850 resultados para Busca da informação - Pesquisadores da área de meio ambiente
Em razão da importância do turismo como atividade econômica para o Brasil e o seu efeito no meio ao qual ele está inserido, para tal, questiona-se entender as discussões referentes ao tema nos últimos dez anos. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as principais discussões referentes ao tema sustentabilidade na atividade turística do Brasil na última década. Como objetivos específicos pretende-se: identificar as principais abordagens dentro do tema sustentabilidade na atividade turística do Brasil e discutir de que modo as variáveis contribuem e/ou afetam a sustentabilidade na atividade turística. Por fim, conclui-se que as variáveis são interdependentes, uma complementa a outra, e a pesquisa de todas como um conjunto colabora para o crescimento e melhor qualidade da sustentabilidade na atividade turística. Porém, a falta de pesquisas na área ainda é grande, mesmo estando em evidência o tema sustentabilidade, quando comparado a quantidade de artigos publicados em periódicos, verifica-se que é pouco debatido entre os pesquisadores na área do turismo.
Em razão da importância do turismo como atividade econômica para o Brasil e o seu efeito no meio ao qual ele está inserido, para tal, questiona-se entender as discussões referentes ao tema nos últimos dez anos. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as principais discussões referentes ao tema sustentabilidade na atividade turística do Brasil na última década. Como objetivos específicos pretende-se: identificar as principais abordagens dentro do tema sustentabilidade na atividade turística do Brasil e discutir de que modo as variáveis contribuem e/ou afetam a sustentabilidade na atividade turística. Por fim, conclui-se que as variáveis são interdependentes, uma complementa a outra, e a pesquisa de todas como um conjunto colabora para o crescimento e melhor qualidade da sustentabilidade na atividade turística. Porém, a falta de pesquisas na área ainda é grande, mesmo estando em evidência o tema sustentabilidade, quando comparado a quantidade de artigos publicados em periódicos, verifica-se que é pouco debatido entre os pesquisadores na área do turismo.
This study aimed to assess ambient air quality in a urban area of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte (latitude 5º49'29 '' S and longitude 35º13'34'' W), aiming to determine the metals concentration in particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5) of atmospheric air in the urban area o the Natal city. The sampling period for the study consisted of data acquisition from January to December 2012. Samples were collected on glass fiber filters by means of two large volumes samplers, one for PM2,5 (AGV PM 2,5) and another for PM10 (PM10 AGV). Monthly averages ranged from 8.92 to 19.80 g.m-3 , where the annual average was 16,21 g.m-3 for PM10 and PM2,5 monthly averages ranged from 2,84 to 7,89 g.m -3 , with an annual average of 5,61 g.m-3 . The results of PM2,5 and PM10 concentrations were related meteorological variables and for information on the effects of these variables on the concentration of PM, an exploratory analysis of the data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed. The results of the PCA showed that with increasing barometric pressure, the direction of the winds, the rainfall and relative humidity decreases the concentration of PM and the variable weekday little influence compared the meteorological variables. Filters containing particulate matter were selected in six days and subjected to microwave digestion. After digestion samples were analyzed by with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations for heavy metals Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Arsenic and lead were determined. The highest concentrations of metals were for Pb and Cu, whose average PM10 values were, respectively, 5,34 and 2,34 ng.m-3 and PM2,5 4,68 and 2,95 ng.m-3 . Concentrations for metals V, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Cd were respectively 0,13, 0,39, 0,48, 0,45 and 0,03 ng.m-3 for PM10 fraction and PM2,5 fraction, 0,05, 0,10, 0,10, 0,34 and 0,01 ng.m-3. The concentration for As was null for the two fractions
The matrix of this dissertation research permeates the design of complex environmental education. Its purpose is the realistic utopia of sustainability focused on the elucidation of a cultural model, a way of life that can guarantee the preservation of the living and non-living wight, to compose a world in which all coexist in harmony. To do so, thinking that model permeates the understanding that we are nature. This understanding can be evidenced both in Karl Marx in his book, the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts says: "Nature is the essential body of the human being", and Joël de Rosnay, in his book The Symbiotic Man explains that we humans, "are the neurons of the earth." In this same perspective, Elisabet Sahtouris, in his book The Dance of the Earth, has pointed out how little is accurate to say that "there is life on Earth," because we are knowledgeable that our planet is a living organism, then there is the "life of the Earth ". Thus, we are part of this life, we are a part of the whole. With long experience in the environmental field, I seek the collective understanding that environmental education is a process belonging to all areas of knowledge, while margins for its subdivision occasion that begins the role of librarian I am, as a mediator of educational, cultural process, and disseminate information, is an environmental educator. Research conducted lead me to propose a revision of values and attitudes, from a certain reorganization of thought, an ecology of ideas and action, evidenced by readings of education and complexity, especially tuned to the writings of Edgar Morin. This thesis makes use of metaphor as a cognitive operator to emphasize the solar cycle, linking it to the development stages of this work. In summary, we have as a goal to emphasize the importance of the human condition, respect for nature and the principle of natural, cultural and social interdependence. In order for us to have a society that values relationships of solidarity with each other, respect and gratitude for living beings and Mother Earth. What leads me to converge, the reframing of the environment, understanding it as Integer Environment
