905 resultados para Compound semiconductor device
Photovoltaic (PV) conversion is the direct production of electrical energy from sun without involving the emission of polluting substances. In order to be competitive with other energy sources, cost of the PV technology must be reduced ensuring adequate conversion efficiencies. These goals have motivated the interest of researchers in investigating advanced designs of crystalline silicon solar (c-Si) cells. Since lowering the cost of PV devices involves the reduction of the volume of semiconductor, an effective light trapping strategy aimed at increasing the photon absorption is required. Modeling of solar cells by electro-optical numerical simulation is helpful to predict the performance of future generations devices exhibiting advanced light-trapping schemes and to provide new and more specific guidelines to industry. The approaches to optical simulation commonly adopted for c-Si solar cells may lead to inaccurate results in case of thin film and nano-stuctured solar cells. On the other hand, rigorous solvers of Maxwell equations are really cpu- and memory-intensive. Recently, in optical simulation of solar cells, the RCWA method has gained relevance, providing a good trade-off between accuracy and computational resources requirement. This thesis is a contribution to the numerical simulation of advanced silicon solar cells by means of a state-of-the-art numerical 2-D/3-D device simulator, that has been successfully applied to the simulation of selective emitter and the rear point contact solar cells, for which the multi-dimensionality of the transport model is required in order to properly account for all physical competing mechanisms. In the second part of the thesis, the optical problems is discussed. Two novel and computationally efficient RCWA implementations for 2-D simulation domains as well as a third RCWA for 3-D structures based on an eigenvalues calculation approach have been presented. The proposed simulators have been validated in terms of accuracy, numerical convergence, computation time and correctness of results.
The goal of this thesis is the application of an opto-electronic numerical simulation to heterojunction silicon solar cells featuring an all back contact architecture (Interdigitated Back Contact Hetero-Junction IBC-HJ). The studied structure exhibits both metal contacts, emitter and base, at the back surface of the cell with the objective to reduce the optical losses due to the shadowing by front contact of conventional photovoltaic devices. Overall, IBC-HJ are promising low-cost alternatives to monocrystalline wafer-based solar cells featuring front and back contact schemes, in fact, for IBC-HJ the high concentration doping diffusions are replaced by low-temperature deposition processes of thin amorphous silicon layers. Furthermore, another advantage of IBC solar cells with reference to conventional architectures is the possibility to enable a low-cost assembling of photovoltaic modules, being all contacts on the same side. A preliminary extensive literature survey has been helpful to highlight the specific critical aspects of IBC-HJ solar cells as well as the state-of-the-art of their modeling, processing and performance of practical devices. In order to perform the analysis of IBC-HJ devices, a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical simulation flow has been set up. A commercial device simulator based on finite-difference method to solve numerically the whole set of equations governing the electrical transport in semiconductor materials (Sentuarus Device by Synopsys) has been adopted. The first activity carried out during this work has been the definition of a 2-D geometry corresponding to the simulation domain and the specification of the electrical and optical properties of materials. In order to calculate the main figures of merit of the investigated solar cells, the spatially resolved photon absorption rate map has been calculated by means of an optical simulator. Optical simulations have been performed by using two different methods depending upon the geometrical features of the front interface of the solar cell: the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the raytracing (RT). The first method allows to model light prop-agation by plane waves within one-dimensional spatial domains under the assumption of devices exhibiting stacks of parallel layers with planar interfaces. In addition, TMM is suitable for the simulation of thin multi-layer anti reflection coating layers for the reduction of the amount of reflected light at the front interface. Raytracing is required for three-dimensional optical simulations of upright pyramidal textured surfaces which are widely adopted to significantly reduce the reflection at the front surface. The optical generation profiles are interpolated onto the electrical grid adopted by the device simulator which solves the carriers transport equations coupled with Poisson and continuity equations in a self-consistent way. The main figures of merit are calculated by means of a postprocessing of the output data from device simulation. After the validation of the simulation methodology by means of comparison of the simulation result with literature data, the ultimate efficiency of the IBC-HJ architecture has been calculated. By accounting for all optical losses, IBC-HJ solar cells result in a theoretical maximum efficiency above 23.5% (without texturing at front interface) higher than that of both standard homojunction crystalline silicon (Homogeneous Emitter HE) and front contact heterojuction (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer HIT) solar cells. However it is clear that the criticalities of this structure are mainly due to the defects density and to the poor carriers transport mobility in the amorphous silicon layers. Lastly, the influence of the most critical geometrical and physical parameters on the main figures of merit have been investigated by applying the numerical simulation tool set-up during the first part of the present thesis. Simulations have highlighted that carrier mobility and defects level in amorphous silicon may lead to a potentially significant reduction of the conversion efficiency.
