994 resultados para BP-102
Well-dated benthic foraminifer oxygen isotopic records (d18O) from different water depths and locations within the Atlantic Ocean exhibit distinct patterns and significant differences in timing over the last deglaciation. This has two implications: on the one hand, it confirms that benthic d18O cannot be used as a global correlation tool with millennial-scale precision, but on the other hand, the combination of benthic isotopic records with independent dating provides a wealth of information on past circulation changes. Comparing new South Atlantic benthic isotopic data with published benthic isotopic records, we show that (1) circulation changes first affected benthic d18O in the 1000-2200 m range, with marked decreases in benthic d18O taking place at ~17.5 cal. kyr B.P. (ka) due to the southward propagation of brine waters generated in the Nordic Seas during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) cold period; (2) the arrival of d18O-depleted deglacial meltwater took place later at deeper North Atlantic sites; (3) hydrographic changes recorded in North Atlantic cores below 3000 m during HS1 do not correspond to simple alternations between northern- and southern-sourced water but likely reflect instead the incursion of brine-generated deep water of northern as well as southern origin; and (4) South Atlantic waters at ~44°S and ~3800 m depth remained isolated from better-ventilated northern-sourced water masses until after the resumption of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation at the onset of the Bølling-Allerod, which led to the propagation of NADW into the South Atlantic.
Paleomagnetic data including inclination, declination, MAD values and MDF are given on an event correct composite depth (ECCD) and age for the composite lacustrine record TAN12-2 from Lake Tangra Yumco, Tibetan Plateau.
This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.
The Eurasian inland propagation of temperature anomalies during glacial millennial-scale climate variability is poorly understood but this knowledge is crucial to understanding hemisphere-wide atmospheric teleconnection patterns and climate mechanisms. Based on biomarkers and geochemical paleothermometers, a pronounced continental temperature variability between 64,000 and 20,000 years ago, coinciding with the Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles, was determined in a well-dated sediment record from the formerly enclosed Black Sea. Cooling during Heinrich events was not stronger than during other stadials in the Black Sea. This is corroborated by modeling results showing that regular Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles penetrated deeper into the Eurasian continent than Heinrich events. The pattern of coastal ice-rafted detritus suggests a strong dependence on the climate background state, with significantly milder winters during periods of reduced Eurasian ice sheets and an intensified meridional atmospheric circulation.
The last glacial millennial climatic events (i.e. Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events) constitute outstanding case studies of coupled atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere interactions. Here, we investigate the evolution of sea-surface and subsurface conditions, in terms of temperature, salinity and sea ice cover, at very high-resolution (mean resolution between 55 and 155 years depending on proxies) during the 35-41 ka cal BP interval covering three Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and including Heinrich event 4, in a new unpublished marine record, i.e. the MD99-2285 core (62.69°N; -3.57s°E). We use a large panel of complementary tools, which notably includes dinocyst-derived sea-ice cover duration quantifications. The high temporal resolution and multiproxy approach of this work allows us to identify the sequence of processes and to assess ocean-cryosphere interactions occurring during these periodic ice-sheet collapse events. Our results evidence a paradoxical hydrological scheme where (i) Greenland interstadials are marked by a homogeneous and cold upper water column, with intensive winter sea ice formation and summer sea ice melting, and (ii) Greenland and Heinrich stadials are characterized by a very warm and low saline surface layer with iceberg calving and reduced sea ice formation, separated by a strong halocline from a less warm and saltier subsurface layer. Our work also suggests that this stadial surface/subsurface warming started before massive iceberg release, in relation with warm Atlantic water advection. These findings thus support the theory that upper ocean warming might have triggered European ice-sheet destabilization. Besides, previous paleoceanographic studies conducted along the Atlantic inflow pathways close to the edge of European ice-sheets suggest that such a feature might have occurred in this whole area. Nonetheless, additional high resolution paleoreconstructions are required to confirm such a regional scheme.
Acknowledgements BP Exploration Co. is thanked for funding, and particularly the Carbonate Team (Anna Matthews, Teresa Sabato Ceraldi, and Darryl G. Green) for supporting this research and for fruitful discussions. Mark Anderson, Kim Rosewell, and Tony Sinclair (University of Hull) are thanked for laboratory assistance, and for SEM sample preparation and set-up respectively. The technical and human support from Prof. Jörg Hardege and Maggy A. Harley (University of Hull) was key to perform these experiments. We would like to acknowledge an anonymous reviewer for the detailed and constructive comments, and Brian Jones's editorial handling of the manuscript which is greatly appreciated.
A record of deep-sea calcite saturation (D[CO3**-2]), derived from X-ray computed tomography-based foraminifer dissolution index, XDX, was constructed for the past 150 ka for a core from the deep (4157 m) tropical western Indian Ocean. G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei recorded a similar dissolution history, consistent with the process of calcite compensation. Peaks in calcite saturation (~15 µmol/kg higher than the present-day value) occurred during deglaciations and early in MIS 3. Dissolution maxima coincided with transitions to colder stages. The mass record of G. sacculifer better indicated preservation than did that of N. dutertrei or G. ruber. Dissolution-corrected Mg/Ca-derived SST records, like other SST records from marginal Indian Ocean sites, showed coolest temperatures of the last 150 ka in early MIS 3, when mixed layer temperatures were ~4°C lower than present SST. Temperatures recorded by N. dutertrei showed the thermocline to be ~4°C colder in MIS 3 compared to the Holocene (8 ka B.P.).