969 resultados para Doped Si-Mn
The crystal and molecular structures of [bis(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate)tetraaquamanganese(II)], [pentaaqua(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoato)cobalt(II)] (5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate), [pentaaqua(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoato)nickel(II)] (5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate) and [aquabis(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate)zinc(II)] monohydrate were determined by a single-crystal X-ray analysis. Mn(H2O)4L2 (where L = C8H6ClO3) crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c. [Co(H2O)5L]L and [Ni(H2O)5L]L both are isostructural, space group P212121. The crystals of [Zn(H2O)L2] H2O are monoclinic, space group Pc. Mn(II) ion is positioned at the crystallographic symmetry center. Mn(II) and Co(II) ions adopt the distorted octahedral coordination but Zn(II) tetrahedral one.The carboxylate groups in the complexes with M(II) cations function as monodentate, bidentate and/or free COO-groups. The ligands exist in the crystals as aquaanions. The complexes of 5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoates with Mn(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) form bilayer structure.
2,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Mn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized as hydrated or anyhydrous polycrystalline solids and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, magnetic studies and X-ray diffraction measurements. They possess the following colours: Mn(II) - white, Co(II) - pink and Cu(II) - blue. The carboxylate groups bind as monodentate, or a symmetrical bidentate bridging ligands and tridentate. The thermal stabilities were determined in air at 293-1173K. When heated the hydrated complexes dehydrate to from anhydous salts which are decomposed to the oxides of respective metals. The magnetic susceptibilites of the 2,4-dimethoxybenzoates were measured over the range 76-303 K and their magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal the complexes of Mn(II), Co(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.
The complexes of 4-chlorophenoxyacetates of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized as polycrystalline solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have the following colours: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II), blue for Cu(II) and a pale pink for Mn(II) compounds. The carboxylate group binds as monodentate and bidentate ligands. On heating to 1173K in air the complexes decompose in several steps. At first, they dehydrate in one step to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals. Their magnetic moments were determined in the range of 76-303K. The results reveal them to be high-spin complexes of weak ligand fields.
The complexes of 2-methoxyhenoxyacetates of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II)with the general formula: M(C9H9O4)3·4H2O, where M(II) = Mn, Co, Ni and Cu have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, magnetic and thermogravimetric studies and also X-ray diffraction measurements. The complexes have colours typical for M(II) ions (Mn(II) - a pale pink, Co(II) - pink, Ni(II) - green, and Cu(II) - blue). The carboxylate group binds as monodentate and bidentate ligands. On heating to 1273K in air the complexes decompose in the same way. At first, they dehydrate in one step to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals with the intermediate formation of the oxycarbonates. Their solubility in water at 293K is of the order of 10-5 mol·dm-3. The magnetic moments of analysed complexes were determined in the range of 76-303K. The results reveal them to be high-spin complexes of weak ligand fields.
Pure and Fe(III)-doped TiO2 suspensions were prepared by the sol gel method with the use of titanium isopropoxide (Ti(OPri)4) as precursor material. The properties of doped materials were compared to TiO2 properties based on the characterization by thermal analysis (TG-DTA and DSC), X-ray powder diffractometry and spectroscopy measurements (FTIR). Both undoped and doped TiO2 suspensions were used to coat metallic substrate as a mean to make thin-film electrodes. Thermal treatment of the precursors at 400ºC for 2 h in air resulted in the formation of nanocrystalline anatase TiO2. The thin-film electrodes were tested with respect to their photocatalytic performance for degradation of a textile dye in aqueous solution. The plain TiO2 remains as the best catalyst at the conditions used in this report.
Esse texto tem por objetivo mostrar que Machado de Assis construiu a crônica "O autor de si mesmo" fazendo uso da metafísica do amor de Schopenhauer.
