894 resultados para Communicative musicality
Este trabalho objetiva caracterizar o processo comunicativo entre os auxiliares de enfermagem das viaturas de Suporte Básico de Vida do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, a coordenação deste serviço e a Central Única de Regulação Médica de um município do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-qualitativa que utilizou a análise temática de conteúdo para a análise dos dados. Usou-se entrevista semi-estruturada para a coleta de dados que foi realizada em janeiro de 2010. Os resultados obtidos mostram dificuldades de comunicação tanto com a Central de Regulação Médica quanto com a coordenação. Os aspectos que mais se destacaram foram as falhas durante a transmissão via rádio, falta de capacitação dos operadores de rádio, acesso à coordenação dificultado e ausência da supervisão dos enfermeiros. No entanto, foi possível detectar soluções que visam à melhoria da comunicação e, consequentemente, do atendimento ofertado pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência.
Objetiva-se com este trabalho aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as parcerias intersetoriais entre Estado, mercado e sociedade civil, a partir da análise argumentativa de um caso, o projeto Geração XXI, a primeira ação afirmativa para jovens negros no Brasil. Este trabalho utiliza as teorias da argumentação, sobretudo a teoria da ação comunicativa de Habermas, para avaliar a validade dos discursos manifestados pelos diferentes parceiros e a capacidade destes de criar "situações dialógicas" que busquem possíveis soluções por vias argumentativas. O trabalho baseia-se numa pesquisa qualitativa que combinou a observação participante com entrevistas semiestruturadas. A conclusão apontará que, apesar de o projeto ter sido bem gerenciado desde o ponto de vista da racionalidade instrumental, houve falhas na construção de um significado aceitável por todos os colaboradores de conceitos-chave - ação afirmativa, gestão da diversidade e responsabilidade social, bem como nos procedimentos de comunicação institucionalizados, que afetaram negativamente os processos e resultados finais do projeto.
PURPOSE: To verify the interference of visual stimuli in written production of deaf signers with no complaints regarding reading and writing. METHODS: The research group consisted of 12 students with education between the 4th and 5th grade of elementary school, with severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss, users of LIBRAS and with alphabetical writing level. The evaluation was performed with pictures in a logical sequence and an action picture. The analysis used the communicative competence criteria. RESULTS: There were no differences in the writing production of the subjects for both stimuli. In all texts there was no title and punctuation, verbs were in the infinitive mode, there was lack of cohesive links and inclusion of created words. CONCLUSION: The different visual stimuli did not affect the production of texts.
Este artigo trata da interelação entre justiça, razão comunicativa e emancipação social. Ao referir-se à justiça e à injustiça, retorna a um tema de fundamental importância para a história da Filosofia do Direito, sem com isto assumir os riscos das teorias metafísicas da justiça. É a partir da teoria do discurso, de Jürgen Habermas, que as condições e os pressupostos para o desenvolvimento de uma noção de justiça pós-metafísica se torna possível. Investigar a tarefa da Filosofia do Direito, e o desafio do conceito de justiça, são tarefas desdobradas nos estudos e debates envolvidos neste texto.
This study has investigated the question of relation between literacy practices in and out of school in rural Tanzania. By using the perspective of linguistic anthropology, literacy practices in five villages in Karagwe district in the northwest of Tanzania have been analysed. The outcome may be used as a basis for educational planning and literacy programs. The analysis has revealed an intimate relation between language, literacy and power. In Karagwe, traditional élites have drawn on literacy to construct and reconstruct their authority, while new élites, such as individual women and some young people have been able to use literacy as one tool to get access to power. The study has also revealed a high level of bilingualism and a high emphasis on education in the area, which prove a potential for future education in the area. At the same time discontinuity in language use, mainly caused by stigmatisation of what is perceived as local and traditional, such as the mother-tongue of the majority of the children, and the high status accrued to all that is perceived as Western, has turned out to constitute a great obstacle for pupils’ learning. The use of ethnographic perspectives has enabled comparisons between interactional patterns in schools and outside school. This has revealed communicative patterns in school that hinder pupils’ learning, while the same patterns in other discourses reinforce learning. By using ethnography, relations between explicit and implicit language ideologies and their impact in educational contexts may be revealed. This knowledge may then be used to make educational plans and literacy programmes more relevant and efficient, not only in poor post-colonial settings such as Tanzania, but also elsewhere, such as in Western settings.
