999 resultados para Círculos de Controle de Qualidade (CCQs)
A iodação do sal de mesa é considerada o caminho mais eficiente para controlar os Distúrbios por Deficiência de Iodo. Em países tropicais, o elemento pode ser adicionado na forma de KIO3. Para garantir que os níveis ideais do ânion estejam disponíveis ao consumidor, o controle de qualidade do sal consiste numa estratégia fundamental. Sistemas em fluxo com multicomutação representam uma alternativa versátil para o desenvolvimento de procedimentos simples, rápidos e limpos, minimizando o consumo de reagentes e a geração de resíduos. Nesse contexto, um procedimento analítico utilizando sistema com multicomutação e detecção espectrofotométrica foi desenvolvido para a determinação de iodato em sal de mesa. A reação empregada foi baseada na formação de um composto roxo (540 nm) entre iodato (IO3-) e p-aminofenol (PAP) em meio ácido. O tempo de residência da zona de amostra no percurso analítico foi explorado a fim de favorecer a reação lenta e a frequência de amostragem para a melhoria do desempenho analítico. Foram selecionados 2 pulsos para inserção de amostra, 3 pulsos para reagente (PAP 0,25% (m/v) em HCl 0,025 mol L-1), 7 ciclos de amostragem, 200 pulsos de carregador (água), bolha de ar de 1 s (40 µL), reator de 70 cm (3 mm d.i.) e parada de fluxo de 480 s. Resposta linear foi observada entre 2,28x10-5 e 3,65x10-4 mol L-1, descrita pela equação A = 0,2443 + 2030 C, r = 0,997. Limite de detecção (99,7% de confiança), coeficiente de variação (n = 20) e frequência de amostragem foram estimados em 8,2x10-6 mol L-1, 0,42% e 70 determinações por hora, respectivamente. Houve consumo de 1,05 mg de PAP e geração de 0,70 mL de resíduos por determinação. As principais espécies concomitantes presentes na amostra não interferiram na determinação de iodato em concentrações até 8 vezes maiores que as usualmente encontradas. Estudos de adição e recuperação de iodato foram realizados pelo procedimento proposto, obtendo porcentagens de recuperação entre 88 e 104%. O procedimento analítico desenvolvido apresenta sensibilidade adequada para a determinação de iodato em amostra de sal de mesa e elevada frequência de amostragem quando comparado com procedimentos descritos na literatura
Uma grande diversidade de macrofibras poliméricas para reforço de concreto se encontram disponibilizadas hoje em dia. Por natureza estas fibras apresentam grande diversidade de características e propriedades. Estas variações afetam sua atuação como reforço no concreto. No entanto, não há normas brasileiras sobre o assunto e as metodologias de caracterização de normas estrangeiras apresentam divergências. Algumas normas definem que a caracterização do comportamento mecânico deva ser feita nos fios originais e outras que se devam utilizar métodos definidos para caracterização de materiais metálicos. A norma EN14889-2:2006 apresenta maior abrangência, mas deixa dúvidas quanto à adequação dos critérios de caracterização geométrica das fibras e não define um método de ensaio específico para sua caracterização mecânica. Assim, há a necessidade de estabelecimento de uma metodologia que permita a realização de um programa de controle de qualidade da fibra nas condições de emprego. Esta metodologia também proporcionaria uma forma de caracterização do material para estudos experimentais, o que permitiria maior fundamentação científica desses trabalhos que, frequentemente, fundamentam-se apenas em dados dos fabricantes. Assim, foi desenvolvido um estudo experimental focando a caracterização de duas macrofibras poliméricas disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Focou-se o estudo na determinação dos parâmetros geométricos e na caracterização mecânica através da determinação da resistência à tração e avaliação do módulo de elasticidade. Na caracterização geométrica foi adotada como referência a norma europeia EN14889-2:2006. As medições do comprimento se efetuaram por dois métodos: o método do paquímetro e o método de análise de imagens digitais, empregando um software para processamento das imagens. Para a medição do diâmetro, além das metodologias mencionadas, foi usado o método da densidade. Conclui-se que o método do paquímetro, com o cuidado de esticar previamente as macrofibras, e o método das imagens digitais podem ser igualmente utilizados para medir o comprimento. Já parar determinar o diâmetro, recomenda-se o método da densidade. Quanto à caracterização mecânica, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia própria a partir de informações obtidas de outros ensaios. Assim, efetuaram-se ensaios de tração direta nas macrofibras coladas em molduras de tecido têxtil. Complementarmente, foi avaliado também o efeito do contato abrasivo das macrofibras com os agregados durante a mistura em betoneira no comportamento mecânico do material. Também se avaliou o efeito do método de determinação da área da seção transversal nos resultados medidos no ensaio de tração da fibra. Conclui-se que o método proposto para o ensaio de tração direta da fibra é viável, especialmente para a determinação da resistência à tração. O valor do módulo de elasticidade, por sua vez, acaba sendo subestimado. A determinação da área da seção da fibra através do método da densidade forneceu também os melhores resultados. Além disso, comprovou-se que o atrito das fibras com o agregado durante a mistura compromete o comportamento mecânico, reduzindo tanto a resistência quanto o módulo de elasticidade. Assim, pode-se afirmar que a metodologia proposta para o controle geométrico e mecânico das macrofibras poliméricas é adequada para a caracterização do material.
