870 resultados para CLASSROOM TEACHING
En aquest treball proposem crear materials didàctics per a l’alumnat de les aules de secundària que en molts casos és heterogeni i inclou estudiants que surten de l’aula d’acollida amb un coneixement del català informal i que tenen dificultats per a incorporar-se al ritme habitual de l’aula ordinària
En este estudio se apuesta por utilizar el material audiovisual en el aula de español como segunda lengua, ya que este material actúa como un sustituto de la realidad en la clase y conecta con el mundo conocido por el aprendiente
Research studies in chemical education pose a communication problem for chemists. Unlike the findings from other specializations in chemistry the findings in chemical education tend to be reported in education journals that are not readily accessible to most chemists or chemistry teachers. This lecture is an attempt to remedy this gap in communication. Research studies fall into three broad categories. (i) issues related to the content of chemistry itself, that is, What content to teach? And What meaning of each topic is to be conveyed? (ii) issues related to how chemical content is taught, such as, the role of lectures, practical work, particular pedagogies, etc. and (iii) issues related to its learning, that is, learning of concepts, conceptual change, motivation, etc. Findings in each of these categories of research over the last twenty years have drawn attention to opportunities for improving the quality of chemical education in each of the levels of formal education where chemistry is taught. Sometimes the research findings seem small since they, in fact, merely diagnose the actual problem in teaching and learning. At other times, the research findings are large because they provide a solution to these problems. What remains to be done is to disseminate the findings so that appropriate teaching occurs more widely, with its consequent gains in the quality of learning. Research findings, of these small and large types will be used to illustrate the potential of research to make the practice of chemical education more effective.
Tutkimukseni aiheena on tarkastella datanomiopiskelijoita sosiaalisen median käyttäjinä. Sosiaalisen median käyttö opetuksessa on nykypäivänä jo aika yleistä. Erilaisia sosiaalisen median keinoja käytetään jo kaikilla oppiasteilla. Opettajan on tärkeää tuntea eri palvelujen tarkoitukset ja soveltuvuus opetustilanteeseen. Työn tarkoitus on tutkia sosiaalisen median palveluja kuudesta eri näkökulmasta, jotka tukevat opetusta ja oppimista. Näitä ovat verkostoitumispalvelut, virtuaalimaailmat, sisällöllinen kirjoittaminen, verkko-oppimisympäristöt, videoverkkopalvelut ja verkkoviestintäpalvelut. Työssä tutkitaan Lappeenrannan Palvelualojen koulun datanomiopiskelijoiden sosiaalisen median palvelujen käyttämistä sekä kysytään käyttöaktiivisuutta ja mielipidettä palvelujen käyttämiseen opetuksessa. Tutkimustulokset antavat kuvan siitä, minkälaisia sosiaalisen median palveluja opiskelijat käyttävät. Tutkimus osoittaa, että datanomiopiskelijat käyttävät sosiaalisen median palveluja ahkerasti, erityisesti wikiä, blogia ja pikaviestimiä sekä Moodle-oppimisympäristöä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan kehittää opetuksen laatua ja opetusmenetelmiä sosiaalisen median opetuskäyttöä tukevaksi. Opettajan rooli muuttuu sosiaalisen median palvelujen käytön myötä yhä enemmän ohjaavaksi ja tasa-arvoiseksi opiskelijoiden kanssa. Opetus muuttuu yhteisöllisemmäksi ja verkostoituneemmaksi. Opettajan ja opiskelijoiden vuorovaikutustaitojen merkitys korostuu. Myös tulevaisuuden haasteet ja ennen kaikkea mahdollisuudet nousevat esiin. Opetuksen suunnittelussa on hyvä pystyä huomioimaan uudet mahdollisuudet ja käyttää niitä kattavasti.
The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop
This study investigates the transformation of practical teaching in a Catalan school, connected to the design, implementation and development of project-based learning, and focusing on dialogic learning to investigate its limits and possibilities. Qualitative and design-based research (DBR) methods are applied. These methods are based on empirical educational research with the theory-driven of learning environments. DBR is proposed and applied using practical guidance for the teachers of the school. It can be associated with the current proposals for Embedding Social Sciences and Humanities in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. This position statement defends the social sciences and the humanities as the most fundamental and important ideas to face all societal challenges. The results of this study show that before the training process, teachers apply dialogic learning in specific moments (for example, when they speak about the weekend); however, during the process and after the process, they work systematically with dialogic learning through the PEPT: they start and finish every activity with a individual and group reflection about their own processes, favouring motivation, reasoning and the implication of all the participants. These results prove that progressive transformations of teaching practice benefit cooperative work in class
El auténtico protagonismo de los centros educativostiene que dirigirse a ayudar a pensar a sus alumnos y aenseñarlos a aprender, es decir, el docente tiene queenseñar estrategias de aprendizaje y debe promover elesfuerzo del estudiante para facilitar la construcción deesquemas y el aprendizaje permanente.El profesor debe utilizar cualquier situación deaprendizaje para enseñar dichas estrategias deaprendizaje, incluso en las situaciones de evaluación;por lo tanto, en este trabajo se sugiere que en lasevaluaciones de los alumnos y alumnas se tenga encuenta la metacognición como factor fundamental en elaprendizaje y la enseñanza
This study was realized with high school Chemistry teachers from the region of and around Florianópolis (SC). It examines the pedagogical implications of these teachers' views on environmental issues, and discusses the possibilities and difficulties of bringing these issues into the Chemistry classroom. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed using Textual Discourse Analysis principles. The dominance of content-based teaching and traditional pedagogical approaches appears to hinder curricular changes. Most subjects pay little heed to environmental issues and their relation to Chemistry, and endorse a view of science as neutral, and the environment as anthropocentric - views far from Green Chemistry principles.
