995 resultados para Aymé, Georges (18..-19..) -- Portraits
O presente trabalho trata da caracterização de algumas experiências de escrita realizadas em situações específicas e particulares, envolvendo, no que pode ser considerada “aventura” de escrever, pessoas não habituadas à escrita, e que se vêem tentadas a, ou com grande necessidade de, executar tarefas que exigem a utilização do código escrito. Nessas ocasiões, muitas vezes exprimem suas idéias e interpretações do mundo vivido, mesclando letras, palavras e representações sociais, elaboradas a partir de códigos alternativos de registro de informações – práticas comuns em universos sociais em que a leitura e a escrita são práticas incomuns, ou seja, em localidades em que há predominância do analfabetismo, envolvendo um grande contingente de excluídos da escola. Esta exclusão empurra tais pessoas para situações em que só podem contar com mecanismos alternativos, criados tanto para registro de informações sobre a sua história quanto para representação de situações cotidianas.
Este artigo apresenta ao leitor a súmula de uma pesquisa realizada em 2000 e 2001, com cinco diretores do Ensino Fundamental Público de Rio Claro. Realizou-se entrevistas das quais extraiu-se dados referentes às representações dos diretores com relação à violência e às ações adotadas nas escolas desses sujeitos, para se amenizar a problemática. A análise dos dados conduziu ao conhecimento de um quadro precário nas escolas selecionadas, onde a prática da exclusão ainda é muito empregada.
Human salivary gland tumors originated from intercalated ducts present a broad range of histologic and cytologic patterns, mainly due to the presence of myoepithelial cells. The aim of this study is to verify the differentiation grade of neoplastic cells and a possible relation between myoepithelial cell differentiation and the presence of luminal secretory contents. The expression of vimentin and cytokeratin (CK) intermediate filaments, actin myofilament and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was investigated by double labeling immunocytochemical technique, in thirty salivary gland neoplasms: 5 pleomorphic adenomas, 5 myoepitheliomas, 3 basal cell adenomas, 7 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) and 10 polimorphous low grade adenocarcinomas (PLGA). Tumors with intercalated duct differentiation (pleomorphic adenomas, basal cell adenomas and ACC) express CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19 in the luminal cells and coexpress eventually CK14 with these CKs. Some luminal cells stained with anti-EMA antibody, mainly where a secretory content in the lumen was observed. Outer ductal cells and other myoepithelial-like cells express vimentin, sometimes coexpressing actin and/or CK14 with vimentin. Plasmacytoid cells in myoepitheliomas and pleomorphic adenomas express vimentin and rarely CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19, sometimes coexpressing these CKs with CK14 but they are negative for the remaining antigens. Tumors without intercalated duct differentiation (solid basal cell adenoma and PLGA) express vimentin and CKs 7, 8, 14 and 18, sometimes coexpressing CKs 8 and 18 with CK14. In conclusion, in tumors with intercalated duct differentiation, myoepithelial cells express vimentin and sometimes coexpress actin and/or CK14 with vimentin, never coexpressing other CKs with vimentin. CK14 and actin are independently expressed by myoepithelial cells, so their expression is probably induced by different stimulus. However, the secretory function of luminal cells, visualized by EMA staining, ....
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The objective of the study was to analyze the size of buccal corridor during the smile of individuals from 10 to 19 years of age and to determine whether there is a relationship among buccal corridor, inter premolar distance, inter commissure width. Standard digital frontal photographs in posed broad smiles and dental casts were taken of a sample of 150 individuals divided into 5 age groups of 30 individuals: 10-11 years old (G1), 12-13 years old (G2), 14-15 years old (G3), 16-17 years old (G4), 18-19 years old (G5). Distances among the cusps of superior first premolars and buccal corridors were measured for subsequent comparisons using the Image Tool 3.0 program. Data was analyzed using Anova. The SNK test and Tamhane test were applied. The mean values of the buccal corridor ranged from 4.00-to 10.69 mm on the right side and from 4.06 to 11.43 mm on the left side. In percentage related with intercomissure width each side of the buccal corridor ranged from 7.46 to 16.47% on the right side and from 7.58% to 17.61% on the left side. Buccal corridors were different between genders and increased with age. Males have bigger buccal corridors than females, but there is no difference between gender when calculated as a percentage related with the inter commissure width. The inter premolar width is significantly correlated with inter commissure widths of female individuals 14-15 years old and 18-19 years old, and with the right linear buccal corridor of males and females aged 14-15 years old.