954 resultados para yacon roots
Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino and phyllospadix japonicus Makino have similar frunt morphology and anatomy.The rhomboid fruit of Japanese phyllospadix is dark brown in colour and is characterized by two arms bearing stiff inflected bristles which can act as an anchoring system. The fruit covering consists of a thin cuticular seed coat and pericarp remains mainly fibrous endocarp. In the groove region of the fruit.the cuticular seed coat and endocarp are replaced by nucellus cells with wall in growths and crushed pigment strands with lignified walls.these tissues appera to control the transfer of nutrients to developing seed.the seed is oval with a small embryo and a large hypocotyl. the embryo is straight and simple,with the plumule containing three leaf primordia and a pair of root primordia surrounded by a cotyledon.the hypocotyl has large vontral lobe containing central provascular tissue and two small dorsal lobes.the hypocotyl contains starch.lipid and protein.and acts as a nutrient store.the seed of P.iwatensis has a dormancy period of 2-6 weeks and germination eventually reaches-65%.but is not synchronized.during germination the leaves emerge first.and then after at least three young leaves have formed and abseised.the roots emerge,usually?6 months after the commencement of germination.Utilizaton of the nutrient reserves is initially from the perihpery of the hypocotyl and then progressively towards its centre.
在遮雨棚控水条件下,采用盆栽的方式研究了不同秸秆覆盖量对玉米根、冠生长的影响。试验按对照(CK)和秸秆覆盖量0.3 kg/m2(SM0.3)、0.6 kg/m2(SM0.6)、0.9 kg/m2(SM0.9)、1.2 kg/m2(SM1.2)共设5个处理,水分按高水(占田间持水量的90%)和低水(占田间持水量的60%)设两个水平。分别测定了玉米根、茎、叶、穗干重,根系垂直空间分布及叶片叶绿素相对含量等指标。结果表明:秸秆覆盖明显改变了玉米根系和地上部分的生长;高水条件下SM0.6处理玉米根系、茎秆、叶和穗干重均高于其它处理;低水条件下,地上部分干重SM1.2最大,SM0.6次之;根系的垂直空间分布与水分和覆盖条件都有密切的关系,覆盖措施主要影响下层根系的生长和发育。
通过调节B5培养基中的组分,研究了金钩南瓜组培根在五种营养元素(P、Mg、Fe、Cu、B)四个浓度梯度(1/2 B5、B5、3/2 B52、B5)培养下化感作用的响应模式以及对黑籽和金钩南瓜两种受体幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:不同营养元素对受体植物幼苗生长的影响不一致,与元素含量显著相关,而且依赖于受体选择。五种营养元素在亏缺(1/2 B5)和正常(B5)条件下南瓜组培根过滤液对受体植物幼苗生长均表现为抑制作用;而适量增加营养元素的条件下(3/2 B5和2 B5),一般表现为促进作用,但2 B5含量下,B元素导致金钩南瓜的自毒作用,而Fe能引发金钩南瓜组培根过滤液对黑籽南瓜的抑制作用。因此理论上初步得出P和Mg元素可以降低南瓜根系的毒害作用,而Fe、Cu和B元素对南瓜根系的化感调控作用与品种选择有关,这对调控施肥、降低设施农业中葫芦科作物的连作障碍具有一定的参考意义。
以玉米(Zea mays)品种‘豫玉-22’为材料,采用营养液培养方法,研究了低铁和正常供铁条件下供应不同形态氮素对玉米苗期生长及体内铁分布的影响。结果表明:(1)与低铁介质相比,常铁介质增加了各氮素处理玉米幼苗的株高、地上部干重、全株干重,降低了根冠比,其中硝态氮处理表现得尤其突出;与供应硝态氮(NO3--N)相比,增施铵态氮(1/2 NO3--N+1/2 NH4+-N,NH4+-N)能明显促进低铁介质中玉米生长,但在常铁介质下作用不明显。(2)相比于低铁介质,正常供铁显著提高了相应处理玉米新叶叶绿素含量及净光合速率;2种供铁介质中,NH4+-N处理的新叶叶绿素含量以及净光合速率均高于其它氮素处理。(3)相比于低铁介质,正常供铁处理总体上增加了玉米各部分活性铁含量和全铁含量,对NO3--N处理的新叶活性铁含量增加尤其明显;2种供铁介质中,NH4+-N均有利于提高新叶活性铁含量和植株地上部全铁含量。(4)玉米新叶活性铁含量不仅与其叶绿素含量显著正相关(r=0.979**),也与叶片净光合速率显著正相关(r=0.950**)。研究发现,供铁状况显著影响玉米新叶的叶绿素含量及其净光合速率且与供氮形态存在互作;供应...
