989 resultados para 3C 273


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A survey was carried out in the central and north part of the Huanghai Sea (34.5degrees similar to 37.0degreesN, 120.5degrees similar to124.0degreesE) during June 12 similar to 27, 2000. It was found that the abundance of marine flagellate ranged from 45 to 1278 cell/ml, 479 cell/ml in average. Flagellate was more abundant in the central part than in the north part of Huanghai Sea, and the abundance decreased with the increasing distance from the coast, showing a similar distribution pattern with isotherm. Vertically, high density of flagellate was always presented in the bottom of thermocline, and formed a dense accumulation in the central area of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass. The effects of physical and biological factors on the distribution of marine flagellate in early summer were discussed. Water temperature (especially the existence of thermocline) rather than salinity showed significant effect on the distribution pattern of marine flagellate in the Huanghai Sea in early summer. When comparing the abundance of marine flagellate with that of other microorganisms, it revealed a comparatively stable relationship among these organhisms, with a ratio of heterotrophic bacteria: cyanobacteria: flagellate: dinoflagellate: ciliate being 10(5) 10(3):10(2):10(1):10(0).


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川西獐牙菜(Swertia mussotii Franch.)是一种用于治疗黄疸型肝胆疾病和病毒性肝炎的珍稀藏药草本植物.引种栽培试验结果表明:在青海高原自然环境条件下,川西獐牙菜为2年生草本植物,完成植物生长发育约需10~12个月;植物种子在自然状态下萌发率较低,经低温处理后可明显提高萌发率;栽培川西獐牙菜的植株高度、分枝数量、单株生物量等生长指标明显高于野生植株,其有效化学成分可达到野生状态水平,说明野生川西獐牙菜的人工栽培是可行的.


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高寒和缺氧是高原地区的两个重要的限制生态因子,高原土著动物在长期的适应进化过程中必将形成自己独特的低温、低氧适应策略。高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)是生活在青藏高原海拔以上地区的特有物种,具有极强的低温、低氧耐受能力。它主要通过高的基础代谢率和增加非颤抖性产热以及高的氧利用率来适应高寒、缺氧环境[1-4] 。低氧诱导因子-l(Hypoxia-Induced FacHIF一l)是 1992年Semanza等在低氧的肝癌细胞株Hep3B中发现的一种特异性结合于红细胞生成素(EPO)增强子寡核昔酸序列的转录因子[5],它HIF-la和HIF-lβ/ARNT两个亚单位组成[6〕。HIF-l。受低氧诱导,属功能性亚基,HIF-1侧ARNT在细胞中构建型表达,不受低氧诱导[7]。为进一步揭示原鼠兔低氧适应的分子机理,我们正在克隆高原鼠兔HIF-1。基因的CDNA全长,并试图对其在低氧适应中的作用进行研究,本文报道了高原鼠兔低氧诱导因子-la编码区部分片段的克隆。


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叶片表皮、叶片横切面、花粉和淀粉粒的微观特征,对青藏高原的特有类群三蕊草属Sinochasea Keng的系统位置进行了探讨。结果表明,三蕊草S.trigyna Keng在上述微观性状上与毛蕊草Duthiea brachypodia(P.Candargy)Keng et Keng f.差距最小,与冠毛草Stephanachne pappophorea(Hack.)Keng差距次之,与宝兴野青茅Deyeuxia moupinensis(Franch.)Pilger和拂子茅Calamagrostis epigeios(L.)Roth差距最大;三蕊草属的系统位置应处于毛蕊草所隶的燕麦族Aveneae中;在系统演化上,燕麦族是最原始的类群,它可能直接或间接地派生了针茅族Stipeae和剪股颖族Agrostideae。


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The loess-paleosol sequences in China are among the best continental records of paleoclimate changes. Although numerous sedimentological and geochemical studies have contributed greatly to the understanding of past climate changes during this period, it is still necessary to decipher more details through investigating these sequences using various approaches including biological analyses. In this study, we analyze the mollusk fossil assemblages preserved in the upper part of the Xifeng section, from the fifth loess layer (L5) to the Holocene soil (S0), with the sampling interval of 10 cm. The main results and conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. A continuous terrestrial mollusk fossil record, covering the past 500 ka, has been obtained from the Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence, which provides important biological data for the study of paleoenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau and its comparison with marine record during this period. A total of 475 mollusk assemblages were studied, and twenty-one species have been identified among the 210,000 mollusk individuals counted. Among these species, most have modern representatives and are found in previous terrestrial mollusk studies of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Thus, they can be grouped into cold-aridiphilous, thermo-humidiphilous, oriental, and cool-humidiphilous ecological groups, as defined by previous studies. 2. Comparison of mollusk assemblages between the last five glacials and four interglacials and Holocene shows very different climate conditions. The warmest period occurred at MIS 11, MIS 5e, and Holocene, respectively. The coldest period is the Last Glacial Maximam, rather than the MIS 12. 3. Our mollusk record provides insight into the climate conditions in the Loess Plateau during the MIS 11, interpreted as the closest analog to the present interglacial. S4 paleosol, equivalent of MIS 11, developed under two major different climate regimes: ranging from the very warm–humid early phase to the mild-cool late interval. Furthermore, a cooling spell has been documented at the interglacial optimum, reflecting unstable climate conditions. The early warm–humid conditions lasted over 30 ka, supporting that MIS 11 is a unique long interglacial in the Quaternary climate history. 4. Comparison of MIS 11 and Holocene climates based on the mollusk species compositions indicates major differences. The climate at the early part of MIS 11 was warmer and more humid than during the Holocene optimum period, but the conditions during the late part of MIS 11 were similar to or cooler than late Holocene. Our study indicates that the extent of warming during the Holocene might be significantly less than the conditions that prevailed during the early part of MIS 11 interglacial period. 5. Two strong summer monsoon events were observed during the MIS 12 and MIS 10. They correspond to the maximam values of insolation gradient between low and high latitudes, suggesting a causal linkage. 6. Our study, combined with the previously investigated Luochuan land snail record, reveals that the climate in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3 experienced three stages: relatively warm, humid climate prevailed during MIS 3c, relatively cold, dry climate during MIS 3b, and relatively warm-humid period during MIS 3a. Climate at this time fluctuated frequently in Luochuan, and changed from warm-cool to cold-dry in Xifeng. Our results reveal that the relatively warm-humid climate during MIS 3c may be resulted from an increasing insolation gradient controlled by obliquity. Our result also reveals that obvious regional difference existed in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3. A greater climate gradient occurred during this time compared with today’s climate pattern in the Loess Plateau.