Neste projeto foi desenvolvido um método computacional para verificação da melhor combinação tela intensificadora - filme para exames mamográficos através do estudo de suas características sensitométricas. O software, desenvolvido em ambiente Delphi para windows, apresenta na tela do microcomputador a imagem a ser obtida para cada tipo de combinação tela intensificadora - filme, utilizando imagens de \"Phantoms\" e de mamas reais. Em razão da ampla quantidade de fatores que influenciam a imagem mamográfica final, tais como magnificação, característica dos filmes e telas intensificadoras e condições da processadora, o método proposto pode proporcionar uma ampla avaliação da qualidade dos sistemas de imagem mamográfica de uma forma simples, rápida e automática, através de procedimentos de simulação computacional. A simulação investigou a influência que um determinado sistema de registro exerce sobre a qualidade da imagem, possibilitando conhecer previamente a imagem final a ser obtida com diferentes equipamentos e sistemas de registro. Dentre os sistemas investigados, três filmes (Kodak Min R 2000, Fuji UM MA-HC e Fuji ADM) e duas telas intensificadoras (Kodak Min R 2000 e Fuji AD Mammo Fine), aquele que apresentou melhores resultados, com melhor qualidade de imagens e menor exposição à paciente foi o de tela Min R 2000 com filme Min R 2000 da Kodak.
Spondias tuberosa Arruda (Anacardiaceae) is a fruitful tree popularly known as umbuzeiro, tapereba or umbu. It is a native and endemic species from Brazil, widespread in Brazilian Northeast. The species is important in folk medicine of the semi-arid Northeast, where it is mainly used to treat various inflammatory conditions, digestive problems as well as viral and bacterial infections. However, despite the common use in folk medicine, there are scarce pharmacological and phytochemicals studies that afford scientific evidence to its popular use. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the chemical markers in S. tuberosa leaves extract, obtained by maceration ethanol:water (70:30, [v/v]), and evaluate its anti-inflammatory potential in vivo. The phytochemical profile in TLC analysis suggested the occurence of the flavonoids rutin and isoquercitrin. HPLC analysis enabled us to confirm the presence of flavonoids and also, were detected the phenolic acids, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. In addition was developed and validated a HPLC method to evaluate the content of the identified compounds in S. tuberosa leaves extract according to RDC 899/2003 of ANVISA and ICH Guidelines 2005. In order to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of S. tuberosa leaves extract, the peritonitis and paw edema models induced by carrageenan were used, administration i.p. in mice. The results highlighted the anti-inflammatory property in vivo at 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg since a decrease in leukocyte influx to the site of inflammation, diameter of the edema and the level of myeloperoxidase were observed when compared to the drug control dexamethasone (2 mg/kg, i.p. route). Taken together, the results pointed out S. tuberosa as a potential species for developing phytotherapic derivatives in according to its popular use. With regard to the characterization markers, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, rutin and isoquercitrin were identified and quantified in Spondias tuberosa leaves extract so they could be used in quality control analyses of the raw material and extracts of this species.
