917 resultados para Coronary Stents


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BACKGROUND: Data on the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and coronary heart disease (CHD) and mortality are conflicting. PURPOSE: To summarize prospective evidence about the relationship between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and CHD and mortality. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE (1950 to January 2008) without language restrictions and reference lists of retrieved articles were searched. STUDY SELECTION: Two reviewers screened and selected cohort studies that measured thyroid function and then followed persons prospectively to assess CHD or mortality. DATA EXTRACTION: By using a standardized protocol and forms, 2 reviewers independently abstracted and assessed studies. DATA SYNTHESIS: Ten of 12 identified studies involved population-based cohorts that included 14 449 participants. All 10 population-based cohort studies examined risks associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (2134 CHD events and 2822 deaths), whereas only 5 examined risks associated with subclinical hyperthyroidism (1392 CHD events and 1993 deaths). In a random-effects model, the relative risk (RR) for subclinical hypothyroidism for CHD was 1.20 (95% CI, 0.97 to 1.49; P for heterogeneity = 0.14; I(2 )= 33.4%). Risk estimates were lower when higher-quality studies were pooled (RR, 1.02 to 1.08) and were higher among participants younger than 65 years (RR, 1.51 [CI, 1.09 to 2.09] for studies with mean participant age <65 years and 1.05 [CI, 0.90 to 1.22] for studies with mean participant age > or =65 years). The RR was 1.18 (CI, 0.98 to 1.42) for cardiovascular mortality and 1.12 (CI, 0.99 to 1.26) for total mortality. For subclinical hyperthyroidism, the RR was 1.21 (CI, 0.88 to 1.68) for CHD, 1.19 (CI, 0.81 to 1.76) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.12 (CI, 0.89 to 1.42) for total mortality (P for heterogeneity >0.50; I(2 )= 0% for all studies). LIMITATIONS: Individual studies adjusted for different potential confounders, and 1 study provided only unadjusted data. Publication bias or selective reporting of outcomes could not be excluded. CONCLUSION: Subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may be associated with a modest increased risk for CHD and mortality, with lower risk estimates when pooling higher-quality studies and larger CIs for subclinical hyperthyroidism


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Résumé: Objectifs: Cette étude relève la prévalence des principaux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire dans les coronaropathies précoces (P-CAD) familiales, survenant chez au moins deux frères et/ou soeurs d'une même fratrie. Méthodes: Nous avons recruté 213 survivants atteints de P-CAD, issus de 103 fratries, diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 50 ans chez les hommes et 55 ans chez les femmes. La présence ou non d'hypertension, d'hypercholestérolémie, d'obésité et de tabagisme a été documentée au moment de l'événement chez 163 de ces patients (145 hommes et 18 femmes). Chaque patient a été comparé à deux individus de même âge et sexe, chez qui un diagnostic de P-CAD «sporadique» (non familiale) était posé, et à trois individus choisis au hasard parmi la population générale. Résultats: En comparaison de la population générale, les patients atteints de P-CAD sporadique avaient une prévalence supérieure pour 1 'hypertension (29% vs. 14%, p<0.001), le cholestérol (54% vs. 33%, p<0.001), l'obésité (20% vs. 13%, p<0.001) et le tabagisme (76% vs. 39%, p<0.001). Ces facteurs de risque étaient de prévalences similaires, voire supérieures chez les patients atteints de P-CAD familiale (43% [p<0.05 vs. P-CAD sporadiques], 58% [p=0.07], 21% et 72%) respectivement). Seulement 7 (4%) des 163 patients atteints de P-CAD familiale et 22 (7%) des 326 patients atteints de P-CAD sporadique, ne présentaient aucun facteur de risque cardiovasculaire, comparés à 167 (34%) des 489 patients issus de la population générale. Conclusions: Les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire classiques et réversibles ont une haute prévalence chez les patients atteints de P-CAD familiale. Ce fait rend improbable une contribution génétique prédominante, agissant en l'absence de facteurs de risque. Abstract: Objectives: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in familial premature coronary artery disease (P-CAD), affecting two or more siblings within one sibship. Background: Premature CAD has a genetic component. It remains to be established whether familial P-CAD is due to genes acting independently from major cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: We recruited 213 P-CAD survivors from 103 sibships diagnosed before age ?50 (men) or ?55 (women) years old. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, and smoking were documented at the time of the event in 163 patients (145 men and 18 women). Each patient was compared with two individuals of the same age and gender, diagnosed with sporadic (nonfamilial) P-CAD, and three individuals randomly sampled from the general population. Results: Compared with the general population, patients with sporadic P-CAD had a higher prevalence of hypertension (29% vs. 14%, p < 0.001), hypercholesterolemia (54% vs. 33%, p < 0.001), obesity (20% vs. 13%, p < 0.001), and smoking (76% vs. 39%, p < 0.001). These risk factors were equally or even more prevalent in patients with familial P-CAD (43% [p < 0.05 vs. sporadic P-CAD], 58% [p = 0.07], 21% and 72%, respectively). Overall, only 7 (4%) of 163 of patients with familial P-CAD and 22 (7%) of 326 of patients with sporadic P-CAD had none of these conditions, as compared with 167 (34%) of 489 patients in the general population. Conclusions: Classic, remediable risk factors are highly prevalent in patients with familial P-CAD. Accordingly, a major contribution of genes acting in the absence of these risk factors is unlikely


