952 resultados para Cats.
Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in 510 free-range (FR) chickens (380 from 33 small farms, and 130 from a slaughter house for FR chickens) from Espirito Santo state, southeastern Brazil, was investigated. Antibodies to T. gondii were sought using commercial indirect haemagglutination (IHAT, Imuno-HAI Toxo (R), Wama Diagnostica, Sao Paulo, Brazil, cut-off 1:16) and the modified agglutination test (MAT, cut-off 1:25) tests. Attempts were made to isolate viable T. gondii from seropositive chickens by bioassay in mice. Pooled samples of brain, heart and quadriceps muscle of one thigh (total 40 g) from 64 chickens with IHAT titers of >= 1:16 were minced, digested in pepsin and bioassayed in mice. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 40.4% (206/510) FR chickens by IHAT (titer >= 1:16) and 38.8% (198/510) by MAT (titer >= 1:25); concordance between IHAT and MAT was 81.6% (kappa index = 0.614). Viable T. gondii was isolated (designated TgCkBr234-281) from 48 of 64(75%) seropositive (IHAT titers >= 1:32) FR chickens. Most isolates of T. gondii were virulent for mice; 100% of mice inoculated with 44 of 48 isolates died of toxoplasmosis within 30 days post inoculation (p.i). An epidemiological investigation revealed that people living in rural areas have little knowledge about the parasite and about the risk of acquiring it from raw meat. Results indicated that the locally available IHAT was useful for screening of chicken sera for T. gondii antibodies. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This epidemiological study was conducted using antigenic and genetic characterisation of rabies virus isolates obtained from different animal species in the southeast of Brazil from 1993 to 2007. An alteration in the epidemiological profile was observed. One hundred two samples were tested using a panel of eight monoclonal antibodies, and 94 were genetically characterised by sequencing the nucleoprotein gene. From 1993 to 1997, antigenic variant 2 (AgV-2), related to a rabies virus maintained in dog populations, was responsible for rabies cases in dogs, cats, cattle and horses. Antigenic variant 3 (AgV-3), associated with Desmodus rotundus, was detected in a few cattle samples from rural areas. From 1998 to 2007, rabies virus was detected in bats and urban pets, and four distinct variants were identified. A nucleotide similarity analysis resulted in two primary groups comprising the dog and bat antigenic variants and showing the distinct endemic cycles maintained in the different animal species in this region.
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects humans and other warm-blooded animals; it uses feral and domestic cats as the definitive hosts. Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite of animals whose life cycle is very similar to T. gondii but uses canids as definitive hosts. Small rodents play an important role in the life cycle of T. gondii, and a few findings indicated that they may be natural intermediate hosts for N. caninum. The present study was aimed at identifying infections by T. gondii and N. caninum in urban rodents. Infections by T. gondii were quantified using isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice; molecular methods were also used for both parasites. Overall, 217 rodents were captured. Brain and heart tissues of all rodents were bioassayed in mice for the detection of T. gondii infection. Brain and heart tissues of 121 rodents had the DNA extracted for molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay from a single rodent. From the 121 rodents tested for the presence of T. gondii DNA, 2 animals were positive. In contrast, DNA of N. caninum was not detected in any of the samples. In conclusion, the surveys of N. caninum and T. gondii infection in Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, and Mus musculus captured in urban areas of Sao Paulo reveal a striking low frequency of occurrence of these infections.
Salivary gland function is regulated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Previously we showed that the basal sympathetic outflow to the salivary glands (SNA(SG)) was higher in hypertensive compared to normotensive rats and that diabetes reduced SNA(SG) discharge at both strains. In the present study we sought to investigate how SNA(SG) might be modulated by acute changes in the arterial pressure and whether baroreceptors play a functional role upon this modulation. To this end, we measured blood pressure and SNA(SG) discharge in Wistar-Kyoto rats (WRY-intact) and in WRY submitted to sinoaortic denervation (WRY-SAD). We made the following three major observations: (i) in WRY-intact rats, baroreceptor loading in response to intravenous infusion of the phenylephrine evoked an increase in SNA(SG) spike frequency (81%, p<0.01) accompanying the increase mean arterial pressure ((sic)MAP: +77 +/- 14 mmHg); (ii) baroreceptor unloading with sodium nitroprusside infusion elicited a decrease in SNA(SG) spike frequency (17%, p<0.01) in parallel with the fall in arterial blood pressure ((sic)MAP: 30 3 mmHg) in WRY-intact rats; iii) in the WRY-SAD rats, phenylephrine-evoked rises in the arterial pressure ((sic)MAP: +56 +/- 6 mmHg) failed to produce significant changes in the SNA(SG) spike frequency. Taken together, these data show that SNA(SG) increases in parallel with pharmacological-induced pressor response in a baroreceptor dependent way in anaesthetised rats. Considering the key role of SNA(SG) in salivary secretion, this mechanism, which differs from the classic cardiac baroreflex feedback loop, strongly suggests that baroreceptor signalling plays a decisive role in the regulation of salivary gland function. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi à monitoração dos parâmetros laboratoriais como hemograma, enzimas hepáticas alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), glicemia e proteinograma sérico, e avaliar o efeito da idade em gatos sem raça definida durante a fase neonatal. Vinte gatos machos e fêmeas foram utilizados a partir do terceiro dia de vida até o 38º dia de idade. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente e as análises laboratoriais (hemograma, enzimas hepáticas, glicemia e proteinograma sérico) realizadas no 3º, 10º, 17º, 24º, 31º e 38º dia de idade. Os resultados exibiram efeito significativo da idade sobre a contagem total de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos. Nenhum efeito foi observado em células como linfócitos, monócitos ou na concentração sérica de glicose. A análise das modificações ocorridas nos parâmetros laboratoriais durante a fase neonatal reflete o desenvolvimento fisiológico do filhote e contribui para o conhecimento do processo adaptativo em gatos neonatos durante o primeiro mês de vida, sendo útil para a avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças neonatais.
