837 resultados para Errors and blunders, Literary.


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La serie Penny Dreadful (2014-presente) recupera personajes y tramas de novelas de terror y/o fantásticas ampliamente conocidas. La propuesta narrativa de esta serie creada por John Logan sitúa dichos elementos en la convulsionada Londres decimonónica y los fusiona, configurando así un discurso propio acerca de la "monstruosidad" de los personajes que presenta. En esta refundición, la serie ejercita una serie de reflexiones sobre la condición humana y la del monstruo. Como se plantea en la segunda temporada, al retomar el mito de Pandora y reformularlo, la distinción entre el hombre y el monstruo parece quedar en suspenso, dando lugar a una concepción de la monstruosidad diferente a la que encontramos en otras producciones televisivas contemporáneas. En este artículo analizamos las representaciones de la monstruosidad y las identidades en Penny Dreadful para ello prestaremos especial atención a los personajes y sus interacciones a lo largo de la primera y segunda temporada de la serie, así como a la relación entre la serie y sus fuentes literarias


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The study examines whether error exposure training can enhance adaptive performance. Fifty-nine experienced fire-fighters undergoing training for incident command participated in the study. War stories were developed based on real events to illustrate successful and unsuccessful incident command decisions. Two training methodologies were compared and evaluated. One group was trained using case studies that depicted incidents containing errors of management with severe consequences in fire-fighting outcomes (error-story training) while a second group was exposed to the same set of case studies except that the case studies depicted the incidents being managed without errors and their consequences (errorless-story training). The results provide some support for the hypothesis that it is better to learn from other people's errors than from their successes. Implications for training are discussed.


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Experiments with simulators allow psychologists to better understand the causes of human errors and build models of cognitive processes to be used in human reliability assessment (HRA). This paper investigates an approach to task failure analysis based on patterns of behaviour, by contrast to more traditional event-based approaches. It considers, as a case study, a formal model of an air traffic control (ATC) system which incorporates controller behaviour. The cognitive model is formalised in the CSP process algebra. Patterns of behaviour are expressed as temporal logic properties. Then a model-checking technique is used to verify whether the decomposition of the operator's behaviour into patterns is sound and complete with respect to the cognitive model. The decomposition is shown to be incomplete and a new behavioural pattern is identified, which appears to have been overlooked in the analysis of the data provided by the experiments with the simulator. This illustrates how formal analysis of operator models can yield fresh insights into how failures may arise in interactive systems.


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Although managers consider accurate, timely, and relevant information as critical to the quality of their decisions, evidence of large variations in data quality abounds. Over a period of twelve months, the action research project reported herein attempted to investigate and track data quality initiatives undertaken by the participating organisation. The investigation focused on two types of errors: transaction input errors and processing errors. Whenever the action research initiative identified non-trivial errors, the participating organisation introduced actions to correct the errors and prevent similar errors in the future. Data quality metrics were taken quarterly to measure improvements resulting from the activities undertaken during the action research project. The action research project results indicated that for a mission-critical database to ensure and maintain data quality, commitment to continuous data quality improvement is necessary. Also, communication among all stakeholders is required to ensure common understanding of data quality improvement goals. The action research project found that to further substantially improve data quality, structural changes within the organisation and to the information systems are sometimes necessary. The major goal of the action research study is to increase the level of data quality awareness within all organisations and to motivate them to examine the importance of achieving and maintaining high-quality data.


