a significant impact on the membrane properties. Especially the sub-membrane part, which is defined by the spacer group, is important for the biological activity of incorporated membrane proteins. Various anchor lipids have been synthesised with different spacer and anchor groups. An increase of the spacer length led to a direct increase of the water reservoir beneath the membrane. However, this elongation also resulted in an amplified roughness of the monolayer and subsequently to diminished mechanical and electrical bilayer qualities. Additionally, a cholesterol-spacer had been designed to modulate the membrane fluidity. Model membrane systems with additional cholesterol-spacer or upper bilayer leaflets with additional cholesterol also exhibited an increased water reservoir with only slightly diminished mechanical and electrical abilities. Both parts show that tBLMs are very effective model systems that can be applied as biomimetic platforms to study for example lipid-protein interactions. They also enable the incorporation of ion channels and allow for potential biosensing application.
In der hier vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer biomimetischen Beschichtung für Titanimplantatoberflächen, insbesondere Dentalimplantate, beschrieben. Ziel war es, die Adhäsion und Aktivität von Osteoblasten auf Titanoberflächen zu steigern und so eine Beschleunigung der Implantatintegration in das Knochengewebe zu erreichen. Hierfür wurde eine spezielle Art der biomimetischen Beschichtung entwickelt, bei der biotinyliertes Fibronektin (bFn) über Streptavidin auf eine biotinylierte TiOX-Modelloberfläche immobilisiert wurde. Die Biotinmodifizierung der TiOX-Oberfläche erfolgte hierbei über einen „Self-Assembly-Prozess“ durch sequenzielle Chemiesorption von N-(6-aminohexyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilan sowie verschiedenen Sulfo-NHS-Biotin-Derivaten, welche den Aufbau einer Streptavidin-Monolage ermöglichten. Als ein wichtiges Resultat zeigte sich, dass die Streptavidin-Monolage effektiv die unspezifische Adsorption von Proteinen an die TiOX-Oberfläche unterbindet und hierdurch die Adhäsion von Osteoblasten auf dieser unterdrückt. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass auf eine antiadhäsive Basisbeschichtung, welche für eine spezifische Zellreaktion wichtig ist, verzichtet werden kann. Dieses osteoblastere Adhäsionsverhalten änderte sich signifikant nach Anbindung von bFn an die Streptavidin-Monolage, mit dem Ergebnis, einer drastischen Steigerung der Osteoblastenadhäsion. Weiterhin besaßen Osteoblasten auf diesen Oberflächen ein Proteinexpressionsmuster, das auf eine erhöhte Osteoinduktion schließen lässt. Es zeigte sich darüber hinaus eine verstärkte Zelladhäsion sowie eine Steigerung des osteoinduktiven Effekts auf Substraten, bei denen bFn über eine Streptavidin-Monolage immobilisiert wurde, gegenüber mit nativem Fibronektin (Fn) modifizierten TiOX-Oberflächen. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt bestand daher in der Analyse der Zusammensetzung und Struktur der biomimetischen Beschichtung über „Surface Plasmon Spectroscopy“ und „Atomic Force Microscopy“. Diese ergab, dass bFn und natives Fn auf den jeweiligen Oberflächen eine unterschiedliche Konformation einnimmt. Im Gegensatz zu nativem Fn, das bei der Adsorption unter physiologischen Bedingungen auf TiOX-Oberflächen eine kompakte Konformation besitzt, nimmt bFn auf einer Streptavidin-Monolage eine entfaltete Konformation ein. Bei letzterer handelt es sich um dieselbe, welche Fn in vivo innerhalb der extrazellulären Matrix besitzt. Sie unterscheidet sich von der kompakten Fn-Konformation dahingehend, dass entlang der Fn-Achse weitere Proteinbindestellen zugänglich werden und hierdurch die Zellaffinität von Fn gesteigert wird. Die nachgewiesene Konformationsänderung kann somit als Grund für die gesteigerte Osteoblasten-Adhäsion und Aktivität auf Oberflächen mit bFn angenommen werden. Diese Kenntnisse konnten weiterhin für die Optimierung des biomimetischen Schichtsystems genutzt werden. So war es möglich, durch alternierendes Inkubieren der Biotin-aktivierten Oberfläche mit Streptavidin und bFn, ein Multilayersystem gezielt aufzubauen. Der Vorteil dieses Multilayersystems gegenüber einer einfachen Monolage aus bFn besteht in einer erhöhten Stabilität der biomimetischen Beschichtung, wodurch eine Anwendung in der Praxis erleichtert würde.
