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The commonest organisms of the original Mexico lake complex are listed, including those that exist today in the Lago Viejo. In addition, a brief hydraulic history of this endorheic basin is given.
This brief article provides some of the background to the publication of The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles (John et al. 2002). This publication updates West and Fritsch's A Treatise on British Freshwater Algae (2nd edition) which was published in 1927. Taxonomic experts on the major freshwater algal groups were approached and almost all agreed to collaborate. The book which has taken more than 10 years to complete is illustrated with over 2000 line drawings and there are 20 half tone plates.
Isoprene (ISO),the most abundant non-methane VOC, is the major contributor to secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation. The mechanisms involved in such transformation, however, are not fully understood. Current mechanisms, which are based on the oxidation of ISO in the gas-phase, underestimate SOA yields. The heightened awareness that ISO is only partially processed in the gas-phase has turned attention to heterogeneous processes as alternative pathways toward SOA.
During my research project, I investigated the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in bulk water. Below, I will report on the λ > 305 nm photolysis of H2O2 in dilute ISO solutions. This process yields C10H15OH species as primary products, whose formation both requires and is inhibited by O2. Several isomers of C10H15OH were resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected as MH+ (m/z = 153) and MH+-18 (m/z = 135) signals by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This finding is consistent with the addition of ·OH to ISO, followed by HO-ISO· reactions with ISO (in competition with O2) leading to second generation HO(ISO)2· radicals that terminate as C10H15OH via β-H abstraction by O2.
It is not generally realized that chemistry on the surface of water cannot be deduced, extrapolated or translated to those in bulk gas and liquid phases. The water density drops a thousand-fold within a few Angstroms through the gas-liquid interfacial region and therefore hydrophobic VOCs such as ISO will likely remain in these relatively 'dry' interfacial water layers rather than proceed into bulk water. In previous experiments from our laboratory, it was found that gas-phase olefins can be protonated on the surface of pH < 4 water. This phenomenon increases the residence time of gases at the interface, an event that makes them increasingly susceptible to interaction with gaseous atmospheric oxidants such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals.
In order to test this hypothesis, I carried out experiments in which ISO(g) collides with the surface of aqueous microdroplets of various compositions. Herein I report that ISO(g) is oxidized into soluble species via Fenton chemistry on the surface of aqueous Fe(II)Cl2 solutions simultaneously exposed to H2O2(g). Monomer and oligomeric species (ISO)1-8H+ were detected via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) on the surface of pH ~ 2 water, and were then oxidized into a suite of products whose combined yields exceed ~ 5% of (ISO)1-8H+. MS/MS analysis revealed that products mainly consisted of alcohols, ketones, epoxides and acids. Our experiments demonstrated that olefins in ambient air may be oxidized upon impact on the surface of Fe-containing aqueous acidic media, such as those of typical to tropospheric aerosols.
Related experiments involving the reaction of ISO(g) with ·OH radicals from the photolysis of dissolved H2O2 were also carried out to test the surface oxidation of ISO(g) by photolyzing H2O2(aq) at 266 nm at various pH. The products were analyzed via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Similar to our Fenton experiments, we detected (ISO)1-7H+ at pH < 4, and new m/z+ = 271 and m/z- = 76 products at pH > 5.
Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) have existed in the upper reaches of Broadmead Brook in Wiltshire since 200 individuals were introduced at West Kington in 1981. The population has expanded upstream and downstream since this introduction, however, giving rise to concerns that it may potentially threaten the native crayfish population further downstream. Signal crayfish can act as a vector of crayfish plague - a disease caused by the fungus Aphanomyces astaci Schikora which results in almost complete mortality to the native, white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. The native crayfish in Broadmead Brook have not yet succumbed to crayfish plague and are currently free of the disease. However, as signal crayfish appear to out-compete the native species, the native population could still be under threat. In this article, we highlight the findings of previous crayfish surveys on Broadmead Brook and describe work undertaken in summer 2001 to map the current distribution of native and signal crayfish. Finally, options for controlling the spread of signal crayfish are discussed.
Based on the two-step modified signed-digit (MSD) algorithm, we present a one-step algorithm for the parallel addition and subtraction of two MSD numbers. This algorithm is reached by classifying the three neighboring digit pairs into 10 groups and then making a decision on the groups. It has only a look-up truth table, and can be further formulated by eight computation rules. A joint spatial encoding technique is developed to represent both the input data and the computation rules. Furthermore, an optical correlation architecture is suggested to implement the MSD adder in parallel. An experimental demonstration is also given. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical instrumentation Engineers.
Oreochrimis niloticus (L.) was introduced to Lake victoria in the 1950s. It remained relatively uncommon in catches until 1965, when the numbers began to increase dramatically. It is now the third most important commercial fish species after the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). Oreochromis niloticus is considered a herbivore, feeding mostly on algae and plant material. The diet now appears to be more diversified , with insects, fish, algae and plant materials all being important food items. Fish smaller than 5 cm TL have a diverse diet but there is a decline in the importance of zooplankton, the preferred food item of small fish, as fish get larger. The shift in diet could be due to changes which have occurred in the lake. Water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, which harbours numerous insects in its root balls, now has extensively coverage over the lake. The native fish species which preyed on these insects (e.g. haplochromines) have largely been eliminated and O. niloticus could be filling niches previously occupied by these cichlids and non cichlid fishes. The change in diet could also be related to food availability and abundance where the fish is feeding on the most readily available food items.
La Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales tiene el reto permanente de desarrollar y mejorar materiales multifuncionales y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. En este sentido, los materiales de tipo MOF (Metal-Organic Framework) están siendo objeto de un gran interés, ya que las redes sólidas de coordinación (especialmente, las porosas) presentan aplicaciones en campos en los que la sociedad manifiesta una demanda creciente de ciencia y tecnología, como el almacenamiento y transporte de energía, la captura de gases con efecto invernadero, la catálisis heterogénea y la liberación controlada de fármacos, entre otros. En este contexto, el presente trabajo se planteó con el objetivo de desarrollar nuevos materiales de tipo MOF basados en metaloporfirinas, al objeto de mimetizar las funciones que desempeñan las mismas en los sistemas biológicos, con el fin de reproducirlas en el estado sólido. Para ello, se han escogido biometales como el hierro y el cobalto: característicos de estos sistemas, de bajo coste y medioambientalmente respetuosos. Por otra parte, las porfirinas seleccionadas han sido las siguientes: TPP (meso-tetra-4-fenilporfirina), TCPP (meso-tetra-4-carboxifenilporfirina) y TPPS (meso-tetra-4-sulfonatofenilporfirina). Estas tres moléculas conforman un conjunto de ligandos que difieren ligeramente en sus grupos funcionales. Asimismo, en ocasiones, se ha utilizado un ligando secundario dipiridínico (4,4´-bipiridina) que ha actuado como espaciador. El diseño de las síntesis se ha centrado tanto en las combinaciones adecuadas de metales y ligandos como en la selección de las técnicas de síntesis. Así, se han obtenido cinco nuevos compuestos, que se han sintetizado en condiciones solvotermales suaves o mediante radiación microondas. La caracterización preliminar de los mismos se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis cuantitativo, espectroscopia infrarroja y Raman, difracción y fluorescencia de rayos X y medidas de densidad. El estudio estructural se ha realizado mediante difractometría de rayos X y el estudio térmico se ha llevado a cabo mediante termogravimetría y termodifractometría. En los casos en que ha resultado procedente, también se han caracterizado los compuestos mediante espectroscopia ultravioleta-visible (UV-Vis), Mössbauer y resonancia paramagnética electrónica (EPR) y mediante medidas de la susceptibilidad magnética. Asimismo, ocasionalmente, se han realizado cálculos mecano-cuánticos basados en la teoría del funcional de la densidad (DFT) y medidas catalíticas. El primero de los cinco compuestos obtenidos, de fórmula [FeTCPP], es quiral y destaca por ser la tercera estructura 2D publicada basada en esta porfirina. La formación de este compuesto está condicionada por la oxidación de los iones de hierro y por la existencia de grupos carboxílicos en la porfirina. Por otra parte, con la participación del espaciador 4,4´-bipiridina (bipy) se han obtenido tres redes 1D. Así, la estructura cristalina del compuesto ([FeTPPbipy]•)n se explica mediante la formación de radicales neutros que se estabilizan en un empaquetamiento que permite la formación de enlaces entre los grupos fenílicos de distintas cadenas. La formación de estos enlaces queda corroborada por la existencia de significativas interacciones antiferromagnéticas. Por otra parte, en el compuesto [CoTPP(bipy)]•([CoTPP])0.22•(TPP)0.78, la disposición de las cadenas deja grandes huecos en la red que se ocupan con porfirinas tanto coordinadas como sin coordinar. El tercero de estos compuestos 1D presenta la fórmula [CoTPPS0.5(bipy)(H2O)2]•6H2O y destaca porque la extensión de las cadenas se produce por la alternancia de dos tipos de octaedros de CoII. La naturaleza de los grupos sulfonato de la porfirina TPPS es determinante para comprender la intrincada red de enlaces de hidrógeno de este compuesto, que propician la formación de una red interpenetrada caracterizada por su gran estabilidad térmica (hasta los 370ºC). Finalmente, con la porfirina TCPP se ha obtenido un segundo compuesto de fórmula -O-[FeTCPP]2•nDMF (n≈ 16; DMF = dimetilformamida). El mismo presenta grandes cavidades (47% de porosidad) que diluyen la matriz magnética, caracterizada por fuertes interacciones antiferromagnéticas intradiméricas. Todo ello revela una inusual estructura superhiperfina, observada por espectroscopia EPR. El trabajo que se recoge en esta memoria constituye, por lo tanto, un “viaje” de mayor a menor dimensionalidad en las estructuras cristalinas. La guía de este viaje ha sido la búsqueda de propiedades catalíticas en sistemas heterogéneos. Así, el [CoTPP(bipy)]•([CoTPP])0.22•(TPP)0.78 obedece el enfoque de inmovilizar o anclar el catalizador en los huecos de la red. Sin embargo, la estrategia alternativa seguida para el compuesto m-O-[FeTCPP]2•nDMF (es decir, que el propio MOF actúe de catalizador) es la que ha aportado mejores y más prometedores resultados en lo que a catálisis heterogénea se refiere.