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OBJECTIVE: Genetic studies might provide new insights into the biological mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism and risk of CAD. We therefore conducted a genome-wide association study to identify novel genetic determinants of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides. METHODS AND RESULTS: We combined genome-wide association data from 8 studies, comprising up to 17 723 participants with information on circulating lipid concentrations. We did independent replication studies in up to 37 774 participants from 8 populations and also in a population of Indian Asian descent. We also assessed the association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at lipid loci and risk of CAD in up to 9 633 cases and 38 684 controls. We identified 4 novel genetic loci that showed reproducible associations with lipids (probability values, 1.6×10(-8) to 3.1×10(-10)). These include a potentially functional SNP in the SLC39A8 gene for HDL-C, an SNP near the MYLIP/GMPR and PPP1R3B genes for LDL-C, and at the AFF1 gene for triglycerides. SNPs showing strong statistical association with 1 or more lipid traits at the CELSR2, APOB, APOE-C1-C4-C2 cluster, LPL, ZNF259-APOA5-A4-C3-A1 cluster and TRIB1 loci were also associated with CAD risk (probability values, 1.1×10(-3) to 1.2×10(-9)). CONCLUSIONS: We have identified 4 novel loci associated with circulating lipids. We also show that in addition to those that are largely associated with LDL-C, genetic loci mainly associated with circulating triglycerides and HDL-C are also associated with risk of CAD. These findings potentially provide new insights into the biological mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism and CAD risk.


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BACKGROUND: The strong observational association between total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and the null associations in the homocysteine-lowering trials have prompted the need to identify genetic variants associated with homocysteine concentrations and risk of CAD. OBJECTIVE: We tested whether common genetic polymorphisms associated with variation in tHcy are also associated with CAD. DESIGN: We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on tHcy concentrations in 44,147 individuals of European descent. Polymorphisms associated with tHcy (P < 10(-8)) were tested for association with CAD in 31,400 cases and 92,927 controls. RESULTS: Common variants at 13 loci, explaining 5.9% of the variation in tHcy, were associated with tHcy concentrations, including 6 novel loci in or near MMACHC (2.1 Ã- 10(-9)), SLC17A3 (1.0 Ã- 10(-8)), GTPB10 (1.7 Ã- 10(-8)), CUBN (7.5 Ã- 10(-10)), HNF1A (1.2 Ã- 10(-12)), and FUT2 (6.6 Ã- 10(-9)), and variants previously reported at or near the MTHFR, MTR, CPS1, MUT, NOX4, DPEP1, and CBS genes. Individuals within the highest 10% of the genotype risk score (GRS) had 3-μmol/L higher mean tHcy concentrations than did those within the lowest 10% of the GRS (P = 1 Ã- 10(-36)). The GRS was not associated with risk of CAD (OR: 1.01; 95% CI: 0.98, 1.04; P = 0.49). CONCLUSIONS: We identified several novel loci that influence plasma tHcy concentrations. Overall, common genetic variants that influence plasma tHcy concentrations are not associated with risk of CAD in white populations, which further refutes the causal relevance of moderately elevated tHcy concentrations and tHcy-related pathways for CAD.


