1000 resultados para Girona (Catalonia : Province) -- Antiquities, Roman
El sector vitícola català, màxim exponent de l'expansió agrícola registrada des d'inici del segle XVIII fins a mitjan XIX, va patir en les darreres dècades de la passada centúria un gran daltabaix. Un insecte desconegut fins aleshores, la fil•loxera, originari del continent americà i contra el qual les vinyes europees no disposaven de cap mena de defensa, va destruir en un marge de cinquanta anys tots els antics ceps d'Europa.
During the second half of the nineteenth century a major mineral water bottling industry appeared in Catalonia which vigorously lasted until the first third of the 20th century. The fact that the industry appeared in Catalonia and in other parts of Europe and the United States almost at the same time and had not existed before can be explained by a series of factors which coincided in time. This situation encouraged producers to pack, transport and sell bottled water from their respective sources. Among these factors there is the rise of hygienism, very influential in Catalonia, the declining water quality due to industrialization, the increase in population density, the improvement in transport, the emergence of thermal tourism or the invention of better containers used to store water. This project aims to explain thoroughly all the mentioned factors, and to give some light to why, when and how the Catalan bottled water industry appeared.
The aim of this work was to identify the natural breeding sites of sandflies in the province of Chaco, Argentina, for the first time. Preliminary studies were conducted in two different phytogeographic regions: dry Chaco (Parque Provincial Pampa del Indio), in January 2010, and humid Chaco (Resistencia, Margarita Belén and Colonia Benítez), from May-September 2010. A total of 127 samples were collected (Pampa del Indio: 15, Resistencia: 37, Margarita Belén: 36, Colonia Benítez: 39). A female of Migonemyia migonei was found in Pampa del Indio at the base of a bromeliad in the summer (January) and a pupal exuvium of a phlebotomine fly was found in Resistencia, in a place where dogs rested, in the winter (July). These findings highlighted these two sites as potential breeding sites. Because the existence of potential natural breeding sites for sandflies has been demonstrated in both forest and periurban areas, expanding the search efforts and characterising these sites will enable the development of specific study designs to gain insight into the spatial distribution of the risks posed by these vectors. The resulting information will serve as a basis for proposing and evaluating vector control measures.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus continues to be a pandemic. Spain is one of the European countries with the highest incidence of HIV. Within Catalonia, Spain many projects have been implemented with the intention of improving HIV knowledge and lowering the incidence. HIV knowledge is also known to have a positive effect on lowering stigma and discrimination of the people living with HIV. However, few studies study the distribution of HIV knowledge and its association to HIV status, age, sex, geographical zone of origin and level of education within the same study. Objectives: To identify if HIV knowledge is associated with HIV status, age, sex, geographical zone of origin and level of education. Method: Quantitative, cross-sectional, centre-based study comprising of people receiving an HIV test in Catalonia, Spain. Data will be collected from the 11 HIV Non-Governmental Organisations in Catalonia, Spain. The Brief HIV Knowledge Scale will be used to assess HIV knowledge; information from the HIV test session will be used to assess HIV status, age, sex, geographic zone of origin and level of education. The association between HIV knowledge and the afore mentioned variables will then be calculated.
Collection : Études économiques et sociales ; X
The purpose of this study was to analyse a skeleton (adult female, 25-30 years) that presented evidence of tuberculous spondylitis. The skeleton, dated from the Roman Period (III-VI centuries), was excavated near the town of Győr, in western Hungary. The skeleton was examined by gross observation supplemented with mycolic acid and proteomic analyses using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry. The biomolecular analyses supported the morphological diagnosis.
Anàlisi de les pautes de creixement que han seguit els municipis turístics de la Costa Brava a fi i efecte de proposar un nou model de desenvolupament per la demanda creixent de sòl i allotjament. Tenint en compte la incertesa del sector turístic, es pretén repensar el model actual de tendència a l’especialització en segona residència mitjançant un cas pràctic de planejament urbanístic de caràcter mixt (residencial, comercial i hoteler), transformable i evolutiu
Studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by Culicidae in three different environments in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). The mosquitoes were collected between June 2001-May 2002. During the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within different time intervals: from 09:00 am-11:00 am, 01:00 pm-03:00 pm, 05:00 pm-07:00 pm and 09:00 pm-10:00 pm. A total of 19,430 mosquitoes of 49 species belonging to 10 genera were collected. Culex species mainly selected chicken bait and Wyeomyia species selected rabbit bait. Ochlerotatus and Psorophora species were more abundant in rabbit-baited traps. Anopheles triannulatus, Coquillettidia nigricans, Ochlerotatus scapularis, Mansonia titillans and Psorophora albigenu showed a strong attraction for human bait. The Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Culex and Mansonia species were more active between 05:00 pm-09:00 pm, while Ochlerotatus, Psorophora, Haemagogus and Wyeomyia were most active from 09:00 am-07:00 pm. This study provides additional information about the biology and ecology of arbovirus vectors in Chaco.
