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A presente pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, está direcionada às políticas educacionais voltadas para a descentralização, que tem seu campo de atuação no universo micro da escola. Nesse contexto, é evidenciado o papel dos colegiados escolares, entre eles o Conselho de Classe e Série, pois esse vem se concretizando como um dos espaços que mais favorecem a participação dos diferentes segmentos da escola, tornando-se determinante para a qualidade da democratização da gestão escolar e do ensino-aprendizagem. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em três momentos: 1) análise da documentação escolar; 2) observações em uma instituição escolar estadual da rede pública de São Bernardo do Campo e 3) entrevistas abertas e semi-estruturadas com pais, alunos, professores e gestores que serviram de suporte para tecer as considerações sobre as práticas realizadas durante os Conselhos de Classe e Série. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: verificar como vem se estruturando a participação, seus acertos e desacertos na construção da gestão democrática da escola; desvelar o processo de implantação; entender como se dão as relações entre avaliação e aprendizagem em sala de aula. Mesmo tratando-se de um estudo de caso referente ao Conselho de Classe e Série, pode-se concluir que a participação é mediada por relações de poder, que se revelam a partir da interpretação das falas, e que estas se apresentam como determinantes para a ampliação da democracia dentro do ambiente escolar.(AU)
O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar de que forma pode ser representada uma identidade autoral através do objeto-livro. Este é um livro que atravessa os territórios da arte, da literatura, do design, da banda desenhada, entre outros possíveis, fugindo a categorizações e baralhando as tipologias tradicionais. Os dois pilares deste estudo são o Livro e a Autoria, e a análise destas e outras questões relacionadas servirá para fundamentar o processo desenvolvido na vertente prática do nosso projeto. Esta reflexão pessoal será acompanhada de exemplos de livros e autores que são referências na área de estudo definida.
This technical report contains all technical information and results from experiments where Mixture Density Networks (MDN) using an RBF network and fixed kernel means and variances were used to infer the wind direction from satellite data from the ersII weather satellite. The regularisation is based on the evidence framework and three different approximations were used to estimate the regularisation parameter. The results were compared with the results by `early stopping'.
In inflammatory diseases, release of oxidants leads to oxidative damage to biomolecules. HOCl (hypochlorous acid), released by the myeloperoxidase/H2O2/Cl- system, can cause formation of phospholipid chlorohydrins, or alpha-chloro-fatty aldehydes from plasmalogens. It can attack several amino acid residues in proteins, causing post-translational oxidative modifications of proteins, but the formation of 3-chlorotyrosine is one of the most stable markers of HOCl-induced damage. Soft-ionization MS has proved invaluable for detecting the occurrence of oxidative modifications to both phospholipids and proteins, and characterizing the products generated by HOCl-induced attack. For both phospholipids and proteins, the application of advanced mass spectrometric methods such as product or precursor ion scanning and neutral loss analysis can yield information both about the specific nature of the oxidative modification and the biomolecule modified. The ideal is to be able to apply these methods to complex biological or clinical samples, to determine the site-specific modifications of particular cellular components. This is important for understanding disease mechanisms and offers potential for development of novel biomarkers of inflammatory diseases. In the present paper, we review some of the progress that has been made towards this goal.
In the absence of any added base in ionic liquids [Bmim][BF4], benzotriazole replaces the halogen atom of an a-halogenated ketone or a-halogenated carboxylic ester to give the corresponding N-1-substituted benzotriazole as the only isomer, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene reacted similarly with benzotriazole to afford the N-1-substituted benzotriazole in a good yield. Alkyl halides reacted regioselectively to afford the N-1-alkylbenzotriazole in ratios of more than 15 to 1 over the N-2-isomer.
