956 resultados para Episcopal Church
Church and Public Education in Contemporary Serbia and Georgia: Secularization or De-Secularization?
Im Jahr 1866 verfasste der damals in Breslau lehrende römisch-katholische Kirchenhistoriker Joseph Hubert Reinkens eine der ersten historisch-kritischen Studien in deutscher Sprache über Martin von Tours, in der er sich u.a. mit Martins bischöflichem Leitungsdienst befasste. Nach dem Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil (1870) wurde Reinkens 1873 der erste Bischof für die Alt-Katholiken im Deutschen Reich. Der Beitrag beschreibt den Einfluss, den Reinkens' Martin-Rezeption auf sein theologisches und praktisches Verständnis des Bischofsamts hatte.
This research project sought to answer the primary research question: What occurs when the music program in a church changes its emphasis from performance to education? This qualitative study of a church choir included participant observation of Wednesday evening and Sunday morning rehearsals over a 12 week period, individual interviews, group interviews, written responses, and written and visual assessment of musical skills. The goal was a rich description of the participants and emerging themes resulting from the shift in emphasis. Analysis of data occurred through inductive processing. Data was initially coded and then the codes were categorized into sub-themes, and finally into major themes. Early analysis of the data began with reflection in a researcher journal. Following the completion of the study the journal was entered into a word processor, as were transcriptions of videotaped rehearsals, and written reflections from the participants. After all data had been reviewed repeatedly and entered into the word processor, it was coded, reexamined, and finally categorized into sub-themes and themes. After coding and identification of major themes and sub-themes the finding were challenged by looking for disconfirming evidence. Finally, after the completion of the analysis stage, member checks were conducted. The results of the analysis of data revealed themes that could be associated either with the choir or the director. The key themes primarily associated with the choir were: Response to the change in rehearsal format; Attitude toward learning; Appropriateness of community learning model; and, Member's perceptions of the results of the program. The key themes associated with the director were identified as: Conductor assuming the role of educator; Conductor recognizing the choir as learners; Conductor treating rehearsals as a time for teaching and learning; and, Conductor's perception of the effectiveness of the change in focus. The study concluded that a change in focus from performance to education did not noticeably improve the sound of the choir after twelve-weeks. There were however, indications that improvements were being made by the individual members. Further study of the effects over a longer period of time is recommended.
Church and state have historically had an uneasy relationship, sometimes close allies, at others harsh adversaries, and at still others largely independent of one another. This paper develops an economic model of this relationship, where the state's objective is to maximize net tax revenue, while the church provides religious goods. Religious goods benefit the state in two ways: first, they provide utility to citizens, thus allowing the state to extract more taxes before running up against citizens' reservation utility (the point at which they would revolt), and second, they potentially provide legitimacy to the state, thereby lowering the costs of tax collection. If the latter effect is strong enough, the state may find it optimal to take control of the church, either to enhance its legitimizing effect, or to suppress its de-legitimizing effect. To evaluate the model's implications, we use recent cross-country data on the relationship between religion and state, including measures coded from the 2001, 2003, and 2005 International Religious Freedom reports. We also examine in more detail some of the paradigmatic cases indicated by the model, presenting various types of evidence from current and historical examples of each case.
The study was carried out at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital to evaluate environmental contamination of Clostridium difficile in the infected patient rooms. Samples were collected from the high risk areas and were immediately cultured for the presence of Clostridium difficile . Lack of microbial typing prevented the study of molecular characterization of the Clostridium difficile isolates obtained led to a change in the study hypothesis. The study found a positivity of 10% among 50 Hospital rooms sampled for the presence of Clostridium difficile. The study provided data that led to recommendations that routine environmental sampling be carried in the hospital rooms in which patients with CDAD are housed and that effective environmental disinfection methods are used. The study also recommended molecular typing methods to allow characterization of the CD strains isolated from patients and environmental sampling to determine their type, similarity and origin.^
This study was a descriptive analysis of 437 influenza A positive inpatients and outpatients during the five month period between September, 2009 and January, 2010. The objective of the study was to describe the epidemiological trends of the total influenza A positive population and more specifically the clinical features of patients hospitalized with influenza A at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Houston, Texas from September 2009 through January 2010. Eligible cases were included if they tested positive for influenza A test using the rapid antigen test and/or rRT-PCR. Hospitalized cases were included based on the laboratory confirmation of influenza A as well as hospital admission for at least 24 hours. Data was collected from medical record abstraction and included patient demographics, clinical history and history of chronic disease. Clinical findings in the differential diagnosis that led to laboratory-confirmation of influenza A as well as course of treatment during the hospital admission were summarized. Finally, co-morbid conditions charted during the hospital visit were reviewed and evaluated for associations with influenza A complications. During the study period, forty-eight patients were included in the study of which 27 tested positive for the H1N1 subtype. Females were more likely to be hospitalized than men. The median age of all patients admitted to St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital with influenza A was 42. The distribution for admitted cases was 15 White, 15 Black, and 18 Hispanic. Patients with co-morbid disease constituted 81% of the admissions for Influenza A. The presence of an underlying medical condition remains a risk factor for both seasonal and H1N1 influenza. Although respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD are commonly associated with complications of seasonal influenza, patients with metabolic disorders such as kidney disease and/or diabetes were admitted more frequently (58%) during the study period. The patients in the study also of a much younger age than the age that is usually associated with complications of influenza infection, i.e. no patients greater than 65 years of age were admitted with a diagnosis of influenza A. Lower infection rates among elderly populations were similarly reported in other studies of influenza during the same time period. Older patient populations may benefit from antibodies to previous H1N1 strains that have circulated during the twentieth century, whereas younger age groups lack these exposures.^
Fil: Peretó Rivas, Rubén.