L'objectiu del projecte és dissenyar i dimensionar les instal·lacions d’un habitatge unifamiliar aïllat bioclimàtic i d’eficiència ecològica al terme municipal de Rabós d’Empordà. La finca on es vol construir l’habitatge està pendent de formar part de l’ampliació de la Xarxa Ecològica Europea Natura 2000, que inclou el Paratge Natural de les Alberes. Per això, en aquest projecte s’ha posat molt èmfasi en l’impacte paisatgístic i el respecte al medi ambient. La finca només disposa de connexió a la xarxa elèctrica a través d’una línia aèria, paral·lela a la carretera, i un pou de captació d’aigua, amb capacitat suficient per abastar l’habitatge
Aquest treball de pràcticum pretén, a partir de l’anàlisi de la pràctica que hi ha tant a nivell de comarca del Baix Empordà com a nivell d’experiències a més generals, fer una proposta d’actuació a l’hora de prevenir la mutilació genital femenina mitjançant el treball comunitari com a eina d’intervenció preventiva i generadora d’espais de relació, que permeti treballar amb i per a la comunitat fent-la, així, responsable i participativa del propi procés de canvi. Té la voluntat de ser un recurs útil i generadora de noves idees d’actuació
L’objectiu del present projecte és la proposta (disseny i estimació econòmica) d’un sistema de tractament de les aigües i els fangs generats a un escorxador porcí de Granollers. Per tal de portar a terme aquest estudi, es va realitzar una anàlisi de la situació prèvia a l’escorxador, del diagrama de flux de les instal·lacions existents, de les necessitats del sector, dels límits d’abocament fixats pel Reglament del Consorci del Besòs, i finalment de la caracterització de les aigües residuals generades (en quantitat i qualitat) així com dels fangs produïts. Arran d’aquesta anàlisi es va realitzar un estudi experimental d’optimització del tractament fisicoquímic, i en base als resultats es van generar diferents alternatives de tractament, es va simular el seu comportament, i es va fer una avaluació comparativa dels costos i rendiments estimats
La present recerca pretén fer una aproximació qualitativa per conèixer alguns dels joves-adults i dels protagonistes de l’entorn que conformen el que en alguns espais mediàtics no especialitzats s’ha etiquetat com la nova escena catalana, per referir-se sobretot a autors i grups de música indi i pop feta a Catalunya, amb totes les variants del pop (des del més electrònic fins al més folk) i amb totes les múltiples accepcions de l’indi (al qual es dedica més endavant un capítol específic)
This paper presents an application of the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach to the estimation of quantities of Gross Value Added (GVA) referring to economic entities defined at different scales of study. The method first estimates benchmark values of the pace of GVA generation per hour of labour across economic sectors. These values are estimated as intensive variables –e.g. €/hour– by dividing the various sectorial GVA of the country (expressed in € per year) by the hours of paid work in that same sector per year. This assessment is obtained using data referring to national statistics (top down information referring to the national level). Then, the approach uses bottom-up information (the number of hours of paid work in the various economic sectors of an economic entity –e.g. a city or a province– operating within the country) to estimate the amount of GVA produced by that entity. This estimate is obtained by multiplying the number of hours of work in each sector in the economic entity by the benchmark value of GVA generation per hour of work of that particular sector (national average). This method is applied and tested on two different socio-economic systems: (i) Catalonia (considered level n) and Barcelona (considered level n-1); and (ii) the region of Lima (considered level n) and Lima Metropolitan Area (considered level n-1). In both cases, the GVA per year of the local economic entity –Barcelona and Lima Metropolitan Area – is estimated and the resulting value is compared with GVA data provided by statistical offices. The empirical analysis seems to validate the approach, even though the case of Lima Metropolitan Area indicates a need for additional care when dealing with the estimate of GVA in primary sectors (agriculture and mining).