990 resultados para Allen, Aaron S
O presente trabalho avaliou diferenças de patoge-nicidade entre 19 cepas de Brachyspira pilosicoli isoladas de casos de diarréia em suínos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, usando um modelo de infecção oral de pintos de um dia. Os animais foram inoculados com uma suspensão de bactérias vivas, 21 dias após foram sacrificados e os cecos examinados por histopatologia através da hematoxilina-eosina, coloração pela prata e a imuno-histoquímica usando um anticorpo policlonal anti-Brachyspira pilosicoli. Com o uso das técnicas da prata e da imuno-histoquímica, respectivamente, 21,59% e 70,96% dos pintos mostraram colonização do epitélio do ceco por B. pilosicoli. Houve diferenças no tipo de colonização, ocorrendo aderência contínua, focal ou presença de bactérias livres na luz intestinal. A imuno-histoquímica foi considerada superior para a avaliação da colonização intestinal, pois foi capaz de detectar 49,37% de animais colonizados a mais do que com o uso da coloração pela prata. Em três cepas foram observadas figuras alongadas dentro do citoplasma das células epiteliais cecais de aves inoculadas.
Eletrorretinograma (ERG) é o meio diagnóstico objetivo e não-invasivo para avaliar a função retiniana e detectar precocemente, em várias espécies, lesões nas suas camadas mais externas. As indicações mais comuns para ERG em cães são: avaliação pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com catarata, caracterização de distúrbios que causam cegueira, além de servir como importante modelo para o estudo da distrofia retiniana que acomete o homem. Vários são os fatores que podem alterar o ERG tais como: eletrorretinógrafo, fonte de estimulação luminosa, tipo do eletrodo, tempo de adaptação ao escuro, tamanho pupilar, opacidade de meios e protocolo de sedação ou anestesia; além da espécie, raça e idade. Objetivou-se com este estudo padronizar o ERG para cães submetidos à sedação, seguindo o protocolo da International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), utilizando Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen. Foram realizados 233 eletrorretinogramas em cães, 147 fêmeas e 86 machos, com idades entre um e 14 anos. Dos 233 cães examinados, 100 apresentavam catarata em diferentes estágios de maturação, 72 eram diabéticos e apresentavam catarata madura ou hipermadura, 26 apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com degeneração retiniana progressiva, três apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com síndrome da degeneração retiniana adquirida subitamente e 32 não apresentaram lesão retiniana capaz de atenuar as respostas do ERG, sendo considerados normais quanto à função retiniana. A sedação foi capaz de produzir boa imobilização do paciente sem rotacionar o bulbo ocular, permitindo adequada estimulação retiniana bilateralmente, com auxílio do Ganzfeld. O sistema eletrodiagnóstico Veris registrou com sucesso e simultaneamente de ambos os olhos, as cinco respostas preconizadas pela ISCEV. Como o ERG de campo total tornou-se exame fundamental na rotina oftalmológica, sua padronização é indispensável quando se objetiva comparar resultados de laboratórios distintos. A confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade deste protocolo foi demonstrada com a obtenção de registros de ótima qualidade utilizando protocolo padrão da ISCEV, eletrorretinógrafo Veris, Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen nos cães submetidos à sedação.
