1000 resultados para Formação de professores de matemática


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A pesquisa analisou as tendências de formação de professores na perspectiva da educação inclusiva ante as exigências do cotidiano escolar que desde a década de 1990 vem apresentando uma demanda crescente de estudantes com necessidades educacionais especiais nas salas comuns do ensino regular. A inclusão escolar é um processo que depende da combinação de vários fatores, não é responsabilidade apenas do professor. Entretanto, questionamos: Será que os professores estão sendo preparados para pensar nesta perspectiva, de planejar para a diversidade da sala de aula, especialmente na vertente de alunos com deficiência intelectual, de realizar um trabalho em equipe com professores especialistas? A reflexão sobre a formação e a prática de professores na sala de aula inclusiva faz parte do processo de inclusão, ainda em construção. Eis a questão que norteou esta pesquisa, no sentido de revelar impactos das políticas de inclusão escolar nos cursos de formação de professores e na prática docente, revelando conflitos, resistências, contradições, avanços e mecanismos de exclusão implícitos na proposta da inclusão, contribuindo ainda, para a discussão sobre o papel da universidade como locus privilegiado de formação docente. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram para uma superficialidade na formação de professores na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. A ação investigativa articulou as políticas públicas de formação de professores, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para as licenciaturas, os dispositivos legais, a sustentação teórica e os instrumentos de investigação para coordenadores, estudantes de Pedagogia e de Letras e professores do Ensino Fundamental em exercício.


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Esta pesquisa de mestrado analisa a educação de Timor-Leste, tendo como principal foco os professores, procurando identificar os principais desafios por eles enfrentados para a sua formação e atuação e suas implicações para o futuro educacional do país. Timor-Leste é um país do sudoeste asiático, que se tornou independente em 1999; deste então tem procurado se estabelecer como um país livre e democrático. Sua história pregressa é marcada por dominações, tendo sido colônia portuguesa por mais de quatro séculos e posteriormente invadido pela Indonésia. Esses distintos períodos históricos marcaram profundamente todas as instâncias da nação, sobretudo a educação, que sempre foi produto dos povos dominantes. Esta pesquisa, portanto, traz um panorama histórico, considerando sua importância para compreensão dos desdobramentos do sistema educacional hodierno, especialmente no que se refere à formação de professores diante dos dilemas herdados, tais como: evasão dos professores, que eram na sua maioria do país invasor, infra-estrutura precária, limitações linguísticas, entre outros. O método utilizado para a realização da pesquisa foi uma aproximação da etnografia, tendo uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. As fontes foram diversificadas; utilizei documentos escritos, orais e iconográficos, alguns já existentes e outros produzidos no processo de pesquisa. Paulo Freire e António Nóvoa são as principais referências teóricas neste estudo, na reflexão sobre a formação de professores. Pude constatar que o caminho para a autonomia e para que haja uma boa qualidade no sistema educacional de Timor, dentro de uma visão realista e plausível, pode ser longo, há muito trabalho a fazer, e isto depende de muitos aspectos para que possa se concretizar. Ações conjuntas do governo, sociedade e organismos internacionais são extremamente necessárias, principalmente para o planejamento de uma política séria, significativa e contextualizada que servirá de base para o que se tornará a educação do país.