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Il lavoro consta di un’introduzione dedicata in primis alla presentazione formale di P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, di cui sono posti in evidenza i legami strutturali e concettuali con il racconto di Hdt. I 8-12. Segue dunque la trattazione dei problemi posti da P. Oxy. 2382, quello del genere letterario di appartenenza (tragedia o novella in versi?) e quello della datazione (età classica o età ellenistica?), finalizzata ad una puntuale definizione dello status quaestionis. Le conclusioni mettono in luce gli elementi a favore dell’ipotesi tragica: la presenza di paragraphoi e il passo di Ach. Tat. I 8 4-7 (corredato da un’appendice relativa alla storia del termine δρᾶμα: se e quando tale termine assume l’accezione di ‘narrazione romanzesca’?), nonché il soggetto storico (con un excursus relativo ai drammi di argomento storico). Si evidenziano infine gli elementi di debolezza contenuti nelle ipotesi avanzate da Cantarella (1952) e Lloyd-Jones (1953), propensi a ritenere P. Oxy. 2382 rispettivamente una novella in versi (il che offre lo spunto per una breve trattazione relativa alle caratteristiche contenutistiche e formali delle novelle milesie) e un giambo archilocheo, di cui il fr. 19 W.2 conserverebbe l’incipit. Quanto alla cronologia, sono enumerati i limiti della datazione alta, nonché gli elementi di affinità di P. Oxy. 2382 con la tragedia ellenistica; infine, pensando ad una possibile attribuzione, si propone, in termini puramente ipotetici, il confronto con l’esperienza della Pleiade alessandrina. Segue dunque un’analisi (laddove le condizioni dei testi, spesso frammentarie, lo consentano) dell’opera di Licofrone di Calcide, Sositeo e Sosifane di Siracusa, esponenti della Pleiade, nonché di Moschione ed Ezechiele, volta ad individuare elementi di continuità con P. Oxy. 2382. Il lavoro si conclude con l’edizione critica e il commento verso per verso di P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, corredati da un’appendice dedicata a P. Oxy. XLIV 3161, testo con notazioni musicali apparentemente affine a P. Oxy. XXIII 2382, costituito da 4 frr. notevolmente accidentati, di cui si fornisce l’edizione critica.


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Richard Wagner concebia a arte como uma atividade similar à religião, que deveria conduzir o ser humano à reflexão sobre as questões principais de sua existência e levá-lo ao aperfeiçoamento. Wagner sempre foi obcecado pela ideia da redenção e a preocupação do compositor com a regeneração do ser humano perpassa toda a sua obra. Os conceitos religiosos de Wagner, presentes em sua obra musical e em seus ensaios literários, reúnem tradições cristãs e budistas, ideias políticas e preceitos mitológicos que delineiam o seu credo pessoal, uma forma de religião sincrética na qual a arte tem o seu lugar como elemento de transcendência, cumprindo a função de interpretar os símbolos míticos para torna-los compreensíveis à percepção do espírito humano. Os ideais artísticos de Wagner vão ao encontro do pensamento de Paul Tillich e a sua Teologia da Cultura. Tillich afirma que a religião não está restrita aos limites dos templos religiosos ou aos domínios institucionais, mas encontra-se em qualquer expressão humana na qual se manifeste a preocupação suprema . Ela pode ser reconhecida em qualquer situação onde se encontre o elemento incondicional, nas manifestações da criatividade humana e na cultura, na busca honesta da verdade ou na procura de solução para as adversidades da existência. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo é buscar no pensamento tillichiano uma correlação teológica para os anseios de redenção evidenciados na obra de arte wagneriana.


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Torna-se muito importante demonstrar as experiências cristãs que existiram e coexistiram juntas ou/e imersas nas culturas extrapalestinenses e que exerceram protagonismo no anúncio do querigma. São experiências cristãs vividas e realizadas no período do cristianismo primitivo, e que, sem dúvida, contribuíram significativamente para o seu processo de expansão. Apresentamos a perícope Atos 8,26-40. Trata-se do episódio de Filipe e o Etíope. Acontece um deslocamento do eixo geográfico-missionário de Samaria ao caminho que desce de Jerusalém a Gaza , retornando a Cesaréia. O texto abre o horizonte das experiências cristãs a outros povos e nações, representadas nesta perícope pela figura do Etíope eunuco. Partindo de Atos 8,26-40, na perspectiva da redação lucana como ponto de partida, por meio dos procedimentos exegéticos e dos recursos histórico- literários, apoiado no referencial teórico dos conceitos de etnicidade e fronteiras étnicas, nós pretendemos investigar a possibilidade de uma experiência cristã vivenciada na Etiópia, que se constrói etnicamente desde as identidades que interagem na perícope e que apontam ao imaginário do universo simbólico do Etíope. Assim, resgataremos na exegese bíblica pautas hermenêuticas para a nossa prática teológico-bíblica-pastoral no horizonte das identidades e fronteiras étnicas do universo afro americano e caribenho.


