884 resultados para Chomsky, Noam, 1928-
A trajetória da professora Maria Therezinha Machado protagoniza a história da Educação Especial no sistema educacional da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo tem o objetivo de contribuir, por meio de narrativas e memórias desta biografia, para análise e reflexão sobre as preocupações com a formação, a docência e a Educação Especial. O recorte temporal escolhido tem como marco inicial a criação da Seção de Educação Especial da Secretaria de Educação e Cultura do estado da Guanabara em 1961 e se estende até 1983. A coleção de entrevistas autobiográficas de antigas professoras que participaram da implantação da educação especial no antigo estado da Guanabara foram as fontes privilegiadas para construção dos dados. O estudo das memórias como perspectiva que legitima as vozes que contam de si e de outros favoreceu a compreensão do período, permitindo problematizar aspectos naturalizados dessa história escolar. Foi necessário o diálogo com autores que discutem a representação da educação especial na história política e social e com aqueles que teorizam sobre docência e formação. Algumas publicações de Therezinha Machado foram incorporadas ao estudo pelo aspecto formativo que apresentam. Esse trabalho, portanto, representa a tentativa de buscar, na história desta professora, a história de muitos. Dessa forma, busca compreender a educação especial da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e as marcas que são reveladas na constituição do presente e no que é possível intuir para o futuro. O trabalho pretende trazer subsídios para as reflexões sobre os rumos da Educação Especial nesta cidade
A figura do índio, na Literatura Brasileira, durante anos foi marcada pelos relatos sob a perspectiva de não índios. As vozes dos povos indígenas foram silenciadas, ocultadas pelo discurso dominante, que disseminava ideias com base em seu ponto de vista, muitas vezes marcado pelo teor de superioridade diante desses povos. Principalmente presentes nos textos de viajantes e missionários da época da colonização, os reflexos dessa atitude ainda são marcantes nos dias atuais: preconceitos e ideias equivocadas sobre a cultura ameríndia. Tempos depois, passa-se do índio bárbaro e selvagem ao índio idealizado das obras românticas, mantendo o discurso parcial pautado na visão do outro. Em 1928, através da proposta antropofágica de Oswald de Andrade, inicia-se um novo período diante dessa realidade, muito embora ainda seja uma visão desenvolvida a partir do homem branco. Oswald contribuiu para trazer à tona a figura do índio sem a idealização romântica e com base na valorização dos nativos e de sua cultura. O modernista, com sua bandeira da assimilação crítica de conteúdos, propunha um resgate do primitivo como forma de integrar essa realidade aos novos tempos da industrialização, além de objetivar a ruptura com modelos pré-estabelecidos e eliminação do vetor dominante-dominado. Nos últimos anos, por outro lado, tem crescido o número de obras no âmbito artístico produzidas pelos próprios indígenas, trazendo as vozes que, na verdade, sempre existiram. Nesse contexto, encontra-se a obra de Eliane Potiguara. A mulher e indígena, voz marcante do livro Metade cara, metade máscara (2004), apresenta ao leitor o viver entre dois mundos, o adaptar-se ao universo contemporâneo sem perder as suas raízes e a sabedoria ancestral. Assim como Oswald, Potiguara resgata o primitivo, através do discurso construído a partir da mulher-terra, e assimila recursos do universo do não índio para gritar suas dores e sua esperança, o que possibilita um diálogo com a proposta da Antropofagia oswaldiana. Pretende-se, a partir da ideia desenvolvida por Benedito Nunes (2011) acerca do caráter diagnóstico, terapêutico e metafórico da Antropofagia, estabelecer relações entre os pensamentos de Oswald de Andrade e Eliane Potiguara por meio da arte literária, refletindo sobre a ruptura com padrões pré-estabelecidos através de novas perspectivas, a exemplo da literatura indígena
The California Department of Fish and Game data base of California commercial fish landings for the period 1928 to 1985 has been assembled in computer accessible form at the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group in Monterey, California. Time series for fishes whose landings are known to vary during periods of ocean warming were compared to time series of sea surface temperature. Expected patterns of variation were confirmed in the seasonal cycle, but were less clear on the interannual scale. When interannual variation was considered, the most serious hindrance to interpretation of the landings series appeared to be the continued reduction of the fish stocks due to commercial exploitation; other factors are discussed. Landings data contain information potentially useful in climatological studies, but problems should be anticipated in their use.
Sri Lanka's interest in trawler fishing dates back to 1902 when a Colombo merchant attempted to operate a trawler off Sri Lanka's waters. The next attempt was made in 1907. These attempts did not proceed any further. Between 1920 and 1923 a very comprehensive survey of the littoral waters around the island was carried out. One of the principal aims of the survey was to investigate the possibility of trawler fishing in the seas around. Malpas (1926) and Pearson and Malpas (1926) reporting the results of the survey indicated that the Wadge and Pedro banks were the only areas available for commercial trawler operations and indicated that the fish resources in the two banks could be profitably exploited. Commercial exploitation of the Wadge bank commenced in 1928 and a fishery is now firmly established in the bank. The Marine Biologist and the Director of fisheries in their administration reports and Sivalingam and Medcof (1957) and the author (1965) have reported on the progress of the Wadge bank fishery. Some of the trends indicated by an analysis of the records of the commercial trawling operations are further discussed in this paper.
High quality large grain high Tc superconducting ceramics offer enormous potential as 'permanent' magnets and in magnetic screening applications at 77K. This requires sample dimensions -cm with uniform high critical current densities of the order 105 A/cm2 in applied magnetic fields of IT. We report a study of the magnetic characterisation of a typical large YBa2Cu3O7-δ grain, prepared by seeded peritectic solidification, and correlate the magnetically determined critical current density, Jc, with microstuctural features from different regions of the bulk sample. From this data we extract the temperature, field and positional dependence of the critical current density of the samples and the irreversibility line. We find that whilst the bulk sample exhibits a good Jc of order 104 A/cm2 (77K, 1T), the local Jc is strongly correlated with the sample microstructure towards the edge of the sample and more severely at the centre of the sample by the presence of SmBa2Cu3O7-δ seed crystal. © 1997 IEEE.
The object of this series of papers has been given in Part 1 (see Additional informations for details) which deals with the first known commercial fishery on the Wadge Bank from 1928 to 1935. There is no recorded trawling on the Bank between 1936 and 1944. This paper deals with the changes in the total catch (i.e. all species combined) per hour of trawling in relation to the changes in fishing intensity from 1945, when the present trawling activities started, to 1960. The effect of trawling on individual categories or varieties will be presented later.
Evolution of fisheries research and FIRRI The earliest approach to fisheries research in Uganda dates from the first fisheries survey of Lake Victoria by Michael Graham between 1927 and 1928 (Graham, 1929). Based on references to the rich fisheries that were reported to Graham, it appears that during the 18th Century, catch per net per night averaged 300 tilapia, a revelation that led Graham to conclude that Lake Victoria is a tilapia lake. The "tilapia" later came to be known as Tilapia esculenta and T variabilis (Oreochromis esculentus and O. variabilis) respectively.
The first fishery survey of Lake Victoria was conducted between 1927 and 1928 (Graham 1929). Atthat time, the lake had a diverse fish fauna and the fishery was dominated by two endemic tilapiine cichlids; Oreochromis esculentus (Graham 1929) and O. variabilis (Boulenger 1906). There were a number of other species such as Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel 1851, Bagrus docmac (Forsk.) 1775, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), Barbus species, mormyrids, Synodontis spp, Schilbe intermedius (Linn.) 1762 and Rastrineobola argentea Pellegrin, 1904 that were also abundant in the lake most of which made a significant contribution to the fishery (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929, 1932, Kudhongania & Cordone 1974). Haplochromine cichlids were represented by at least 300 species more than 99% of them endemic (Greenwood, 1974; Witte et al., 1992 a & b). The fishery of Lake Victoria was similar to that of lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo (Worthington 1929; Trewavas 1933; Greenwood 1965, 1966; Beadle 1962, 1981). There were also important fisheries on the inflowing rivers of Lake Victoria, the most important of which were Labeo victorianus and Barbus altianalis (Cadwallader 1965). The small sized species notably Rastrineobola argentea and haplochromines cichlids were not originally commercially exploited.
The present paper gives a full description of the organization of Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, a not well known member of the Rhodophyllidaceae as well as gives for the first time description of the male and tetrasporic plants. Detailed organization of the carpogonial branches, spermatia and tetraspores is also presented. Nineteen figures illustrate the text (material collected at Deseado port, Santa Cruz prov., Argentina). The following text is the content of the discussion. From the description it is possible to confirm the position of Acanthococcus in the Rhodophyllidaceac as was done by Kylin (Kylin 1960, p. 290 et seg.). It has many similarities in the development of the carpogenic branches and in the formation of spermatia as well in the production of the zonately divided tetrasporangia with the genera of the family whose reproduction is known; Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters and Rhodopyllis bifada (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylin 1923); Calliblepharis jubata (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylín 1928) and Craspedocarpus erosus (Hook. et Harvey) Sehmitz (Kylin 1932). Apparently the distinguishing feature of Acanthococcus is the structure of the vegetative frond, with the abundant development of rhizoidal filaments in the medula, besides the characteristic appendages of the cystocarps. Harvey's figure (Harvey 1847, P. 181, Fig. 3) of the tranverse section of the plant shows the central portion composed of a dense small-celled medula limited by a region of large cells which is externally covered by a small-celled cortex. As we have seen the small-celled filaments are not restricted to the central portion, but extend into the large-celled portion and can reach the cortex. On the other hand, the eros section of Acanthococcus depicted by Kützing (Kützing 1867, T. 93, Fig. h, under Callophyllis antartica), apparently belongs to another plant, so different in the structure when one compares his figure with Harvey's and the ones in this paper. RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL Este trabajo presenta una completa descripción de la organización de Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, un miembro poco conocido de las Rodofilidáceas, así como presenta por primera vez descripciones de las plantas masculinas y de las tetraspóricas. También por primera vez es presentada la organización detallada de las ramas carpogoniales, de los espermecios y de las trásporas. Diecinueve figuras completan el texto (material coleccionado en Puerto Deseado, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina).
Synthesised acoustic guitar sounds based on a detailed physical model are used to provide input for psychoacoustical testing. Thresholds of perception are found for changes in the main parameters of the model. Using a three-alternative forced-choice procedure, just-noticeable differences are presented for changes in frequency and damping of the modes of the guitar body, and also for changes in the tension, bending stiffness and damping parameters of the strings. These are compared with measured data on the range of variation of these parameters in a selection of guitars. © S. Hirzel Verlag © EAA.