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Um felino macho, sem raça definida, pesando 3,6 kg com 10 anos de idade foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira”, apresentando obstrução uretral com indicação para uretrostomia perineal. Ao exame físico geral, observou-se freqüência cardíaca (FC) de 240 bat.min-1, taquipnéia, temperatura retal (TR) de 38,4oC, mucosas normocoradas, tempo de preenchimento capilar de um segundo e desidratação de aproximadamente 5%. Como medicação pré-anestésica, administrou-se cetamina (6mg.kg-1), midazolam (0,15mg.kg-1) e morfina (0,15mg.kg-1) pela via intramuscular. A veia cefálica foi canulada com cateter 24G para administração de Ringer com Lactato de sódio (10mL.kg-1.h-1) e a indução foi realizada por meio da administração de propofol (4,4mg.kg-1) pela via intravenosa. Seguiu-se a intubação orotraqueal com sonda no 4,0 conectando-se a um circuito sem reinalação de Baraka, sendo a manutenção anestésica efetuada com isofluorano em fluxo diluente de oxigênio a 100%. Em seguida, realizou-se a técnica de anestesia peridural com o paciente em posição esternal e membros pélvicos estendidos cranialmente. Após localização do espaço entre as vértebras L7 e S1, introduziu-se uma agulha 13x4,5 percutaneamente até atingir o espaço peridural, administrando-se morfina (0,1mg.kg-1), fentanil (3mcg.kg-1) e lidocaína a 1% com vasoconstritor (1,8mg.kg-1), perfazendo um volume total de 0,25mL.kg-1. Durante o procedimento anestésico, monitorou-se a FC, freqüência respiratória (f), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono ao final da expiração (ETCO2), temperatura esofágica (TE), saturação periférica da hemoglobina (SpO2) e plano anestésico. O tempo total de anestesia e cirurgia foi de 65 e 50 minutos, respectivamente. O plano anestésico manteve-se estável, sem a necessidade de resgate analgésico. A SpO2, concentração de isofluorano e TE mantiveram-se em 97±2%, 1,3±0,1% e 36,7±0,4oC, respectivamente. Durante a anestesia, observou-se um momento de hipotensão, provavelmente devido ao bloqueio simpático decorrente da anestesia peridural. Tal evento foi tratado com bolus de solução de Ringer com Lactato de sódio (5mL.kg-1) promovendo o retorno da PAS aos valores de normalidade. A recuperação anestésica do animal foi isenta de complicações inerentes ao procedimento anestésico. O emprego de opióides pela via peridural é recomendado em procedimentos cirúrgicos abdominal, torácico, genito-urinário e ortopédico, principalmente em pacientes de alto risco, obesos e idosos. Em humanos, a associação da morfina e fentanil pela via peridural demonstra analgesia pós-operatória superior à promovida pelo uso isolado da morfina. Conclui-se que na espécie felina, a associação de morfina e fentanil pela via peridural pode ser uma boa alternativa para realização de protocolos de anestesia balanceada para uretrostomia.
Table of Contents: Friends Flourish, page 3 Yukon Delta Refuge Hosts Major Shorebird Research, pages 4-5 Focus on…Nature Photography, pages 8-14 Learning a New Language, pages 18-19
Table of Contents: Forces of Nature Wreak Havoc, page 3 Focus on…Contaminants, pages 8-15 Volunteers Tell Their Stories, pages 18-19 Whatever Happened to . . ., page 22
Poly(vinyl butyral)-polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared via polymerization of aniline between clay mineral platelets at two different pH levels (2.0 and 5.0), followed by dispersion of the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite in a poly(vinyl butyral) solution. A comparison was made of the effect of the pH levels and the polyaniline-sodium montmorillonite nanocomposite precursor on the final structures of the poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites and their electrical conductivities. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of nanocomposites at both pH levels. UV-Vis spectra indicated that the polyaniline formed at both pH levels was conductive, with the UV-Vis spectra presenting a band at 420 nm corresponding to the polaronic form and the beginning of a new band at 600 nm indicating the presence of polaronic segments. FTIR spectra revealed the peaks of the groups present in polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites. The electrical conductivities of the polyaniline and poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites prepared at pH 2.0 were lower than those of the same nanocomposites prepared at pH 5.0, probably due to the lower formation of polyaniline chains in a more acidic dispersion and to the final configuration of polyaniline in the nanocomposites.
With the intention to evaluate the erythrogram profile during postpartum period in Holstein cows, 142 blood samples were collected from cows during the first 90 days after parturition. Blood samples were collected from clinically healthy cows that were non-reactive to the antigen of bovine leukosis virus (GP 51). These animals were divided into nine experimental groups based on the time of the postpartum sample collection. The blood samples were collected with EDTA and submitted to the following tests: erythrocyte counts, packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration and calculated blood indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC). There was influence of the postpartum period on the erythrogram. These alterations were observed during the first 24 h after parturition. The hemoconcentration observed during the parturition disappeared during the first 24h of postpartum. Variation of the values were observed: red blood, 5.08 +/- 0.60 and 6.11 +/- 0.72 cells /mu L; hemoglobin concentration, 9.85 +/- 1.6 and 11.46 +/- 1,40 g/dL; packed cell volume, 27.9 +/- 3.3 and 31.9 +/- 3.6 %; MVC, 50.10 +/- 5.90 and 55.27 +/- 6.88 fL; MHC, 18.19 +/- 1.63 and 19.50 +/- 2.76 pg; MCHC, 34.83 +/- 2.07 and 36.88 +/- 1.67 %. The values of the hematological components obtained in this study did not exceed the limits of the reference values, obtained from cows raised within the state of Sao Paulo.