Tutkielman aiheena on sosiaalisen kasvuympäristön yhteys elämänhallintaan aikuisuudessa. Sosiaalisella kasvuympäristöllä tarkoitetaan tässä tutkielmassa kasvuaikaa ennen 16. ikävuotta. Kasvuympäristössä kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat lapsuuden- ja nuoruudenaikaiset ongelmalliset kokemukset kuten esimerkiksi vanhempien alkoholiongelma, vanhempien työttömyys tai lapsuudenperheen vakavat ristiriidat (yhteensä 11 ongelmallista kokemusta). Elämänhallinnan tunnetta mitataan Aaron Antonovskyn Sense of Coherence(SOC) -mittarilla. Aineistona on käytetty Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) omistamaa Terveys 2000 -tutkimusta. Aineisto on edustava otos yli 30-vuotiaista suomalaisista. Terveys 2000 -tutkimuksessa on mukana koko maasta 80 terveyskeskuspiiriä, joista otos tutkittavista valittiin systemaattisen otannan avulla. Pro gradu -tutkielman aineistoon on valittu ainoastaan ne henkilöt, jotka ovat vastanneet koherenssin tunnetta mittaavaan Antonovskyn kysymyssarjaan (n = 6138). Tutkielmaan valitun aineiston analysointi on tehty käyttäen kvantitatiivisia tilastollisia menetelmiä. Aineisto on analysoitu SAS 9.1 -ohjelmiston SURVEY-proseduureilla. Koherenssin tunteen keskiarvoja verrataan t-testillä tai varianssianalyysillä. Sen selvittämiseksi,mitkä lapsuuden- ja nuoruudenaikaiset ongelmalliset kokemukset jäävät koherenssin tunteen itsenäisiksi selittäjiksi, tehtiin kolme regressiomallia. Tilastollisissa analyyseissä merkitsevän tuloksen rajana pidettiin p-arvoa 0.05. Vastaajilla, joilla ei ollut lapsuuden- ja nuoruudenaikaisia ongelmallisia kokemuksia, oli merkitsevästi vahvempi koherenssin tunne kuin niillä, joilla kysyttyjä ongelmallisia kokemuksia oli ollut. Regressioanalyysin lopputulos oli, että merkittävimmiksi koherenssin tunteen itsenäisiksi selittäjiksi jäivät lapsuudenperheen pitkäaikaiset taloudelliset vaikeudet, perheen vakavat ristiriidat, oma vakava tai pitkäaikainen sairaus sekä koulukiusaaminen. Regressiomallissa omista taustamuuttujista merkitsevästi koherenssin tunteeseen yhteydessä olivat oma koulutus ja siviilisääty. Mitä parempi koulutus vastaajilla oli, sitä vahvempi oli heidän koherenssin tunteensa, ja yksinäisillä oli parisuhteessa eläviä heikompi koherenssin tunne. Lopuksi tutkittiin vielä ongelmien kasautumista ja havaittiin, että mitä enemmän vastaajilla oli lapsuuden- ja nuoruudenaikaisia ongelmallisia kokemuksia, sitä heikompi oli heidän koherenssin tunteensa. Vastaajilla, joilla ongelmallisia kokemuksia oli viisi tai enemmän, koherenssin tunne oli erittäin merkitsevästi heikompi kuin muilla. Koulukiusaaminen on aihe, jota olisi hyvä tutkia lisää elämänhallinnan näkökulmasta. Aineiston pohjalta jatkotutkimukseen olisi mahdollista sisällyttää sosiaalisen tuen ja sosiaalisen pääoman kysymyksiä ja katsoa, minkälainen yhteys niillä on epäsuotuisten lapsuuden- ja nuoruudenaikaisten kokemusten aiheuttamaan heikkoon koherenssin tunteeseen.
Teema: Avartuva maailma.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Neurons in the rostral and caudal parts of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) play a pivotal role in the regulation of sympathetic vasomotor activity and blood pressure. Studies in several species, including humans, have shown that these regions contain a high density of AT1 receptors specifically associated with neurons that regulate the sympathetic vasomotor outflow, or the secretion of vasopressin from the hypothalamus. It is well established that specific activation of AT1 receptors by application of exogenous angiotensin II in the rostral and caudal VLM excites sympathoexcitatory and sympathoinhibitory neurons, respectively, but the physiological role of these receptors in the normal synaptic regulation of VLM neurons is not known. In this paper we review studies which have defined the effects of specific activation or blockade of these receptors on cardiovascular function, and discuss what these findings tell us with regard to the physiological role of AT1 receptors in the VLM in the tonic and phasic regulation of sympathetic vasomotor activity and blood pressure.