Diesel fuel is one of leading petroleum products marketed in Brazil, and has its quality monitored by specialized laboratories linked to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP. The main trial evaluating physicochemical properties of diesel are listed in the resolutions ANP Nº 65 of December 9th, 2011 and Nº 45 of December 20th, 2012 that determine the specification limits for each parameter and methodologies of analysis that should be adopted. However the methods used although quite consolidated, require dedicated equipment with high cost of acquisition and maintenance, as well as technical expertise for completion of these trials. Studies for development of more rapid alternative methods and lower cost have been the focus of many researchers. In this same perspective, this work conducted an assessment of the applicability of existing specialized literature on mathematical equations and artificial neural networks (ANN) for the determination of parameters of specification diesel fuel. 162 samples of diesel with a maximum sulfur content of 50, 500 and 1800 ppm, which were analyzed in a specialized laboratory using ASTM methods recommended by the ANP, with a total of 810 trials were used for this study. Experimental results atmospheric distillation (ASTM D86), and density (ASTM D4052) of diesel samples were used as basic input variables to the equations evaluated. The RNAs were applied to predict the flash point, cetane number and sulfur content (S50, S500, S1800), in which were tested network architectures feed-forward backpropagation and generalized regression varying the parameters of the matrix input in order to determine the set of variables and the best type of network for the prediction of variables of interest. The results obtained by the equations and RNAs were compared with experimental results using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test and Student's t test, at a significance level of 5%, as well as the coefficient of determination and percentage error, an error which was obtained 27, 61% for the flash point using a specific equation. The cetane number was obtained by three equations, and both showed good correlation coefficients, especially equation based on aniline point, with the lowest error of 0,816%. ANNs for predicting the flash point and the index cetane showed quite superior results to those observed with the mathematical equations, respectively, with errors of 2,55% and 0,23%. Among the samples with different sulfur contents, the RNAs were better able to predict the S1800 with error of 1,557%. Generally, networks of the type feedforward proved superior to generalized regression.
The mathematical modeling in the simulation of self-purification capacity in lotic environment is an important tool in the planning and management of hydric resources in hydrographic basin scale. It satisfactorily deals with the self-purification process when the coefficients of physical and biochemical processes are calibrated from monitorated water quality data, which was the main focus of this study. The present study was conducted to simulate the behavior of the parameters OD, BOD5, total phosphorus, E. coli, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and the total metals cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc in the Uberabinha’s lower course (with an approximate annual growth flow between 4-35 m3/s), in a stretch of 19 km downstream of the treated effluent release by the WWTP of the city. The modelings, on the present study, show the importance of constant water quality parameters monitoration over the water course, based on the comparison of the simulations from calibrated coefficients and coefficients obtained in the literature for the period of June until November 2015. After coefficients calibration, there were good adjustments between simulated and measured data for the parameters OD, BOD, Ptotal, ammonia and nitrate and unsatisfactory adjust for the parameters nitrite and E. coli. About the total metals, the adjustments were not satisfactory on the reservoir’s vicinity of the Small Hydropower Plant Martins, due the considerable increase of the bottom sediment in lentic region. The greatest scientific contribution of this study was to calibrate the decay coefficient K and the quantification of the release by the fund S of total metals in watercourse midsize WWTP pollutant load receptor, justified by the lack of studies in the literature about the subject. For the metals cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc, the borderline for K and S calibrated were: 0.0 to 13.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 1.7 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 0.9 day-1 and 0.0 to 7.3 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 25.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 1.8 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 7.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 40.3 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 30.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 70.1 g/m3.day.
In this work, it was developed and validated methodologies that were based on the use of Infrared Spectroscopy Mid (MIR) combined with multivariate calibration Square Partial Least (PLS) to quantify adulterants such as soybean oil and residual soybean oil in methyl and ethyl palm biodiesels in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%), as well as to determine methyl and ethyl palm biodiesel content in their binary mixtures with diesel in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%). The prediction results showed that PLS models constructed are satisfactory. Errors Mean Square Forecast (RMSEP) of adulteration and content determination showed values of 0.2260 (%), with mean error (EM) with values below 1.93 (%). The models also showed a strong correlation between actual and predicted values, staying above 0.99974. No systematic errors were observed, in accordance to ASTM E1655- 05. Thus the built PLS models, may be a promising alternative in the quality control of this fuel for possible adulterations or to content determination.
Biodiesel is a renewable fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, which can be a total or partial substitute for diesel. Since 2005, this fuel was introduced in the Brazilian energy matrix through Law 11.097 that determines the percentage of biodiesel added to diesel oil as well as monitoring the insertion of this fuel in market. The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) establish the obligation of adding 7% (v/v) of biodiesel to diesel commercialized in the country, making crucial the analytical control of this content. Therefore, in this study were developed and validated methodologies based on the use of Mid Infrared Spectroscopy (MIR) and Multivariate Calibration by Partial Least Squares (PLS) to quantify the methyl and ethyl biodiesels content of cotton and jatropha in binary blends with diesel at concentration range from 1.00 to 30.00% (v/v), since this is the range specified in standard ABNT NBR 15568. The biodiesels were produced from two routes, using ethanol or methanol, and evaluated according to the parameters: oxidative stability, water content, kinematic viscosity and density, presenting results according to ANP Resolution No. 45/2014. The built PLS models were validated on the basis of ASTM E1655-05 for Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration and ABNT NBR 15568, with satisfactory results due to RMSEP (Root Mean Square Error of Prediction) values below 0.08% (<0.1%), correlation coefficients (R) above 0.9997 and the absence of systematic error (bias). Therefore, the methodologies developed can be a promising alternative in the quality control of this fuel.
