852 resultados para structural analysis


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Este artículo resalta la importancia de los determinantes en la existencia de contratos explícitos e implícitos en la contratación de gerentes, no considerados en el estudio previo de Gillan et. al. Se muestra como la asimetría de información, el contexto institucional y el poder con que la firma y el gerente enfrentan el acuerdo laboral influyen de manera directa el tipo de contrato. Se concluye planteando como argumento central que existen dos clases de determinantes: los de influencia y los de mediación. Los de mediación cobran sentido cuando están explícitamente relacionados con los de influencia. Los de influencia se combinan entre si en una situación dada y ejercen influencia sobre los de mediación. Estos últimos son los que determinan la propensión hacia el tipo de contrato, y son tres: El valor esperado de la pérdida ante la probabilidad de incumplimiento, el poder con que gerente y firma enfrentan el acuerdo y la posibilidad de comportamiento oportunista, los demás son clasificados como de influencia. Este argumento es contrastado mediante el uso de la técnica de análisis estructural.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização Estruturas


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The occurrence of bioactive compounds in marine organisms comes awaking the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide which presence was already identified in several marine invertebrates, is very attractive due its remarkable functional versatility. Besides to intervene in blood coagulation, this molecule has a great anti-inflammatory potential. However, its strong anticoagulant activity difficult the clinical exploitation of its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of a heparin-like compound (heparinoid), isolated from the cephalotorax of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, on the inflammatory response, hemostasia and synthesis of antithrombotic heparan sulfate by endothelial cells, besides studying some aspects concerning its structure. The purified heparinoid was structurally characterized following an analytical boarding, involving electrophoresis and chromatography. The structural analysis have shown that this compound possess a high content of glucuronic acid residues and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast to mammalian heparin, the heparinoid was incapable to stimulate the synthesis of heparan sulfate by endothelial cells in the tested concentrations, beyond to show reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect. In a model of acute inflammation, the compound isolated from the shrimp reduced more than 50% of the cellular infiltration. Besides reduce the activity of MMP-9 and proMMP-2 of the peritoneal lavage of inflamed animals, the heparinoid also reduced the activity of MMP-9 secreted by activated human leukocytes. These results demonstrate the potential of heparinoid from L. vannamei to intervene in the inflammatory response. For possessing reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect, this compound can serve as a structural model to direct the development of more specific therapeutical agents to the treatment of inflammatory diseases


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2015.


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La propuesta del presente trabajo es conocer el resultado del nivel de aceptación del público del medio de comunicación cuencano vespertino, diario La Tarde. Con este motivo, en el primer capítulo se presentan los antecedentes del nacimiento de la prensa y su incorporación en Cuenca alrededor de 1822. Previo a entrar en el análisis propio de los medios, se hace un recorrido por las principales teorías del periodismo: teoría del espejo, newsmaking, gatekeeper, agenda setting, instrumentalista, espiral del silencio; entre otras. En el segundo capítulo se analiza diario La Tarde, su logotipo, estudios de mercado, perfil de los lectores, análisis de la competencia, FODA; así como su análisis estructural detallando el proceso de impresión, técnico, valorativo y noticioso. El tercer capítulo se enfoca al análisis de la preferencia de los lectores, la frecuencia de lectura y horas preferidas, usos de medios digitales, secciones que más le gustan, secciones que implementaría y otros aspectos que permiten medir el grado de satisfacción ante la presencia de este diario cuencano. Para ello se aplicó una encuesta en las parroquias: Gil Ramírez Dávalos, El Sagrario y San Blas, en la cual se recaudaron datos por medio de un cuestionario prediseñado aplicado en un universo de 147 personas. Entre los resultados del estudio a pesar de los pocos años de creación de La Tarde, se evidenció que su presencia en el mercado no es del todo sólida, lo que impide ampliar su mercado.


