917 resultados para Arquitectura teoría s.I a.C.-I


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The mathematical model for diffuse fluorescence spectroscopy/imaging is represented by coupled partial differential equations (PDEs), which describe the excitation and emission light propagation in soft biological tissues. The generic closed-form solutions for these coupled PDEs are derived in this work for the case of regular geometries using the Green's function approach using both zero and extrapolated boundary conditions. The specific solutions along with the typical data types, such as integrated intensity and the mean time of flight, for various regular geometries were also derived for both time-and frequency-domain cases. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America


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The current study describes the evolution of microstructure and texture in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-based 7010 aluminum alloy during different modes of hot cross-rolling. Processing of materials involves three different types of cross-rolling. The development of texture in the one-step cross-rolled specimen can be described by a typical beta-fiber having the maximum intensity near Copper (Cu) component. However, for the multi-step cross-rolled specimens, the as-rolled texture is mainly characterized by a strong rotated-Brass (Bs) component and a very weak rotated-cube component. Subsequent heat treatment leads to sharpening of the major texture component (i.e., rotated-Bs). Furthermore, the main texture components in all the specimens appear to be significantly rotated in a complex manner away from their ideal positions because of non-symmetric deformations in the two rolling directions. Detailed microstructural study indicates that dynamic recovery is the dominant restoration mechanism operating during the hot rolling. During subsequent heat treatment, static recovery dominates, while a combination of particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN) and strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM) causes partial recrystallization of the grain structure. The aforementioned restoration mechanisms play an important role in the development of texture components. The textural development in the current study could be attributed to the combined effects of (a) cross-rolling and inter-pass annealing that reduce the intensity of Cu component after each successive pass, (b) recrystallization resistance of Bs-oriented grains, (c) stability of Bs texture under cross-rolling, and (d) Zener pinning by Al3Zr dispersoids.


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Effects of fluctuations in habitat temperature (18-30 degrees) on mitochondrial respiratory behavior and oxidative metabolic responses in the euryhaline ectotherm Scylla serrate are not fully understood. In the present study, effects of different temperatures ranging from 12 to 40 degrees C on glutamate and succinate mediated mitochondrial respiration, respiratory control ratio (RCR), ATP generation rate, ratio for the utilization of phosphate molecules per atomic oxygen consumption (P/O), levels of lipid peroxidation and H2O2 in isolated gill mitochondria of S. serrata are reported. The pattern of variation in the studied parameters was similar for the two substrates at different temperatures. The values recorded for RCR ( >= 3) and P/O ratio (1.4-2.7) at the temperature range of 15-25 degrees C were within the normal range reported for other animals (3-10 for RCR and 1.5-3 for P/O). Values for P/O ratio, ATP generation rate and RCR were highest at 18 degrees C when compared to the other assay temperatures. However, at low and high extreme temperatures, i.e. at 12 and 40 degrees C, states III and IV respiration rates were not clearly distinguishable from each other indicating that mitochondria were completely uncoupled. Positive correlations were noticed between temperature and the levels of both lipid peroxidation and H2O2. It is inferred that fluctuations on either side of ambient habitat temperature may adversely influence mitochondria respiration and oxidative metabolism in S. serrata. The results provide baseline data to understand the impacts of acute changes in temperature on ectotherms inhabiting estuarine or marine environments. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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m-AMSA, an established inhibitor of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases, exerts its cidal effect by binding to the enzyme-DNA complex thus inhibiting the DNA religation step. The molecule and its analogues have been successfully used as chemotherapeutic agents against different forms of cancer. After virtual screening using a homology model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I, we identified m-AMSA as a high scoring hit. We demonstrate that m-AMSA can inhibit the DNA relaxation activity of topoisomerase I from M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis. In a whole cell assay, m-AMSA inhibited the growth of both the mycobacteria. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bending at the valence angle N-C-alpha-C' (tau) is a known control feature for attenuating the stability of the rare intramolecular hydrogen bonded pseudo five-membered ring C-5 structures, the so called 2.0(5) helices, at Aib. The competitive 3(10)-helical structures still predominate over the C5 structures at Aib for most values of tau. However at Aib*, a mimic of Aib where the carbonyl 0 of Aib is replaced with an imidate N (in 5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-oxazine = Oxa), in the peptidomimic Piv-Pro-Aib*-Oxa (1), the C(5)i structure is persistent in both crystals and in solution. Here we show that the i -> i hydrogen bond energy is a more determinant control for the relative stability of the C5 structure and estimate its value to be 18.5 +/- 0.7 kJ/mol at Aib* in 1, through the computational isodesmic reaction approach, using two independent sets of theoretical isodesmic reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Copper(II) and copper(I) complexes of a newly designed and crystallographically characterized Schiff base (HL) derived from rhodamine hydrazide and cinnamaldehyde were isolated in pure form formulated as Cu(L)(NO3)] (L-Cu) (1) and Cu(HL)(CH3CN)(H2O)]ClO4 (HL-Cu) (2), and characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic tools. Interestingly, complex 1 but not 2 offers red fluorescence in solution state, and eventually HL behaves as a Cu(II) ions selective FRET based fluorosensor in HEPES buffer (1 mM, acetonitrile-water: 1/5, v/v) at 25 degrees C at biological pH with almost no interference of other competitive ions. The dependency of the FRET process on the +2 oxidation state of copper has been nicely supported by exhaustive experimental studies comprising electronic, fluorimetric, NMR titration, and theoretical calculations. The sensing ability of HL has been evaluated by the LOD value towards Cu(II) ions (83.7 nM) and short responsive time (5-10 s). Even the discrimination of copper(I) and copper(II) has also been done using only UV-Vis spectroscopic study. The efficacy of this bio-friendly probe has been determined by employing HL to detect the intercellular distribution of Cu(II) ions in HeLa cells by developing image under fluorescence microscope.