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The present dissertation focuses on specific problems in the educational context: challenges in the construction of historical narratives for pedagogical use as well as the difficult task of using them in the classroom. In this context, we seek to work in teacher training for insertion of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) in classroom, and historical narratives become mediation elements to advance the dialogue with this specific audience. This initiative is in line with a recurring concern: one of the main challenges related to the didactic transposition of HFC would be the lack of teacher preparation. Historical contents and Nature of Science are still absent in classrooms. Insecurity and lack of knowledge by teachers are often mentioned as factors that contribute to this situation. It is important, therefore, that teachers (active and in training) take part in discussions concerning the inclusion of HPS in classroom. It is relevant that they know examples of historic-philosophical didactic proposals to address science and contents on science, develop skills to adapt them to their specific contexts and to develop their own proposals. It is believed that these issues are significant to undertake conscious initiatives to insert HPS in classrooms. It is considered that adapting educational proposals to particular educational contexts depends on understanding what these proposals indeed mean and how flexible they can be. In order to address these objectives, we elaborated an educational product, a didactic material focused on teacher training, which was used in an extension course at UFRN. The didactic material discusses the role of HPS in Education, Nature of Science and historiographical issues. It presents a series of dialogical activities on aspects of didactic transposition of HPS, especially those regarding historical narratives. A set of historicpedagogical texts on the History of Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure is used as a mediation element in discussions. We address potential, possibilities and limitations historical narratives. To carry out the course, it was taken into account methodological concerns of so-called action research. There have been expected changes, modifications and effective actions in the own teacher training material in face of the experience of the researcher-lecturer in interactions with the participants of the course as well as in face of impressions reported by the participants. Developments in this direction have been incorporated into the teacher training material.


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In educational observed difficulty in train teachers to meet the medium and higher education needs, and one reason for this is the different experiences in the training of educators in relation to those found in the classroom. So often arise criticisms related to relevance and efficiency of degree courses, as regards the performance of its natural mission, which weakens the teacher training. Thus, improving the quality of education is very dependent on the initiatives of teachers, creating teaching alternatives to strengthen their performance in school. From this reflection, it is concluded that teacher training needs new educational proposals that qualify, and so can promote the formation of his students more adequately. Among the educational proposals as alternatives to initial teacher training may use the scientific theater (TC). Considering this possibility, this work has been proposed as investigate and discuss the influence of TC combined with experimentation in the initial training of future teachers in Chemistry who participate in the Groups Fanatics chemistry Theatre (UERN) and Chemistry on Stage (UFRN). Therefore, there was, in a first stage, theatrical essays based on the theater of the oppressed, and written dramaturgical scripts, a collaborative proposal. To incorporate experimentation in chemistry to theater rehearsals, there was a systematic literature search and after content analysis, were selected categories, materials and reagents easily accessible, easy procedures and implementation with low risk of accidents and easy care chemical waste. In the second part we identified: a) the beliefs of student teachers in the use of TC ally trial for initial training of chemistry teachers; b) the influence of TC ally to trial on learning of chemical concepts of high school students who attended the shows; c) the reasons for using or not TC ally to trial by chemistry teachers who participated in the TC group and currently work in the classroom. In this study, questionnaires and interviews were used, compounds, respectively, by a Likert scale and open questions. Quantitative data were analyzed by classical statistics the media, using as centrality measures the average, the concordance argument and the average deviation. Qualitative data were discussed according to content analysis, with categories that emerged from reading the answers. These analyzes concluded that the licensees have a positive view on the use of scientific theater for disclosure of the chemical for use in the learning of chemical concepts, pedagogical and disciplinary knowledge, and to form promotion strategy for research and extension at the University. They credit improvements in their initial training on the use of scientific theater combined with experimentation. The TC provides motivation for the construction of conceptual thinking in an informal way of chemical communication, allowing the student to expand their knowledge, not only favoring the phenomenological approach, but also the construction of chemical knowledge and the internalization of scientific concepts.