Materialen mit sehr hoher Spinpolarisation werden für Anwendungen im Bereich der Spin-Elektronik benötigt. Deshalb werden große Forschungsanstrengungen zur Untersuchung der Eigenschaften von Verbindungen mit potentiell halbmetallischem Charakter, d. h.mit 100% Spinpolarisation, unternommen. In halbmetallischen Verbindungen, erwartet man eine Lücke in der Zustandsdichte an der Fermi Energie für Ladungsträger einer Spinrichtung, wahrend die Ladungsträger mit der anderen Spinrichtung sich metallisch verhalten. Eine Konsequenz davon ist, dass ein Strom, der durch solche Verbindung fließt, voll spinpolarisiert ist. Die hohe Curie-Temperatur Tc (800 K) und der theoretisch vorhergesagte halbmetallische Charakter machen Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al (CCFA) zu einem guten Kandidaten für Spintronik-Anwendungen wie magnetische Tunnelkontakte (MTJs = Magnetic Tunneling Junctions). In dieser Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der elektronischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von dünnen CCFA Schichten dargestellt. Diese Schichten wurden in MTJs integriert und der Tunnel-Magnetowiderstands-Effekt untersucht. Hauptziele waren die Messung der Spinpolarisation und Untersuchungen der elektronischen Struktur von CCFA. Der Einfluss verschiedener Depositionsparameter auf die Eigenschaften der Schichten, speziell auf der Oberflächenordnung und damit letztlich auf den Tunnel-Magnetowiderstand (TMR), wurde bestimmt. Epitaktische d¨unne CCFA Schichten mit zwei verschiedenen Wachstumsrichtungen wurden auf verschiedene Substrate und Pufferschichten deponiert. Ein Temperverfahren wurde eingesetzt um die strukturelle Eigenschaften der dünnen Schichten zu verbessern. Für die MTJs wurde Al2O3 als Barrierenmaterial verwendet und Co als Gegenelektrode gewählt. Die Mehrschicht-Systeme wurden in Mesa-Geometrie mit lithographischen Methoden strukturiert. Eine maximal Jullière Spinpolarisation von 54% wurde an Tunnelkontakte mit epitaktischen CCFA Schichten gemessen. Ein starker Einfluss der Tempernbedingungen auf dem TMR wurde festgestellt. Eine Erhörung des TMR wurde mit einer Verbesserung der Oberflächenordung der CCFA Schichten korreliert. Spektroskopische Messungen wurden an den MTJs durchgeführt. Diesen Messungen liefern Hinweise auf inelastische Elektron-Magnon und Elektron-Phonon Stossprozesse an den Grenzflächen. Einige der beobachteten Strukturen konnten mit der berechneten elektronischen Struktur von CCFA korreliert worden.