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PURPOSE: To implement a double-inversion bright-blood coronary MR angiography sequence using a cylindrical re-inversion prepulse for selective visualization of the coronary arteries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local re-inversion bright-blood magnetization preparation was implemented using a nonselective inversion followed by a cylindrical aortic re-inversion prepulse. After an inversion delay that allows for in-flow of the labeled blood-pool into the coronary arteries, three-dimensional radial steady-state free-precession (SSFP) imaging (repetition/echo time, 7.2/3.6 ms; flip angle, 120 degrees, 16 profiles per RR interval; field of view, 360 mm; matrix, 512, twelve 3-mm slices) is performed. Coronary MR angiography was performed in three healthy volunteers and in one patient on a commercial 1.5 Tesla whole-body MR System. RESULTS: In all subjects, coronary arteries were selectively visualized with positive contrast. In addition, a middle-grade stenosis of the proximal right coronary artery was seen in one patient. CONCLUSION: A novel T1 contrast-enhancement strategy is presented for selective visualization of the coronary arteries without extrinsic contrast medium application. In comparison to former arterial spin-labeling schemes, the proposed magnetization preparation obviates the need for a second data set and subtraction.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and tolerance of self-expanding metallic stent insertion under fluoroscopic guidance for palliation of symptoms related to malignant gastroduodenal obstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two patients (38 men, 34 women) aged 25-98 years (mean, 62 years) with duodenal (n = 43), antropyloric (n = 13), surgical gastrojejunostomy (n = 10), or pyloroduodenal (n = 6) malignant obstruction were referred for insertion of self-expanding metallic stents over a 6-year period. Stent insertion was performed with use of a peroral or transgastric approach when necessary (n = 11). RESULTS: Stents were successfully inserted in 70 of the 72 patients (97%) and provided symptom relief in 65 patients (90%). Inserted stents were mainly uncovered vascular (n = 55) or enteral (n = 10) Wallstents. One hundred eight stents were initially inserted: one, two, three, or four stents were indicated in 43, 17, nine, and one patient, respectively. Mean follow-up was 119 days (range, 4-513 days). Mean stent patency was 113 days (range, 4-513 days). Mean survival of patients was 120 days. During follow-up, stent obstruction occurred in seven patients as a result of tumoral overgrowth (n = 5) or ingrowth (n = 2). Complications occurred in 12 of the 72 patients (17%), including stent migration (n = 8), stent fracture (n = 1), duodenal perforation (n = 1), and death related to general anesthesia (n = 1). CONCLUSION: Despite a significant complication rate, self-expanding metallic stent insertion under fluoroscopic guidance appears to be a feasible and useful technique in the palliative management of malignant gastroduodenal obstruction.


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A single coronary artery can complicate the surgical technique of arterial switch operations, impairing early and late outcomes. We propose a new surgical approach, successfully applied in a 2.1 kg neonate, aimed at reducing the risk of early and late compression and/or distortion of the newly constructed coronary artery system.


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Respiratory motion is a major source of artifacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Free-breathing techniques with pencil-beam navigators efficiently suppress respiratory motion and minimize the need for patient cooperation. However, the correlation between the measured navigator position and the actual position of the heart may be adversely affected by hysteretic effects, navigator position, and temporal delays between the navigators and the image acquisition. In addition, irregular breathing patterns during navigator-gated scanning may result in low scan efficiency and prolonged scan time. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a self-navigated, free-breathing, whole-heart 3D coronary MRI technique that would overcome these shortcomings and improve the ease-of-use of coronary MRI. A signal synchronous with respiration was extracted directly from the echoes acquired for imaging, and the motion information was used for retrospective, rigid-body, through-plane motion correction. The images obtained from the self-navigated reconstruction were compared with the results from conventional, prospective, pencil-beam navigator tracking. Image quality was improved in phantom studies using self-navigation, while equivalent results were obtained with both techniques in preliminary in vivo studies.


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Purpose: Atheromatic plaque progression is affected, among others phenomena, by biomechanical, biochemical, and physiological factors. In this paper, the authors introduce a novel framework able to provide both morphological (vessel radius, plaque thickness, and type) and biomechanical (wall shear stress and Von Mises stress) indices of coronary arteries. Methods: First, the approach reconstructs the three-dimensional morphology of the vessel from intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) and Angiographic sequences, requiring minimal user interaction. Then, a computational pipeline allows to automatically assess fluid-dynamic and mechanical indices. Ten coronary arteries are analyzed illustrating the capabilities of the tool and confirming previous technical and clinical observations. Results: The relations between the arterial indices obtained by IVUS measurement and simulations have been quantitatively analyzed along the whole surface of the artery, extending the analysis of the coronary arteries shown in previous state of the art studies. Additionally, for the first time in the literature, the framework allows the computation of the membrane stresses using a simplified mechanical model of the arterial wall. Conclusions: Circumferentially (within a given frame), statistical analysis shows an inverse relation between the wall shear stress and the plaque thickness. At the global level (comparing a frame within the entire vessel), it is observed that heavy plaque accumulations are in general calcified and are located in the areas of the vessel having high wall shear stress. Finally, in their experiments the inverse proportionality between fluid and structural stresses is observed.