An effective hygiene and sanitation inspection of meat and meat products is essential for its production and commercialization. For this reason, the national and international standards responsible for these products quality control employs microbiological analyses methods as quality control tools. In December of 2012, it was included in the Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) website, a Microbiological Scope of food and water, which presents the replacement of some methods proposed by the Normative Instruction 62. Some of these methodologies are considered rapid, practical and convenient. However, other methodologies were still replaced by conventional ones, which presents disadvantages as incorrect interpretations of the microorganism phenotypical and biochemical characteristics, leading to the misinterpretation of test results. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive, practical and illustrative guidebook of microbiological analysis for in natura poultry cuts. The methods addressed in this guide are the official standards analysis required by the poultry cuts legislation, which are the Escherichia coli count, the thermotolerant coliforms count, the aerobic plate count and the detection of Salmonella spp. The approached methodologies for these analysis will be the AOAC 998.08, the Normative Instruction 62 and the ISO 4833-1:2013 and ISO 6579:2002, respectively. In these events, it is expected to obtain an enlightening and approved guidebook evaluated by laboratory technicians, which will help reduce the analytical subjectivity leading to a more reliable interpretation of the test results.
This study aimed to determine the concentration and inorganic chemical composition of samples from airborne particulate matter inhaled in fine and coarse fractions. Aerosol samples were collected in 2013 and 2014, from sites located in the cities of Londrina and Maringa, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The samples were collected daily (24h) in two campaigns: winter and summer. For the collection, was used a dichotomous sampler with quartz fiber filter with 47 mm in size and 2 µm porosity, 97% efficiency, retaining particles of up to 0.3 µm. Quantification of the airborne particulate matter mass was performed by gravimetry method. The results from Londrina to PM2.5 and MP2,5-10 represent, respectively, 29.2% and 70.8% of airborne particulate matter in the winter campaign (2013), 30.9% (PM2.5) and 69.1 % (MP2,5-10) in the summer campaign (2013), and 35.9% (PM2.5) and 64.1% (MP2,5-10) in the winter 2014 campaign. In the city of Maringa, the results presented the percentage of 42.0% (PM2.5) and 58.0% (MP2,5-10) for the winter season (2014), and 28.8% (PM2.5) and 71.2 % (MP2,5-10) for the summer season (2014). The PM2.5/PM10 ratio was on average 0.3, demonstrating that both cities are developing urban areas. Analysis of the major soluble inorganic species in water (NO3-, SO42- and Cl-) associated with MP2,5-10 were quantified by ion chromatography at the LACA Laboratory in the State University of Londrina, with the largest contribution found in all campaigns was to NO3-. The NO3-/SO42- ratios above 1.0 indicate the local traffic contribution. The analysis of metals associated with PM2.5 was carried out by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The Zn, Pb, Cu and Mn concentrations found in all campaigns indicate the contribution of mobile sources to PM2.5. The concentration of BCe in PM2.5 was determined by reflectance, with higher BCe concentrations being found in winter campaigns. In general, Londrina presented the highest concentrations from the species analyzed when compared to Maringá. In addition, the analysis of the air mass trajectories indicated the transportation of pollutants coming mainly from fires in the southeastern region of the country.
A anchoita foi capturada e acondicionada a bordo sob-resfriamento a 0°C com gelo em escamas. Após o recebimento, o pescado foi processado na forma salgado-maturado. Após a maturação foram processadas e embaladas em sacos de polietileno e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C durante 84 dias. As amostras foram divididas grupos: (1) sob pressão atmosfera normal, (2) vácuo, (3) atmosfera modificada com 50% CO2 + 20% O2 + 30% N2 e (4) 60% CO2 + 10% O2 + 30% N2, em embalagens de polietileno e aluminizadas, termo-seladas e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C. Os valores de textura tiveram uma redução de 2277,8 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para 821,90 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para o tratamento controle. A qualidade inicial do pescado atendeu aos padrões legais vigentes, apresentando ausência Salmonella sp e enumerações aceitáveis aos padrões de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, Clostridium sulfito redutores, coliforme totais e a 45ºC. Com relação ao pH, houve diferenças significativas durante o tempo de processamento (p<0,05), o valor passou de 6,3 (início) para 6,4 (final). Com relação aos resultados correspondentes aos parâmetros L*, a* e b* (cor), em todos os tratamentos e ao longo do tempo de processamento (ambas as embalagens), ocorreram diferenças significativas (p<0,05). Os valores de L* variaram de 34,80 para 18,00 (controle) 23,00 (vácuo), 20,21 (T3) e 22,00 (T4) embalagens de polietileno. Nas embalagens de alumínio os valores de L* variaram de 34,00 para 25,00 (controle), 29,00(vácuo), 22,10 (T3) e 26,00 (T4).