A clinical approach to arterial ischemic childhood stroke: increasing knowledge over the last decade
Childhood stroke is increasingly being recognized as an important burden not only for affected children and families, but also for socioeconomic reasons. A primary problem is delayed diagnosis, due to the many mimics of childhood stroke, and the variety of manifesting symptoms. The most important is hemiparesis (with/without dysphasia or facial palsy), but ataxia, seizures, and many more are also possible. Suspicion of stroke has to be ascertained by neuroimaging, gold standard being (diffusion weighted) magnetic resonance. Risk factors are multiple, but their presence might help to increase the suspicion of stroke. The most important factors are infectious/parainfectious etiologies, frequently possibly manifesting by transient focal cerebral arteriopathy (FCA). Cardiological underlying problems are the second most important. Arteriopathies can be detected in about half of the children, besides FCA and dissection and MoyaMoya disease are the most important. Hereditary coagulopathies increase the risk of stroke. There is still a controversy on best treatment in children: platelet antiaggregation and heparinization are used about equally. Thrombolysis is being discussed increasingly. Severity of symptoms at manifestation and on follow-up are not less significant in children than in young adults. About two-third of the children have significant residual neurological problems and a majority cognitive and behavior problems.
Eletrodos de ouro foram utilizados para preparação de eletrodos modificados com monocamadas auto arranjadas de tióis. A limpeza do substrato metálico é fundamental para que a arquitetura molecular superficial possa ser efetuada com boa estabilidade e reprodutibilidade, além de fornecer dados utilizados no cálculo de área ativa, necessários na normalização dos valores de recobrimento superficial obtidos nas determinações de dessorção do agente modificador interno, o ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico. Os eletrodos modificados consistiram no recobrimento de transdutores de ouro com ácido 3-mercaptopropiônico através da imersão do eletrodo de Au em solução 25 mmolL-1 deste composto e, em seguida, com moléculas de cisteína, através da imersão do eletrodo de Au/3-MPA em solução 0,1 molL-1 deste composto, originando um sensor do tipo Au/3-MPA/CSH. As moléculas de cisteína foram utilizadas como agente redutor para obtenção de nanopartículas de Au na superfície do eletrodo modificado, através da aplicação de 20 µL de solução de HAuCl4. Após a confirmação da ausência do par tiólico superficial responsável pela redução das nanopartículas, o eletrodo Au/3-MPA/CSH/AuNp foi utilizado na determinação de peróxido de hidrogênio em soluções de concentrações crescentes em tampão fosfato 0,1 molL-1 pH 7,2.
We report on the existence of nondiffracting Bessel surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), advancing at either superluminal or subluminal phase velocities. These wave fields feature deep subwavelength FWHM, but are supported by high-order homogeneous SPPs of a metal/dielectric (MD) superlattice. The beam axis can be relocated to any MD interface, by interfering multiple converging SPPs with controlled phase matching. Dissipative effects in metals lead to a diffraction-free regime that is limited by the energy attenuation length. However, the ultra-localization of the diffracted wave field might still be maintained by more than one order of magnitude.
Surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectra of self-assembled monolayers of 4-aminobenzenethiol (4-ABT) on copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) surfaces decorated with Cu and Ag nanostructures, respectively, have been obtained with lasers at 532, 632.8, 785, and 1064 nm. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to obtain calculated vibrational frequencies of the 4-ABT and 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (4,4′-DMAB) molecules adsorbed on model Cu surfaces. The features of the SERS spectra depend on the electrode potential and the type and power density of the laser. SERS spectra showed the formation of the 4,4′-DMAB on the nanostructured Cu surface independently of the laser employed. For the sake of comparison SERS spectra of a self-assembled monolayer of the 4-ABT on Ag surfaces decorated with Ag nanostructures have been also obtained with the same four lasers. When using the 532 and 632.8 nm lasers, the 4,4′-DMAB is formed on Cu surface at electrode potentials as low as −1.0 V (AgCl/Ag) showing a different behavior with respect to Ag (and others metals such as Au and Pt). On the other hand, the surface-enhanced infrared reflection absorption (SEIRA) spectra showed that in the absence of the laser excitation the 4,4′-DMAB is not produced from the adsorbed 4-ABT on nanostructured Cu in the whole range of potentials studied. These results point out the prevalence of the role of electron–hole pairs through surface plasmon activity to explain the obtained SERS spectra.
Includes bibliographies.
"Sketch of the Baldwin Locomotive Works": p. 5-53.
