894 resultados para Bivalent transitions metals
La presente tesis comprende un estudio de metales líquidos, Li, Pb y eutéctico Li17Pb en el ámbito de la tecnología de fusión nuclear. Uno de los problemas fundamentales en futuros reactores de fusión es la producción y extracción de tritio en la denominada envoltura regeneradora (blanket en inglés). Dicho blanket tendrá dos propósitos, la extracción del calor generado por las reacciones de fusión para su posterior conversión en energía eléctrica así como la producción de tritio para realimentar el proceso. Dicha producción se realizará mediante el “splitting” del Li con los neutrones provenientes de la fusión. Esta reacción produce tritio y helio por lo que la interacción del T y el He con el metal líquido, con los materiales estructurales así como con el He es un problema fundamental aun no bien entendido y de gran importancia para futuros diseños. Los capítulos 1 2 y 3 presentan una introducción a dichos problemas. El capítulo 1 introduce al lector en la tecnología de fusión nuclear. El segundo capítulo explica en mayor detalle el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión, no solo en blankets sino también como primera pared, divertor etc, lo que se denomina en general “plasma facing materials”. Por último se ofrece una breve introducción a las técnicas de dinámica molecular clásica (CMD) y un breve resumen de los potenciales más usados. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo utilizando simulación atomística mediante potenciales semi-empíricos del tipo átomo embebido (EAM). La Tesis consta de 4 partes bien definidas. En primer lugar se verificó la idoneidad de los potenciales tipo EAM para simular las propiedades de los metales Li y Pb en fase líquida. Dicho estudio se detalla en el Capítulo 4 y en su extensión, el Apéndice 1, en el que se estudia los límites de validez de esta aproximación. Los resultados de dicho estudio han sido publicados y presentados en diversos congresos internacionales. Un resumen de la metodología seguida fue publicado como capítulo de libro en Technofusión 2011. Los resultados se presentaron en diversos congresos internacionales, entre ellos ICENES 2011, (Artículo en ICENES Proceedings) ICOPS-SOFE 2011, en una presentación oral etc. El trabajo ha sido aceptado recientemente en Journal of Nuclear Materiales (Fraile et al 2012). La segunda parte y más importante comprende el desarrollo de un potencial para el estudio de la mezcla de ambos metales. Éste es el trabajo más novedoso e importante dado que no existía en la literatura un potencial semejante. Se estudiaron dos aproximaciones distintas al problema, un potencial tipo EAM/cd y un potencial EAM/alloy. Ambos potenciales dan resultados satisfactorios para la simulación del eutéctico (y concentraciones de Li menores que el 17%). Sin embargo el sistema LiPb en todas las concentraciones es un sistema que se aparta enormemente de una solución ideal y dicho potencial no daba buenos resultados para mezclas PbLi con concentraciones de Li grandes. Este problema fue solventado mediante el desarrollo de un segundo potencial, esta vez tipo EAM/alloy (segunda parte del Capítulo 5). Dicho trabajo será enviado a Physical Review Letters o a Phys. Rev. B, y una extensión junto con un estudio detallado de las propiedades del eutéctico de acuerdo con nuestras simulaciones se enviará a continuación a Phys. Rev. B. En tercer lugar se estudió el problema de la difusividad del H en metales líquidos aprovechando distintos potenciales existentes en la literatura. El problema del H en metales líquidos es importante en metalurgia. En dicho capítulo se estudió la difusividad del H en Pd, Ni y Al con potenciales tipo EAM, y también con un potencial más sofisticado que tiene en cuenta la dependencia angular de las interacciones (ADP por sus siglas en inglés). De este modo disponemos de un estudio detallado del problema con diferentes modelos y diferentes metales. La conclusión apunta a que si se compara con los resultados experimentales (muy escasos) los resultados obtenidos mediante CMD dan valores bajos de la difusividad del H. Las razones de dicho desacuerdo entre simulación y experimentos se detallan en el Capítulo 6. Este trabajo ha sido presentado en una presentación oral en el reciente congreso internacional “Trends on Nanothecnology” TNT 2012 celebrado en Madrid. El trabajo será publicado en un futuro próximo. Por último, como se dijo anteriormente, el estudio del He, la formación de burbujas en metales líquidos, su difusión nucleación y cavitación es otro problema deseable de ser estudiado mediante técnicas atomísticas. Para ello es necesario el desarrollo de diversos potenciales, He-Li, He-Pb y un potencial ternario Pb-Li-He. Para ello se han realizado simulación ab initio de los sistemas Pb+He y Li+He. Dicho estudio pretende calcular las fuerzas entre los átomos del metal (Pb o Li) con intersticiales de He. De este modo aplicaremos el “force matching method” (FMM) para el desarrollo de dichos potenciales. En el Capítulo 7 se detallan los resultados obtenidos referidos a las posiciones más favorables de las impurezas de He dentro de redes cristalinas de Pb y Li así como el efecto de tener en cuenta el acoplo spin-orbita (SOC en inglés). El análisis de los resultados en términos de transferencia de carga y análisis de las densidades electrónicas, así como la creación de los potenciales mencionados está en progreso. En conjunto la tesis presenta un estudio de los diversos problemas relacionados con el uso de metales líquidos en reactores de fusión y representa un primer paso en la determinación de parámetros de gran importancia para el diseño de blankets y sistemas de primera pared. Con la simulación MD de dichos problemas mediante, importante, potenciales realistas, valores de difusión, solubilidad etc de especies ligeras, H (o sus isotopos) y He en metales líquidos podrá ser calculada complementando así la base de datos que presenta enormes incertidumbres.