The heavy fermion compound UNi2Al3 exhibits the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order at low temperatures, stimulating speculations about possible exotic Cooper-pairing interaction in this superconductor. However, the preparation of good quality bulk single crystals of UNi2Al3 has proven to be a non-trivial task due to metallurgical problems, which result in the formation of an UAl2 impurity phase and hence a strongly reduced sample purity. The present work concentrates on the preparation, characterization and electronic properties investigation of UNi2Al3 single crystalline thin film samples. The preparation of thin films was accomplished in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (100)-oriented epitaxial thin films of UNi2Al3 were grown on single crystalline YAlO3 substrates cut in (010)- or (112)-direction. The high crystallographic quality of the samples was proved by several characterisation methods, such as X-ray analysis, RHEED and TEM. To study the magnetic structure of epitaxial thin films resonant magnetic x-ray scattering was employed. The magnetic order of thin the film samples, the formation of magnetic domains with different moment directions, and the magnetic correlation length were discussed. The electronic properties of the UNi2Al3 thin films in the normal and superconducting states were investigated by means of transport measurements. A pronounced anisotropy of the temperature dependent resistivity ρ(T) was observed. Moreover, it was found that the temperature of the resistive superconducting transition depends on the current direction, providing evidence for multiband superconductivity in UNi2Al3. The initial slope of the upper critical field H′c2(T) of the thin film samples suggests an unconventional spin-singlet superconducting state, as opposed to bulk single crystal data. To probe the superconducting gap of UNi2Al3 directly by means of tunnelling spectroscopy many planar junctions of different design employing different techniques were prepared. Despite the tunneling regime of the junctions, no features of the superconducting density of state of UNi2Al3 were ever observed. It is assumed that the absence of UNi2Al3 gap features in the tunneling spectra was caused by imperfections of the tunnelling contacts. The superconductivity of UNi2Al3 was probably suppressed just in a degraded surface layer, resulting in tunneling into non superconducting UNi2Al3. However, alternative explanations such as intrinsic pair breaking effects at the interface to the barrier are also possible.
During the last decade peach and nectarine fruit have lost considerable market share, due to increased consumer dissatisfaction with quality at retail markets. This is mainly due to harvesting of too immature fruit and high ripening heterogeneity. The main problem is that the traditional used maturity indexes are not able to objectively detect fruit maturity stage, neither the variability present in the field, leading to a difficult post-harvest management of the product and to high fruit losses. To assess more precisely the fruit ripening other techniques and devices can be used. Recently, a new non-destructive maturity index, based on the vis-NIR technology, the Index of Absorbance Difference (IAD), that correlates with fruit degreening and ethylene production, was introduced and the IAD was used to study peach and nectarine fruit ripening from the “field to the fork”. In order to choose the best techniques to improve fruit quality, a detailed description of the tree structure, of fruit distribution and ripening evolution on the tree was faced. More in details, an architectural model (PlantToon®) was used to design the tree structure and the IAD was applied to characterize the maturity stage of each fruit. Their combined use provided an objective and precise evaluation of the fruit ripening variability, related to different training systems, crop load, fruit exposure and internal temperature. Based on simple field assessment of fruit maturity (as IAD) and growth, a model for an early prediction of harvest date and yield, was developed and validated. The relationship between the non-destructive maturity IAD, and the fruit shelf-life, was also confirmed. Finally the obtained results were validated by consumer test: the fruit sorted in different maturity classes obtained a different consumer acceptance. The improved knowledge, leaded to an innovative management of peach and nectarine fruit, from “field to market”.