[ES] This paper deals with some key issues in a controversial topic, that of the existing overlapping between ESP/EAP courses and simultaneously-run content courses. Some examples are provided and analyzed to be aware of the need of ESP/EAP practitioners to have a fairly deep knowledge of those technical matters they have to deal with in order to be as genuinely communicative as possible. Later on, a list of principles for designing successful ESP/EAP courses is presented and justified. After putting into practice a communicative approach founded on those principles for a period of five years, the opinion of those students who have taken two ESP/EAP courses was gathered –an ad hoc questionnaire was developed for the purpose–. data are analyzed to hypothesize the long-run correlation between applying the above mentioned principles and the positive opinion of students on their teachers when those principles are applied at university level.
Citokines are proteins produced by several cell types and secreted in response to various stimuli. These molecules are able to modify the behaviour of other cells inducing activities like growth, differentiation and apoptosis. In the last years, veterinary scientists have investigated the role played by these factors; in fact, cytokines can act as intercellular communicative signals in immune response, cell damage repair and hematopoiesis. Up to date, various cytokines have been identified and in depth comprehension of their effects in physiology, pathology and therapy is an interesting field of research. This thesis aims to understand the role played by these mediators during natural or experimentally induced pathologies. In particular, it has been evaluated the genic and protein expressions of a large number of cytokines during several diseases and starting from different matrix. Considering the heterogeneity of materials used in experimentations, multiple methods and protocols of nucleic acids and proteins extractions have been standardized. Results on cytokines expression obtained from various in vitro and in vivo experimental studies have shown how important these mediators are in regulation and modulation of the host immune response also in veterinary medicine. In particular, the analysis of inflammatory and septic markers, like cytokines, has allowed a better understanding in the pathogenesis during horse Recurrent Airway Obstruction, foal sepsis, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus infection and dog Parvovirus infection and the effects of these agents on the host immune system. As experimentations with mice have shown, some pathologies of the respiratory and nervous system can be reduced or even erased by blocking cytokines inflammatory production. The in vitro cytokines expression evaluation in cells which are in vivo involved in the response to exogenous (like pathogens) or endogenous (as it happens during autoimmune diseases) inflammatory stimuli could represent a model for studying citokines effects during the host immune response. This has been analyzed using lymphocytes cultured with several St. aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitic milk and different colostrum products. In the first experiment different cytokines were expressed depending on enterotoxins produced, justifying a different behaviour of the microrganism in the mammal gland. In the second one, bone marrow cells derived incubated with murine lymphocytes with colostrum products have shown various cluster of differentiation expression , different proliferation and a modified cytokines profile. A better understanding of cytokine expression mechanisms will increase the know-how on immune response activated by several pathogen agents. In particular, blocking the cytokine production, the inhibition or catalyzation of the receptor binding mechanism and the modulation of signal transduction mechanism will represent a novel therapeutic strategy in veterinary medicine.
The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.
[EN]Applying a CLIL methodological approach marks a shift in emphasis from language learning based on linguistic form and grammatical progression to a more ‘language acquisition’ one which takes account language functions. In this article we will study the elements of the “language of instruction” of the area of Maths in Secondary Education, by focusing on the analysis of the communicative functions, and the lexical and the cultural items present in the textbook in use. Our aim is to present the CLIL teacher with the linguistic and didactic implications that he or she should take into consideration when implementing the bilingual syllabuses with their students. In order to do that, we will present our conclusions emphasizing the need for coordination in different content areas, linguistic and communicative contents, between the foreign language teacher and the CLIL subject one.