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Este trabalho tem por objeto central páginas e suplementos literários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que buscou localizar, identificar e caracterizar páginas e suplementos literários, inseridos em jornais paulistanos de grande circulação e prestígio, no período entre 1920 e 1964. Os jornais escolhidos para este estudo foram: Correio Paulistano, O Estado de S. Paulo, Diário Popular, A Gazeta, Folha da Noite, Folha da Manhã, Folha da Tarde, Diário de S. Paulo e Última Hora. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, percebemos que os espaços para as artes e espetáculos, nos jornais analisados, se davam de diversas maneiras, e não apenas em páginas e suplementos literários, como a publicação de seções diárias de artes e espetáculos, cadernos de cultura, páginas sem títulos , rodapés de crítica literária, romances-folhetins, entre outros. Também verificamos que a prática de inserir suplementos literários, nos jornais paulistanos, iniciou-se no fim da década de 1920, com a publicação do Supplemento Dominical do Diário de S. Paulo. No entanto, foi no pós-1945 que a inclusão de páginas e suplementos literários, nos jornais da capital paulista, passou a ocorrer com maior freqüência. Localizados páginas e suplementos literários, analisamos a seção Resenha Bibliográfica do Suplemento Literário de O Estado de S. Paulo, com o objetivo de entender como estes veículos atuavam, enquanto divulgadores do mercado editorial.(AU)


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Since the 1950s, pedagogical stylistics has been intrinsically linked with the teaching of written texts (and especially literary texts) to speakers of English as a second language. This is despite the fact that for decades many teachers have also structured their lessons in L1 classrooms to focus upon the linguistic features of literary texts as a means of enhancing their students’ understanding of literature and language. Recognizing that instructors in both L1 and L2 settings were often employing related pedagogical techniques without realizing that their colleagues in the other context were facing similar challenges, the PEDSIG group of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) has sought to add a theoretical dimension to research undertaken into practice in the stylistics classroom. Its goals, then, were: to establish a working definition of pedagogical stylistics; to identify the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of the discipline shared by L1 and L2 practitioners; to point if possible towards any emerging consensus on good practice. The group determined that the principal aim of stylistics in the classroom is to make students aware of language use within chosen texts, and that what characterizes pedagogical stylistics is classroom activities that are interactive between the text and the (student) reader. Preliminary findings, from a pilot study involving a poem by Langston Hughes, suggest that the process of improving students’ linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action: i.e. upon the mental processing which is such a proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements – pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic – function within quite specific social and cultural contexts.


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On the basis of a transcribed French television corpus made of two news bulletins, two chat shows and one literary programme recorded in February 2003, this paper explores the claim that passé simple (PS) may still be used in prepared oral discourse (Pfister 1974). The corpus does not provide support for that use on television, but it seems to suggest a shift from temporal to aspectual features in French television talk: a perfective presentation prevails on a past presentation. This trend would need to be confirmed by a larger television corpus, tested in other types of oral discourse and tested on written corpora.


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Sexualidad y Escritura (1850-2000) is a collection of thirteen essays which focus on the complex relationship between gender and writing in Spain from 1850 to 2000. This collection aims to provide a specifically Spanish cultural and historical context to the study of gender and writing and to challenge the effectiveness and validity of applying and adapting some feminist theory (based mainly in French and Anglo literary traditions) to works by both male and female Spanish writers. The introduction sets the tone of the essays it contains by discussing the Gilbert and Guar’s concept of female authors anxiety of authorship, and the reasons why their notions of the male dominated writing profession does not necessarily apply to Spanish literature of the nineteenth century in particular. The notable presence and success of female writers during the Romantic period and the way in which they in effect managed to feminize the writing profession illustrates how very different the Spanish literary context is from French, English or American models. The editors state that, rather than needing to work up the courage to take up the pen and publish their works, the issue facing Spanish women writers during parts of the last 150 years has been how to either maintain or regain their authorial voice and their place in letters, fighting to keep their heads above the rising and falling tides of literary trends.


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Although much has been written about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the part played by Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) has been almost entirely neglected. This is odd as, apart from some ghost stories, Dr Darwin is the one influence mentioned in both the 1816 and 1831 prefaces to the book. The present contribution aims to redress that omission. It aims to show that Darwin's ideas about spontaneous generation, his anti-establishment ideas, and his literary genius played a significant role in forming the 'dark and shapeless substance' surging in Mary Shelley's mind during the summer of 1816 and from which her tale of Gothic horror emerged. It is, however, ultimately ironic that Frankenstein, which warns against a too enthusiastic use of scientific knowledge, should have been partly inspired by one of the most optimistically forward-looking of all late eighteenth-century thinkers. © 2007 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