Phytoextraction is an environmental-friendly and cost-effective technology that uses metal hyperaccumulator plants to remove heavy metals from soils. The metals are absorbed by the roots, transported and accumulated in the aerial parts of the plants, which can be harvested and eliminated. The aim of this work was to study some hyperaccumulator species that could be useful to decontaminate mine soils and also to investigate the bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants with the addition of organic amendments. Pot experiments were performed with soil samples collected from two mining areas in the north of Madrid, where there was an intense mining activity more than 50 years ago. Three species (Thlaspi arvense, Brassica juncea and Atriplex halimus) were grown under controlled conditions in pots filled with contaminated soils mixed with 0 Mg, 30 Mg and 60 Mg per hectare of two different organic amendments: a commercial compost made of pine bark, peat and wood fiber and other made of horse and sheep manure and wood fiber. Plants were harvested at the end of their crop cycle and were digested in order to measure metal concentration (Zn, Cu and Cd) in roots and shoots. Highest plant metal concentration was observed in pots treated with pine bark amendment and with pure soil due to an increase in metal bioavailability with decreasing pH. Also in those treatments the total plant biomass was lower, even some plants could not germinate. On the contrary, there was a lower metal concentration in plant tissues of pots with manure because its higher pH whereas plant growth was significantly larger so there was an incresing amount of metals removed from soil by plants. Comparing the three species results indicate a higher total metal uptake in A. halimus than B. juncea and T. arvense. In conclusion, results show that pH affects metal bioavailability and uptake by hyperaccumulator plants. Addition of organic amendments could be a successful technique for stabilization of metals in contaminated soils.
In this paper, we present calculations of the absorption coefficient for transitions between the bound states of quantum dots grown within a semiconductor and the extended states of the conduction band. For completeness, transitions among bound states are also presented. In the separation of variables, single band k·p model is used in which most elements may be expressed analytically. The analytical formulae are collected in the appendix of this paper. It is concluded that the transitions are strong enough to provide a quick path to the conduction band for electrons pumped from the valence to the intermediate band
Pot experiments were performed to evaluate the phytoremediation capacity of plants of Atriplex halimus grown in contaminated mine soils and to investigate the effects of organic amendments on the metal bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants. Soil samples collected from abandoned mine sites north of Madrid (Spain) were mixed with 0, 30 and 60 Mg ha?1 of two organic amendments, with different pH and nutrients content: pine-bark compost and horse- and sheep-manure compost. The increasing soil organic matter content and pH by the application of manure amendment reduced metal bioavailability in soil stabilising them. The proportion of Cu in the most bioavailable fractions (sum of the water-soluble, exchangeable, acid-soluble and Fe?Mn oxides fractions) decreased with the addition of 60 Mg ha?1 of manure from 62% to 52% in one of the soils studied and from 50% to 30% in the other. This amendment also reduced Zn proportion in water-soluble and exchangeable fractions from 17% to 13% in one of the soils. Manure decreased metal concentrations in shoots of A. halimus, from 97 to 35 mg kg?1 of Cu, from 211 to 98 mg kg?1 of Zn and from 1.4 to 0.6 mg kg?1 of Cd. In these treatments there was a higher plant growth due to the lower metal toxicity and the improvement of nutrients content in soil. This higher growth resulted in a higher total metal accumulation in plant biomass and therefore in a greater amount of metals removed from soil, so manure could be useful for phytoextraction purposes. This amendment increased metal accumulation in shoots from 37 to 138 mg pot?1 of Cu, from 299 to 445 mg pot?1 of Zn and from 1.8 to 3.7 mg pot?1 of Cd. Pine bark amendment did not significantly alter metal availability and its uptake by plants. Plants of A. halimus managed to reduce total Zn concentration in one of the soils from 146 to 130 mg kg?1, but its phytoextraction capacity was insufficient to remediate contaminated soils in the short-to-medium term. However, A. halimus could be, in combination with manure amendment, appropriate for the phytostabilization of metals in mine soils.