Die vorliegende Dissertation entstand im Rahmen eines multizentrischen EU-geförderten Projektes, das die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (SNPs) zur Individualisierung von Personen im Kontext der Zuordnung von biologischen Tatortspuren oder auch bei der Identifizierung unbekannter Toter behandelt. Die übergeordnete Zielsetzung des Projektes bestand darin, hochauflösende Genotypisierungsmethoden zu etablieren und zu validieren, die mit hoher Genauigkeit aber geringen Aufwand SNPs im Multiplexformat simultan analysieren können. Zunächst wurden 29 Y-chromosomale und 52 autosomale SNPs unter der Anforderung ausgewählt, dass sie als Multiplex eine möglichst hohe Individualisierungschance aufweisen. Anschließend folgten die Validierungen beider Multiplex-Systeme und der SNaPshot™-Minisequenzierungsmethode in systematischen Studien unter Beteiligung aller Arbeitsgruppen des Projektes. Die validierte Referenzmethode auf der Basis einer Minisequenzierung diente einerseits für die kontrollierte Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Laboratorien und andererseits als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Assays zur SNP-Genotypisierung mittels der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie in dieser Arbeit. Der eigenständige Hauptteil dieser Dissertation beschreibt unter Verwendung der zuvor validierten autosomalen SNPs die Neuentwicklung und Validierung eines Hybridisierungsassays für die elektronische Microarray-Plattform der Firma Nanogen Dazu wurden im Vorfeld drei verschiedene Assays etabliert, die sich im Funktionsprinzip auf dem Microarray unterscheiden. Davon wurde leistungsorientiert das Capture down-Assay zur Weiterentwicklung ausgewählt. Nach zahlreichen Optimierungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich PCR-Produktbehandlung, gerätespezifischer Abläufe und analysespezifischer Oligonukleotiddesigns stand das Capture down-Assay zur simultanen Typisierung von drei Individuen mit je 32 SNPs auf einem Microarray bereit. Anschließend wurde dieses Verfahren anhand von 40 DNA-Proben mit bekannten Genotypen für die 32 SNPs validiert und durch parallele SNaPshot™-Typisierung die Genauigkeit bestimmt. Das Ergebnis beweist nicht nur die Eignung des validierten Analyseassays und der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie für bestimmte Fragestellungen, sondern zeigt auch deren Vorteile in Bezug auf Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und Effizienz. Die Automatisierung, welche die räumliche Anordnung der zu untersuchenden Fragmente unmittelbar vor der Analyse ermöglicht, reduziert unnötige Arbeitsschritte und damit die Fehlerhäufigkeit und Kontaminationsgefahr bei verbesserter Zeiteffizienz. Mit einer maximal erreichten Genauigkeit von 94% kann die Zuverlässigkeit der in der forensischen Genetik aktuell eingesetzten STR-Systeme jedoch noch nicht erreicht werden. Die Rolle des neuen Verfahrens wird damit nicht in einer Ablösung der etablierten Methoden, sondern in einer Ergänzung zur Lösung spezieller Probleme wie z.B. der Untersuchung stark degradierter DNA-Spuren zu finden sein.
La Cognitive Radio è un dispositivo in grado di reagire ai cambiamenti dell’ambiente radio in cui opera, modificando autonomamente e dinamicamente i propri parametri funzionali tra cui la frequenza, la potenza di trasmissione e la modulazione. Il principio di base di questi dispositivi è l’accesso dinamico alle risorse radio potenzialmente non utilizzate, con cui utenti non in possesso di licenze possono sfruttare le frequenze che in un determinato spazio temporale non vengono usate, preoccupandosi di non interferire con gli utenti che hanno privilegi su quella parte di spettro. Devono quindi essere individuati i cosiddetti “spectrum holes” o “white spaces”, parti di spettro assegnate ma non utilizzate, dai quali prendono il nome i dispositivi.Uno dei modi per individuare gli “Spectrum holes” per una Cognitive Radio consiste nel cercare di captare il segnale destinato agli utenti primari; questa tecnica è nota con il nome di Spectrum Sensing e consente di ottenere essenzialmente una misura all’interno del canale considerato al fine di determinare la presenza o meno di un servizio protetto. La tecnica di sensing impiegata da un WSD che opera autonomamente non è però molto efficiente in quanto non garantisce una buona protezione ai ricevitori DTT che usano lo stesso canale sul quale il WSD intende trasmettere.A livello europeo la soluzione che è stata ritenuta più affidabile per evitare le interferenze sui ricevitori DTT è rappresentata dall’uso di un geo-location database che opera in collaborazione con il dispositivo cognitivo.Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare un algoritmo che permette di combinare i due approcci di geo-location database e Sensing per definire i livelli di potenza trasmissibile da un WSD.
Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi consiste nell'effettuare il porting del Monitor di rete da Linux ad Android,facente parte di un sistema più complesso conosciuto come ABPS. Il ruolo del monitor è quello di configurare dinamicamente tutte le interfacce di rete disponibili sul dispositivo sul quale lavora,in modo da essere connessi sempre alla miglior rete conosciuta,ad esempio al miglior Access Point nel caso del interfaccia wireless.