Koordinaattiasteikko reunoissa: E[29°50']30°-35°10', N51°10'-48°30'.
The main objective of this study was to find out the bases for innovation model formulation in an existing organization based on cases. Innovation processes can be analyzed based on their needs and based on their emphasis on the business model development or R&D. The research was conducted in energy sector within one company by utilizing its projects as cases for the study. It is typical for the field of business that development is slow, although the case company has put emphasis on its innovation efforts. Analysis was done by identifying the cases’ needs and comparing them. The results were that because of the variances in the needs of the cases, the applicability of innovation process models varies. It was discovered that by dividing the process into two phases, a uniform model could be composed. This model would fulfill the needs of the cases and potential future projects as well.
Traditional methods for studying the magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloys Ni-Mn-Ga include subjecting the entire sample to a uniform magnetic field or completely actuating the sample mechanically. These methods have produced significant results in characterizing the MSM effect, the properties of Ni-Mn-Ga and have pioneered the development of applications from this material. Twin boundaries and their configuration within a Ni-Mn-Ga sample are a key component in the magnetic shape memory effect. Applications that are developed require an understanding of twin boundary characteristics and, more importantly, the ability to predictably control them. Twins have such a critical role that the twinning stress of a Ni-Mn-Ga crystal is the defining characteristic that indicates its quality and significant research has been conducted to minimize this property. This dissertation reports a decrease in the twinning stress, predictably controlling the twin configuration and characterizing the dynamics of twin boundaries. A reduction of the twinning stress is demonstrated by the discovery of Type II twins within Ni-Mn-Ga which have as little as 10% of the twinning stress of traditional Type I twins. Furthermore, new methods of actuating a Ni-Mn-Ga element using localized unidirectional or bidirectional magnetic fields were developed that can predictably control the twin configuration in a localized area of a Ni-Mn-Ga element. This method of controlling the local twin configuration was used in the characterization of twin boundary dynamics. Using a localized magnetic pulse, the velocity and acceleration of a single twin boundary were measured to be 82.5 m/s and 2.9 × 107 m/s2, and the time needed for the twin boundary to nucleate and begin moving was less than 2.8 μs. Using a bidirectional magnetic field from a diametrically magnetized cylindrical magnet, a highly reproducible and controllable local twin configuration was created in a Ni-Mn-Ga element which is the fundamental pumping mechanism in the MSM micropump that has been co-invented and extensively characterized by the author.
Previous studies have demonstrated the high reproducibility of heart rate variability (HRV) measures in adults while little information exists concerning HRV reproducibility in children. Subsequently, the aim of the current study was to examine the moderate-term reproducibility of heart rate and frequency domain measures of HRV during rest and light to moderate exercise in children. Ten healthy children (6 males, 4 females) aged between 7 and 12 years of age volunteered for this study with HRV recordings obtained during supine rest and three treadmill walking exercise work rates (≤60% maximum heart rate), initially and then 8 weeks later. Differences (P < 0.05) between variables were examined using paired t-tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests while reliability and reproducibility were examined by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), coefficients of variation (CV), and mean bias ratio and ratio limits of agreement (LOA). Heart rate and all measures of HRV at rest and exercise were unchanged after 8 weeks. Significant ICC were documented primarily during rest (0.72-0.85) while weaker relationships (-0.02-0.87) were evident during exercise. A large range of CV was identified during rest (6-33%) and exercise (3-128%) while the ratio LOA were variable and substantial (1.04-2.73). Despite similar HRV over an 8-week period, variable ICC and sizable CV and ratio LOA indicate moderate to poor reproducibility of HRV in children, particularly during light to moderate exercise. Studies examining HRV in children should include age- or maturation stage-matched control participants to address the age-related change in HRV and inadequate HRV reliability.
Invokaatio: I.N.R.I.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Invokaatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.