Using photocatalysis for energy applications depends, more than for environmental purposes or selective chemical synthesis, on converting as much of the solar spectrum as possible; the best photocatalyst, titania, is far from this. Many efforts are pursued to use better that spectrum in photocatalysis, by doping titania or using other materials (mainly oxides, nitrides and sulphides) to obtain a lower bandgap, even if this means decreasing the chemical potential of the electron-hole pairs. Here we introduce an alternative scheme, using an idea recently proposed for photovoltaics: the intermediate band (IB) materials. It consists in introducing in the gap of a semiconductor an intermediate level which, acting like a stepstone, allows an electron jumping from the valence band to the conduction band in two steps, each one absorbing one sub-bandgap photon. For this the IB must be partially filled, to allow both sub-bandgap transitions to proceed at comparable rates; must be made of delocalized states to minimize nonradiative recombination; and should not communicate electronically with the outer world. For photovoltaic use the optimum efficiency so achievable, over 1.5 times that given by a normal semiconductor, is obtained with an overall bandgap around 2.0 eV (which would be near-optimal also for water phtosplitting). Note that this scheme differs from the doping principle usually considered in photocatalysis, which just tries to decrease the bandgap; its aim is to keep the full bandgap chemical potential but using also lower energy photons. In the past we have proposed several IB materials based on extensively doping known semiconductors with light transition metals, checking first of all with quantum calculations that the desired IB structure results. Subsequently we have synthesized in powder form two of them: the thiospinel In2S3 and the layered compound SnS2 (having bandgaps of 2.0 and 2.2 eV respectively) where the octahedral cation is substituted at a â?10% level with vanadium, and we have verified that this substitution introduces in the absorption spectrum the sub-bandgap features predicted by the calculations. With these materials we have verified, using a simple reaction (formic acid oxidation), that the photocatalytic spectral response is indeed extended to longer wavelengths, being able to use even 700 nm photons, without largely degrading the response for above-bandgap photons (i.e. strong recombination is not induced) [3b, 4]. These materials are thus promising for efficient photoevolution of hydrogen from water; work on this is being pursued, the results of which will be presented.
The writer would like to point out the existence of a very remarkable Spanish cable-stayed bridge built in 1925, wich is thus older than the first one recorded by the authors (and probably the pioneer in concrete-deck type). The Tempul Aqueduct was designed by the famous Professor Educardo Torroja. The deck is a concrete box girder sustained by two planes of 3 mm diam 37-wire double cables working at 27 kg/mm2.
The aim of this work was to study some hyperaccumulator species that could be useful to decontaminate mine soils and also to investigate the bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants with the addition of organic amendments. Pot experiments were performed with soil samples collected from two mining areas in the north of Madrid, where there was an intense mining activity more than 50 years ago. Three species (Thlaspi arvense, Brassica juncea and Atriplex halimus) were grown under controlled conditions in pots filled with contaminated soils mixed with 0 Mg, 30 Mg and 60 Mg per hectare of two different organic amendments: a commercial compost made of pine bark, peat and wood fiber and other made of horse and sheep manure and wood fiber. Plants were harvested at the end of their crop cycle and were digested in order to measure metal concentration (Zn, Cu and Cd) in roots and shoots. Highest plant metal concentration was observed in pots treated with pine bark amendment and with pure soil due to an increase in metal bioavailability with decreasing pH. Also in those treatments the total plant biomass was lower, even some plants could not germinate. On the contrary, there was a lower metal concentration in plant tissues of pots with manure because its higher pH whereas plant growth was significantly larger so there was an incresing amount of metals removed from soil by plants. Comparing the three species results indicate a higher total metal uptake in A. halimus than B. juncea and T. arvense. In conclusion, results show that pH affects metal bioavailability and uptake by hyperaccumulator plants. Addition of organic amendments could be a successful technique for stabilization of metals in contaminated soils.
