1000 resultados para Augusta Church, Augusta County, Va.
An evaluation has been conducted on the Polk County Drug Court, comparing clients entering the program from its inception through September 30, 1998 with a group of revoked probationers from FY96 (the “pilot group”) and other offenders referred to drug court who did not enter the program (the “referred group”).
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57320
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57114
Case report from the Civil Rights Commission. Maxine Faye Boomgarden and Iowa Civil Rights Commission vs. Hardin County Veterans' Commission Board and Hardin County Board of Supervisors.
Este proyecto pretende ofrecer un sistema para almacenar, localizar y recuperar objetos de aprendizaje (LO) desde la red Internet.
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Other Audit Reports - Adair County Sanitary Landfill and Recycling Center
Other Audit Reports - Butler County Solid Waste Commission
County Audit Report
County Audit Report
El IBB ha desarrollado un servidor de aplicaciones: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es para el análisis de microarrays. Estas microarrays las obtienen y las suben a la base de datos local los usuarios de la aplicación. En la presente memoria se detalla el proceso realizado para automatizar la subida de microarrays públicas a la base de datos local. Estas microarrays se obtendrán del NCBI. El proceso de descarga de microarrays se realizará cada dos meses y estará sincronizado con un proceso de descarga de genes marcadores de microarrays del NCBI. En la memoria también se describen las fases realizadas para crear la interfaz web para gestionar estas microarrays públicas y las modificaciones realizadas sobre el aplicativo web para permitir realizar análisis con estas microarrays.
The brain-spliced isoform of Myosin Va (BR-MyoVa) plays an important role in the transport of dense core secretory granules (SGs) to the plasma membrane in hormone and neuropeptide-producing cells. The molecular composition of the protein complex that recruits BR-MyoVa to SGs and regulates its function has not been identified to date. We have identified interaction between SG-associated proteins granuphilin-a/b (Gran-a/b), BR-MyoVa and Rab27a, a member of the Rab family of GTPases. Gran-a/b-BR-MyoVa interaction is direct, involves regions downstream of the Rab27-binding domain, and the C-terminal part of Gran-a determines exon specificity. MyoVa and Gran-a/b are partially colocalised on SGs and disruption of Gran-a/b-BR-MyoVa binding results in a perinuclear accumulation of SGs which augments nutrient-stimulated hormone secretion in pancreatic beta-cells. These results indicate the existence of at least another binding partner of BR-MyoVa that was identified as rabphilin-3A (Rph-3A). BR-MyoVa-Rph-3A interaction is also direct and enhanced when secretion is activated. The BR-MyoVa-Rph-3A and BR-MyoVa-Gran-a/b complexes are linked to a different subset of SGs, and simultaneous inhibition of these complexes nearly completely blocks stimulated hormone release. This study demonstrates that multiple binding partners of BR-MyoVa regulate SG transport, and this molecular mechanism is universally used by neuronal, endocrine and neuroendocrine cells.
County Audit Report
County Audit Report