O timo é um órgão linfático primário que desenvolve sua atividade em organismos jovens. Apesar de sua função ser responsável por mecanismos fundamentais na aquisição das defesas e conseqüentes respostas orgânicas, ela ainda não está totalmente esclarecida, nem tampouco as bases morfológicas que respondem por tais funções, como o processo de desenvolvimento e involução do órgão. Objetivou-se analisar e caracterizar os aspectos morfológicos do timo, tais como seu tamanho e volume, e aspectos histológicos do timo em gatos, correlacionando o sexo e o desenvolvimento etário. Doze timos provenientes de fetos de gatos domésticos (Felis domesticus) sem raça definida (SRD), machos e fêmeas, separados em três grupos etários. O timo apresentou-se com uma coloração rosa-pálida e com duas porções, a torácica e a cervical, sendo que cada uma delas possuía um lobo direito e um lobo esquerdo em sua maioria. A porção torácica localizava-se em região de mediastino cranial, entre os pulmões e à base do coração. E a porção cervical estendia-se além das costelas em sentido cranial, estando localizada ventralmente à traqueia. A estrutura celular do timo demonstrou-se organizada com a presença de agregados concêntricos, os chamados corpúsculos tímicos, formados por células epiteliais, sustentada por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo de onde partiam septos que ao penetrar no órgão dividia-o em lóbulos. Ocorreram variações significativas quanto à lobação e as dimensões do timo entre indivíduos da mesma faixa etária, e entre sexos diferentes. Os valores relativos ao comprimento, espessura e largura, de maneira geral, apresentaram aumento, em conformidade ao desenvolvimento dos animais, mas com diferenças entre os sexos.
Although human toxocariasis ranks among the most common zoonotic infections worldwide, it remains relatively unknown to the public. The causal agents are the nematode parasites Toxocara canis and T. cati, whose definitive hosts are dogs and cats, respectively. When embryonated eggs are accidentally ingested by humans, larvae hatch in the small intestine, penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate, via the bloodstream, to the liver, lungs, muscles, eye and central nervous system. Although most human infections are asymptomatic, two well-defined clinical syndromes are classically recognised: visceral larva migrans (a systemic disease caused by larval migration through major organs) and ocular larva migrans (a disease limited to the eyes and optic nerves). Two less-severe syndromes have recently been described, one mainly in children (covert toxocariasis) and the other mainly in adults (common toxocariasis). Here, the current laboratory diagnosis, epidemiology and main clinical features of both the systemic and ocular forms of human toxocariasis are reviewed. New developments in serological diagnosis are described, the available seroprevalence data are analysed, and the results of relevant clinical studies that have been published over the last decade are explored, to provide an updated overview of this neglected but highly prevalent human infection.
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in an adult healthy population. Methods: The study was performed by interviewing 253 blood donors, from 19 to 65 years of age, in a hematological centre in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, southeast Brazil. A survey was applied to blood donors in order to evaluate the possible factors associated to the presence of antibodies, including individual (gender and age), socioeconomic (scholarship, familial income and sanitary facilities) and habit information (contact with soil, geophagy, onycophagy and intake of raw/undercooked meat) as well as the presence of dogs or cats in the household. ELISA test was run for detection of the anti-Toxocara spp. IgG antibodies. Bivariate analysis followed by logistic regression was performed to evaluate the potential risk factors associated to seropositivity. Results: The overall prevalence observed in this study was 8.7% (22/253). Contact with soil was the unique risk factor associated with the presence of antibodies (P=0.0178 ; OR=3.52; 95% CI=1.244-9.995) Conclusions. The results of this study reinforce the necessity in promoting preventive public health measures, even for healthy adult individual, particularly those related to the deworming of pets to avoid the soil contamination, and hygiene education of the population.
Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profi le (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infi ltration and a regional lymph node were verifi ed. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal’s physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary. Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear defi nition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic infl ammations, abscesses and mammary gland adenofi bromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal infl uence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classifi ed in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy.
Rationale: The excessive intake of vitamin A in the form of vitamin concentrate, supplement or vitamin-rich liver can result in hypervitaminosis A in man and animals. Although osteopathologies resulting from chronic vitamin A intoxication in cats are well characterized, no information is available concerning feline hypervitaminosis A-induced liver disease. Clinical summary: We report the first case of hepatic stellate cell lipidosis and hepatic fibrosis in a domestic cat that had been fed a diet based on raw beef liver. Radiographic examination revealed exostoses and ankylosis between vertebrae C1 and T7, compatible with deforming cervical spondylosis. Necropsy showed a slightly enlarged and light yellow to bronze liver. Microscopic and ultrastructural analyses of liver tissues revealed diffuse and severe liver fibrosis associated with hepatic stellate cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. These cells showed immunopositive staining for α-smooth muscle actin and desmin markers. The necropsy findings of chronic liver disease coupled with osteopathology supported the diagnosis of hypervitaminosis A. Practical relevance: As in human hepatology, if there is dietary evidence to support increased intake of vitamin A, then hypervitaminosis A should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic liver disease in cats.
Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.
L’ampliamento dello spettro d’ospite è strettamente connesso al processo evolutivo a cui i virus sono assoggettati e rappresenta una notevole sfida alla loro capacità di adattarsi. L’attitudine a superare le barriere di specie è conseguente alla costante e relativamente rapida evoluzione che caratterizza i virus; allo stesso tempo, la forza selettiva esercitata dal nuovo ospite rappresenterà un ulteriore stimolo per le capacità adattative del virus. Ad oggi, i meccanismi genetici ed evolutivi responsabili del salto di specie virale, cioè la trasmissione di un virus da un ospite tradizionale ad uno precedentemente resistente all’infezione, sono parzialmente sconosciuti. Nel seguente lavoro verranno presentati gli studi effettuati sulle dinamiche evolutive caratterizzanti virus a RNA e a DNA in cui si sono osservate variazioni dello spettro d’ospite. Gli studi hanno riguardato i coronavirus, con particolare riferimento al ruolo svolto dai pipistrelli nell’evoluzione dei coronavirus SARS-correlati, e l’importanza del gatto nell’evoluzione dei parvovirus dei carnivori. Nella prima sezione saranno mostrate le correlazioni genetiche dei coronavirus identificati in Italia nei pipistrelli appartenenti alla specie Rhinolophus ferrumequinum con i ceppi europei e del resto del mondo, allo scopo di chiarire l’origine evolutiva dei coronavirus dei pipistrelli correlati al virus della SARS (Bat-SARS-like CoV) europei, gli eventi migratori che hanno caratterizzato la loro diffusione nel continente e le potenziali ripercussioni sulla salute pubblica. Nella seconda sezione saranno evidenziate le caratteristiche molecolari dei ceppi di parvovirus circolanti nella popolazione felina, valutandone la diversità di sequenza e la complessità genetica, allo scopo di ottenere importanti informazioni in merito all’evoluzione del virus e alle interazioni tra il parvovirus e l’ospite.