[ES] Este artículo recoge las correcciones y adiciones a un conjunto de inscripciones latinas procedentes de la provincia de Soria, que han sido publicadas en los últimos años en diversas monografías y artículos de investigación.
Transcription is controlled by promoter-selective transcriptional factors (TFs), which bind to cis-regulatory enhancers elements, termed hormone response elements (HREs), in a specific subset of genes. Regulation by these factors involves either the recruitment of coactivators or corepressors and direct interaction with the basal transcriptional machinery (1). Hormone-activated nuclear receptors (NRs) are well characterized transcriptional factors (2) that bind to the promoters of their target genes and recruit primary and secondary coactivator proteins which possess many enzymatic activities required for gene expression (1,3,4). In the present study, using single-cell high-resolution fluorescent microscopy and high throughput microscopy (HTM) coupled to computational imaging analysis, we investigated transcriptional regulation controlled by the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha), in terms of large scale chromatin remodeling and interaction with the associated coactivator SRC-3 (Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3), a member of p160 family (28) primary coactivators. ERalpha is a steroid-dependent transcriptional factor (16) that belongs to the NRs superfamily (2,3) and, in response to the hormone 17-ß estradiol (E2), regulates transcription of distinct target genes involved in development, puberty, and homeostasis (8,16). ERalpha spends most of its lifetime in the nucleus and undergoes a rapid (within minutes) intranuclear redistribution following the addition of either agonist or antagonist (17,18,19). We designed a HeLa cell line (PRL-HeLa), engineered with a chromosomeintegrated reporter gene array (PRL-array) containing multicopy hormone response-binding elements for ERalpha that are derived from the physiological enhancer/promoter region of the prolactin gene. Following GFP-ER transfection of PRL-HeLa cells, we were able to observe in situ ligand dependent (i) recruitment to the array of the receptor and associated coregulators, (ii) chromatin remodeling, and (iii) direct transcriptional readout of the reporter gene. Addition of E2 causes a visible opening (decondensation) of the PRL-array, colocalization of RNA Polymerase II, and transcriptional readout of the reporter gene, detected by mRNA FISH. On the contrary, when cells were treated with an ERalpha antagonist (Tamoxifen or ICI), a dramatic condensation of the PRL-array was observed, displacement of RNA Polymerase II, and complete decreasing in the transcriptional FISH signal. All p160 family coactivators (28) colocalize with ERalpha at the PRL-array. Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3 (SRC-3/AIB1/ACTR/pCIP/RAC3/TRAM1) is a p160 family member and a known oncogenic protein (4,34). SRC-3 is regulated by a variety of posttranslational modifications, including methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation (4,35). These events have been shown to be important for its interaction with other coactivator proteins and NRs and for its oncogenic potential (37,39). A number of extracellular signaling molecules, like steroid hormones, growth factors and cytokines, induce SRC-3 phosphorylation (40). These actions are mediated by a wide range of kinases, including extracellular-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1-2), c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p38 MAPK, and IkB kinases (IKKs) (41,42,43). Here, we report SRC-3 to be a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, whose cellular localization is regulated by phosphorylation and interaction with ERalpha. Using a combination of high throughput and fluorescence microscopy, we show that both chemical inhibition (with U0126) and siRNA downregulation of the MAP/ERK1/2 kinase (MEK1/2) pathway induce a cytoplasmic shift in SRC-3 localization, whereas stimulation by EGF signaling enhances its nuclear localization by inducing phosphorylation at T24, S857, and S860, known partecipants in the regulation of SRC-3 activity (39). Accordingly, the cytoplasmic localization of a non-phosphorylatable SRC-3 mutant further supports these results. In the presence of ERalpha, U0126 also dramatically reduces: hormone-dependent colocalization of ERalpha and SRC-3 in the nucleus; formation of ER-SRC-3 coimmunoprecipitation complex in cell lysates; localization of SRC-3 at the ER-targeted prolactin promoter array (PRL-array) and transcriptional activity. Finally, we show that SRC-3 can also function as a cotransporter, facilitating the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of estrogen receptor. While a wealth of studies have revealed the molecular functions of NRs and coregulators, there is a paucity of data on how these functions are spatiotemporally organized in the cellular context. Technically and conceptually, our findings have a new impact upon evaluating gene transcriptional control and mechanisms of action of gene regulators.
[ES]Los personajes femeninos en El Quijote han sido clasificados de acuerdo con criterios de diversa índole. En este trabajo, proponemos una clasificación según la tipología narrativa del Renacimiento. Principalmente, profundizaremos en la caracterización de Dorotea a partir de los rasgos propios de la novela bizantina.