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A new synthetic protocol based on one-pot, copper(I)-catalysed multicomponent reaction of formaldehyde, secondary amine and terminal alkyne has been employed to postsynthetically modify a self-assembled nanoscopic organic cage. By employing this synthetic strategy, three new cages appended with phenyl-, xylyl-and naphthyl-acetylene moieties have been synthesised. The resulting modified cages were characterised by using a range of spectroscopic techniques. The synthesised cages were fluorescent and thus one of them was tested to explore the potential use of such compounds as chemosensors for the detection of nitroaromatics. Experimental findings suggest a high selective quenching of initial fluorescence intensity in the presence of nitroaromatic compounds. Furthermore, it has been observed that among the various nitroaromatics tested, nitrophenolic compounds have better quenching ability.


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Novel imine functionalized monometallic rhenium(I) polypyridine complexes (1-4) comprising two phenol moieties attached to 2,20-bipyridine ligands L1-L4 have been synthesized and characterized. These complexes exhibit selective and sensitive detection towards copper(II) ions and this is observed through changes in UV-visible absorption, luminescence and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. An enormous enhancement is observed in emission intensity, quantum yield and luminescence lifetime with the addition of copper(II) ions, and this can be attributed to the restriction of C=N isomerization in the Re(I) complexes. The strong binding between copper(II) ions and these complexes reveals that the binding constant values are in the range of 1.1 x 10(3)-6.0 x 103 M-1. The absorption spectral behavior of the complexes is supported by DFT calculations.


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Bentonite is a preferred buffer and backfill material for deep geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW). Bentonite does not retain anions by virtue of its negatively charged basal surface. Imparting anion retention ability to bentonite is important to enable the expansive clay to retain long-lived I-129 (iodine-129; half-life = 16 million years) species that may escape from the HLW geological repository. Silver-kaolinite (AgK) material is prepared as an additive to improve the iodide retention capacity of bentonite. The AgK is prepared by heating kaolinite-silver nitrate mix at 400 degrees C to study the kaolinite influence on the transition metal ion when reacting at its dehydroxylation temperature. Thermo gravimetric-Evolved Gas Detection analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray photo electron spectroscopy and electron probe micro analysis indicated that silver occurs as AgO/Ag2O surface coating on thermally reacting kaolinite with silver nitrate at 400 degrees C.