以陕北农牧交错带人工草种紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)和天然草种短花针茅(Stipa breviflora Griseb.)为对象,采用根钻法调查两个草种的根系垂直分布以及刈割后苜蓿根系变化特征,并通过定位观测研究土壤水分动态变化。结果表明:紫花苜蓿和短花针茅根系密度随土壤深度增加而减少,而且均以直径小于等于1 mm的须根为主;0~50 cm土层紫花苜蓿和短花针茅根系量分别占0~100 cm剖面总量的67%和84%。紫花苜蓿和短花针茅根系分布与土壤水分消耗特征吻合。生长旺盛期苜蓿大量消耗0~140 cm土层土壤水分,5-9月平均有效土壤储水不足10 mm;生长季末深层(140~280 cm)土壤储水也逐渐降低,约为裸地储水量的50%。短花针茅0~280cm剖面土壤水分状况明显好于苜蓿地,比苜蓿地多储水100 mm左右;主要消耗浅层(0~50 cm)土壤水分,深层水分利用较少。
通过喷灌玉米田间试验,研究了喷灌水经玉米冠层再分配后的分布状况。结果表明:在玉米全生育期,茎秆下流水量占灌水量的均值为44%左右,棵间穿透水量占灌水量的均值为48%左右,冠层截留量在0.8 ̄2.9mm之间变化。一次灌水中,喷灌水在地表的分布很不均匀,43.2%的灌水量经茎秆下流到根区,在距离茎秆7cm,15cm,25cm和32.5cm处,地表接收的水量占总灌水量的比例分别为18.9%、43.5%、66.9%和84.5%。灌水量、种植密度、株高和叶面积指数等都影响着喷灌水在地表的分布。
植物根系除支撑和固定其地上部这一力学功能外的一个重要功能就是从土壤中吸收水分和养分以满足植物地上部生长所需.表征植物根吸水能力的一个重要的水力学参数是水力导度(用单位时间单位面积的水流速率来表示),可在细胞(细胞水力导度)、单根和整株根系水平上来表达,其中单根导度可分为径向导度和轴向导度,仅径向导度反映了单根吸收水分的能力,而轴向导度则反映了植物根系输导水分的能力,但在整株根系水平上则以通过整个根系的水流通量与根木质部和根表土壤间的水势差之比来表示,既包括径向导度也包括轴向导度.近年来,对植物根系吸水或根水力导度研究已取得了许多重要进展,这对阐明根系吸水机理和地上地下部关系起到了重要作用.下面做一简要综述.1 根系吸收水分的主要部位根系吸水的部位一般认为在距根尖10~100mm的区域内,这种看法是基于解剖上的证据.从根表面到根中心,依次为根表皮、下表皮、皮层、内皮层、中柱,其中根表皮是有最高吸收活性的根区,但一般仅可存活几天,而内皮层将皮层和中柱分开形成了根内侧的一个界面,老根一般有周皮或栓质化的内皮层,有很强的不透水性(即阻力很大).但Sanderson[1]对大麦的研究发现,虽然老根区内重度栓化的内皮层已...
