971 resultados para Free Molecular Assumption


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Objective To develop and evaluate machine learning techniques that identify limb fractures and other abnormalities (e.g. dislocations) from radiology reports. Materials and Methods 99 free-text reports of limb radiology examinations were acquired from an Australian public hospital. Two clinicians were employed to identify fractures and abnormalities from the reports; a third senior clinician resolved disagreements. These assessors found that, of the 99 reports, 48 referred to fractures or abnormalities of limb structures. Automated methods were then used to extract features from these reports that could be useful for their automatic classification. The Naive Bayes classification algorithm and two implementations of the support vector machine algorithm were formally evaluated using cross-fold validation over the 99 reports. Result Results show that the Naive Bayes classifier accurately identifies fractures and other abnormalities from the radiology reports. These results were achieved when extracting stemmed token bigram and negation features, as well as using these features in combination with SNOMED CT concepts related to abnormalities and disorders. The latter feature has not been used in previous works that attempted classifying free-text radiology reports. Discussion Automated classification methods have proven effective at identifying fractures and other abnormalities from radiology reports (F-Measure up to 92.31%). Key to the success of these techniques are features such as stemmed token bigrams, negations, and SNOMED CT concepts associated with morphologic abnormalities and disorders. Conclusion This investigation shows early promising results and future work will further validate and strengthen the proposed approaches.


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The visual and multidimensional representations like images and graphical structures related to biology provide great insights into understanding the complexities of different organisms. Especially, life scientists use different representations of molecular structures to answer biological questions and to better understand cellular processes. Combining results from two field studies, we explore the role of molecular structures in life scientists’ current work from a humanfactors perspective. Our main conclusion is that different representations of molecular structures, due to their visual nature, are important for supporting collaboration, constructing new knowledge and supporting scientists’ professional activities in general.


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Dynamic light scattering (DLS) has become a primary nanoparticle characterization technique with applications from materials characterization to biological and environmental detection. With the expansion in DLS use from homogeneous spheres to more complicated nanostructures, comes a decrease in accuracy. Much research has been performed to develop different diffusion models that account for the vastly different structures but little attention has been given to the effect on the light scattering properties in relation to DLS. In this work, small (core size < 5 nm) core-shell nanoparticles were used as a case study to measure the capping thickness of a layer of dodecanethiol (DDT) on Au and ZnO nanoparticles by DLS. We find that the DDT shell has very little effect on the scattering properties of the inorganic core and hence can be ignored to a first approximation. However, this results in conventional DLS analysis overestimating the hydrodynamic size in the volume and number weighted distributions. By introducing a simple correction formula that more accurately yields hydrodynamic size distributions a more precise determination of the molecular shell thickness is obtained. With this correction, the measured thickness of the DDT shell was found to be 7.3 ± 0.3 Å, much less than the extended chain length of 16 Å. This organic layer thickness suggests that on small nanoparticles, the DDT monolayer adopts a compact disordered structure rather than an open ordered structure on both ZnO and Au nanoparticle surfaces. These observations are in agreement with published molecular dynamics results.


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We have studied a mineral sample of mottramite PbCu(VO4)(OH) from Tsumeb, Namibia using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with EDX, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows principally the elements V, Pb and Cu. Ca occurs as partial substitution of Pb as well as P and As in substitution to V. Minor amounts of Si and Cr were also observed. The Raman band of mottramite at 829 cm-1, is assigned to the ν1 symmetric (VO-4) ) stretching mode. The complexity of the spectra is attributed to the chemical composition of the Tsumeb mottramite. The ν3 antisymmetric vibrational mode of mottramite is observed as very low intensity bands at 716 and 747 cm-1. The series of Raman bands at 411, 439, 451 cm-1 and probably also the band at 500 cm-1 are assigned to the (VO-4) ν2 bending mode. The series of Raman bands at 293, 333 and 366 cm-1 are attributed to the (VO-4) ) ν4 bending modes. The ν3, ν3 and ν4 regions are complex for both minerals and this is attributed to symmetry reduction of the vanadate unit from Td to Cs.


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We have studied the borate mineral rhodizite (K, Cs)Al4Be4(B, Be)12O28 using a combination of DEM with EDX and vibrational spectroscopic techniques. The mineral occurs as colorless, gray, yellow to white crystals in the triclinic crystal system. The studied sample is from the Antandrokomby Mine, Sahatany valley, Madagascar. The mineral is prized as a semi-precious jewel. Semi-quantitative chemical composition shows a Al, Ca, borate with minor amounts of K, Mg and Cs. The mineral has a characteristic borate Raman spectrum and bands are assigned to the stretching and bending modes of B, Be and Al. No Raman bands in the OH stretching region were observed.