Disregolazioni dei recettori tirosinchinasici (RTK) sono di frequente riscontro nei tumori dell’uomo e in molti casi sono indicatori biologici che permettono di definire in maniera più accurata la prognosi dei pazienti. Possono rappresentare inoltre marker predittivi per la risposta a terapie antitumorali con farmaci a bersaglio molecolare. Numerosi inibitori tirosinchinasici (TKI) sono attualmente in corso di studio o già disponibili per l’utilizzo in oncologia umana, e molti di questi hanno dimostrato una significativa efficacia utilizzati singolarmente o in combinazione a terapie convenzionali. Studi recenti indicano che un quadro analogo di disregolazione dei recettori tirosinchinasici è presente anche nelle neoplasie dei piccoli animali, e ne suggeriscono in molti casi un’implicazione prognostica. Gli inibitori tirosinchinasi sono da poco entrati nell’arena dell’oncologia veterinaria, ma i primi risultati lasciano supporre che siano destinati ad essere integrati definitivamente nei protocolli terapeutici standard. La tesi consiste in una parte introduttiva in cui sono trattate le principali funzioni biologiche dei recettori tirosinchinasici, la loro struttura e il loro ruolo nell’oncogenesi e nella progressione tumorale in medicina umana e veterinaria. Si affrontano inoltre le principali metodiche di laboratorio per l’analisi molecolare in oncologia e i meccanismi d’azione dei farmaci inibitori tirosinchinasici, con un cenno ai prodotti maggiormente utilizzati e alle loro indicazioni. Segue la presentazione e la discussione dei risultati di quattro studi relativi alla valutazione delle disregolazioni del recettore tirosinchinasico Kit (espressione aberrante e mutazioni genomiche) nel mastocitoma cutaneo del gatto e del recettore del fattore di crescita epidermico (EGFR) nel carcinoma squamocellulare cutaneo del gatto e nei tumori polmonari primitivi del cane, con particolare attenzione al loro ruolo prognostico.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zum einen ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung validiert (Client Attachment to Therapist Scale, CATS; Mallinckrodt, Coble & Gantt, 1995), zum anderen werden Hypothesen zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, allgemeinem Bindungsstil, therapeutischer Beziehung (bzw. Therapiezufriedenheit), Patient-Therapeut-Bindung und Therapieerfolg bei Drogen-abhängigen in stationärer Postakutbehandlung überprüft. In die Instrumentenvalidierung (einwöchiger Retest) wurden 119 Patienten aus 2 Kliniken und 13 Experten einbezogen. Die Gütekriterien des Instrumentes fallen sehr zufriedenstellend aus. An der naturalistischen Therapieevaluationsstudie (Prä-, Prozess-, Post-Messung: T0, T1, T2) nahmen 365 Patienten und 27 Therapeuten aus 4 Kliniken teil. Insgesamt beendeten 44,1% der Patienten ihren stationären Aufenthalt planmäßig. Auf Patientenseite erweisen sich Alter und Hauptdiagnose, auf Therapeutenseite die praktizierte Therapierichtung als Therapieerfolgsprädiktoren. Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, allgemeiner Bindungsstil, Patient-Therapeut-Bindung und Therapiezufriedenheit eignen sich nicht zur Prognose des Therapieerfolgs. Die zu T0 stark unterdurchschnittlich ausgeprägte Selbstwirksamkeits-erwartung steigert sich über den Interventionszeitraum, wobei sich ein Moderatoreffekt der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung beobachten lässt. Es liegt eine hohe Prävalenz unsicherer allgemeiner Bindungsstile vor, welche sich über den Therapiezeitraum nicht verändern. Die patientenseitige Zufriedenheit mit der Therapie steigt von T1 zu T2 an. Die Interrater-Konkordanz (Patient/Therapeut) zur Einschätzung der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung erhöht sich leicht von T1 zu T2. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die Therapiezufriedenheit von Patienten und Therapeuten zu beiden Messzeitpunkten sehr unterschiedlich beurteilt. Die guten Testgütekriterien der CATS sprechen für eine Überlegenheit dieses Instrumentes gegenüber der Skala zur Erfassung der Therapiezufriedenheit. Deshalb sollte die Patient-Therapeut-Bindung anhand dieses Instrumentes in weiteren Forschungsarbeiten an anderen Patientenkollektiven untersucht werden, um generalisierbare Aussagen zur Validität treffen zu können.
Multidetector row computed tomography over the last decade is commonly used in veterinary medicine. This new technology has an increased spatial and temporal resolution, could evaluate wider scanning range in shorter scanning time, providing an advanced imaging modality. Computed tomography angiographic studies are commonly used in veterinary medicine in order to evaluate vascular structures of the abdomen and the thorax. Pulmonary pathology in feline patients is a very common condition and usually is further evaluating with computed tomography. Up to date few references of the normal computed tomographic aspects of the feline thorax are reported. In this study a computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) protocol is reported in normal cats and is compared with the up to date anatomical references. A CTPA protocol using a 64 MDCT in our study achieved high resolution images of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial lumen till the level of minor segmental branches. Feline pulmonary bronchial parenchyma demonstrates an architecture of mixed type with a monopedial model observed in the most anatomical parts and the dichotomic aspect is seen at the accessory lobe. The arterial and venous architecture is similar to the bronchial. Statistical analysis demonstrates the linear correlation of tracheal diameter to the felines weight. Vascular variations were noticed. The pulmonary venous system enters into the left atrium through three ostia (left cranial ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the cranial and caudal portion of the left cranial pulmonary vein; right ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right cranial and middle pulmonary vein; and the caudal ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right and left caudal pulmonary vein). In conclusion CTPA is applicable in feline patients and provides an excellent imaging of the pulmonary arterial, venous and bronchial system till the level of minor segmental branches.