L’imballaggio alimentare si può definire come un sistema coordinato per disporre i beni per il trasporto, la distribuzione, la conservazione, la vendita e l’utilizzo. Uno dei materiali maggiormente impiegati, nell’industria alimentare, per la produzione di imballaggi sono le materie plastiche. Esse sono sostanze organiche derivanti da petrolio greggio, sono composti solidi allo stato finito, ma possono essere modellate allo stato fluido. Un imballaggio alimentare deve svolgere determinate funzioni tra cui: - contenimento del prodotto - protezione del prodotto da agenti esterni - logistica - comunicativa - funzionale - ecologica L'ultimo punto sopracitato è il principale problema delle materie plastiche derivanti dal petrolio greggio. Questi materiali sono difficilmente riciclabili perché spesso un imballaggio è composto da più materiali stratificati o perché si trova a diretto contatto con gli alimenti. Inoltre questi materiali hanno un lungo tempo di degradazione (da 100 a 1000 anni) che ne rendono difficile e costoso lo smaltimento. Per questo nell’ultimo decennio è cominciata la ricerca di un materiale plastico, flessibile alle esigenze industriali e nel contempo biodegradabile. Una prima idea è stata quella di “imitare la natura” cercando di replicare macromolecole già esistenti (derivate da amido e zuccheri) per ottenere una sostanza plastico-simile utilizzabile per gli stessi scopi, ma biodegradabile in circa sei mesi. Queste bioplastiche non hanno preso piede per l’alto costo di produzione e perché risulta impossibile riconvertire impianti di produzione in tutto il mondo in tempi brevi. Una seconda corrente di pensiero ha indirizzato i propri sforzi verso l’utilizzo di speciali additivi aggiunti in minima misura (1%) ai classici materiali plastici e che ne permettono la biodegradazione in un tempo inferiore ai tre anni. Un esempio di questo tipo di additivi è l’ECM Masterbatch Pellets che è un copolimero di EVA (etilene vinil acetato) che aggiunto alle plastiche tradizionali rende il prodotto finale completamente biodegradabile pur mantenendo le proprie caratteristiche. Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato determinare le modificazioni di alcuni parametri qualitativi di nettarine di Romagna(cv.-Alexa®) confezionate-con-film-plastici-tradizionali-e-innovativi. I campioni di nettarine sono stati confezionati in cestini in plastica da 1 kg (sigillati con un film flow-pack macroforato) di tipo tradizionale in polipropilene (campione denominato TRA) o vaschette in polipropilene additivato (campione denominato BIO) e conservati a 4°C e UR 90-95% per 7 giorni per simulare un trasporto refrigerato successivamente i campioni sono stati posti in una camera a 20°C e U.R. 50% per 4 giorni al fine di simulare una conservazione al punto vendita. Al tempo 0 e dopo 4, 7, 9 e 11 giorni sono state effettuate le seguenti analisi: - coefficiente di respirazione è stato misurata la quantità di CO2 prodotta - indice di maturazione espresso come rapporto tra contenuto in solidi solubili e l’acidità titolabile - analisi di immagine computerizzata - consistenza della polpa del frutto è stata misurata attraverso un dinamometro Texture Analyser - contenuto in solidi totali ottenuto mediante gravimetria essiccando i campioni in stufa sottovuoto - caratteristiche sensoriali (Test Accettabilità) Conclusioni In base ai risultati ottenuti i due campioni non hanno fatto registrare dei punteggi significativamente differenti durante tutta la conservazione, specialmente per quanto riguarda i punteggi sensoriali, quindi si conclude che le vaschette biodegradabili additivate non influenzano la conservazione delle nettarine durante la commercializzazione del prodotto limitatamente ai parametri analizzati. Si ritiene opportuno verificare se il processo di degradazione del polimero additivato si inneschi già durante la commercializzazione della frutta e soprattutto verificare se durante tale processo vengano rilasciati dei gas che possono accelerare la maturazione dei frutti (p.e. etilene), in quanto questo spiegherebbe il maggiore tasso di respirazione e la più elevata velocità di maturazione dei frutti conservati in tali vaschette. Alimentary packaging may be defined as a coordinate system to dispose goods for transport, distribution, storage, sale and use. Among materials most used in the alimentary industry, for the production of packaging there are plastics materials. They are organic substances deriving from crude oil, solid compounds in the ended state, but can be moulded in the fluid state. Alimentary packaging has to develop determinated functions such as: - Product conteniment - Product protection from fieleders agents - logistic - communicative - functional - ecologic This last term is the main problem of plastic materials deriving from crude oil. These materials are hardly recyclable because a packaging is often composed by more stratified materials or because it is