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Our study deals with the high resolution body wave tomography in North china and adjacent areas(30°N-43°N,100°E-130°E), where earthquakes occurred many times in history and has a very complicated geological structure. 6870 events recorded at 273 digital seismic stations from CDSN during 1996-2002 and stations settled by Seislab of IGCAS in Bohai Bay area, including 1382 local earthquakes and 5488 teleseismic earthquakes are used in this study. In the data we used, the average number of received stations is greater than 5, the error of picking up direct arrival time is 0.1-0.5s. Before the inversion, we use Checkerboard method to confirm the reliability of result of Local events; use Restoring Resolution Test to confirm the reliability of result of teleseismic events. We also analyzed the effect of different parameters in the inversion. Based the analysis above, the model used in this paper is divided into small blocks with a dimension of 0.33°in the latitude and longitude directions and 5km、15km、30km in depth, and initial velocity model. Using pseudobending method to calculate the ray traveling path, LSQR algorithm to inverse, finally, we got the body velocity images below 25km and above 480km in this area using Joint- inversion with local events and teleseismic events. We made the conclusion at last: (1)at top zone of the south of Sichuan Basin , there exits low velocity anomalies, below 40km is the high velocity zone extend to 300km; (2) Above the 40km of Ordos block exits low velocity zone, while below 40km until 240km, the high velocity anomalies are interlaced by low velocity anomalies. Below 300km, the anomalies are unclear any more; (3) On the whole, the velocity structure below 400km on the mantle transition zone of Eastern China area shows its changes from low velocity to high velocity.


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月球上是否存在水冰是第二次月球探测热潮中的热点问题。1994 年克莱门汀号(Clementine)环月探测器搭载的频率为2. 273 GHz 双基地雷达探测到月球南极一些地区出现同向极化增加等独特的回波特征,这些地区正好处于极地永久阴影区,表明这些地区可能存在水冰。Arecibo 天文台频率为2. 38 GHz 的地基雷达对月球极地进行制图,也得到类似结论。1998 年月球勘探者号(Lunar Prospec2tor) 环月探测器搭载的中子探测仪在月球极地永久阴影区探测到高含量的氢信号大多认为是水冰引起的。但雷达探测和中子探测结果均存在多解性。月球表面粗糙度同样可以引起雷达回波呈现出类似水冰的异常特征,而中子探测仪测量到的仅仅是氢信号而非水,而且月球勘探者号撞击月表之后并没有探测到任何的水蒸气信号。月球极地水冰存在与否、存在形式和存在数量等科学问题的回答需要对月球极地特别是永久阴影区作进一步探索。


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湖泊沉积物中磷存在形态,是理解湖泊系统中磷的生物地球化学循环的重要方面,对研究湖泊富营养化等环境问题具有重要意义。本次工作中,采用连续提取化学分析技术,对红枫-百花尖沉积物中磷的存在形态及其剖面变化进行了研究,磷的存在形态包括:吸附态磷(Losely sorbedP)、铁结合态磷(Fe-bound P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-bound P)、矿物晶格中结合力强的残留态磷(Detrial-P)和有机态湖泊沉积物中磷存在形态,是理解湖泊系统中磷的生物地球化学循环的重要方面,对研究湖泊富营养化等环境问题具有重要意义。本次工作中,采用连续提取化学分析技术,对红枫-百花尖沉积物中磷的存在形态及其剖面变化进行了研究,磷的存在形态包括:吸附态磷(Losely sorbedP)、铁结合态磷(Fe-bound P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-bound P)、矿物晶格中结合力强的残留态磷(Detrial-P)和有机态


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利用X 射线吸收精细结构分析(XAFS) 和铁的穆斯堡尔谱(MÊssbauer) 对黔西南高砷煤中砷和铁的存在形式进行了研究。研究发现,高砷煤中的砷主要以高价砷的形式存在,也有少量以As2O3 、砷黄铁矿、砷硫化物的形式存在。除1 个样品中的铁全部以顺磁性针铁矿或超顺磁性的针铁矿的形式存在外,其它样品中的Fe 主要是黄铁矿中的Fe ,约占全铁的60 %~91 %;其次是黄铁钾矾中的Fe ,约占全铁的9 %~40 %。


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