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Present paper is the first one in the series devoted to the dynamics of traveling waves emerging in the uncompressed, tri-atomic granular crystals. This work is primarily concerned with the dynamics of one-dimensional periodic granular trimer (tri-atomic) chains in the state of acoustic vacuum. Each unit cell consists of three spherical particles of different masses subject to periodic boundary conditions. Hertzian interaction law governs the mutual interaction of these particles. Under the assumption of zero pre-compression, this interaction is modeled as purely nonlinear, which means the absence of linear force component. The dynamics of such chains is governed by the two system parameters that scale the mass ratios between the particles of the unit cell. Such a system supports two different classes of periodic solutions namely the traveling and standing waves. The primary objective of the present study is the numerical analysis of the bifurcation structure of these solutions with emphasis on the dynamics of traveling waves. In fact, understanding of the bifurcation structure of the traveling wave solutions emerging in the unit-cell granular trimer is rather important and can shed light on the more complex nonlinear wave phenomena emerging in semi-infinite trimer chains. (c) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phase diagram of the dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water ternary system has been established. It contains two isotropic monophase regions (L-1 and L-2) and a liquid crystalline region (L.C.). The isotropic phase regions have been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy and conductivity.


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In this paper, a new phenomenological theory with strain gradient effects is proposed to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micro- and submicro-length scales. The theory fits within the framework of general couple stress theory and three rotational degrees of freedom omega(i) are introduced in addition to the conventional three translational degrees of freedom mu(i). omega(i) is called micro-rotation and is the sum of material rotation plus the particles' relative rotation. While the new theory is used to analyze the crack tip field or the indentation problems, the stretch gradient is considered through a new hardening law. The key features of the theory are that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the term of stretch gradient is represented as an internal variable to increase the tangent modulus. In fact the present new strain gradient theory is the combination of the strain gradient theory proposed by Chen and Wang (Int. J. Plast., in press) and the hardening law given by Chen and Wang (Acta Mater. 48 (2000a) 3997). In this paper we focus on the finite element method to investigate material fracture for an elastic-power law hardening solid. With remotely imposed classical K fields, the full field solutions are obtained numerically. It is found that the size of the strain gradient dominance zone is characterized by the intrinsic material length l(1). Outside the strain gradient dominance zone, the computed stress field tends to be a classical plasticity field and then K field. The singularity of stresses ahead of the crack tip is higher than that of the classical field and tends to the square root singularity, which has important consequences for crack growth in materials by decohesion at the atomic scale. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A Dugdale-type cohesive zone model is used to predict the mode I crack growth resistance (R-curve) of metallic foams, with the fracture process characterized by an idealized traction-separation law that relates the crack surface traction to crack opening displacement. A quadratic yield function, involving the von Mises effective stress and mean stress, is used to account for the plastic compressibility of metallic foams. Finite element calculations are performed for the crack growth resistance under small scale yielding and small scale bridging in plane strain, with K-field boundary conditions. The following effects upon the fracture process are quantified: material hardening, bridging strength, T-stress (the non-singular stress acting parallel to the crack plane), and the shape of yield surface. To study the failure behaviour and notch sensitivity of metallic foams in the presence of large scale yielding, a study is made for panels embedded with either a centre-crack or an open hole and subjected to tensile stressing. For the centre-cracked panel, a transition crack size is predicted for which the fracture response switches from net section yielding to elastic-brittle fracture. Likewise, for a panel containing a centre-hole, a transition hole diameter exists for which the fracture response switches from net section yielding to a local maximum stress criterion at the edge of the hole.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Abstract: In the context of Late Antiquity, we observe the ideals of Royalty of two authors who shared the political events between the governments of Constantius II to Theodosius (337-395 AD), namely: the philosopher Themistius (317-388 AD) with his political speeches; and the military Ammianus Marcellinus (325 / 330-395 AD) with his work Res Gestae. During our study, we will seek to observe the characteristics of each author, and converge their life experiences to meet the convergent and divergent points of its concepts around the Imperial responsibilities. In the meantime, we emphasize the interactions between Romans and barbarians, very noticeable at that time; and how this process of interaction of cultures has influenced the thinking of the late-ancient writers studied here. Observing how a philosopher and a military developed such ideals in relation to the ruler: Valentinian I (364-375 AD), for that we made a more specific analysis of VI Speech of Themistius - the Brotherly Love or About humanity - and the XVI - XXX Books of Ammianus Marcellinus. Thus, in a time of great cultural socio-political effervescence, two non-Christian writers have written their work, in order to re-member your audience the importance of the virtues and both based on examples from the classical tradition.