Dendritic systems, and in particular polyphenylene dendrimers, have recently attracted considerable attention from the synthetic organic chemistry community, as well as from photophysicists, particularly in view of the search for synthetic model analogies to photoelectric materials to fabricate organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and even more advanced areas of research such as light-harvesting system, energy transfer and non-host device. Geometrically, dendrimers are unique systems that consist of a core, one or more dendrons, and surface groups. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Compared to small molecular or polymeric light-emitting materials, these dendritic materials can combine the benefits of both previous classes. The high molecular weights of these dendritic macromolecules, as well as the surface groups often attached to the distal ends of the dendrons, can improve the solution processability, and thus can be deposited from solution by simple processes such as spin-coating and ink-jet printing. Moreover, even better than the traditional polymeric light-emitting materials, the well-defined monodisperse distributed dendrimers possess a high purity comparable to that of small molecules, and as such can be fabricated into high performance OLEDs. Most importantly, the emissive chromophores can be located at the core of the dendrimer, within the dendrons, and/or at the surface of the dendrimers because of their unique dendritic architectures. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Therefore, the main goals of this thesis are the design and synthesis, characterization of novel functional dendrimers, e.g. polytriphenylene dendrimers for blue fluorescent, as well as iridium(III) complex cored polyphenylene dendrimers for green and red phosphorescent light emitting diodes. In additional to the above mentioned advantages of dendrimer based OLEDs, the modular molecular architecture and various functionalized units at different locations in polyphenylene dendrimers open up a tremendous scope for tuning a wide range of properties in addition to color, such as intermolecular interactions, charge mobility, quantum yield, and exciton diffusion. In conclusion, research into dendrimer containing OLEDs combines fundamental aspects of organic semiconductor physics, novel and highly sophisticated organic synthetic chemistry and elaborate device technology.rn
Quadro normativo sui Dispositivi Medici e la sua evoluzione (2007/47,UNI CEI EN ISO 14971). Software DM: processo di certificazione,gestione di reti IT medicali, ruoli e responsabilità (CEI 80001-1). Casi d'uso: Linee guida: MEDDEV e linee guida svedesi più relativi esempi applicabili alle aziende sanitarie.
Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are one- or quasi one-dimensional systems whose physical properties are unique as compared to bulk materials because of their nanoscaled sizes. They bring together quantum world and semiconductor devices. NWs-based technologies may achieve an impact comparable to that of current microelectronic devices if new challenges will be faced. This thesis primarily focuses on two different, cutting-edge aspects of research over semiconductor NW arrays as pivotal components of NW-based devices. The first part deals with the characterization of electrically active defects in NWs. It has been elaborated the set-up of a general procedure which enables to employ Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) to probe NW arrays’ defects. This procedure has been applied to perform the characterization of a specific system, i.e. Reactive Ion Etched (RIE) silicon NW arrays-based Schottky barrier diodes. This study has allowed to shed light over how and if growth conditions introduce defects in RIE processed silicon NWs. The second part of this thesis concerns the bowing induced by electron beam and the subsequent clustering of gallium arsenide NWs. After a justified rejection of the mechanisms previously reported in literature, an original interpretation of the electron beam induced bending has been illustrated. Moreover, this thesis has successfully interpreted the formation of NW clusters in the framework of the lateral collapse of fibrillar structures. These latter are both idealized models and actual artificial structures used to study and to mimic the adhesion properties of natural surfaces in lizards and insects (Gecko effect). Our conclusion are that mechanical and surface properties of the NWs, together with the geometry of the NW arrays, play a key role in their post-growth alignment. The same parameters open, then, to the benign possibility of locally engineering NW arrays in micro- and macro-templates.
Organic printed electronics is attracting an ever-growing interest in the last decades because of its impressive breakthroughs concerning the chemical design of π-conjugated materials and their processing. This has an impact on novel applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low- cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. The organic field-effect transistor (OFET) relies on a thin film of organic semiconductor that bridges source and drain electrodes. Since its first discovery in the 80s, intensive research activities were deployed in order to control the chemico-physical properties of these electronic devices and consequently their charge. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are a versatile tool for tuning the properties of metallic, semi-conducting, and insulating surfaces. Within this context, OFETs represent reliable instruments for measuring the electrical properties of the SAMs in a Metal/SAM/OS junction. Our experimental approach, named Charge Injection Organic-Gauge (CIOG), uses OTFT in a charge-injection controlled regime. The CIOG sensitivity has been extensively demonstrated on different homologous self-assembling molecules that differ in either chain length or in anchor/terminal group. One of the latest applications of organic electronics is the so-called “bio-electronics” that makes use of electronic devices to encompass interests of the medical science, such as biosensors, biotransducers etc… As a result, thee second part of this thesis deals with the realization of an electronic transducer based on an Organic Field-Effect Transistor operating in aqueous media. Here, the conventional bottom gate/bottom contact configuration is replaced by top gate architecture with the electrolyte that ensures electrical contact between the top gold electrode and the semiconductor layer. This configuration is named Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistor (EGOFET). The functionalization of the top electrode is the sensing core of the device allowing the detection of dopamine as well as of protein biomarkers with ultra-low sensitivity.