The need of the oil industry to ensure the safety of the facilities, employees and the environment, not to mention the search for maximum efficiency of its facilities, makes it seeks to achieve a high level of excellence in all stages of its production processes in order to obtain the required quality of the final product. Know the reliability of equipment and what it stands for a system is of fundamental importance for ensuring the operational safety. The reliability analysis technique has been increasingly applied in the oil industry as fault prediction tool and undesirable events that can affect business continuity. It is an applied scientific methodology that involves knowledge in engineering and statistics to meet and or analyze the performance of components, equipment and systems in order to ensure that they perform their function without fail, for a period of time and under a specific condition. The results of reliability analyzes help in making decisions about the best maintenance strategy of petrochemical plants. Reliability analysis was applied on equipment (bike-centrifugal fan) between the period 2010-2014 at the Polo Petrobras Guamaré Industrial, situated in rural Guamaré municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where he collected data field, analyzed historical equipment and observing the behavior of faults and their impacts. The data were processed in commercial software reliability ReliaSoft BlockSim 9. The results were compared with a study conducted by the experts in the field in order to get the best maintenance strategy for the studied system. With the results obtained from the reliability analysis tools was possible to determine the availability of the centrifugal motor-fan and what will be its impact on the security of process units if it will fail. A new maintenance strategy was established to improve the reliability, availability, maintainability and decreased likelihood of Moto-Centrifugal Fan failures, it is a series of actions to promote the increased system reliability and consequent increase in cycle life of the asset. Thus, this strategy sets out preventive measures to reduce the probability of failure and mitigating aimed at minimizing the consequences.
The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.
The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.
Esta tese tem como tema principal o discurso ambiental local. Trata-se de uma proposta de análise, que pode ser aplicada a este tipo de discurso em qualquer localidade, e um estudo de caso, que aplicou a análise proposta na tese. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar a informação local sobre meio ambiente veiculada por meio dos discursos jornalístico, político e empresarial, estabelecendo relações históricas, sociais e ideológicas do discurso ambiental que permeiam as três áreas em questão. A metodologia incluiu três fases: pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão de literatura sobre os principais conceitos levantados no trabalho; levantamento de discursos locais disponíveis na mídia para análise no estudo de caso; análise dos discursos a partir de protocolo elaborado com base na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. O estudo de caso traz a análise do discurso ambiental no município de Frutal-MG, onde hoje estão em andamento várias pesquisas e projetos na área ambiental. A principal conclusão do trabalho confirma a hipótese da pesquisa de que a informação ambiental fruto dos discursos político, jornalístico e empresarial em âmbito local tem caráter predominantemente situacional, mercadológico e propagandístico, pouco focada em conscientizar e educar e com ênfase em interesses comerciais e eleitorais e na resolução de problemas emergenciais
Diagnóstico ambiental da área de influência do complexo sucroalcooleiro Usina Vale do São Simão Ltda
One of the most widespread renewable energy sources in Brazil is ethanol, from sugarcane, therefore, the sugar and alcohol sector is expanding, with positive impacts for the economy of the country. Sugar cane was introduced in Brazil as a crop during its colonization, for the production of sugar, and put the country in the global scenario. The expansion of this crop occurred in the seventies, to reduce the reliance in fossil energy sources and to stimulate the development of the agricultural activity. Thus, the federal government has promoted the sugar cane crop and the production of ethanol as a fuel. However, it is important to minimize possible impacts that the crop may cause to the environment. Sugar cane has expanded in the frontiers of the mesoregion of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba-MG, and, in this perspective, the agroindustrial complex known as Companhia Energética Vale do São Simão Ltda., with the Mill located in the county of Santa Vitória, Minas Gerais, was adopted to evaluate the environmental impacts caused by the sugarcane in the area of influence of the mill. The mill has a polygonal area corresponding to 53,525.20 hectares, and for its establishment a Study and Report of Environmental Impacts (EIA/RIMA) was presented, as required as an environment protection instrument by the Environment National Policy (Law nº 6.938/81), and detailed by the Resolution CONAMA nº 01/1986. These studies pointed that native vegetation fragments in the Area of Influence of the Mill, before its implantation, corresponded to approximately 20.7% of the area. Therefore, this study evaluated the impacts of the installation of Usina Vale do São Simão, between 2007 and 2012, determining its reflex on the environmental regularization of the farms, and the vegetation fragments existing in the area, in the recovery and recomposition of areas defined as Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation. Previous studies of the area were analyzed, soil use and occupation was mapped for the years 2007 and 2012, and the areas of permanent preservation and native vegetation fragments were marked. In general, there was a decline in native vegetation coverage in the period, although it cannot be stated that such reduction was a direct effect of the milling activity. Therefore, the legal requirement of preserving such areas was not capable of bringing the positive effects of protection and recovery as demanded by the Law, highlighting that the current legislation was not enough to protect such areas.
ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:
A cada momento, as tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) vêm se destacando como um instrumento auxiliar em todas as áreas de ação. No ambiente escolar não é diferente, seja como ferramenta técnica (secretarias, bibliotecas, etc.) seja dentro das salas de aula. No mundo em que vivemos, é quase impossível não estar diretamente em contato com alguma tecnologia, por isso, a disciplina Noções de Informática, inclusa na parte diversificada no Ensino Médio, vem sendo vista de forma atraente aos estudantes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar fatores que têm impedido a utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação como instrumento motivacional e de promoção do conhecimento pelos docentes do Ensino Médio Integrado do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais do campus Governador Valadares em aplicações interdisciplinares. Para atingir esse objetivo, foi feita uma análise dos Planos de Ensinos das disciplinas ministradas no Ensino Médio Integrado em Meio Ambiente; em seguida, um questionário foi aplicado para identificar a percepção de docentes sobre o uso das TIC no apoio ao processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo traz contribuições para outras instituições de ensino público ou privado, por meio de informações sobre a utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação como eixo interdisciplinar para integração do Ensino Médio com o profissionalizante
Com um aumento significativo dos dados nos setores empresariais, urge a necessidade de criar formas de facilitar o seu tratamento para um ganho do tempo na execução das atividades, garantindo uma maior eficiência dos sistemas e também proporcionando a maximização do lucro às empresas, quando for esse o caso. O sucesso de uma empresa depende bastante dos seus recursos humanos e estes, constituem o seu “instrumento” mais importante. É (ou seria) das pessoas que a empresa define ações estratégicas, constituindo ganhos de diversas naturezas (de conhecimento, de marca, económicas ou financeiras). O objetivo principal desta dissertação é permitir que a instituição universitária ISCED – Cabinda se adapte ao potencial digital pelo recurso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação, no contexto da sua gestão de Recursos Humanos. Em consequência, a instituição beneficiará com a maior facilidade e rapidez do acesso à informação e a facilidade na atualização dos dados do sistema. Uma vez automatizado, o sistema poderá facilitar o acesso aos dados a fim de responder a uma determinada necessidade que possa existir, independentemente de estar prevista ou não (tornando o sistema mais flexível e adaptável a novas realidades). Com uma Base de dados, far-se-á o cadastro dos dados dos funcionários da instituição fazendo assim evoluir a gestão de Recursos Humanos e proporcionando a busca de informação relativa a um determinado funcionário de uma forma fácil, rápida, precisa, fiável e coerente. Recorrendo ao desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel baseada na arquitetura cliente-servidor, as operações de consultas (adicionar, modificar, eliminar), ficam facilitadas e permitem ainda uma maior exploração de dados. A apresentação de uma aplicação móvel para a consulta no âmbito da gestão de Recursos Humanos é complementada com uma agenda de trabalhos a serem desenvolvidos para garantir a proposta de um sistema de gestão de Recursos Humanos para o ISCED.
ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:
The present research concerns about outdoor s thermal comfort conditions in hot-humid climate cities, understanding that life quality is a result of the urban object s type built for the human being in an environment with specific climate and morphological characteristics. It is presented as object of study the correlation between the neighborhood Renascença II s microclimate in São Luis /MA-Brazil, hot-humid climate city, and its urban morphological changes. As well as the thermal comfort s satisfaction level of its outdoor users. The research has as general goal to diagnosis the way these transformations caused by the urbanization influence the Renascença II s microclimate, identifying critical spots of the studied area, in order to contribute with land use recommendations based on bioclimatic architecture concepts and supply bases to urban design decisions adequate to the São Luis climate. It is presented as theoretical bases the urban climate, its concepts and elements. After that, the thermal comfort conditioners and its prediction models of thermal comfort sensation in outdoor are presented. The predictive models are presented along with bioclimatic assessment methods. Finally the use of bioclimatic assessment as an effective tool to identify places that need changes or preservation in order to seek environment quality. The applied methodology was based on the studies of Katzschner (1997), complemented by Oliveira s (1988) and Bustos Romero s (2001) studies that suggest an analysis and evaluation of maps of topography, buildings floors, land use, green areas and land covering, in order to overlap their characteristics and identify climate variable s measurements points; then a quantitative analysis of the climate variables (air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction) of the chosen points takes place. It was perceived that Renaissance II has no permanence areas as squares or parks, its outdoor has little vegetation and presets high land impermeability and built density levels. The majority of the people interviewed said that was comfortable in a range of air temperature between 27,28ºC and 30,71ºC. The elaboration of a neighborhood master plan is important, which defines strategies for improvement of the life quality of its inhabitants
Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater