789 resultados para 1012
Palmer Deep is a series of three glacially overdeepened basins on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf, ~20 km southwest of Anvers Island. Site 1098 (64°51.72'S, 64°12.48'W) was drilled in the shallowest basin, Basin I, at 1012 m water depth. The sediment recovered was primarily laminated, siliceous, biogenic, pelagic muds alternating with siliciclastic hemipelagic sediments (Barker, Camerlenghi, Acton, et al., 1999). Sedimentation rates of 0.1725 cm/yr in the upper 25 m and 0.7-0.80 cm/yr in the lower 25 m of the core have been estimated from 14C (Domack et al., 2001). The oldest datable sediments have an age of ~13 ka and were underlain by diamicton sediments of the last glacial maximum (Domack et al., 2001). The large-scale water-mass distribution and circulation in the vicinity of Palmer Deep is dominated by Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) below 200 m (Hofmann et al., 1996). Palmer Deep is too far from the coast to be influenced by glacial meltwater and cold-tongue generation associated with it (Domack and Williams, 1990; Dixon and Domack, 1991). Circulation patterns in the Palmer Deep area are not well understood, but evidence suggests southward flow across Palmer Deep from Anvers Island to Renaud Island (Kock and Stein, 1978). The water south of Anvers Island is nearly open with loose pack ice from February through May. The area is covered with sea ice beginning in June (Gloersen et al., 1992; Leventer et al., 1996). Micropaleontologic data from the work of Leventer et al. (1996) on a 9-m piston core has revealed circulation and climate patterns for the past 3700 yr in the Palmer Deep. The benthic foraminifer assemblage is dominated by two taxa, Bulimina aculeata and Bolivina pseudopunctata, which are inversely related. High relative abundances of B. aculeata occur cyclically over a period of ~230 yr. The assemblage associated with high abundance of B. aculeata in Palmer Deep resembles that from the Bellingshausen shelf, which is associated with CDW. In addition to the faunal evidence, hydrographic data indicate incursions of CDW into Palmer Deep (Leventer et al., 1996). A distinctive diatom assemblage dominated by a single genus was associated with peaks in B. aculeata, whereas a few different assemblages were associated with lows in B. aculeata. Leventer et al. (1996) interpreted the variability in diatom assemblages as an indication of changes in productivity associated with changes in water column stability. Abelmann and Gowing (1997) studied the horizontal and vertical distributions of radiolarians in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. They show that the spatial distribution of radiolarian assemblages reflects hydrographic boundaries. In a transect from the subtropical Atlantic to polar Antarctic zones, radiolarians in the upper 1000 m of the water column occurred in distinct surface and deep-living assemblages related to water depth, temperature, salinity, and nutrient content. Living assemblages resembled those preserved in underlying surface sediments (Abelmann and Gowing, 1997). Circumantarctic coastal sediments from neritic environments contained a distinctive assemblage dominated by the Phormacantha hystrix/Plectacantha oikiskos group and Rhizoplegma boreale (Nishimura et al., 1997). Low diversity and species compositions distinguished the coastal sediments from the typical pelagic Antarctic assemblages. Factors that controlled the assemblages were water depth, proximity to the coast, occurrence of sea ice, and steepness of topography, rather than temperature and salinity. Nishimura et al. (1997) found a gradient of sorts from deep-water sites containing diverse assemblages typical of pelagic environments to coastal sites with low diversity assemblages dominated by P. hystrix/P. oikiskos group and R. boreale. In general, sites between these two extremes had increased proportions of the coastal assemblage with decreasing water depth (Nishimura et al., 1997). At a site near Hole 1098 (GC905), they showed that the relative abundance of the coastal assemblage increased downcore (Nishimura et al., 1997). The purpose of the research presented here was to make a cursory investigation into the radiolarian assemblages as possible paleoenvironmental indicators.
This article analyses the influence that different criticism stages of proceedings exert in the habits of theatre attendance. The study is based on the survey carried out specifically for this research in which 210 people, who attended a theatrical representation, were interviewed in three different theatres in the city of Valencia. The study has revealed the mouth to mouth importance in the decision of attending the theatre and its stronger influence on the audiences who less frequently go to theatrical representations. The results obtained have also made clear the existence of a narrow relation between the advice effect of the theatre critics and the patterns of attendance to the theatre, just like its bigger influence between theatres with commercial orientation and those which are addressed to the broad audiences.
Despite the apparent benefits of being mindful, people are often not very mindful. There seem to be forces that drive people toward as well as away from mindfulness. These forces are conceptualised in terms of a competition for scarce attentional capacity. To explore these forces and to test this framework, an experience sampling study among people with an explicit intention to be mindful and an ongoing practice to that end (29 participants, 1012 measurements) was done to examine the antecedents of mindfulness in their daily lives. The results generally support the framework. People tend to be more mindful if the intention to be mindful is salient, and if they feel good. They tend to be less mindful when they are in a hurry, experiencing threat, tired, or very busy. A conscious intention to be mindful seems to be very important, and its development may be a key ingredient in the development of mindfulness.
En este trabajo se analiza el movimiento indígena evangélico ecuatoriano con énfasis particular enlas tensiones entre etnicidad y religión en contextos de movilización política en la provincia deChimborazo. Una provincia que ha sido una fortaleza tradicional tanto de la Iglesia Católica comoposteriormente de las Iglesias Evangélicas, lo que ha contribuido a la excepcionalidad de la provinciay asimismo ha animado la formación de diferentes movimientos políticos. El enfoque principal de esteanálisis es la Federación Ecuatoriana de Indígenas Evangélicos/FEINE y su brazo electoral AmautaJatari, así como sus complejas relaciones con el más amplio movimiento indígena. Teórica ymetodológicamente, el artículo se apoya en ideas de Interseccionalidad, se integran dentro de unmarco analítico sociológico-politológico. Se justifica esta integración analítica por su valor para laapertura de posibilidades de problematización del tema, sino también para comprender la complejamezcla identitaria que influye en las lógicas colectivas e individuales en la sociedad.
Se analiza el sindicalismo agrario ecuatoriano en términos de representación de diferentes actores sociales. Se enfatiza en particular el desarrollo de la Federación Nacional de trabajadores agroindustriales, campesinos e indígenas libres del Ecuador (FENACLE). Se discute lamanera en que las políticas neoliberales cambiaron las condiciones de la lucha social en el Ecuador e impactaron en el desarrollo específico de la federación. Además se establecen lasposibles diferencias entre el movimiento campesino, el movimiento indígena y el sindicato agrario; y, en qué grado de representación la FENACLE involucra a cada uno de los grupos mencionados.
Dose response curves to various supplements were established in two pen-feeding experiments (Exp1 and Exp2) with Bos indicus crossbred steers of two age groups (Young, 10–12 months; Old, 33–36 months) fed low-quality tropical grass hays ad libitum. Diets included supplements based on (Exp1) cottonseed meal (CSM; intake (as fed) 0–10 g/kg liveweight (W).day) and a barley mix (Bar; 0–20 g/kg W.day) and (Exp2) a molasses mix (MUP) and a Bar mix, both fed at 0–20 g/kg W.day. Urea was provided with the Bar mixes and urea/copra meal with the MUP mix. Growth rates of Young steers increased linearly with Bar and MUP supplements but asymptotically with CSM whereas those of Old steers increased asymptotically with all supplement types. With supplement intake expressed on a liveweight basis (g/kg W.day), responses were greater for both steer age groups with CSM compared with Bar (Young, P < 0.001; Old, P < 0.01) and Bar compared with MUP treatments (Young, P < 0.01; Old, P < 0.05). Furthermore, Old steers outperformed their Young counterparts with both CSM (P < 0.05) and Bar (P < 0.001) supplements fed in Exp1 and with Bar and MUP supplements (P < 0.01) fed in Exp2. When supplement intake was expressed in absolute terms (kg/day), growth responses were not different between age groups for different supplements except that Old steers had a higher daily W gain on Bar than their Young counterparts (P < 0.05). Intake of hay (W-corrected) was higher for Young compared with Old steers without supplement but was variably reduced for both steer groups with increasing supplement intake. The results of these experiments have implications for supplement formulation for steers at different stages of maturity grazing low-quality forages.
A significant focus of hydrothermal vent ecological studies has been to understand how species cope with various stressors through physiological tolerance and biochemical resistance. Yet, the environmental conditions experienced by vent species have not been well characterized. This objective requires continuous observations over time intervals that can capture environmental variability at scales that are relevant to animals. We used autonomous temperature logger arrays (four roughly parallel linear arrays of 12 loggers spaced every 10–12 cm) to study spatial and temporal variations in the thermal regime experienced by hydrothermal vent macrofauna at a diffuse flow vent. Hourly temperatures were recorded over eight months from 2010 to 2011 at Grotto vent in the Main Endeavour vent field on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a focus area of the Ocean Networks Canada cabled observatory. The conspicuous animal assemblages in video footage contained Ridgeia piscesae tubeworms, gastropods (primarily Lepetodrilus fucensis), and polychaetes (polynoid scaleworms and the palm worm Paralvinella palmiformis). Two dimensional spatial gradients in temperature were generally stable over the deployment period. The average temperature recorded by all arrays, and in some individual loggers, revealed distinctive fluctuations in temperature that often corresponded with the tidal cycle. We postulate that this may be related to changes in bottom currents or fluctuations in vent discharge. A marked transient temperature increase lasting over a period of days was observed in April 2011. While the distributions and behavior of Juan de Fuca Ridge vent invertebrates may be partially constrained by environmental temperature and temperature tolerance, except for the one transient high-temperature event, observed fluid temperatures were generally similar to the thermal preferences for some species, and typically well below lethal temperatures for all species. Average temperatures of the four arrays ranged from 4.1 to 11.0 °C during the deployment, indicating that on an hourly timescale the temperature conditions in this tubeworm community were fairly moderate and stable. The generality of these findings and behavioural responses of vent organisms to predictable rhythmicity and non-periodic temperature shifts are areas for further investigation
Este artículo analiza las principales contribuciones de una corriente emergente dentro del campo de la sociología denominada por quienes han promovido su desarrollo como sociología económica. Se sistematizan en el texto un conjunto de propuestas analíticas y formulaciones teóricas que en la bibliografía aparecen dispersas, pero cuya articulación enriquecería la comprensión que tenemos sobre el origen, configuración y dinámica de los mercados y de la acción económica de los sujetos sociales.El texto se estructura en torno a cuatro ideas básicas. Primero, que los mercados no son realidades universales y autocontenidas, sino, por el contrario, productos socio-históricos. Suconfiguración, estructura y dinámica están cruzadas por la presencia de instituciones sociales que hacen viable su surgimiento, consolidación y desarrollo. Segundo, que la acción económica no es llevada a cabo por agentes individuales dotados de una racionalidad económica que se superpone a cualquier otro tipo de racionalidad.
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This paper describes the use of pesticides in agriculture. Research has shown that signifcant quantities of pesticide residues have been found in many types of foods. Thus, an overview is given of pesticide residue determinations in fruits and vegetables, with special attention to apples. The toxicity and the adverse effects possibly caused by the exposure of these compounds are alerting the scientifc community to develop studies about the validation of analytical methods for multiresidue pesticide determination in these samples. This review shows that pesticide-residue determination in apples is becoming a very important and challenging issue.
Conocer los factores intervinientes en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es de vital importancia para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la calidad universitaria. Esta investigación busca identificar los posibles factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios del grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Alicante. El estudio pretende determinar el poder explicativo y predictivo de nueve variables para pronosticar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes mediante regresión lineal múltiple. Se ha identificado que seis de las variables estudiadas son estadísticamente significativas y que dos de ellas tienen una gran influencia sobre el rendimiento académico.