Background and aims The high metal bioavailability and the poor conditions of mine soils yield a low plant biomass, limiting the application of phytoremediation techniques. A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of organic amendments on metal stabilization and the potential of Brassica juncea L. for phytostabilization in mine soils. Methods Plants were grown in pots filled with soils collected from two mine sites located in Central Spain mixed with 0, 30 and 60 tha?1 of pine bark compost and horse- and sheep-manure compost. Plant biomass and metal concentrations in roots and shoots were measured. Metal bioavailability was assessed using a rhizosphere-based method (rhizo), which consists of a mixture of low-molecular-weight organic acids to simulate root exudates. Results Manure reduced metal concentrations in shoots (10?50 % reduction of Cu and 40?80 % of Zn in comparison with non-amended soils), bioconcentration factor (10?50 % of Cu and 40?80 % of Zn) and metal bioavailability in soil (40?50 % of Cu and 10?30 % of Zn) due to the high pH and the contribution of organic matter. Manure improved soil fertility and was also able to increase plant biomass (5?20 times in shoots and 3?30 times in roots), which resulted in a greater amount of metals removed from soil and accumulated in roots (increase of 2?7 times of Cu and Zn). Plants grown in pine bark treatments and in non-amended soils showed a limited biomass and high metal concentrations in shoots. Conclusions The addition of manure could be effective for the stabilization of metals and for enhancing the phytostabilization ability of B. juncea in mine soils. In this study, this species resulted to be a potential candidate for phytostabilization in combination with manure, differing from previous results, in which B. juncea had been recognized as a phytoextraction plant.
An analytical expression is derived for the electron thermionic current from heated metals by using a non equilibrium, modified Kappa energy distribution for electrons. This isotropic distribution characterizes the long high energy tails in the electron energy spectrum for low values of the index ? and also accounts for the Fermi energy for the metal electrons. The limit for large ? recovers the classical equilibrium Fermi-Dirac distribution. The predicted electron thermionic current for low ? increases between four and five orders of magnitude with respect to the predictions of the equilibrium Richardson-Dushmann current. The observed departures from this classical expression, also recovered for large ?, would correspond to moderate values of this index. The strong increments predicted by the thermionic emission currents suggest that, under appropriate conditions, materials with non equilibrium electron populations would become more efficient electron emitters at low temperatures.
In this work, we show how number theoretical problems can be fruitfully approached with the tools of statistical physics. We focus on g-Sidon sets, which describe sequences of integers whose pairwise sums are different, and propose a random decision problem which addresses the probability of a random set of k integers to be g-Sidon. First, we provide numerical evidence showing that there is a crossover between satisfiable and unsatisfiable phases which converts to an abrupt phase transition in a properly defined thermodynamic limit. Initially assuming independence, we then develop a mean-field theory for the g-Sidon decision problem. We further improve the mean-field theory, which is only qualitatively correct, by incorporating deviations from independence, yielding results in good quantitative agreement with the numerics for both finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit. Connections between the generalized birthday problem in probability theory, the number theory of Sidon sets and the properties of q-Potts models in condensed matter physics are briefly discussed
Human health problems and solutions. Urban gardening has spread worldwide in recent years as it enhances food security and selfsupply and promotes community integration. However urban soils are significantly enriched in trace elements relative to background levels. Exposure to the soil in urban gardens may therefore result in adverse health effects depending on the degree of contact during gardening, infant recreational activities and ingestion of vegetables grown in them. In order to evaluate this potential risk, 36 composite samples were collected from the top 20 cm of the soil of 6 urban gardens in Madrid. The aqua regia (pseudototal) and glycine-extractable (bioaccessible) concentrations of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Additionally, pH, texture, Fe, Ca, and Mn concentrations, and organic matter and calcium carbonate contents were determined in all urban gardens and their influence on trace element bioaccessibility was analyzed.