Tetrazolo[1,5-a] quinazoline (9) is converted to 2-azidoquinazoline (10) on sublimation at 200 degrees C and above, and the azide-tetrazole equilibrium is governed by entropy. 2-Quinazolylnitrenes 11 and 27 and/ or their ring expansion products 14 and 29 can undergo type I (ylidic) and type II (diradicaloid) ring opening. Argon matrix photolysis of 9/10 affords 2-quinazolylnitrene (11), which has been characterized by ESR, UV, and IR spectroscopy. A minor amount of a second nitrene, formed by rearrangement or ring opening, is also observed. A diradical (19) is formed rapidly by type II ring opening and characterized by ESR spectroscopy; it decays thermally at 15 K with a half-life of ca. 47 min, in agreement with its calculated facile intersystem crossing (19T -> 19OSS) followed by facile cyclization/rearrangement to 1-cyanoindazole (21) (calculated activation barrier 1- 2 kcal/mol) and N-cyanoanthranilonitrile (22). 21 and 22 are the isolated end products of photolysis. 21 is also the end product of flash vacuum thermolysis. An excellent linear correlation between the zero-field splitting parameter D (cm(-1)) and the spin density F on the nitrene N calculated at the B3LYP/EPRIII level is reported (R-2 = 0.993 for over 100 nitrenes). Matrix photolysis of 3-phenyltetrazolo[1,5-a] quinazoline (25) affords the benzotriazacycloheptatetraene 29, which can be photochemically interconverted with the type I ring opening product 2-isocyano-alpha-diazo-alpha- phenyltoluene (33) as determined by IR and UV spectroscopy. The corresponding carbene 37, obtained by photolysis of 33, was detected by matrix ESR spectroscopy.
We demonstrate a novel glucose sensor based on an optical fiber grating with an excessively tilted index fringe structure and its surface modified by glucose oxidase (GOD). The aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) was utilized as binding site for the subsequent GOD immobilization. Confocal microscopy and fluorescence microscope were used to provide the assessment of the effectiveness in modifying the fiber surface. The resonance wavelength of the sensor exhibited red-shift after the binding of the APTES and GOD to the fiber surface and also in the glucose detection process. The red-shift of the resonance wavelength showed a good linear response to the glucose concentration with a sensitivity of 0.298nm(mg/ml)-1 in the very low concentration range of 0.0∼3.0mg/ml. Compared to the previously reported glucose sensor based on the GOD-immobilized long period grating (LPG), the 81° tilted fiber grating (81°-TFG) based sensor has shown a lower thermal cross-talk effect, better linearity and higher Q-factor in sensing response. In addition, its sensitivity for glucose concentration can be further improved by increasing the grating length and/or choosing a higher-order cladding mode for detection. Potentially, the proposed techniques based on 81°-TFG can be developed as sensitive, label free and micro-structural sensors for applications in food safety, disease diagnosis, clinical analysis and environmental monitoring.
Highly swellable polymer films doped with Ag nanoparticle aggregates (poly-SERS films) have been used to record very high signal:noise ratio, reproducible surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman (SER(R)S) spectra of in situ dried ink lines and their constituent dyes using both 633 and 785 nm excitation. These allowed the chemical origins of differences in the SERRS spectra of different inks to be determined. Initial investigation of pure samples of the 10 most common blue dyes showed that the dyes which had very similar chemical structures such as Patent Blue V and Patent Blue VF (which differ only by a single OH group) gave SERRS spectra in which the only indications that the dye structure had been changed were small differences in peak positions or relative intensities of the bands. SERRS studies of 13 gel pen inks were consistent with this observation. In some cases inks from different types of pens could be distinguished even though they were dominated by a single dye such as Victoria Blue B (Zebra Surari) or Victoria Blue BO (Pilot Acroball) because their predominant dye did not appear in other inks. Conversely, identical spectra were also recorded from different types of pens (Pilot G7, Zebra Z-grip) because they all had the same dominant Brilliant Blue G dye. Finally, some of the inks contained mixtures of dyes which could be separated by TLC and removed from the plate before being analysed with the same poly-SERS films. For example, the Pentel EnerGel ink pen was found to give TLC spots corresponding to Erioglaucine and Brilliant Blue G. Overall, this study has shown that the spectral differences between different inks which are based on chemically similar, but nonetheless distinct dyes, are extremely small, so very close matches between SERRS spectra are required for confident identification. Poly-SERS substrates can routinely provide the very stringent reproducibility and sensitivity levels required. This, coupled with the awareness of the reasons underlying the observed differences between similarly coloured inks allows a more confident assessment of the evidential value of inks SERS and should underpin adoption of this approach as a routine method for the forensic examination of inks.