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Aims The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on coronary vasomotor function in post-menopausal women (PM) with medically treated cardiovascular risk factors (RFs) in a cross-sectional and a longitudinal follow-up (FU) study. Methods and results Myocardial blood flow (MBF) response to cold pressor testing (CPT) and during pharmacologically induced hyperaemia was measured with positron emission tomography in pre-menopausal women (CON), in PM with HRT and without HRT, and repeated in PM after a mean FU of 24 +/- 14 months. When compared with CON at baseline, the endothelium-related change in MBF (DeltaMBF) to CPT progressively declined in PM with HRT and without HRT (0.35 +/- 0.23 vs. 0.24 +/- 0.20 and 0.16 +/- 0.12 mL/g/min; P = 0.171 and P = 0.021). In PM without HRT and in those with HRT at baseline but with discontinuation of HRT during FU, the endothelium-related DeltaMBF to CPT was significantly less at FU than at baseline (0.05 +/- 0.19 vs. 0.16 +/- 0.12 and -0.03 +/- 0.14 vs. 0.25 +/- 0.18 mL/g/min; P = 0.023 and P = 0.001), whereas no significant change was observed in PM with HRT (0.19 +/- 0.22 vs. 0.23 +/- 0.22 mL/g/min; P = 0.453). Impaired hyperaemic MBFs when compared with CON were not significantly altered from those at baseline exam. Conclusion Long-term administration of oestrogen may contribute to maintain endothelium-dependent coronary function in PM with medically treated cardiovascular RFs.


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Rapport de synthèse : Description : ce travail de thèse évalue de façon systématique les études sur l'association entre les dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques d'une part, et la maladie coronarienne et la mortalité d'autre part. Les hypothyroïdies infracliniques affectent environ 4-5% de la population adulte alors que la prévalence de l'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique est inférieure (environ 1%). L'éventuelle association entre elles pourrait justifier un dépistage systématique des dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques. Les précédentes études sur l'association entre l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique et la maladie coronarienne ont donné des résultats conflictuels. La parution de nouveaux articles récents basés sur de grandes cohortes prospectives nous a permis d'effectuer une méta-analyse basée uniquement sur des études de cohorte prospectives, augmentant ainsi la validité des résultats. Résultats: 10 des 12 études identifiées pour notre revue systématique sont basées sur des cohortes issues de la population générale («population-based »), regroupant en tout 14 449 participants. Ces 10 études examinent toutes le risque associé à l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique (avec 2134 événements coronariens et 2822 décès), alors que 5 étudient également le risque associé à l'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique (avec 1392 événements coronariens et 1993 décès). En utilisant un modèle statistique de type random-effect model, le risque relatif [RR] lié à l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique pour la maladie coronarienne est de 1.20 (intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95%, 0.97 à 1.49). Le risque diminue lorsque l'on regroupe uniquement les études de meilleure qualité (RR compris entre 1.02 et 1.08). Il est plus élevé parmi les participants de moins de 65 ans (RR, 1.51 [IC, 1.09 à 2.09] et 1.05 [IC, 0.90 à 1.22] pour les études dont l'âge moyen des participants est >_ 65 ans). Le RR de la mortalité cardiovasculaire est de 1.18 (IC, 0.98 à 1.42) et de 1.12 (IC, 0.99 à 1.26) pour la mortalité totale. En cas d'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique, les RR de la maladie coronarienne sont de 1.21 (IC, 0.88 à 1.68), de 1.19 (IC, 0.81 à 1.76) pour la mortalité cardiovasculaire, et de 1.12 (IC, 0.89 à 1.42) pour la mortalité totale. Conclusions et perspectives : nos résultats montrent que les dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques (hypothyroïdie et hyperthyroïdie infracliniques) représentent un facteur de risque modifiable, bien que modéré, de la maladie coronarienne et de la mortalité. L'efficacité du traitement de ces dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques doit encore être prouvée du point de vue cardiovasculaire et de la mortalité. Il est nécessaire d'effectuer des études contrôlées contre placebo avec le risque cardiovasculaire et la mortalité comme critères d'efficacité, avant de pouvoir proposer des recommandations sur le dépistage des ces dysfonctions thyroïdiennes dans la population adulte.