in direct contact with aliments. Beside these materials have a long degradation time(from 100 to 1000 years) that make disposal difficult and expensive. For this reason in the last decade the research for a new plastic material is begin, to make industrial demands more flexible and, at the same time, to make this material biodegradable: At first, the idea to “imitate the nature” has been thought, trying to reply macromolecules already existents (derived from amid and sugars) to obtain a similar-plastic substance that can be used for the same purposes, but it has to be biodegradable in about six months. These bioplastics haven’t more success bacause of the high production cost and because reconvert production facilities of all over the wolrd results impossible in short times. At second, the idea to use specials addictives has been thought. These addictives has been added in minim measure (1%) to classics plastics materials and that allow the biodegradation in a period of time under three years. An example of this kind of addictives is ECM Masterbatch Pellets which is a coplymer of EVA (Ethylene vinyl acetate) that, once it is added to tradizional plastics, make final product completely biodegradable however maintaining their own attributes. The objective of this thesis work has been to determinate modifications of some Romagna’s Nectarines’ (cv. Alexa®) qualitatives parameters which have been packaged-with traditional and innovative-plastic film. Nectarines’ samples have been packaged in plastic cages of 1 kg (sealed with a macro-drilled flow-pack film) of traditional type in polypropylene (sample named TRA) or trays in polypropylene with addictives (sample named BIO) and conservated at 4°C and UR 90-95% for 7 days to simulate a refrigerated transport. After that, samples have been put in a camera at 20°C and U.R. 50% for 4 days to simulate the conservation in the market point. At the time 0 and after 4, 7, 9 and 11 days have been done the following analaysis: - Respiration coefficient wherewith the amount CO2 producted has been misurated - Maturation index which is expressed as the ratio between solid soluble content and the titratable acidity - Analysis of computing images - Consistence of pulp of the fruit that has been measured through Texture Analyser Dynanometer - Content in total solids gotten throught gravimetry by the drying of samples in vacuum incubator - Sensorial characteristic (Panel Test) Consequences From the gotten results, the two samples have registrated no significative different scores during all the conservation, expecially about the sensorial scores, so it’s possible to conclude that addictived biodegradable trays don’t influence the Nectarines’ conservation during the commercialization of the product qualifiedly to analized parameters. It’s advised to verify if the degradation process of the addicted polymer may begin already during the commercialization of the fruit and in particular to verify if during this process some gases could be released which can accelerate the maturation of fruits (p.e. etylene), because all this will explain the great respiration rate and the high speed of the maturation of fruits conservated in these trays.
It is believed that the way of being and the communicative-relational skills of every individual have multifactorial origins, including the quality of primary relationships with caregivers. For some time, the need for health care professionals to possess specific communicative and interpersonal skills has been highlighted. To the degree course in Nursing, like to all other degree programs related to health, access is granted to students who have large individual differences, both in terms of personality, and in terms of relational skills. Each academic year, therefore, the people responsible for the didactic organization of every course, are faced with having to prepare a training plan capable of addressing communicative-relational aspects and, at the same time, of being adequate to the real attitudes of incoming students. Thus, the need for appropriate tools for measuring the personological and vocational traits considered specific to health professions was born. This study has a twofold objective. On one hand, it aims at selecting a battery of psychological tests to detect psychological and attitudinal patterns, to facilitate the coordinators of graduate courses in their didactic organization and planning of educational training; on the other hand, it seeks to assess the correlations between communicative-relational skills (Relational-Communicative style, according to the model of patient-centered medicine-TRS) (Mucchielli’s Test of Spontaneous Attitudes – usual kind of attitude in dual relationships), personality traits (Alexithymia), styles of attachment to parental figures (PBI), and the capability of recognizing facial emotions, in a sample of students enrolled in the first year of a degree in Nursing.