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How can we control the experimental conditions towards the isolation of specific structures? Why do particular architectures form? These are some challenging questions that synthetic chemists try to answer, specifically within polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry, where there is still much unknown regarding the synthesis of novel molecular structures in a controlled and predictive manner. This work covers a wide range of POM chemistry, exploring the redox self-assembly of polyoxometalate clusters, using both “one-pot”, flow and hydrothermal conditions. For this purpose, different vanadium, molybdenum and tungsten reagents, heteroatoms, inorganic salts and reducing agents have been used. The template effect of lone-pair containing pyramidal heteroatoms has been investigated. Efforts to synthesize new POM clusters displaying pyramidal heteroanions (XO32-, where X= S, Se, Te, P) are reported. The reaction of molybdenum with vanadium in the presence of XO32- heteroatoms is explored, showing how via the cation and experimental control it is possible to direct the self-assembly process and to isolate isostructural compounds. A series of four isostructural (two new, namely {Mo11V7P} and {Mo11V7Te} and two already known, namely {Mo11V7Se} and {Mo11V7S} disordered egg-shaped Polyoxometalates have been reported. The compounds were characterized by X-ray structural analysis, TGA, UV-Vis, FT-IR, Elemental and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS) analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Cyclic Voltammetry measurements have been carried out in all four compounds showing the effect of the ionic density of the heteroatom on the potential. High-Resolution ESI-MS studies have revealed that the structures retain their integrity in solution. Efforts to synthesize new mixed-metal compounds led to isolation, structural, and electronic characterization of the theoretically predicted, but experimentally elusive δ-isomer of the Keggin polyoxometalate cluster anion, {H2W4V9O33(C6H13NO3)}, by the reaction of tungstate(VI) and vanadium(V) with triethanolammonium ions (TEAH), acting as a tripodal ligand grafted to the surface of the cluster. Control experiments (in the absence of the organic compound) have proven that the tripodal ligand plays crucial role on the formation of the isomer. The six vanadium metal centres, which consist the upper part of the cluster, are bonded to the “capping” TEA tripodal ligand. This metal-ligand bonding directs and stabilises the formation of the final product. The δ-Keggin species was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, UV-vis, NMR and ESI-MS spectrometry. Electronic structure and structure-stability correlations were evaluated by means of DFT calculations. The compounds exhibited photochromic properties by undergoing single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SC-SC) transformations and changing colour under light. Non-conventional synthetic approaches are also used for the synthesis of the POM clusters comparing the classical “one-pot” reaction conditions and exploring the synthetic parameters of the synthesis of POM compounds. Reactions under hydrothermal and flow conditions, where single crystals that depend on the solubility of the minerals under hot water and high pressure can be synthesized, resulted in the isolation of two isostructural compounds, namely, {Mo12V3Te5}. The compound isolated from a continuous processing method, crystallizes in a hexagonal crystal system, forming a 2D porous plane net, while the compound isolated using hard experimental conditions (high temperature and pressure) crystallizes in monoclinic system, resulting in a different packing configuration. Utilizing these alternative synthetic approaches, the most kinetically and thermodynamically compounds would possibly be isolated. These compounds were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and UV-vis spectroscopy. Finally, the redox-controlled driven oscillatory template exchange between phosphate (P) and vanadate (V) anions enclosed in an {M18O54(XO4)2} cluster is further investigated using UV-vis spectroscopy as a function of reaction time, showed that more than six complete oscillations interconverting the capsule species present in solution from {P2M18} to {V2M18} were possible, provided that a sufficient concentration of the TEA reducing agent was present in solution. In an effort to investigate the periodicity of the exchange of the phosphate and vanadate anions, time dependent Uv-vis measurements were performed for a period at a range of 170-550 hours. Different experimental conditions were also applied in order to investigate the role of the reducing agent, as well as the effect of other experimental variables on the oscillatory system.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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The main aim of this study was to determine the impact of innovation on productivity in service sector companies — especially those in the hospitality sector — that value the reduction of environmental impact as relevant to the innovation process. We used a structural analysis model based on the one developed by Crépon, Duguet, and Mairesse (1998). This model is known as the CDM model (an acronym of the authors’ surnames). These authors developed seminal studies in the field of the relationships between innovation and productivity (see Griliches 1979; Pakes and Grilliches 1980). The main advantage of the CDM model is its ability to integrate the process of innovation and business productivity from an empirical perspective.


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La presente investigación muestra un acercamiento y estudio breve sobre la historia de la viola, evolución, importancia, características y géneros escritos para dicho instrumento. Este trabajo tiene además como objetivo realizar un análisis estructural de dos obras para viola. En el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha elegido partituras pertenecientes a dos períodos de la Historia de la Música: El Romántico (Sonata en Dm Mijaíl Glinka) y el Siglo XX y (Pasacaglia de Rebecca Clarke) puesto que tienen gran importancia por ser considerados como los periodos donde la viola toma mayor auge y relevancia. En particular, este análisis facilita la base y el sustento técnico-teórico necesario para el estudio y abordaje de las obras mencionadas. Además de lograr una proximidad a las exigencias planteadas por el compositor. Para la elaboración del proyecto se aplicaron métodos de la investigación científica del nivel teórico como: el analítico- sintético, inductivo- deductivo, el histórico lógico y del nivel empírico. La tesis cuenta con una introducción donde se presenta el diseño teórico y se explica la metodología utilizada; tres capítulos destinados al desarrollo de la investigación y un complemento donde se realiza una comparación con el enunciado de Pitágoras, conclusiones y recomendaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE: LA VIOLA, ANÁLISIS ESTRUCTURAL, ANÁLISIS INTERPRETATIVO, SONATA, PASACCAGLIA, FILOSOFÍA