O artigo procura acompanhar as linhas de força envolvidas na concepção deleuzeana de causalidade, particularmente em suas distâncias para com as noções equivalentes no mecanicismo, no platonismo e no hegelianismo. O interesse é ressaltar como tal noção, desde que sublinhada como causalidade interna ou causa sui, favorece o estabelecimento da diferença como origem do ser, requisito ontológico fundamental no pensamento de Deleuze. Para tanto, mostraremos, argumentando em favor da pertinência do comentário de Michael Hardt, o contexto que, atravessando especialmente as relações de Deleuze com a produção de Bergson, situa a causalidade na imanência, na mesma medida em que a afasta do território da negação. Nessa direção, vamos nos valer ainda de aspectos vinculados a uma interessante controvérsia de tradução.
O artigo reconstrói alguns momentos salientes do desenvolvimento das doutrinas do 'não-si' e das 'duas verdades' na história da filosofia buddhista, desde as formulações originárias do buddhismo de base, às conclusões alcançadas por Nāgārjuna, o fundador da escola mahāyāna do Madhyamaka. Ao longo dessa sintética reconstrução, algumas passagens das Mūlamadhyamikakārikās de Nāgārjuna, cruciais para entender a sua (controversa) concepção epistemológica, mostrar-se-ão semelhantes, no tocante à estruturação e ao desenvolvimento do discurso, à primeira parte das Milinda Pañha, um diálogo para-canônico que escolhe uma abordagem apofática para tratar o tema da 'verdade última'. Tal paralelismo formal entre as passagens dos dois textos sugere a possibilidade de uma correspondência 'substancial' entre a concepção nagarjuniana e aquela das Milinda Pañha no que se refere ao 'ultimamente verdadeiro'.
Montaigne insiste ao longo dos Ensaios em seu desprezo pela retórica. Mas como procuraremos mostrar aqui, sua "forma natural" inscreve-se em grande medida dentro dos termos da própria retórica, sob uma mobilização particular dos preceitos e convenções tradicionalmente apropriados à escrita em primeira pessoa, especialmente aqueles que regulavam o sermo familiaris, gênero recuperado pela primeira vez na Renascença por Petrarca. Retomamos assim, para desenvolvê-la, a fecunda intuição de Hugo Friedrich que, em sua clássica obra sobre os Ensaios de Montaigne, aponta o seu parentesco com a forma epistolar de Petrarca, sem, porém, acompanhá-lo quando distancia o ensaio da epístola familiar, por entendê-lo como marco de ruptura com os procedimentos da retórica e, assim, com toda a prosa artisticamente trabalhada do humanismo.
Entre os temas kantianos discutidos por Nietzsche, o tradicional problema do estatuto da coisa em si é particularmente relevante para a formulação de sua própria filosofia. Por esse motivo, a compreensão de Nietzsche desse problema também se tornou um dos assuntos mais debatidos e controversos entre seus intérpretes. De forma geral, tende-se a identificar na filosofia de Nietzsche uma trajetória que o levaria da admissão de um conceito de coisa em si em sua juventude até uma negação, em sua filosofia madura, da coisa em si, considerada como uma concepção contraditória. A discordância entre os comentadores surge quando se pergunta se o conceito de coisa em si que Nietzsche nega é exatamente aquilo que Kant entendia por coisa em si. Nosso trabalho pretende discutir essa questão a partir do estudo de três objeções de Nietzsche ao conceito de coisa em si, levando em consideração os aspectos históricos do problema e as soluções oferecidas pela literatura secundária.
ABSTRACT 'The Duologue of King/Governor Pāyāsi' ("Long Discourses") has long been recognised as a source for the proto-materialism current at the time of the Buddha. What needs to be stressed is the significance of the text as a pointer to the development of Logic in India. Perception (observation and experiment employing the joint method of agreement and difference), which is an accepted method of experimental enquiry, and reasoning from analogy, which can lead at best to a probable conclusion - these two are the only means employed to settle the dispute concerning the existence of the other-world. The Jain version of the same duologue-cum-parable, though varying in minor details regarding the name and identity of the monk refuting the king/governor, contains the same contrast, namely, perception versus analogical reasoning. There can be little doubt that the original parable was conceived with a view to asserting the existence of the other-world. In the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (sixth century BCE), an earlier Brahmanical text, however, instead of argument by analogy, verbal testimony (śabda) was invoked to settle the same point. Naciketas is assailed by doubt about the existence of a person after his or her death. The authority of Yama, the Pluto of Indian mythology, is invoked to convince him that the other-world does exist. Thus, the three parables taken together exhibit three means of knowledge in operation: verbal testimony and argument by analogy pitted against perception.