为诱导无芽黄精根状茎产生不定芽,选择不同的化学物质进行诱导处理。结果表明,GA3处理效果明显,选用0.4 mg/L的GA3浸泡25 min对黄精根状茎不定芽的产生和须根生长有明显促进作用,高浓度抑制其生长;1%硫脲浸泡处理对黄精无顶芽根状茎萌发新芽和须根有明显的抑制作用。
研究了黄土区不同演替阶段草地植被细根垂直分布特征与土壤环境的关系,结果表明不同演替阶段草地植被细根生物量、根长密度、表面积、直径和比根长均具有明显的垂直分布特征。细根生物量、根长密度和细根表面积一般随土层加深而逐渐减少,且集中分布于0~40cm土层;随着演替的进行,除20a弃耕地外,0~80 cm土层细根生物量、根长密度和细根表面积逐渐增加;除25a弃耕地外,细根直径随演替进行逐渐减小。0~100 cm土层土壤含水量随演替进行而增加,不同演替阶段深层土壤水分较表层稳定。土壤容重的变化趋势为9<4<15<20<25a弃耕地,根系对表层土壤水分和容重的影响较大,而对深层土壤水分与容重影响较少。不同演替阶段细根各参数和土壤水分、容重差异均达到显著水平。各弃耕地细根参数之间,细根参数和土壤环境因子之间存在不同程度的相关关系,土壤含水量在草本植被的不同演替阶段均是影响其细根垂直分布的关键因素。土壤容重在演替早期对草本植被根系的影响较小,随着演替进行其影响作用进一步增强。
The results of the examination showed that some wetland plants' leaves and stems above the surface of water have little ability to supply water body with oxygen through roots of themselves while they are photosynthesizing. These plants are calamus(Acorus calamus), cattail(Typha angustifolia), wild rice stem(Zizania caduciflora), Cyoerus alternifokius, and water hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes). It means that there is no relationship between these plants' photosynthesis and the breath of root cells. But duckweed(Lemna minor) has a small to raise DO 0.44mg·L -1 in average, while it is photosynthesizing during the examination. Reed(Phragmitas communis) may have a little the to provide oxygen for water body through root of itself while it is photosynthesizing. It raised DO 0.30mg·L -1 in average during the examination.
Plant traits and individual plant biomass allocation of 57 perennial herbaceous species, belonging to three common functional groups (forbs, grasses and sedges) at subalpine (3700 m ASL), alpine (4300 m ASL) and subnival (>= 5000 m ASL) sites were examined to test the hypothesis that at high altitudes, plants reduce the proportion of aboveground parts and allocate more biomass to belowground parts, especially storage organs, as altitude increases, so as to geminate and resist environmental stress. However, results indicate that some divergence in biomass allocation exists among organs. With increasing altitude, the mean fractions of total biomass allocated to aboveground parts decreased. The mean fractions of total biomass allocation to storage organs at the subalpine site (7%+/- 2% S.E.) were distinct from those at the alpine (23%+/- 6%) and subnival (21%+/- 6%) sites, while the proportions of green leaves at all altitudes remained almost constant. At 4300 m and 5000 m, the mean fractions of flower stems decreased by 45% and 41%, respectively, while fine roots increased by 86% and 102%, respectively. Specific leaf areas and leaf areas of forbs and grasses deceased with rising elevation, while sedges showed opposite trends. For all three functional groups, leaf area ratio and leaf area root mass ratio decreased, while fine root biomass increased at higher altitudes. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine plants were characterized by a reduction in aboveground reproductive organs and enlargement of fine roots, while the proportion of leaves remained stable. It was beneficial for high altitude plants to compensate carbon gain and nutrient uptake under low temperature and limited nutrients by stabilizing biomass investment to photosynthetic structures and increasing the absorption surface area of fine roots. In contrast to forbs and grasses that had high mycorrhizal infection, sedges had higher single leaf area and more root fraction, especially fine roots.
The iridoid glycosides in crude and processed extracts from cornus officinals have been analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Samples were analyzed by a reversed-phase C18 column using a binary eluent under gradient conditions. Seven iridoid glycosides could be separated and detected. The [M-H](-) ions of iridoid glycosides in the negative ion mode were observed, which reflect their molecule mass information. An in-source collision induced dissociation (in-source CID) experiment was carried out in order to identify the structures and to measure the contents of iridoid glycosides. The epimers were discovered in the experiment for the first time, namely 7 alpha-O-ethyl-morroniside and 7 beta-O-ethylmorroniside.
Ultrahigh pressure technique was employed to extract ginsenosides from roots of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). The optimal conditions for ultrahigh pressure extraction (UPE) of total ginsenosides were quantified by UV-vis spectrophotometry with the ginsenoside Re as standard, the signal ginsenosides were quantified by HPLC and ELSD with ginsenosides Re, Rg(1), Rb-1, Rc and Rb-2 as standards. Orthogonal design was applied to evaluate the effects of four independent factors (extraction pressure, extraction temperature, extraction time and ethanol concentration) on the yield and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of ginsenoside, which are based on microwave extraction (ME), ultrasound extraction (UE), soxhlet extraction (SE) and heat reflux extraction (HRE) method. The results showed that UPE method can produce ginsenoside with the highest yield and the best radical scavenging activity compared to other used ones. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of the plant cells after ultrahigh pressure treatment was obtained to provide visual evidence of the disruption effect.