El presente trabajo indaga acerca de los procesos de diferenciación social campesina temprana en la Zamora medieval. Dicho proceso adquiere características particulares de acuerdo al marco señorial en que se inserten las comunidades. La documentación zamorana ha permitido agrupar los casos empíricos en dos tipos ideales, aquellos que presentan desarrollo de caballería y los que maduran al interior de cotos de abadengo. En cuanto al primer tipo, comprobamos que la caballería que surge de las propias clases campesinas tiende a transformarse en un sector privilegiado en la comunidad. Tal proceso de diferenciación se presenta con importantes disparidades evolutivas en las distintas comunidades. Las comunidades de este tipo que ingresan a la órbita episcopal evidencian conflictos violentos relacionados con la imposición de nuevos derechos señoriales y nuevas pautas de reproducción señorial. En cambio, en las aldeas desarrolladas desde su inicio al interior de cotos monásticos la diferenciación por el ejercicio de la función militar se encuentra negada. La única posibilidad estructural de diferenciación se relaciona con el ejercicio de funciones en representación del señor. El surgimiento de tales sectores evoluciona, entonces, de manera coherente con la construcción del poder señorial a escala local. En las comunidades con presencia de caballería será necesario desmontar las jerarquías preexistentes, proceso que determina que únicamente bien entrado el siglo XIII puedan comenzar a esbozarse nuevas elites locales y condiciones de poblamiento afines a la reproducción del señorío eclesiástico.
El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de incorporación de diezmos e iglesias al episcopado a partir de mediados del siglo XII. Éste constituye el punto de partida de la organización de los señoríos episcopales de la Extremadura castellano-leonesa. Se demuestra que la reorganización eclesiástica promovida desde la reforma gregoriana no se produjo sin conflictos y no puede comprenderse cabalmente si no se consideran las condiciones de base sobre las que se desarrolló. Los casos de Zamora, Salamanca y Ávila permitirán establecer observaciones comparativas entre áreas de feudalización más temprana, similar a las del norte peninsular, y otras posteriores, pertenecientes a la Extremadura histórica
El presente trabajo examina el devenir de los monasterios de la parentela leonesa de los Flaínez a fin de dilucidar los efectos de la reforma eclesiástica, iniciada en el ámbito hispano a mediados del siglo XI, en el control aristocrático de instituciones religiosas. El análisis revela que si bien la parentela mantuvo la propiedad de muchos de sus monasterios, en las últimas décadas del siglo XI algunos de ellos comenzarían a ser subordinados a la jurisdicción episcopal, proceso que se concretó a través de prácticas en las que los obispos debieron negociar individualmente con los propietarios laicos
Fil: Cimino, Carla. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
El presente trabajo indaga acerca de los procesos de diferenciación social campesina temprana en la Zamora medieval. Dicho proceso adquiere características particulares de acuerdo al marco señorial en que se inserten las comunidades. La documentación zamorana ha permitido agrupar los casos empíricos en dos tipos ideales, aquellos que presentan desarrollo de caballería y los que maduran al interior de cotos de abadengo. En cuanto al primer tipo, comprobamos que la caballería que surge de las propias clases campesinas tiende a transformarse en un sector privilegiado en la comunidad. Tal proceso de diferenciación se presenta con importantes disparidades evolutivas en las distintas comunidades. Las comunidades de este tipo que ingresan a la órbita episcopal evidencian conflictos violentos relacionados con la imposición de nuevos derechos señoriales y nuevas pautas de reproducción señorial. En cambio, en las aldeas desarrolladas desde su inicio al interior de cotos monásticos la diferenciación por el ejercicio de la función militar se encuentra negada. La única posibilidad estructural de diferenciación se relaciona con el ejercicio de funciones en representación del señor. El surgimiento de tales sectores evoluciona, entonces, de manera coherente con la construcción del poder señorial a escala local. En las comunidades con presencia de caballería será necesario desmontar las jerarquías preexistentes, proceso que determina que únicamente bien entrado el siglo XIII puedan comenzar a esbozarse nuevas elites locales y condiciones de poblamiento afines a la reproducción del señorío eclesiástico.
El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de incorporación de diezmos e iglesias al episcopado a partir de mediados del siglo XII. Éste constituye el punto de partida de la organización de los señoríos episcopales de la Extremadura castellano-leonesa. Se demuestra que la reorganización eclesiástica promovida desde la reforma gregoriana no se produjo sin conflictos y no puede comprenderse cabalmente si no se consideran las condiciones de base sobre las que se desarrolló. Los casos de Zamora, Salamanca y Ávila permitirán establecer observaciones comparativas entre áreas de feudalización más temprana, similar a las del norte peninsular, y otras posteriores, pertenecientes a la Extremadura histórica
El presente trabajo examina el devenir de los monasterios de la parentela leonesa de los Flaínez a fin de dilucidar los efectos de la reforma eclesiástica, iniciada en el ámbito hispano a mediados del siglo XI, en el control aristocrático de instituciones religiosas. El análisis revela que si bien la parentela mantuvo la propiedad de muchos de sus monasterios, en las últimas décadas del siglo XI algunos de ellos comenzarían a ser subordinados a la jurisdicción episcopal, proceso que se concretó a través de prácticas en las que los obispos debieron negociar individualmente con los propietarios laicos