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The mineral beraunite from Boca Rica pegmatite in Minas Gerais with theoretical formula Fe2+Fe5 3+(PO4)4(OH)5⋅4H2O has been studied using a combination of electron microscopy with EDX and vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Raman spectroscopy identifies an intense band at 990 cm-1 and 1011 cm-1. These bands are attributed to the PO4 3- v, symmetric stretching mode. The m3 antisymmetric stretching modes are observed by a large number of Raman bands. The Raman bands at 1034, 1051, 1058, 1069 and 1084 together with the Raman bands at 1098, 1116, 1133, 1155 and 1174 cm-1 are assigned to the m3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations of PO4 3- and the HOPO3 2- units. The observation of these multiple Raman bands in the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching region gives credence to the concept that both phosphate and hydrogen phosphate units exist in the structure of beraunite. The series of Raman bands at 567, 582,601, 644, 661, 673, and 687 cm-1 are assigned to the PO4 3- v2 bending modes. The series of Raman bands at 437, 468, 478, 491, 503 cm-1 are attributed to the PO4 3- and OPO3 2- v4 bending modes. No Raman bands of beraunite which could be attributed to the hydroxyl stretching unit were observed. Infrared bands at 3511 and 3359 cm-1 are ascribed to the OH stretching vibration of the OH units. Very broad bands at 3022 and 3299 cm-1 are attributed to the OH stretching vibrations of water. Vibrational spectroscopy offers insights into the molecular structure of the phosphate mineral beraunite.


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The article introduces a novel platform for conducting controlled and risk-free driving and traveling behavior studies, called Cyber-Physical System Simulator (CPSS). The key features of CPSS are: (1) simulation of multiuser immersive driving in a threedimensional (3D) virtual environment; (2) integration of traffic and communication simulators with human driving based on dedicated middleware; and (3) accessibility of multiuser driving simulator on popular software and hardware platforms. This combination of features allows us to easily collect large-scale data on interesting phenomena regarding the interaction between multiple user drivers, which is not possible with current single-user driving simulators. The core original contribution of this article is threefold: (1) we introduce a multiuser driving simulator based on DiVE, our original massively multiuser networked 3D virtual environment; (2) we introduce OpenV2X, a middleware for simulating vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication; and (3) we present two experiments based on our CPSS platform. The first experiment investigates the “rubbernecking” phenomenon, where a platoon of four user drivers experiences an accident in the oncoming direction of traffic. Second, we report on a pilot study about the effectiveness of a Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems advisory system.


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Natural distributions of most freshwater taxa are restricted geographically, a pattern that reflects dispersal limitation. Macrobrachium rosenbergii is unusual because it occurs naturally in rivers from near Pakistan in the west, across India and Bangladesh to the Malay Peninsula, and across the Sunda Shelf and Indonesian archipelago to western Java. Individuals cannot tolerate full marine conditions, so dispersal between river drainage basins must occur at limited geographical scales when ecological or climatic factors are favorable. We examined molecular diversity in wild populations of M. rosenbergii across its complete natural range to document patterns of diversity and to relate them to factors that have driven evolution of diversity in this species. We found 3 clades in the mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA) data set that corresponded geographically with eastern, central, and western sets of haplotypes that last shared a common ancestor 1 × 106 y ago. The eastern clade was closest to the common ancestor of all 3 clades and to the common ancestor with its congener, Macrobrachium spinipes, distributed east of Huxley's Line. Macrobrachium rosenbergii could have evolved in the western Indonesian archipelago and spread westward during the early to mid-Pleistocene to India and Sri Lanka. Additional groups identified in the nuclear DNA data set in the central and western clades probably indicate secondary contact via dispersal between regions and modern introductions that have mixed nuclear and mtDNA genes. Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations can explain dispersal across the Indonesian archipelago and parts of mainland southeastern Asia via changing river drainage connections in shallow seas on wide continental shelves. At the western end of the modern distribution where continental shelves are smaller, intermittent freshwater plumes from large rivers probably permitted larval dispersal across inshore areas of lowered salinity.


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Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has revolutionised molecular biology, resulting in an explosion of data sets and an increasing role in clinical practice. Such applications necessarily require rapid identification of the organism as a prelude to annotation and further analysis. NGS data consist of a substantial number of short sequence reads, given context through downstream assembly and annotation, a process requiring reads consistent with the assumed species or species group. Highly accurate results have been obtained for restricted sets using SVM classifiers, but such methods are difficult to parallelise and success depends on careful attention to feature selection. This work examines the problem at very large scale, using a mix of synthetic and real data with a view to determining the overall structure of the problem and the effectiveness of parallel ensembles of simpler classifiers (principally random forests) in addressing the challenges of large scale genomics.


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Bone is characterized with an optimized combination of high stiffness and toughness. The understanding of bone nanomechanics is critical to the development of new artificial biological materials with unique properties. In this work, the mechanical characteristics of the interfaces between osteopontin (OPN, a noncollagenous protein in extrafibrillar protein matrix) and hydroxyapatite (HA, a mineral nanoplatelet in mineralized collagen fibrils) were investigated using molecular dynamics method. We found that the interfacial mechanical behaviour is governed by the electrostatic attraction between acidic amino acid residues in OPN and calcium in HA. Higher energy dissipation is associated with the OPN peptides with a higher number of acidic amino acid residues. When loading in the interface direction, new bonds between some acidic residues and HA surface are formed, resulting in a stick-slip type motion of OPN peptide on the HA surface and high interfacial energy dissipation. The formation of new bonds during loading is considered to be a key mechanism responsible for high fracture resistance observed in bone and other biological materials.