Evidence of abnormalities in the perception of rapidly presented sounds in dyslexia has been interpreted as evidence of a prolonged time window within which sounds can influence the perception of temporally surrounding sounds. We recorded the magnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) to infrequent tone omissions in a group of six dyslexic adults and six IQ and age-matched controls. An MMNm is only elicited in response to a complete stimulus omission when successive inputs fall within the temporal window of integration (stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) ∼160 ms). No MMNm responses were recorded in either experimental group when stimuli were presented at SOAs falling just outside the temporal window of integration (SOA = 175 ms). However, while presentation rates of 100 ms resulted in MMNm responses for all control participants, the same stimulus omissions elicited an MMNm response in only one of the six dyslexic participants. These results cannot support the hypothesis of a prolonged time window of integration, but rather indicate auditory grouping deficits in the dyslexic population. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Interaction engineering is fundamental for agent based systems. In this paper we will present a design pattern for the core of a multi-agent platform - the message communication and behavior activation mechanisms - using language features of C#. An agent platform is developed based on the pattern structure, which is legiti- mated through experiences of using JADE in real applications. Results of the communication model are compared against the popular JADE platform.
A tanulmány a vezetői döntéshozatal három lényeges aspektusát tárja fel. A Versenyben a világgal c. kutatási program eredményei alapján arra lehet következtetni, hogy a menedzserek döntéshozatali képességei és megközelítései, a vállalati teljesítménymérés és menedzsment döntéseket támogató szerepe, valamint a vállalatok érintettekhez fűződő viszonya meghatározó lehet a hatékony vezetői döntéshozatal során. A vállalati döntéshozatal jellemzőinek bemutatása után megvizsgáljuk azt is, hogy a különböző teljesítményű cégek döntéseit mennyire támogatja a menedzserek felkészültsége, a teljesítménymérési gyakorlat és az érintettek elvárásai. A szerzők úgy találták, hogy a fenti tényezők mindegyike hozzájárul a hazai cégek versenyképességéhez, általánosságban ugyanis elmondható, hogy a döntéseket támogató vállalati környezet jobb üzleti teljesítményhez és gyorsabb reagálóképességhez vezethet. Az eredmények összegzése mellett ajánlásokkal is éltek a vállalatok számára, amelyek alkalmazásával hatékonyabb döntéseket hozhatnak. _______ This study presents three main aspects of the managerial decision making. Based on the results of the research program In competition with the World it points to the fact that decision making abilities and approaches of the managers, the corporate performance appraisal and the management decision support role, and the corporate relations to the stakeholders will be determinant in the process of the efficient managerial decision making. After presentation of characteristics of the corporate decision making the authors examine that how the decisions of enterprises with different performances are supported by the preparedness of the managers, the performance appraisal practice and the stakeholders expectations. The authors have thought that every factor contributes to the competitiveness of the domestic enterprises, and generally the decision supporting corporate environment can lead to better business performance and faster responsive abilities. Besides the results summary the authors give useful recommendations to the corporations with which they can make more efficient decisions.
Presentation for the Mock Site Visit for Preliminary Accreditation. Provides an overview of stages in the College of Medicine's planning and development efforts for accreditation.
Critical reflection is imperative for the practitioner who seeks to grow and improve in the important work of teaching. This paper is a critical reflection of one author’s experience in creating a faculty development initiative.
Hospitality managers have a number of methods available to them to enhance employee productivity. The author discusses five major concepts that can lead to successful results in the hospitality industry.
Vol. 17, Issue 57, 12 pages
In the southern Everglades, vegetation in both the marl prairie and ridge and slough landscapes is sensitive to large-scale restoration activities associated with the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) authorized by the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 2000 to restore the south Florida ecosystem. More specifically, changes in hydrologic regimes at both local and landscape scales are likely to affect vegetation composition along marl prairie-slough gradient resulting in a shift in boundary between plant communities in these landscapes. To strengthen our ability to assess how vegetation would respond to changes in underlying ecosystem drivers along the gradient, an improved understanding of reference conditions of plant community structure and function, and their responses to major stressors is important. In this regard, a study of vegetation structure and composition in relation to physical and biological processes along the marl prairie-slough gradient was initiated in 2005, and has continued through 2012 with funding from US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) (Cooperative Agreement # W912HZ-09-2-0018 Modification No.: P00002). This study addresses the hypothesis with respect to RECOVER-MAP monitoring item – “Marl Prairie/Slough Gradients; patterns and trends in Shark Slough marshes and associated marl prairies”.