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Derivational morphology proposes meaningful connections between words and is largely unrepresented in lexical databases. This thesis presents a project to enrich a lexical database with morphological links and to evaluate their contribution to disambiguation. A lexical database with sense distinctions was required. WordNet was chosen because of its free availability and widespread use. Its suitability was assessed through critical evaluation with respect to specifications and criticisms, using a transparent, extensible model. The identification of serious shortcomings suggested a portable enrichment methodology, applicable to alternative resources. Although 40% of the most frequent words are prepositions, they have been largely ignored by computational linguists, so addition of prepositions was also required. The preferred approach to morphological enrichment was to infer relations from phenomena discovered algorithmically. Both existing databases and existing algorithms can capture regular morphological relations, but cannot capture exceptions correctly; neither of them provide any semantic information. Some morphological analysis algorithms are subject to the fallacy that morphological analysis can be performed simply by segmentation. Morphological rules, grounded in observation and etymology, govern associations between and attachment of suffixes and contribute to defining the meaning of morphological relationships. Specifying character substitutions circumvents the segmentation fallacy. Morphological rules are prone to undergeneration, minimised through a variable lexical validity requirement, and overgeneration, minimised by rule reformulation and restricting monosyllabic output. Rules take into account the morphology of ancestor languages through co-occurrences of morphological patterns. Multiple rules applicable to an input suffix need their precedence established. The resistance of prefixations to segmentation has been addressed by identifying linking vowel exceptions and irregular prefixes. The automatic affix discovery algorithm applies heuristics to identify meaningful affixes and is combined with morphological rules into a hybrid model, fed only with empirical data, collected without supervision. Further algorithms apply the rules optimally to automatically pre-identified suffixes and break words into their component morphemes. To handle exceptions, stoplists were created in response to initial errors and fed back into the model through iterative development, leading to 100% precision, contestable only on lexicographic criteria. Stoplist length is minimised by special treatment of monosyllables and reformulation of rules. 96% of words and phrases are analysed. 218,802 directed derivational links have been encoded in the lexicon rather than the wordnet component of the model because the lexicon provides the optimal clustering of word senses. Both links and analyser are portable to an alternative lexicon. The evaluation uses the extended gloss overlaps disambiguation algorithm. The enriched model outperformed WordNet in terms of recall without loss of precision. Failure of all experiments to outperform disambiguation by frequency reflects on WordNet sense distinctions.


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We report the case of a neologistic jargonaphasic and ask whether her target-related and abstruse neologisms are the result of a single deficit, which affects some items more severely than others, or two deficits: one to lexical access and the other to phonological encoding. We analyse both correct/incorrect performance and errors and apply both traditional and formal methods (maximum-likelihood estimation and model selection). All evidence points to a single deficit at the level of phonological encoding. Further characteristics are used to constrain the locus still further. V.S. does not show the type of length effect expected of a memory component, nor the pattern of errors associated with an articulatory deficit. We conclude that her neologistic errors can result from a single deficit at a level of phonological encoding that immediately follows lexical access where segments are represented in terms of their features. We do not conclude, however, that this is the only possible locus that will produce phonological errors in aphasia, or, indeed, jargonaphasia.


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Mechanical, physical and chemical changes in the surface of commercial thin film metal evaporated magnetic recording media have been correlated to recording error and signal degradation measurements. Modified and adapted commercial Hi-8 video recorders have been used for sample generation whilst analytical techniques such as SXPS,IMS and SEM have been employed in the surface characterisation. The durability of the media was assessed through stop motion (still frame) and cycling tests, where error growth and signal degradation were measured as a function of running time. The tests were performed under ambient (22°C, 40% RH) and high humidity (22°C, 80% RH) conditions. Characterisation of the lubricant layer on each tape was performed through models based on XPS and angle resolved XPS. The lubricant thickness can significantly affect the durability and signal output level of a thin film tape and thus it is important that reliable quantification can be achieved. Various models were considered for determining the lubricant thickness although ultimately, the most suitable technique was deemed to be a model that assumed a uniform layer structure. In addition to thin film metal evaporated media, equivalent durability tests and surface analysis experiments were performed using a commercial metal particle tape in order that comparisons could be made between the two types of recording media. The signal performance of the thin film metal evaporated media was found to be quite different from that for the metal particle tape since dropout errors and signal degradation increased at a much earlier stage. Extensive surface analyses enabled the mechanisms responsible for media failure and error growth to be identified in the ME and MP tapes and these were found to result from cyclic stressing and fatigue on the immediate substrate of the media.