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The mineral leightonite, a rare sulphate mineral of formula K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4.2H2O, has been studied using a combination of electron probe and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is characterized by an intense Raman band at 991 cm-1 attributed to the SO2- 4 m1 symmetric stretching mode. A series of Raman bands at 1047, 1120, 1137, 1163 and 1177 cm-1 assigned to the SO2- 4 m3 antisymmetric stretching modes. The observation of multiple bands shows that the symmetry of the sulphate anion is reduced. Multiple Raman and infrared bands in the OH stretching region shows that water in the structure of leightonite is in a range of molecular environments.


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Background Timely diagnosis and reporting of patient symptoms in hospital emergency departments (ED) is a critical component of health services delivery. However, due to dispersed information resources and a vast amount of manual processing of unstructured information, accurate point-of-care diagnosis is often difficult. Aims The aim of this research is to report initial experimental evaluation of a clinician-informed automated method for the issue of initial misdiagnoses associated with delayed receipt of unstructured radiology reports. Method A method was developed that resembles clinical reasoning for identifying limb abnormalities. The method consists of a gazetteer of keywords related to radiological findings; the method classifies an X-ray report as abnormal if it contains evidence contained in the gazetteer. A set of 99 narrative reports of radiological findings was sourced from a tertiary hospital. Reports were manually assessed by two clinicians and discrepancies were validated by a third expert ED clinician; the final manual classification generated by the expert ED clinician was used as ground truth to empirically evaluate the approach. Results The automated method that attempts to individuate limb abnormalities by searching for keywords expressed by clinicians achieved an F-measure of 0.80 and an accuracy of 0.80. Conclusion While the automated clinician-driven method achieved promising performances, a number of avenues for improvement were identified using advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques.


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Background The epidemiology of dengue in the South Pacific has been characterized by transmission of a single dominant serotype for 3–5 years, with subsequent replacement by another serotype. From 2001 to 2008 only DENV-1 was reported in the Pacific. In 2008, DENV-4 emerged and quickly displaced DENV-1 in the Pacific, except in New Caledonia (NC) where DENV-1 and DENV-4 co-circulated in 2008–2009. During 2012–2013, another DENV-1 outbreak occurred in NC, the third DENV-1 outbreak in a decade. Given that dengue is a serotype-specific immunizing infection, the recurrent outbreaks of a single serotype within a 10-year period was unexpected. Findings This study aimed to inform this phenomenon by examining the phylogenetic characteristics of the DENV-1 viruses in NC and other Pacific islands between 2001 and 2013. As a result, we have demonstrated that NC experienced introductions of viruses from both the Pacific (genotype IV) and South-east Asia (genotype I). Moreover, whereas genotype IV and I were co-circulating at the beginning of 2012, we observed that from the second half of 2012, i.e. during the major DENV-1 outbreak, all analyzed viruses were genotype I suggesting that a genotype switch occurred. Conclusions Repeated outbreaks of the same dengue serotype, as observed in NC, is uncommon in the Pacific islands. Why the earlier DENV-1 outbreaks did not induce sufficient herd immunity is unclear, and likely multifactorial, but the robust vector control program may have played a role by limiting transmission and thus maintaining a large susceptible pool in the population. Keywords: Dengue; Phylogeny; Genotype; Epidemics; New Caledonia


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PURPOSE. Phospholipids are a major component of lens fiber cells and influence the activity of membrane proteins. Previous investigations of fatty acid uptake by the lens are limited. The purpose of the present study was thus to determine whether exogenous fatty acids could be taken up by the rat lens and incorporated into molecular phospholipids. METHODS. Lenses were incubated with fluorescently labeled palmitic acid and then analyzed by confocal microscopy. Concurrently, lenses incubated with either fluorescently labeled palmitic acid or the more physiologically relevant (13)C(18)-oleic acid were sectioned into nuclear and cortical regions and analyzed by highly sensitive and structurally selective electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry techniques. RESULTS. The detection of fluorescently labeled palmitic acid, even after 16 hours of incubation, was limited to approximately the outer 25% to 30% of the rat lens. Mass spectrometry also revealed the presence of free (13)C(18)-oleic acid in the cortex but not the nucleus. No evidence could be found for incorporation of fluorescently labeled palmitic acid into phospholipids; however, a low level of (13)C(18)-oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), specifically PE (PE 16:0/(13)C(18) 18:1) was detected in the lens cortex after 16 hours. CONCLUSIONS. These data demonstrate that uptake of exogenous (e.g., dietary fatty acids) by the lens and their incorporation into phospholipids is minimal, most likely occurring only during de novo synthesis in the outermost region of the lens. This finding adds support to the hypothesis that once synthesized there is no active remodeling or turnover of fiber cell phospholipids.