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La presencia hodierna de la Sociología en la educación básica brasileña es un elemento nuevo para los sujetos que a ella están relacionados y, para el grupo investigado en este estudio, los licenciandos y licenciandas del curso de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), la situación no es diferente. Con el intuito de comprender cómo los saberes aprehendidos durante la formación inicial de profesores influencian el proceso de construcción de la identidad, se investigó las representaciones sociales que eses sujetos construyen cerca de la identidad docente, intentando comprender cómo estos representan las profesoras y profesores de Sociología. Por lo tanto, se hizo una comparación entre los elementos que compusieron los núcleos centrales de las representaciones sociales de los licenciados ingresantes y de los licenciandos en práctica del referido curso, además de un examen del plan de estudios de esa licenciatura. Se adoptó la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales y el Abordaje Estructural como aporte teórico y de la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras como recurso metodológico. Al llevar a cabo el análisis de los datos obtenidos durante la investigación, se hizo evidente que la memoria, mientras un conjunto de experiencias del sujeto, desarrolla un papel esencial en los procesos de construcción representacional e identificación, pues la familiaridad con la asignatura de Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana trajo nuevos e importantes elementos para la composición del perfil de los actuales ingresantes en la licenciatura investigada. De este modo, al asociar representaciones sociales, identidades y formación de profesores en la tríade conceptual que condice esa investigación y teniendo as experiencias anteriores de los sujetos como un enlace, el objetivo fue demostrar cómo eses elementos componen partes de procesos sociales análogos e indisociables. Sin la acumulación de experiencias memoriales no hay representación, mucho menos identidad. Por el contrario, los datos muestran que las discusiones, erigidas por la reciente obligatoriedad de la Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana, no encuentran eco en el cotidiano formativo de los licenciados permaneciendo alejado del currículo de la licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de UFRN. Esa coyuntura se refleja en construcciones representacionales tanto de los licenciados ingresantes como de los estudiantes en práctica, asociados a una noción intervencionista de la asignatura de Sociología. Esta noción se convierte nebulosa una definición clara de la representación de la identidad docente de profesora y de profesor de Sociología para los licenciandos en formación. La intensa relación de esta representación con la asignatura y no con el hacer pedagógico, con la presencia intervencionista de una probable transformación y no con la compresión de las problemáticas y juegos sociales demuestran que la identidad docente del profesor de Sociología todavía es un objeto que está siendo basado por eses sujetos, que está siendo ajustado a partir de otras representaciones existentes y que la formación inicial de profesores necesita estar atenta a esas representaciones y adecuarse más apropiadamente a la realidad de enseñanza de Sociología que subvierte a docencia de esta asignatura en Rio Grande do Norte.


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Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.


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Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.


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Teacher training processes, initial and continuing, and professional practice of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years are highlighted in the literature as complex, but also are regarded as the way to overcome many difficulties in teaching this component curriculum in the school stage in question. The aim of the study was to investigate how the training needs in Mathematics are represented by a group of teachers in the early years of elementary school of public health system of the city of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais. The research, qualitative approach, had as object of study the training needs, in Mathematics, of teachers in the early years. The research involved 16 teachers from two schools in the municipal public schools of that city. Data were collected through questionnaires, non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews followed by group and individual. Analyses were performed by means of thematic categories, founded by content analysis. Data interpretation allowed to understand training needs in mathematics that are presented to the collaborating group from their professional practice, considering the knowledge and skills necessary to teaching. It is understood that the teachers of the study group have major limitations in relation to the specific content and didactic knowledge of Mathematics content, however, the concern is that demonstrated not always being aware of it. Moreover, the difficulties experienced in teaching practice proven to be overcome by sources and non-formal training activities, primarily through more experienced colleagues in the profession. Thus, it becomes difficult to think the initial and continuing training courses for teachers without the training needs of the teaching practice is appreciated as an object of study.


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The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlândia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.


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Currently the Science fairs in Brazil have gained great incentive, examples are the regulations that the government has been implementing in education and the financing of public calls for events throughout the national territory. However, even with this incentive, some researchers point out that the scientific fairs and shows are still interpreted as an extemporaneous work by teachers. In order to know the views of basic education teachers about the fairs of Science, proposed to carry out this research. Given this situation, based mediation theory and sociocultural interaction Vygotsky (2001), the theory of instrumentalism Dewey (2002) and the proposed education through research Galiazzi e Moraes (2002), we sought to understand the importance of fair and their benefits as well as the presence in the talks of respondents. In order to analyze the answers of respondents, used to discourse analysis proposed by Eni Orlandi (2009), in which it is observed and is an interpretation of the speech of teachers, considering their interpretation and how to shape their thinking on the research object. In analyzing the results of the survey, it was noted that the teachers interviewed know the importance and objectives of science fairs, however experience difficulties that often does not allow these events to be carried out. In seeking to assist them to minimize these difficulties, it was realized the need for a product to make available guidance on how to develop research projects and assemblies of science fairs, that would provide an education for the research. Thus, resulting from research, was set up a blog and a booklet with texts, articles and report templates.