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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Background: Harpalycin 2 (HP-2) is an isoflavone isolated from the leaves of Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., a snakeroot found in northeast region of Brazil and used in folk medicine to treat snakebite. Its leaves are said to be anti-inflammatory. Secretory phospholipases A(2) are important toxins found in snake venom and are structurally related to those found in inflammatory conditions in mammals, as in arthritis and atherosclerosis, and for this reason can be valuable tools for searching new anti-phospholipase A(2) drugs.Methods: HP-2 and piratoxin-III (PrTX-III) were purified through chromatographic techniques. The effect of HP-2 in the enzymatic activity of PrTX-III was carried out using 4-nitro-3-octanoyloxy-benzoic acid as the substrate. PrTX-III induced platelet aggregation was inhibited by HP-2 when compared to aristolochic acid and p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB). In an attempt to elucidate how HP-2 interacts with PrTX-III, mass spectrometry, circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence analysis were performed. Docking scores of the ligands (HP-2, aristolochic acid and p-BPB) using PrTX-III as target were also calculated.Results: HP-2 inhibited the enzymatic activity of PrTX-III (IC50 11.34 +/- 0.28 mu g/mL) although it did not form a stable chemical complex in the active site, since mass spectrometry measurements showed no difference between native (13,837.34 Da) and HP-2 treated PrTX-III (13,856.12 Da). A structural analysis of PrTX-III after treatment with HP-2 showed a decrease in dimerization and a slight protein unfolding. In the platelet aggregation assay, HP-2 previously incubated with PrTX-III inhibited the aggregation when compared with untreated protein. PrTX-III chemical treated with aristolochic acid and p-BPB, two standard PLA(2) inhibitors, showed low inhibitory effects when compared with the HP-2 treatment. Docking scores corroborated these results, showing higher affinity of HP-2 for the PrTX-III target (PDB code: 1GMZ) than aristolochic acid and p-BPB. HP-2 previous incubated with the platelets inhibits the aggregation induced by untreated PrTX-III as well as arachidonic acid.Conclusion: HP-2 changes the structure of PrTX-III, inhibiting the enzymatic activity of this enzyme. In addition, PrTX-III platelet aggregant activity was inhibited by treatment with HP-2, p-BPB and aristolochic acid, and these results were corroborated by docking scores.


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations combined with Particle Image Velocimetry experiments have been performed on a hemisphere-cylinder at Reynolds number 1000 and angle of attack 20◦. At these flow conditions, a pair of vortices, so-called “horn” vortices, are found to be associated with flow separation. In order to understand the highly complex phenomena associated with this fully threedimensional massively separated flow, different structural analysis techniques have been employed: Proper Orthogonal and Dynamic Mode Decompositions, POD and DMD, respectively, as well as criticalpoint theory. A single dominant frequency associated with the von Karman vortex shedding has been identified in both the experimental and the numerical results. POD and DMD modes associated with this frequency were recovered in the analysis. Flow separation was also found to be intrinsically linked to the observed modes. On the other hand, critical-point theory has been applied in order to highlight possible links of the topology patterns over the surface of the body with the computed modes. Critical points and separation lines on the body surface show in detail the presence of different flow patterns in the base flow: a three-dimensional separation bubble and two pairs of unsteady vortices systems, the horn vortices, mentioned before, and the so-called “leeward” vortices. The horn vortices emerge perpendicularly from the body surface at the separation region. On the other hand, the leeward vortices are originated downstream of the separation bubble, as a result of the boundary layer separation. The frequencies associated with these vortical structures have been quantified.


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The occurrence of bioactive compounds in marine organisms comes awaking the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide which presence was already identified in several marine invertebrates, is very attractive due its remarkable functional versatility. Besides to intervene in blood coagulation, this molecule has a great anti-inflammatory potential. However, its strong anticoagulant activity difficult the clinical exploitation of its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of a heparin-like compound (heparinoid), isolated from the cephalotorax of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, on the inflammatory response, hemostasia and synthesis of antithrombotic heparan sulfate by endothelial cells, besides studying some aspects concerning its structure. The purified heparinoid was structurally characterized following an analytical boarding, involving electrophoresis and chromatography. The structural analysis have shown that this compound possess a high content of glucuronic acid residues and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast to mammalian heparin, the heparinoid was incapable to stimulate the synthesis of heparan sulfate by endothelial cells in the tested concentrations, beyond to show reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect. In a model of acute inflammation, the compound isolated from the shrimp reduced more than 50% of the cellular infiltration. Besides reduce the activity of MMP-9 and proMMP-2 of the peritoneal lavage of inflamed animals, the heparinoid also reduced the activity of MMP-9 secreted by activated human leukocytes. These results demonstrate the potential of heparinoid from L. vannamei to intervene in the inflammatory response. For possessing reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect, this compound can serve as a structural model to direct the development of more specific therapeutical agents to the treatment of inflammatory diseases