1000 resultados para Duarte Cabral de Mello
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate insulin resistance and lipid profile in women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD), and their association with body mass index (BMI) and corticosteroid dosage. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We assessed BMI, waist circumference, current glucocorticoid dosage, glucose, insulin and lipid profile in eighteen young women (mean ± SD, 19.3 ± 3.0 years) with 21OHD CAH. RESULTS: BMI was normal in 12 patients, 5 of them were overweight, and 1 was obese. Waist circumference was high in 7 patients. Fasting insulin and HOMA-IR were elevated in seven and eight patients, respectively. Total cholesterol and triglycerides were high in only two patients, and HDL-cholesterol was low in four. Insulin resistance was not associated with BMI, waist circumference or glucocorticoid dose. CONCLUSIONS: Young women with 21OHD CAH had infrequent dyslipidemia, but had a higher prevalence of insulin resistance and central obesity, that were independent of BMI or corticosteroid dosage.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between quantitative ultrasonography at hand phalanges (QUS) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and between these methods with food intake and history of bone fractures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:After two years of follow up of 270 schoolchildren, 10 of them, who showed bone mass below - 2 SD in QUS, were included in the present study. Laboratory results and DXA data were analyzed. RESULTS: Bone mass evaluated by DXA at L1-L4 ranged from -2.8 to -1.1 SDS, and whole body bone mass, from -2.9 to -1.2 SDS. Three children had history of non-pathological bone fractures. Dietary assessment showed low intake of calcium in 10 cases, of phosphorus in 6, and of vitamin D in 8 cases. There were no differences among the cases of bone mass below-2 SD in any of the three used methods. There was no association between history of bone fractures and food intake, and between these evaluations and bone mass. CONCLUSION: In this small group of schoolchildren there was an association between the methods QUS and DXA. However, there was no association between bone mass and the history of bone fractures, or calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake.
Deficiency of the enzyme P450 oxidoreductase is a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with characteristics of combined and partial impairments in steroidogenic enzyme activities, as P450 oxidoreductase transfers electrons to CYP21A2, CYP17A1, and CYP19A1. It results in disorders of sex development and skeletal malformations similar to Antley-Bixley syndrome. We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who was born with virilized genitalia (Prader stage V), absence of palpable gonads, 46,XX karyotype, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. During the first year of life, ovarian cyst, partial adrenal insufficiency, and osteoarticular changes, such as mild craniosynostosis, carpal and tarsal synostosis, and limited forearm pronosupination were observed. Her mother presented severe virilization during pregnancy. The molecular analysis of P450 oxidoreductase gene revealed compound heterozygosis for the nonsense p.Arg223*, and the novel missense p.Met408Lys, inherited from the father and the mother, respectively. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):578-85
PURPOSE: To evaluate the knowledge glaucoma patients have about their disease and its treatment. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-three patients were interviewed at the Glaucoma Service of Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia, USA, Group 1) and 100 at the Glaucoma Service of University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil, Group 2). An informal, relaxed atmosphere was created by the interviewer before asking a list of 18 open-ended questions. RESULTS: In Group 1, 44% of the 183 patients did not have an acceptable idea about what glaucoma is, 30% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 47% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 45% did not understand why visual fields were examined. In Group 2, 54% gave unsatisfactory answers to the question What is glaucoma?, 54% did not know the purpose of the medications they were taking, 80% were not aware of what was an average intraocular pressure, and 94% did not understand why visual fields were examined (p<0.001). Linear regression analysis demonstrated that level of education was positively correlated to knowledge about glaucoma in both groups (r=0.65, p=0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed that patients' knowledge about glaucoma varies greatly, and that in an urban, American setting, around one third of the patients have minimal understanding, whereas in an urban setting in Brazil around two thirds of patients were lacking basic information about glaucoma. Innovative and effective methods are needed to correct this situation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Atualmente, os braquetes autoligáveis têm sido associados a tratamentos mais rápidos e eficazes, o que desperta a curiosidade em compará-los ao sistema convencional. Ao contrário dos braquetes tradicionais, os autoligáveis não necessitam de ligaduras, sejam elásticas ou metálicas. A literatura é farta em concluir que essa característica diminui, ostensivamente, a resistência do atrito durante as mecânicas de deslize. Além disso, existem alegações sobre a dimimuição da necessidade de extrações e de expansão maxilar com o uso desses acessórios. Portanto, o objetivo dessa revisão de literatura foi buscar os mais novos estudos a respeito dos aparelhos autoligáveis atualmente utilizados nos tratamentos ortodônticos, confirmando ou retificando as especulações vigentes.