Eine aktuelle Ausprägung der Veranstaltungslandschaft sind die so genannten Motto-Events, die die Inszenierung einer Anderswelt-Konstruktion einsetzen, um emotionale und kommunikatorische Ziele zu erreichen. Dabei werden themengebundene Entwürfe räumlich und inhaltlich in die lebensweltliche Wirklichkeit transportiert und auf diese Weise eine dynamische und integrative Scheinwelt erschaffen. In dieser konstruierten Welt können schließlich Abenteuer erlebt und heroische Taten begangen werden. Durch die reziproke Beeinflussung von Inszenierung und Handlung befinden sich die Akteure außerhalb der gesellschaftlichen Norm, sie erleben innerhalb der "gated community" der Motto-Veranstaltung eine re-definierte Wirklichkeit. Aus einer Kombination von aktiven und passiven Elementen werden homogene Klischees inszeniert, die durch ihren Bekanntheitsgrad eine hohe Anschlussfähigkeit der Teilnehmer garantieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Mechanismen, die diese re-definierte Wirklichkeit in Szene setzen. Dadurch wird es möglich, in einer zusammenfassenden Betrachtung die Rezeption verschiedener Event-Modelle zu beschreiben und Handlungsempfehlungen zu geben.
La tesi sviluppa le proposte teoriche della Linguistica Cognitiva a proposito della metafora e propone una loro possibile applicazione in ambito didattico. La linguistica cognitiva costituisce la cornice interpretativa della ricerca, a partire dai suoi concetti principali: la prospettiva integrata, l’embodiment, la centralità della semantica, l’attenzione per la psicolinguistica e le neuroscienze. All’interno di questo panorama, prende vigore un’idea di metafora come punto d’incontro tra lingua e pensiero, come criterio organizzatore delle conoscenze, strumento conoscitivo fondamentale nei processi di apprendimento. A livello didattico, la metafora si rivela imprescindibile sia come strumento operativo che come oggetto di riflessione. L’approccio cognitivista può fornire utili indicazioni su come impostare un percorso didattico sulla metafora. Nel presente lavoro, si indaga in particolare l’uso didattico di stimoli non verbali nel rafforzamento delle competenze metaforiche di studenti di scuola media. Si è scelto come materiale di partenza la pubblicità, per due motivi: il diffuso impiego di strategie retoriche in ambito pubblicitario e la specificità comunicativa del genere, che permette una chiara disambiguazione di fenomeni che, in altri contesti, non potrebbero essere analizzati con la stessa univocità. Si presenta dunque un laboratorio finalizzato al miglioramento della competenza metaforica degli studenti che si avvale di due strategie complementari: da una parte, una spiegazione ispirata ai modelli cognitivisti, sia nella terminologia impiegata che nella modalità di analisi (di tipo usage-based); dall’altra un training con metafore visive in pubblicità, che comprende una fase di analisi e una fase di produzione. È stato usato un test, suddiviso in compiti specifici, per oggettivare il più possibile i progressi degli studenti alla fine del training, ma anche per rilevare le difficoltà e i punti di forza nell’analisi rispetto sia ai contesti d’uso (letterario e convenzionale) sia alle forme linguistiche assunte dalla metafora (nominale, verbale, aggettivale).
