982 resultados para Ernest R. Graham
Urquhart,C., Thomas, R., Spink, S., Fenton, R., Yeoman, A., Lonsdale, R., Armstrong, C., Banwell, L., Ray, K., Coulson, G. & Rowley, J. (2005). Student use of electronic information services in further education. International Journal of Information Management, 25(4), 347-362. Sponsorship: JISC
Yeoman, A., Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2004). Evaluating SWICE-R (South West Information for Clinical Effectiveness - Rural). Final report for South West Workforce Development Confederations, (Knowledge Resources Development Unit). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South West WDCs (NHS)
To accompany exhibition curated by Robert Meyrick, 'Gwilym Prichard', National Library of Wales; Oriel Theatr Clwyd; Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw; Graham Sutherland Gallery, Picton Castle. pp.103
Francis, Matthew, Language and Community in the Poetry of W.S. Graham (Cambridge: Salt Publishing, 2004) RAE2008
Francis, Matthew, New Collected Poems of W. S. Graham, (London: Faber and Faber, 2004 RAE2008
Barkre, M.; Mathijs, E.; Sexton, J.; Egan, K.; Hunter, R. and Selfe, M. (2007). Audiences and Receptions of Sexual Violence in Contemporary Cinema. London: British Board of Film Classification. RAE2008
Owen, Roger, 'The Net and the Self: Colliding Views of Individuality and Nationhood in the Pre-Devolutionary plays of Mark Jenkins and Ed Thomas', In: 'Cool Britannia: British Political Drama in the 1990s', Rebecca D'Mont? and Graham Saunders (eds), (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp.158-175, 2007 RAE2008
Hincks, R. (2007). Pawb yn ei baradwys/ Yn ei uffern ei hun: y dref a'r ddinas mewn barddoniaeth Lydaweg. Roazhon: hor Yezh.
Hincks, R. (2007). 'Heb fenthyca cymaint a sill ar neb o ieithoedd y byd': Cymysgiaith a Phuryddiaeth, gyda Golwg Neilltuol ar y Gymraeg yn y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg ac ar Ddechrau'r Ugeinfed Ganrif. Aberystwyth: Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth.
Tolkien’s oeuvre and its problematic relationships with classical tradition serve in my paper as an illustration of the diverse approaches, methods, and styles of lecture concerning the nature of literary allusivity. As a point of departure in the paper has been taken the reflection on the common phrase about “antiquity in something” deployed broadly in the reception studies. T he questions raised here are as follows: what does precisely “in” mean in that metaphor? O r, to put it in more general terms, when an allusion to another text can be treated as an inherent part of interpretation? Answer to these questions was possible due to U mberto E co’s statements in the well-known dispute relating to the interpretation and overinterpretation; in conclusion I was trying to show that his criterion of textual economy in interpretation justifies somehow (as I believe) the new look on the essential T olkien’s symbol, i.e. the ring of power, as a symbol of the R oman imperial rule. This means (in the context of the translatio imperii and cultural change from pagan to Christian empire) that The Lord of the Rings can be seen in a way as a novelistic version of Augustine’s The City of God.
Wybory do Dumy Państwowej z 2007 r. nie zmieniły układu sił politycznych. Skład parlamentu pozostał prawie takim, jaki był przed wyborami. Jednak wyniki były dość ważne jako świadectwo stabilizacji systemu politycznego: kompozycja sił politycznych pozostała niezmieniona. Znaczenie Dumy, powołanej w toku wyborw z grudnia 2007 r., prawdopodobnie będzie słabło. Parlament stał się jeszcze mniej samodzielny, jeszcze bardziej posłuszny wobec władzy wykonawczej. Można nawet pokusić się o stwierdzenie, że Duma rosyjska coraz to bardziej przypomina Radę Naczelną ZSRR do roku 1989.
Quarta impresion.