En termes generals, es pot definir l’Eficiència Energètica com la reducció del consum d’energia mantenint els mateixos serveis energètics, sense disminuir el nostre confort i qualitat de vida, protegint el medi ambient, assegurant el proveïment i fomentant un comportament Sostenible al seu ús. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball, és reduir el consum d’energia i terme de potència contractat a la Universitat de Vic, aplicant un programa d’estalvi amb mesures correctores en el funcionament de les seves instal·lacions o espais. Per tal de poder arribar a aquest objectiu marcat, prèviament s’ha realitzat un estudi acurat, obtenint tota la informació necessària per poder aplicar les mesures correctores a la bossa més important de consum. Un cop trobada, dur a terme l’estudi de la viabilitat de la inversió de les mesures correctores més eficients, optimitzant els recursos destinats. L’espai on s’ha dut a terme l’estudi, ha estat a l’edifici F del Campus Miramarges, seguint les indicacions d’Arnau Bardolet (Cap de Manteniment de la UVIC). Aquest edifici consta d’un entresol, baixos i quatre plantes. L’equip de mesura que s’ha fet servir per realitzar l’estudi, és de la marca Circutor sèrie AR5-L, aquests equips són programables que mesuren, calculen i emmagatzemen en memòria els principals paràmetres elèctrics en xarxes trifàsiques. Els projectes futurs complementaris que es podrien realitzar a part d’aquest són: instal·lar sensors, instal·lar mòduls convertidors TCP/IP, aprofitar la xarxa intranet i crear un escada amb un sinòptic de control i gestió des d’un punt de treball. Aquest aplicatiu permet visualitzar en una pantalla d’un PC tots els estats dels elements controlats mitjançant un sinòptic (encendre/parar manualment l’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, estat d’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, consums instantanis/acumulats energètics, estat dels passadissos entre altres) i explotar les dades recollides a la base de dades. Cada espai tindria la seva lògica de funcionament automàtic específic. Entre les conclusions més rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball s’observa: · Que és pot reduir la potència contractada a la factura a l’estar per sota de la realment consumida. · Que no hi ha penalitzacions a la factura per consum de reactiva, ja que el compensador funciona correctament. · Que es pot reduir l’horari de l’inici del consum d’energia, ja que no correspon a l’activitat docent. · Els valors de la tensió i freqüència estan dintre de la normalitat. · Els harmònics estan al llindar màxim. Analitzant aquestes conclusions, voldria destacar les mesures correctores més importants que es poden dur a terme: canvi tecnològic a LED, temporitzar automàticament l’encesa i apagada dels fluorescents i equips informàtics de les aules “seguint calendari docent”, instal·lar sensors de moviment amb detecció lumínica als passadissos. Totes les conclusions extretes d’aquest treball, es poden aplicar a tots els edificis de la facultat, prèviament realitzant l’estudi individual de cadascuna, seguint els mateixos criteris per tal d’optimitzar la inversió.
The literature presents a new understanding of the teaching practice and the supervised internship.Mutual interaction between them is expected one providing subsidies to the other.The present article shows the conceptions prevailing at the São Paulo state universities regarding these activities.Students,when interviewed, report difficulties in dealing with classroom situations. It is possible to observe that chemists wish to prepare new chemists deviating from the objectives of a Chemistry course leading to teaching credentials .
Los riesgos naturales son abordados por distintas asignaturas de ciencias naturalesa lo largo de la ESO y el bachillerato. Su tratamiento en el aula es una evidencia del interés y el carácter aplicado de muchos aspectos de las ciencias de la tierra. Para facilitar su enfoque didáctico se proponen algunas actividades prácticas
En este estudio se evalúa la adecuación de un protocolo para la enseñanza delconcepto de poliedro regular, destinado a alumnos de 14 y 15 años. Este protocolo se ha diseñado desde una perspectiva sociocultural y su evaluación se basa en la aplicación de los criterios deidoneidad didáctica que ofrece el enfoque ontosemiótico. La idoneidad se estudia con la revisión de sus diferentes dimensiones: matemática, cognitiva, interaccional, mediacional, emocional y ecológica. El análisis ha permitido detectar algunos factores que favorecen la validez del protocolo y la adecuación para su empleo en el aula, como el tipo de discurso, el uso de material manipulable o el trabajo cooperativo
The aim of this study is to analyze the transformation of Primary School teachers’ conceptions about mathematical problem solving. We performed a study with 18 teachers from three public schools: in each class (from 1º to 6º) there were two interventions, and we were interviewed teachers before and after them. The results have show identified changes in: 1) teacher’s expectations about students’ abilities; classroom management; perception of diversity; mathematical strategies used by students; communication in the classroom; causes of the problems encountered; and relevance process of problem solving in mathematics teaching. The transformation of teachers’ conceptions is due to the following factors: a) awareness of the practice; b) systematic reflection; c) the contrast between different ways to work solving problems in math class
In recent decades, European educational systems are facing many challenges related to the treatment of cultural and linguistic diversity. The need to address this diversity requires new approaches to education; this in turn requires changes in the way we prepare teachers for the new reality they face in their classrooms. In this article we highlight some of the major problems that initial teacher training has to address in order to enable teachers to deal effectively, respectfully, and fairly with students whose linguistic and cultural background is different from their own. We also present several models for teacher education from Europe and North America based on clearly identified teacher competences for linguistic and cultural diversity