Interest to hole-doped mixed-valence manganite perovskites is connected to the ‘colossal’ magnetoresistance. This effect or huge drop of the resistivity, ρ, in external magnetic field, B, attains usually the maximum value near the ferromagnetic Curie temperature, TC. In this thesis are investigated conductivity mechanisms and magnetic properties of the manganite perovskite compounds LaMnO3+, La1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xCaxMn1-yFeyO3 and La1- xSrxMn1-yFeyO3. When the present work was started the key role of the phase separation and its influence on the properties of the colossal magnetoresistive materials were not clear. Our main results are based on temperature dependencies of the magnetoresistance and magnetothermopower, investigated in the temperature interval of 4.2 - 300 K in magnetic fields up to 10 T. The magnetization was studied in the same temperature range in weak (up to 0.1 T) magnetic fields. LaMnO3+δ is the parent compound for preparation of the hole-doped CMR materials. The dependences of such parameters as the Curie temperature, TC, the Coulomb gap, Δ, the rigid gap, γ, and the localization radius, a, on pressure, p, are observed in LaMnO3+δ. It has been established that the dependences above can be interpreted by increase of the electron bandwidth and decrease of the polaron potential well when p is increased. Generally, pressure stimulates delocalization of the electrons in LaMnO3+δ. Doping of LaMnO3 with Ca, leading to La1-xCaxMnO3, changes the Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio significantly and brings an additional disorder to the crystal lattice. Phase separation in a form of mixture of the ferromagnetic and the spin glass phases was observed and investigated in La1- xCaxMnO3 at x between 0 and 0.4. Influence of the replacement of Mn by Fe is studied in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1−yFeyO3 and La0.7Sr0.3Mn1−yFeyO3. Asymmetry of the soft Coulomb gap and of the rigid gap in the density of localized states, small shift of the centre of the gaps with respect to the Fermi level and cubic asymmetry of the density of states are obtained in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1−yFeyO3. Damping of TC with y is connected to breaking of the double-exchange interaction by doping with Fe, whereas the irreversibility and the critical behavior of the magnetic susceptibility are determined by the phase separation and the frustrated magnetic state of La0.7Sr0.3Mn1−yFeyO3.
O estudo objetivou investigar a concentração de zinco e manganês nos efluentes do beneficiamento de carvão e em Typha domingensis Pers. Amostras de sedimento, água, raízes, caules e folhas (n = 8 cada) foram coletadas no Lavador da Mina do Trevo, Siderópolis, SC, e em um banhado sem influência da mineração (área-controle). O conteúdo disponível dos metais no sedimento, dissolvido na água e total em T. domingensis, foi determinado por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os dados de concentração de metais nos diferentes compartimentos e áreas foram submetidos ao teste "t", à análise de variância (ANOVA I) e à análise de correlação de Pearson (r). A significância estatística entre as diferenças verificadas na ANOVA foi avaliada por meio do teste SNK (Student-Newman-Keuls-Test), p < 0,05 e > 0,01. Zn e Mn apresentaram-se em concentrações mais elevadas no sedimento do que na água, nas duas áreas. Ambos os metais foram detectados na água em concentrações mais elevadas na área minerada do que na área-controle, enquanto no sedimento apenas o Zn seguiu essa tendência. T. domingensis concentrou Zn em valores mais elevados na raiz, enquanto o Mn, nas folhas, evidenciando, ainda, concentrações mais elevadas de Zn na área minerada do que na área-controle. A explotação do carvão, portanto, disponibilizou Zn e Mn em concentrações mais elevadas na área minerada do que aquelas verificadas na área não minerada, comprometendo, assim, a biota. T. domingensis comportouse como espécie concentradora de metais, o que comprova sua potencialidade para utilização na fitorremediação de áreas degradadas.
In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.