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Esta investigação pretende encontrar pistas para reflexão, num contexto restrito, sobre uma questão premente: Qual o impacto da Formação Contínua em TIC (nível 1 e nível 2) na profissão docente, no âmbito dos procedimentos administrativos da Escola? Auscultámos uma amostra que nos forneceu informação para levarmos a cabo o nosso estudo de caso. Ao inserirmos a nossa pesquisa num paradigma quantitativo, procedemos a um estudo descritivo, baseado em inquéritos. Difundimos o nosso questionário por Internet e tratamos a informação recolhida, recorrendo à análise estatística.


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Visando analisar a Formação Inicial de Professores (FIP) do Ensino Básico em Moçambique, no intuito de captar como concorre para a construção da representação de profissionalidade na atividade docente, este estudo descritivo e interpretativo estrutura-se em duas dimensões complementares (extensiva e intensiva). Através dessas duas dimensões procurou-se explicitar os pontos críticos do objeto de estudo e produzir conhecimento sobre o mesmo. E, nessa linha, nas conclusões do estudo ficarão disponíveis possíveis contributos para a melhoria da sustentação e eficácia da formação inicial. Na dimensão extensiva, em função de descritores de profissionalidade associados ao reconhecimento social de uma atividade como profissional, definidos na literatura investigativa da sociologia das profissões e da educação, analisou-se a noção de profissionalidade que norteia a FIP. Essa análise foi desenvolvida com recurso ao estudo de documentos legais e curriculares, inquéritos por questionário a 289 formadores e por entrevista a 7 agentes-chave da formação de professores (gestores, académicos e formadores de professores). Na dimensão intensiva, concretizada num estudo multicaso (4 estudos de caso) envolvendo, essencialmente, 16 formadores de 4 instituições de formação de professores (polos), aprofundou-se a compreensão da visão de formadores de professores sobre profissionalidade, com recurso à observação de atividade docente e respetiva planificação, entrevistas semi-estruturadas a 4 gestores da Prática Pedagógica e estágio nesses polos, à luz do quadro teórico fundamentador dos caraterizadores de profissionalidade referenciais do estudo e dos resultados obtidos na dimensão extensiva. Os resultados do estudo denotam falta de sintonia entre o conceito de ensinar patenteado nos documentos e discursos dos agentes-chave da Formação de Professores (a indicar que ensinar é fazer aprender) e a prática letiva dos formadores, a denunciar que ensinar é entendido como expôr conteúdos/transmitir conhecimentos. Quanto aos caraterizadores de profissionalidade, discursivamente destacam-se como atributos reconhecidos ao professor: ser educador e profissional; possuir conhecimento específico para ensinar; ter a função e a responsabilidade de ensinar; ser inovador e investigador; e agir de acordo com o quadro deontológico associado à profissão. No entanto, estas representações entram em choque com a realidade, marcada por falta de poder dos professores sobre o currículo e sobre o conhecimento profissional, que não produzem nem controlam; baixas qualificações (possuem nível correspondente à 10ª classe); inexistência de um quadro deontológico específico e por uma prática docente dos formadores inscrita na racionalidade técnica e mais alinhada com uma dinâmica de funcionarização do que de profissionalização. Na esteira do isomorfismo pedagógico, da chamada naturalização das práticas de ensino, e da força da gramática escolar, o tipo de prática docente que marca a ação dos formadores tenderá a ser replicada pelos formandos quando professores. Aliás, os documentos curriculares parecem resumir o ser profissional ao facto de se possuir formação para professores. O estudo fundamenta a possibilidade de, nas políticas, se reforçar uma maior coerência entre discursos e práticas na visão de profissionalidade construída na FIP, aprofundar os pontos de descontinuidade detetados no estudo ou outros relevantes e trabalhar no sentido da clarificação do conceito de profissionalidade pretendida na Formação de Professores do Ensino Básico em Moçambique.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Educação (Tecnologia Educativa), 26 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Numa época em que nos regemos, cada vez mais, pela Ciência e Tecnologia é fundamental que os cidadãos estejam devidamente informados, exercendo uma cidadania plena, tomando decisões fundamentadas e intervindo na sociedade. Para viabilizar estes intentos, é importante que a educação científica se inicie nas escolas o mais cedo possível, para a edificação de futuros cidadãos cientificamente literatos. Apesar das dificuldades manifestadas pelos professores na implementação do ensino das Ciências nas escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), são várias as potencialidades que têm vindo a ser atribuídas a este campo curricular. Com este estudo pretendeu-se descrever e interpretar as conceções de ensino e aprendizagem de professores do 1.