799 resultados para Anniversary
This article will discuss notions and concepts of remembering in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Much has been written about the immediate response to the attacks, both commending the collective spirit of unity that defined the ‘marche républicaine’ of 11 January 2015, and criticising the alleged hypocrisy and cynicism of, most notably, the political figures that took to the streets that day, hand in hand. I will consider a selection of the memory practices that have emerged since then, notably on the anniversary of the event. This demonstration of memory provides key insights into the form and manner of remembering within a particular cultural group, but also reflects how the present moment is integral to our understanding of memory. The purpose of this article is to consider how official and non-official remembering of Charlie Hebdo can intertwine as well as pull in separate directions. A focus on the politics, the language, the aesthetics and the geography of commemorative activities in this article will enable an appreciation of the multidirectional character of remembering Charlie Hebdo.
In the wake of the Portuguese vaccination program 50th anniversary it seems appropriate to review vaccination in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Controversial issues as regards the association between autoimmune diseases, infections, and vaccines are discussed as well as vaccine safety and efficacy issues as regards chronic immunosuppressant (IS) drug therapy. After a brief overview of national policies, specific recommendations are made as regards vaccination for adult patients with SLE with a particular focus on current IS therapy and unmet needs.
Participation in group exhibition themed around the 25th anniversary of the Elba Benitez Gallery in Madrid. My work comprised a series of performances in which I translated reviews from the magazine Art Forum from 1990. The performances took place in various locations in London, throughout the run of the exhibition, and were streamed live to an iPad in the gallery in Madrid. I made audio visual recordings of the performances via the streaming media, which located me as the performer alongside the viewers in a single split image. These recordings were then archived in a shared folder held between the gallery and me, and which visitors to the exhibition could access when a performance was not taking place. The work extends my concerns with translation and performance, and with a consideration of how the mechanism of the gallery and the exhibition might be used to generate innovative viewing engagements facilitated by technology. The work also attempts to develop thinking and practice around the relationship between art works and their documentation - in this case the documentation and even its potential for distribution is generated as the work comes into being. The exhibition included works by Ignasi Aballí, Armando Andrade Tudela,Lothar Baumgarten, Carlos Bunga, Cabello/Carceller, Juan Cruz, Gintaras Didžiapetris, Fernanda Fragateiro, Hreinn Fridfinnsson, Carlos Garaicoa,Mario García Torres, David Goldblatt, Cristina Iglesias,Ana Mendieta, Vik Muniz, Ernesto Neto, Francisco Ruiz de Infante,Alexander Sokurov, Francesc Torres and Valentín Vallhonrat.
This paper reviews design policy in the UK. As the UK does not currently have any written and acknowledged statement of cross-governmental design strategy, this article investigates the key organisations involved in developing and delivering policies that impact on design in the UK by reviewing their missions and strategies, thereby identifying opportunities, challenges and trends in British design policy.
The relationship between France and its minorities is complex. Recent events including the 2015 terrorist attacks, the prohibition on wearing religious symbols in public, or the 2005 riots, have been perceived as symbols of great tension in French society when its comes to its minorities.2 Indeed the ten-year anniversary of the riots prompted reporting that nothing had changed in the intervening period in the structures of inequality that caused them,3 while in January 2015, the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared that the country was facing a “territorial, ethnic and social apartheid”.4 This statement from the Prime Minister seems to be at odds with the overall policy of rejecting any targeted policies or laws to protect minorities in France. As a tradition France is against minority rights. French authorities have consistently rejected the use of the term ‘minorities’, and have banned any form of special measures for national, racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic groups.5
Presented at the 2016 Library Research and Innovative Practice Forum, this poster provides an overview of a successful partnership between the University of Maryland Archives and UMD's Gymkana Troupe to publicize Gymkana's 70th anniversary and to digitize the troupe's holdings in the Archives. Gymkana is an exhibition gymnastics troupe founded on campus in 1946 which runs a variety of educational and healthy-living outreach programs. Various stages of the project are highlighted, including an exhibit in McKeldin Library, a LaunchUMD fundraising campaign, and the troupe's participation in metadata creation for digital objects. By maintaining an open and flexible dialogue throughout the project planning and execution, both the library and the troupe members ultimately benefited from this collaboration.
Para celebrar el 40º aniversario de la publicación del emblemático dosier «Une autre Belgique», donde se lanzó el neologismo belgitude, analizamos su impacto en el contexto de búsqueda de legitimación por parte de los escritores francófonos de Bélgica. Queriendo destacar el interés de textos menos citados, articulamos los numerosos discursos teóricos a partir del sintomático testimonio autobiográfico de Anne-Marie La Fère, titulado «Confession d’une Belge honteuse» (1980). Examinar las mutaciones entre 1950 y los 80 en la paradigmática evolución literaria de Jean Muno –que se proclama habitante de «Malaise»– permite ilustrar el proceso de afirmación identitaria en la periferia del Hexágono.