Il mio progetto di ricerca è nato da una riflessione concernente una domanda fondamentale che si pongono gli studiosi della comunicazione digitale: le attuali tecnologie mediali che hanno creato nuovi modelli comunicativi e inaugurato inedite modalità di interrelazione sociale conducono a un dualismo digitale o a una realtà aumentata? Si è cercato di dare una risposta a questo interrogativo attraverso un’indagine compiuta su un social network, Facebook, che è la piattaforma digitale più diffusa nel mondo. L’analisi su Facebook, è stata preceduta da una riflessione sui concetti dello spazio e del tempo elaborati dalla letteratura filosofica e sociologica. Tale riflessione è stata propedeutica all’analisi volta a cogliere l’impatto che hanno avuto sulla relazionalità intersoggettiva e sulle dinamiche di realizzazione del sé l’interazione semantica nello spazio delimitato della piazza tradizionale, la molteplicità e la potenza seduttiva delle offerte comunicative dei media elettronici nella estensione della piazza massmediale e soprattutto la nascita e l’affermazione del cyberspazio come luogo della comunicazione nella piazza digitale. Se la peculiarità della piazza tradizionale è nel farsi dei rapporti face to face e quella della piazza massmediale nella funzione rilevante della fonte rispetto al destinatario, la caratteristica della piazza digitale consiste nella creazione autonoma di un orizzonte inclusivo che comprende ogni soggetto che si collega con la rete il quale, all’interno del network, riveste il doppio ruolo di consumatore e di produttore di messaggi. Con l’avvento dell’online nella prassi della relazionalità sociale si producono e si attuano due piani di interazioni comunicative, uno relativo all’online e l’altro relativo all’offline. L’ipotesi di lavoro che è stata guida della mia ricerca è che la pervasività dell’online conduca all’integrazione dei due segmenti comunicativi: l’esperienza della comunicazione digitale si inserisce nella prassi sociale quotidiana arricchendo i rapporti semantici propri della relazione face to face e influenzandoli profondamente.
Die vorliegende Arbeit zum kindlichen Erwerb der binären Opposition von „Möglichkeit“ und „Unmöglichkeit“ und ihrer modalen Ausdrucksweisen im Russischen ist in ihrem praktischen Teil eine Einzelfall- und Langzeitstudie, die eine Ergänzung zu den bisher veröffentlichten, durchgehend eher experimentell und statistisch orientierten Forschungsarbeiten darstellen soll.rnÜber dreieinhalb Jahre hinweg wurde kontinuierlich Sprachmaterial eines Kindes sowie einiger ungefährer Altersgenossen und Spielkameraden aufgezeichnet, geordnet und ausgewertet. Zu Beginn des Untersuchungszeitraums war die Hauptprobandin dreieinhalb Jahre alt, zum Schluß sieben Jahre. Dieses Verfahren wurde bisher für das Russische noch nicht angewandt und wird im theoretischen Teil sorgfältig begründet.rnDas Sammeln für die Fragestellung relevanten sprachlichen Materials erfordert naturgemäß einen hohen Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand, liefert dafür aber Daten, die eine Beeinflussung durch einen vorgegebenen Versuchsaufbau ausschließen, der natürlichen, spontanen Kommunikation entspringende Äußerungen festhalten und es ermöglichen, unprovozierte Interaktion, situationsbedingte Einflüsse, das Diskursverhalten der Probanden und ähnliche, individuelle Faktoren bei der Interpretation des Sprachmaterials in angemessener Weise zu berücksichtigen.rnUm die Fülle modaler Ausdrucksweisen sinnvoll zu strukturieren, konzentriert sich die Analyse auf die kindliche Verwendung von Modalverben und Prädikative als zentrale Mittel innerhalb des „Möglichkeitsfeldes“ und richtet den Fokus dabei auf das Verb moč’. Aus diesem Grunde wurde das theoretische Fundament, das der Arbeit zugrunde liegt, zu einem nicht geringen Teil aus dem Ansatz I.V. Šatunovskijs entwickelt, der die differenzierteste Analyse der zahlreichen Bedeutungsschattierungen des Verbs moč’ vorgelegt hat. Für besonders bedeutungsvoll für die vorliegende Arbeit erweist sich die Unterscheidung von kontrollierbarer und unkontrollierbarer Möglichkeit.rnIm Rahmen der Untersuchung ließen sich die grundlegenden Entwicklungstendenzen verfolgen. Dabei wurde nicht nur versucht nachzuvollziehen, in welcher Weise sich bei einem Kind das Fundament des Sprachgebrauchs in Gestalt eines allgemeinen „Zitatenschatzes“ formiert, sondern es gelang mitunter sogar, erste Fälle der Verwendung des einen oder anderen kommunikativen Fragments mit der Bedeutung von „Möglichkeit“ / „Unmöglichkeit“ oder erste Fälle der Konfrontation des Kindes mit einer neuen Situation, die eine solche Bedeutung verlangte, und sein Sprachverhalten in diesem Moment zu fixieren.