º CEB, no contexto do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências (PFEEC), bem como averiguar como implementam as atividades práticas de índole experimental e investigativo em sala de aula, e quais as dificuldades sentidas durante a sua realização. Para atingir estas finalidades, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica de orientação interpretativa, de base naturalista, recorrendo-se ao método de estudo de casos múltiplos, fazendo-se uso de distintos instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação naturalista, entrevistas, notas de campo e documentos escritos. Participaram neste estudo três professoras do 1.º CEB, pertencentes a duas escolas do concelho de Faro. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das conceções das professoras relativamente às categorias edificadas foram modificadas após a frequência do PFEEC. Contudo, outras aparentam estar fortemente enraizadas. Estas mudanças que ocorreram parecem estar relacionadas com a modificação das ações, atitudes e sentimentos das professoras que se coadunaram com a metodologia de trabalho defendida pelo PFEEC, culminando na modificação das suas práticas letivas. Durante a planificação e implementação das atividades as professoras manifestaram algumas dificuldades e constrangimentos. Todavia, no decorrer do PFEEC, estes obstáculos foram sendo minimizados; IMPACT OF A TRAINING PROGRAMME ON THE CONCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABSTRACT: In an era in which we are governed, more and more, by Science and Technology, it is fundamental that citizens are properly informed; exercising full citizenship; making fundamental decisions and intervening in society. To enable these intentions, it is important that scientific education takes place in schools as soon as possible, so as to edify future scientifically literate citizens. Despite the teachers' difficulties in implementing Science teaching in Primary Schools, there are many potentialities that have come to be attributed to this curricular field. This study is intended to describe and interpret science learning and teaching conceptions of the Primary School teachers, in the context of the Training Programme in Experimental Science Teaching (PFEEC), as well as determine how they implement the experimental science and inquiry based learning activities in the classroom, and take into account what experienced difficulties occur during their execution. To reach these goals, a methodological approach of interpretive orientation, on a naturalistic basis, using a method of multiple case study, by means of distinct data collection tools was used: naturalistic observation, interviews, field research notes and written documents. Three Primary School teachers of the municipality of Faro took part in this study. The results showed that the majority of the teachers' conceptions in relation to the edified categories were modified after the attendance of the PFEEC. However, others seem to be deeply rooted. These changes that occurred seem to be related to the modification of actions, attitudes and feelings of the teachers who complied with the work methodology defended by the PFEEC, culminating in the modification of their session practices. During the planning and implementation of the activities, the teachers showed some difficulties and constraints. Nevertheless, during the PFEEC, these obstacles were minimized.


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No primeiro capítulo – intitulado Formação inicial, profissão docente e competências para a docência: a visão dos futuros professores – investiga-se o que os futuros professores pensam sobre a profissão docente e sobre as competências necessárias ao exercício profissional e identificam-se as suas perceções sobre os contributos da formação inicial (curso de formação pré-Bolonha) na construção de competências profissionais. O estudo seguiu uma linha qualitativa e recorreu a entrevistas semidiretivas para a recolha dos dados. A análise de conteúdo releva a natureza multidimensional da profissão docente; as múltiplas competências pessoais/profissionais necessárias ao exercício da docência, as fragilidades do modelo de formação para dois ciclos de ensino e a fundamental articulação entre os saberes teóricos e a prática profissional. Na verdade, como referimos, a formação dos professores resulta, não apenas da formação inicial, mas sobretudo da socialização do aprendiz de professor enquanto aluno e da socialização pelo trabalho e da interação com os pares.