This work presents the development and modification of techniques to reduce the effects of load variation and mains frequency deviation in repetitive controllers applied to active power filters. To minimize the effects of aperiodic signals resulting from the connection or disconnection of non-linear loads is developed a technique which recognizes linear and nonlinear loads, and operates to reset the controller only when the error due to the transition of considerable value, and the transition is from non-linear to linear load. An algorithm to adapt the gain of the repetitive controller, based on a sigmoid function adaptation, in order to minimize the effects caused by random noise in the measurement system is also used. This work also analyzes the effects of frequency variation and presents the main methods to cope with this situation. Some solutions are the change in the number of samples per period and the variation of the sampling rate. The first has the advantage of using linear design techniques and results in a time invariant system. The second method changes the sampling frequency and leads to a time variant system that demands a difficult analysis of stability. The proposed algorithms were tested using the methods of truncation of the number of samples and the method of changing the sampling rate of the system to compensate possible frequency variations of the grid. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposal.
The routine analysis for quantization of organic acids and sugars are generally slow methods that involve the use and preparation of several reagents, require trained professional, the availability of special equipment and is expensive. In this context, it has been increasing investment in research whose purpose is the development of substitutive methods to reference, which are faster, cheap and simple, and infrared spectroscopy have been highlighted in this regard. The present study developed multivariate calibration models for the simultaneous and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid, citric, malic and tartaric and sugars sucrose, glucose and fructose, and soluble solids in juices and fruit nectars and classification models for ACP. We used methods of spectroscopy in the near infrared (Near Infrared, NIR) in association with the method regression of partial least squares (PLS). Were used 42 samples between juices and fruit nectars commercially available in local shops. For the construction of the models were performed with reference analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and refractometry for the analysis of soluble solids. Subsequently, the acquisition of the spectra was done in triplicate, in the spectral range 12500 to 4000 cm-1. The best models were applied to the quantification of analytes in study on natural juices and juice samples produced in the Paraná Southwest Region. The juices used in the application of the models also underwent physical and chemical analysis. Validation of chromatographic methodology has shown satisfactory results, since the external calibration curve obtained R-square value (R2) above 0.98 and coefficient of variation (%CV) for intermediate precision and repeatability below 8.83%. Through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was possible to separate samples of juices into two major groups, grape and apple and tangerine and orange, while for nectars groups separated guava and grape, and pineapple and apple. Different validation methods, and pre-processes that were used separately and in combination, were obtained with multivariate calibration models with average forecast square error (RMSEP) and cross validation (RMSECV) errors below 1.33 and 1.53 g.100 mL-1, respectively and R2 above 0.771, except for malic acid. The physicochemical analysis enabled the characterization of drinks, including the pH working range (variation of 2.83 to 5.79) and acidity within the parameters Regulation for each flavor. Regression models have demonstrated the possibility of determining both ascorbic acids, citric, malic and tartaric with successfully, besides sucrose, glucose and fructose by means of only a spectrum, suggesting that the models are economically viable for quality control and product standardization in the fruit juice and nectars processing industry.
Two cheese formulations made from raw milk and endogenous yeasts with 30, 60 and 180 days of maturation in two dairy Paraná Southwest were studied to evaluate their quality through physical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, as one of the stages of development of a typical regional cheese. The production was accompanied from designing the flowchart processing, where the samples were collected to perform the analysis of proteins, lipids, moisture, ash, carbohydrates, total solids, fat in dry matter, calories; water activity, instrumental texture (hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, resiliency and chewiness), instrumental color (CIE Lab); microbiological quality was assessed searching for total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive staphylococci and Salmonella spp.; the acceptance related to sensory characteristics of color, appearance, flavor, texture, taste and purchase intent was evaluated through the structured hedonic scale. This research contributed information relevant to the production process, such as the realization of the viability in freeze-drying lactic acid bacteria yeast isolated from milk in the Southwestern Mesoregion of Parana and the results of the analysis of the cheese showed similarity between formulations, regarding the physical, physical-chemical characterization, moreover good microbiological quality, where the differences between samples of dairy products were not perceived by sensory panelists. Adjustments in standardization related to technological quality control is an extremely important factor for the success of dairy companies and small producers involved in the project and that they have the option of producing the Santo Giorno, a fine cheese, with the great advantage of adding features of region, with high standard of sanitary conditions and with great consumer acceptance of indicative.