O presente trabalho tem diferentes objetivos: o primeiro deles é apresentar resultados da pesquisa que vem sendo realizada pelo Observatório de Comunicação, Liberdade de Expressão e Censura (OBCOM-USP), a partir do Arquivo Miroel Silveira da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (AMS/ECA-USP), sobre censura aos meios de comunicação e à produção artística. O tema da liberdade de expressão tem se tornado cada vez mais importante para os estudos de comunicação. O segundo objetivo é, relembrando os 60 anos do suicídio do presidente Getúlio Vargas, falar de sua atuação no controle e intervenção sobre a imprensa e a produção artística. Ele foi o criador do sistema de censura que vigorou no Brasil de 1937 a 1988 (quando a Constituição eliminou os órgãos oficiais de censura), através do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP), do qual o Arquivo Miroel Silveira é resultado e exemplo. O terceiro objetivo do presente trabalho é mostrar que a censura moral ou estética é um subterfúgio para o principal intuito de toda censura, que é controlar a produção simbólica e impedir a crítica e a dissidência. Isso será feito através da análise dos documentos do processo 268 de censura prévia da peça Ben-Hur, de 1943, que deveria estrear em São Paulo. Finalmente, o quarto objetivo deste texto é mostrar que a extinção dos órgãos oficiais de censura, a chamada censura “clássica”, não evitou que outros meios indiretos, plurais, particulares e governamentais continuassem a controlar meios de comunicação e manifestações artísticas, impedindo a livre expressão.
The Blue Streak, named for the Sandusky, Ohio athletic teams, opened in 1964. It was the first new wooden roller coaster at the park since the Cyclone in 1929. A classic out-and-back coaster with a fast and hilly ride, the 78-foot-high Blue Streak is a long time guest favorite. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014.
The Stagecoach Ride at Cedar Point featured simulated attacks by desperadoes. The ride existed for only two season, closing in 1968. The Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad, which opened in 1963, is the most popular ride in the history of Cedar Point. It features authentic steam-powered, coal-driven burning locomotives. It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2013.
En el marco del 30 aniversario de la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, se presenta el número 25 del boletín Bibliotecas, el cual cuenta con la participación no solo de especialistas e investigadores del exterior, sino también de profesores de la Escuela.Encabeza el boletín, un artículo producto de una investigación sobre los procedimientos pedagógicos utilizados en el curso práctica supervisada, la formación del profesional y su incursión en el ámbito laboral por medio de la práctica profesional.¿Qué requiere América Latina en materia de formación bibliotecológica? Es la pregunta que solemos hacer para responder a un usuario cada vez más exigente, rodeado de grandes cantidades de información que lo abruma y que, para desempeñarse con éxito en un mundo globalizado requiere el conocimiento que le permita seleccionar y utilizar esta información de manera eficiente, razón que le lleva a demandar servicios eficaces y efectivos.
The School of Library, Documentation and Information meets its twentieth anniversary by holding an International Congress on: Electronic Information and Digital Libraries will be held from 23 to 26 September 1997.
Don Juan Suárez de Peralta nació en la ciudad de México-Tenochtitlán en 1541, habiendo sido sus padres Don Juan Suárez Marcayda y Doña Magdalena de Peralta; el padre también conocido como Juan Suárez de Ávila, o como Juan Suárez “El Viejo”, hizo la campaña militar de la conquista del Imperio Azteca como compañero de armas de Don Hernán Cortés. Suárez de Peralta escribió tres grandes obras: “Tractado de Alveiteria” hacia 1575, “Tractado de Cavallería de la Gineta y Brida” en 1580 y “Tractado del Descubrimiento de las Indias y su Conquista” en 1589. Estos tres tratados hacen de Suárez de Peralta, una inevitable y riquísima fuente de información para todo historiador investigando las vetas de la Historia Virreinal Novohispana y de la Historia de España del siglo XVI. Su obra sobre medicina equina y zootecnia de los caballos, es un magnífico y estupendo trabajo que se levanta como el primer libro de su tipo escrito en América. Suárez de Peralta asociado con su hermano mayor, Don Luis, establece un criadero de caballos de raza fina en Tacubaya, en el poniente de la antigua ciudad de México, y es ahí en donde aprende el arte científico de la médica equina, de la reproducción y de la zootecnia caballar y sus habilidades como jinete y gran caballista. En 1579, Don Juan debido a una serie de circunstancias decide exiliarse a España arribando al puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, como huésped en el Palacio de su pariente el VII Conde-Duque de Medina Sidonia, para después habitar en Trujillo y en Sevilla en donde escribe y publica sus otras dos grandes obras. Se muda a Madrid en donde contrae nupcias con una aristócrata dama de la alta nobleza castellana, Doña Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, perteneciente a la poderosa Casa del Infantado. Con ella procrea un hijo, llamado Don Lorenzo Suárez de Peralta, quien viaja a la Nueva España para tomar posesión de los bienes de su padre, su abuelo y de su tío Luís. Don Juan, nuestro albéitar, quien “alladese enfermo de calenturas”, fallece el 8 de enero de 1613 y es enterrado en la Iglesia del Spiritu Sanctus de los Clérigos Menores en el Madrid de los Austrias. Su manuscrito “Libro de Alveitería”, permaneció olvidado y sin publicar durante más de tres cientos años en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, hasta que finalmente ve la luz en la ciudad de México, en ocasión del Centenario de la fundación de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia y del IV Centenario de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, ahora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) en 195
We provide a comprehensive study of out-of-sample forecasts for the EUR/USD exchange rate based on multivariate macroeconomic models and forecast combinations. We use profit maximization measures based on directional accuracy and trading strategies in addition to standard loss minimization measures. When comparing predictive accuracy and profit measures, data snooping bias free tests are used. The results indicate that forecast combinations, in particular those based on principal components of forecasts, help to improve over benchmark trading strategies, although the excess return per unit of deviation is limited.