This in vitro study evaluated the tensile bond strength of glass fiber posts (Reforpost - Angelus-Brazil) cemented to root dentin with a resin cement (RelyX ARC - 3M/ESPE) associated with two different adhesive systems (Adper Single Bond - 3M/ESPE and Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose (MP) Plus - 3M/ESPE), using the pull-out test. Twenty single-rooted human teeth with standardized root canals were randomly assigned to 2 groups (n=10): G1- etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (3M/ESPE) + Adper Single Bond + #1 post (Reforpost - Angelus) + four #1 accessory posts (Reforpin - Angelus) + resin cement; G2- etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel + Adper Scotchbond MP Plus + #1 post + four #1 accessory posts + resin cement. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 7 days and submitted to the pull-out test in a universal testing machine (EMIC) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The mean values of bond strength (kgf) and standard deviation were: G1- 29.163 ± 7.123; G2- 37.752 ±13.054. Statistical analysis (Student's t-test; a=0.05 showed no statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the groups. Adhesive bonding failures between resin cement and root canal dentin surface were observed in both groups, with non-polymerized resin cement in the apical portion of the post space when Single Bond was used (G1). The type of adhesive system employed on the fiber post cementation did not influence the pull-out bond strength.
A síndrome do X Frágil é a causa mais frequente de deficiência intelectual hereditária. A variante de Dandy-Walker trata-se de uma constelação específica de achados neurorradiológicos. Este estudo relata achados da comunicação oral e escrita de um menino de 15 anos com diagnóstico clínico e molecular da síndrome do X-Frágil e achados de neuroimagem do encéfalo compatíveis com variante de Dandy-Walker. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio da Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo, aplicação do ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil - Fonologia, Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Teste Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas, avaliação do sistema estomatognático e avaliação audiológica. Observou-se: alteração de linguagem oral quanto às habilidades fonológicas, semânticas, pragmáticas e morfossintáticas; déficits nas habilidades psicolinguísticas (recepção auditiva, expressão verbal, combinação de sons, memória sequencial auditiva e visual, closura auditiva, associação auditiva e visual); e alterações morfológicas e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Na leitura verificou-se dificuldades na decodificação dos símbolos gráficos e na escrita havia omissões, aglutinações e representações múltiplas com o uso predominante de vogais e dificuldades na organização viso-espacial. Em matemática, apesar do reconhecimento numérico, não realizou operações aritméticas. Não foram observadas alterações na avaliação audiológica periférica. A constelação de sintomas comportamentais, cognitivos, linguísticos e perceptivos, previstos na síndrome do X-Frágil, somada às alterações estruturais do sistema nervoso central, pertencentes à variante de Dandy-Walker, trouxeram interferências marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas, no aprendizado da leitura e escrita e na integração social do indivíduo.
One of the most important properties of artificial teeth is the abrasion wear resistance, which is determinant in the maintenance of the rehabilitation's occlusal pattern. OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aims to evaluate the abrasion wear resistance of 7 brands of artificial teeth opposed to two types of antagonists. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven groups were prepared with 12 specimens each (BIOLUX & BL, TRILUX & TR, BLUE DENT & BD, BIOCLER & BC, POSTARIS & PO, ORTHOSIT & OR, GNATHOSTAR & GN), opposed to metallic (M & nickel-chromium alloy), and to composite antagonists (C & Solidex indirect composite). A mechanical loading device was used (240 cycles/min, 4 Hz speed, 10 mm antagonist course). Initial and final contours of each specimen were registered with aid of a profile projector (20x magnification). The linear difference between the two profiles was measured and the registered values were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS: Regarding the antagonists, only OR (M = 10.45 ± 1.42 µm and C = 2.77 ± 0.69 µm) and BC (M = 6.70 ± 1.37 µm and C = 4.48 ± 0.80 µm) presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Best results were obtained with PO (C = 2.33 ± 0.91 µm and M = 1.78 ± 0.42 µm), followed by BL (C = 3.70 ± 1.32 µm and M = 3.70 ± 0.61 µm), statistically similar for both antagonists (p>0.05). Greater result variance was obtained with OR, which presented the worse results opposed to Ni-Cr (10.45 ± 1.42 µm), and results similar to the best ones against composite (2.77 ± 0.69 µm). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the antagonist material is a factor of major importance to be considered in the choice of the artificial teeth to be used in the prosthesis.