One of the most diffused electronic device is the field effect transistor (FET), contained in number of billions in each electronic device. Organic optoelectronics is an emerging field that exploits the unique properties of conjugated organic materials to develop new applications that require a combination of performance, low cost and processability. Organic single crystals are the material with best performances and purity among the variety of different form of organic semiconductors. This thesis is focused on electrical and optical characterization of Rubrene single crystal bulk and thin films. Rubrene bulk is well known but for the first time we studied thin films. The first Current-voltage characterization has been performed for the first time on three Rubrene thin films with three different thickness to extract the charge carriers mobility and to assess its crystalline structure. As results we see that mobility increase with thickness. Field effect transistor based on Rubrene thin films on $SiO_2$ have been characterize by current-voltage (I-V) analyses (at several temperatures) and reveals a hopping conduction. Hopping behavior probably is due to the lattice mismatch with the substrate or intrinsic defectivity of the thin films. To understand effects of contact resistance we tested thin films with the Transmission Line Method (TLM) method. The TLM method revealeds that contact resistance is negligible but evidenced a Schottky behavior in a limited but well determined range of T. To avoid this effect we carried out annealing treatment after the electrode evaporation iswe performed a compete I-V characterization as a function of in temperature to extract the electronic density of states (DOS) distribution through the Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC) method. The results show a DOS with an exponential trenddistribution, as expected. The measured mobility of thin films is about 0.1cm^2/Vs and it increases with the film thickness. Further studies are necessary to investigate the reason and improve performances. From photocurrent spectrum we calculated an Eg of about 2.2eV and both thin films and bulk have a good crystal order. Further measurement are necessary to solve some open problems
Imprese di piccole e grandi dimensioni hanno dovuto convivere con il ritmo di uscita di nuovi e più potenti modelli di PC, consolle per videogiochi, telefoni cellulari, tablet, fotocamere digitali. I cicli di vita si sono ridotti drasticamente, tanto da far sembrare un’emergenza il rilascio di un nuovo prodotto quasi ogni anno. Le aziende, se ancora non lo hanno fatto, sono chiamate ad affrontare una transizione interna per aggiornare le politiche aziendali in modo da stare al passo con il progresso tecnologico. Se un tempo le regole interne vietavano o scoraggiavano l’utilizzo di dispositivi personali nell’ambiente di lavoro, nell’era moderna sono costrette ad accettarlo se non addirittura ad incoraggiarlo ed il fenomeno che mi accingerò ad analizzare in questo elaborato, denominato Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), punta proprio all’esplorazione degli sforzi progettuali che sono richiesti ad una grande azienda multinazionale per poter recepire i trend informatici. Con più di cinque miliardi di dispositivi mobili in tutto il mondo – e solo 2 miliardi di computer – il passaggio al ‘mobile’ come forma principale di collegamento alle reti aziendali procede con sempre maggiore rapidità. Negli anni recenti si è potuto assistere all’evoluzione del panorama di dispositivi portatili che ha permesso ad un pubblico di users sempre più vasto di potersi permettere l’acquisto di dispositivi di ultima generazione a prezzi non proibitivi. I fornitori di tecnologie hanno confezionato prodotti sempre più pensati per un uso privato, fornendo un’ampia scelta di soluzioni non solo a livello enterprise, come accadeva agli albori del boom tecnologico, ma maggiormente rivolte al singolo consumatore. Guardando ai trend sviluppatisi negli anni recenti, è possibile riconoscere una scia di segnali che preannunciavano quanto sta avvenendo adesso con il BYOD.