The concepts of health promotion, self-care and community participation emerged during the 1970s and, since then, their application has grown rapidly in the developed world, showing evidence of effectiveness. In spite of this, a major part of the population in the developing countries still has no access to specialized dental care such as endodontic treatment, dental care for patients with special needs, minor oral surgery, periodontal treatment and oral diagnosis. This review focuses on a program of the Brazilian Federal Government named CEOs (Dental Specialty Centers), which is an attempt to solve the dental care deficit of a population that is suffering from oral diseases and whose oral health care needs have not been addressed by the regular programs offered by the SUS (Unified National Health System). Literature published from 2000 to the present day, using electronic searches by Medline, Scielo, Google and hand-searching was considered. The descriptors used were Brazil, Oral health, Health policy, Health programs, and Dental Specialty Centers. There are currently 640 CEOs in Brazil, distributed in 545 municipal districts, carrying out dental procedures with major complexity. Based on this data, it was possible to conclude that public actions on oral health must involve both preventive and curative procedures aiming to minimize the oral health distortions still prevailing in developing countries like Brazil.
Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are considered to be of multifactorial origin, normally associated with inadequate brushing. This study assessed the influence in vitro of simulated brushing on NCCL formation. Fifteen human premolars were submitted to brushing in the cementoenamel junction region, using hard-, medium- and soft-bristled brushes associated with a toothpaste of medium abrasiveness under a 200 g load, at a speed of 356 rpm for 100 minutes. The surface topography of the region was analyzed before and after brushing, by means of a laser interferometer, using "cut-off" values of 0.25 and considering roughness values in mm. The initial roughness (mm) results for dentin (D / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard) were as follows: (D1) 1.25 ± 0.45; (D2) 1.12 ± 0.44; (D3) 1.05 ± 0.41. For enamel (E / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard), the initial results were: (E1) 1.18 ± 0.35; (E2) 1.32 ± 0.25; (E3) 1.50 ± 0.38. After brushing, the following were the values for dentin: (D1) 2.32 ± 1.99; (D2) 3.30 ± 0.96; (D3) Over 500. For enamel, the values after brushing were: (E1) 1.37 ± 0.31; (E2) 2.15 ± 0.90; (E3) 1.22 ± 0.47. Based on the results of the ANOVA and Tukey statistical analyses (a = .05) it was concluded that soft, medium and hard brushes are not capable of abrading enamel, whereas dentin showed changes in surface roughness by the action of medium- and hard-bristled brushes.
This study evaluated the effect of surface sealant on the translucency of composite resin immersed in different solutions. The study involved the following materials: Charisma, Fortify and coffee, Coca-Cola®, tea and artificial saliva as solutions. Sixty-four specimens (n = 8) were manufactured and immersed in artificial saliva at 37 ± 1 °C. Samples were immersed in the solutions for three times a day and re-immersed in artificial saliva until the translucency readings. The measurements were carried out at nine times: T1 - 24 hours after specimen preparation, T2 - 24 hours after immersion in the solutions, T3 - 48 hours and T4 to T9 - 7, 14, 21, 30, 60 and 90 days, respectively, after immersion. The translucency values were measured using a JOUAN device. The results were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5%. The surface sealant was not able to protect the composite resin against staining, the coffee showed the strongest staining action, followed by tea and regarding immersion time, a significant alteration was noted in the translucency of composite resin after 21 days.
This study compared the coronal and apical leakage of AH Plus with gutta-percha to that of Epiphany with Resilon. Twenty-four single rooted teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups according to the solutions for smear layer removal and the obturation materials employed: Group A - 17% EDTA-T and AH Plus with gutta-percha; Group B - primer and Epiphany with Resilon. The Group B specimens were light-cured in the coronal area for 20 s. The external root surfaces were covered with a double layer of ethyl cyanoacrylate, except for the apical foramen and the cavity access. The teeth were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue for 48 h. The specimens were rinsed, dried and axially split for dye penetration measurement with the ImageLab 2.3 software. The t-test showed no significant differences for coronal leakage between the groups, but there were significant differences for apical leakage between the groups (P < 0.05). AH Plus with gutta-percha and Epiphany with Resilon provided the same coronal seal, whereas Epiphany with Resilon provided the best apical seal.