982 resultados para spermatozoa, microtubular defect
Persistent infection induces an adaptive immune response that is mediated by T and B lymphocytes. Upon triggering with an antigen, these cells become activated and turn into fast expanding cells able to efficiently defend the host. Lymphocyte activation is controlled by a complex composed of CARMA1, BCL10 and MALT1 which regulates the NF-KB signaling pathway upon antigen triggering. Abnormally high expression or activity of either one of these three proteins can favor the development of lymphomas, while genetic defects in the pathway are associated with immunodeficiency. MALT1 was identified as a paracaspase sharing homology with other cysteine proteases, namely caspases and metacaspases. In order to be active, caspases need to dimerize. Based on their sequence similarity with MALT1, we hypothesized that dimerization might also be a mechanism of activation employed by MALT1. To address this assumption, we performed a bioinformatics modelling based on the crystal structures of several caspases. Our model suggested that the MALT1 caspase-like domain can indeed form dimers. This finding was later confirmed by several published crystal structures of MALT1. In the dimer interface of our model, we noticed the presence of charged amino acids that could potentially form salt bridges and thereby hold both monomers together. Mutation of one of these residues, E549, into alanine completely blocked the catalytic activity of MALT1. Additionally, we provided evidence for a role of E549 in promoting the MALTl-dependent growth of cells derived from diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the aggressive B cell-like type (ABC). To our initial surprise, the E549A mutation showed only a partial defect in dimerization, indicating that additional residues are essential to form a stable dimer. The MALT1 crystal structures revealed a key function for E549 in stabilizing the catalytic site of the protease via its interaction with an arginine which is located next to the catalytic active cysteine. In an additional study, we discovered that MALT1 monoubiquitination is required for the catalytic activity of the protease. Interestingly, we found that the MALT1 dimer interface mutant E549A could not be monoubiquitinated. Based on these findings, we suggest that correct formation of the dimer interface is a prerequisite for monoubiquitination. In a second project, we discovered a novel target of the protease MALT1, the ribonuclease Regnase¬la It was described that the RNase activity of Regnase-1 negatively regulates immune responses. We could show that in ABC DLBCL cell lines, Regnase-1 is not only cleaved by MALT1 but also phosphorylated, at least in part, by the inhibitor of KB kinase (IKK). Both regulations appear to restrain the RNase function of Regnase-1 and thereby allow the production of pro-survival proteins. In conclusion, our studies further highlight and explain the importance of the catalytic activity of MALT1 for the activation of lymphocytes and provide additional knowledge for the development of specific drugs targeting the catalytic activity of MALT1 for immunomodulation and treatment of lymphomas. SUMMARY IN FRENCH PhD Thesis Katrin Cabalzar 2 SUMMARY IN FRENCH Une infection persistante induit une réponse immunitaire adaptative par l'intermédiaire des lymphocytes T et B. Quand elles reconnaissent l'antigène, ces cellules sont activées et se multiplient très rapidement pour défendre efficacement l'hôte. L'activation des lymphocytes est transmise par un complexe composé de trois protéines, CARMA1, BCL10 et MALT1, qui régule la voie de signalisation NF-KB lorsque l'antigène est reconnu. L'expression ou l'activité anormalement élevée de l'une de ces trois protéines peut favoriser le développement de lymphomes, tandis que des défauts génétiques de cette voie de signalisation sont associés à l'immunodéficience. MALT1 a été identifiée comme étant une paracaspase qui partage des séquences homologues avec d'autres protéases à cystéine, comme les caspases et les métacaspases. Pour être actives, les caspases ont besoin de dimériser. Etant donné leur similarité de séquence avec MALT1, nous avons supposé que la dimérisation pouvait aussi être un mécanisme d'activation utilisé par MALT1. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons conçu un modèle bioinformatique à partir des structures cristallographiques de plusieurs caspases. Et notre modèle a suggéré que le domaine catalytique de MALT1 était effectivement capable de former des dimères. Cette découverte a été confirmée plus tard par des publications qui montrent des structures cristallographiques dimériques de MALT1. Dans l'interface du dimère de notre modèle, nous avons remarqué la présence d'acides aminés chargés qui pouvaient former des liaisons ioniques et ainsi réunir les deux monomères. La mutation de l'un de ces résidus, E549, pour une alanine, a complètement inhibé l'activité catalytique de MALT1. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un rôle d'E549 dans la croissance dépendante de MALT1, des cellules dérivées de lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules (DLBCL) de sous-type cellules B actives (ABC). Dans un premier temps nous avons été surpris de constater que cette mutation révélait seulement un défaut partiel de dimérisation, ce qui indique que des acides aminés supplémentaires sont indispensables pour former un dimère stable. Les structures cristallographiques de MALT1 ont révélé un rôle primordial d'E549 dans la stabilisation du site catalytique de la protéase via son interaction avec une arginine qui se trouve à côté de la cystéine du site actif. Dans une autre étude, nous avons découvert que la monoubiquitination de MALT1 est requise pour l'activité catalytique de la protéase. A remarquer que nous avons trouvé que le mutant E549A de l'interface dimère de MALT1 n'a pas pu être monoubiquitiné. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que la formation correcte de l'interface du dimère est une condition préalable pour la monoubiquitination. Dans un second projet, nous avons découvert une nouvelle cible de la protéase MALT1, la ribonucléase Regnase-1. Il a été décrit que l'activité RNase de Regnase-1 régulait négativement les réponses immunitaires. Nous avons pu montrer que dans les lignées cellulaires ABC DLBCL, la Regnase-1 n'était pas seulement clivée par MALT1 mais également phosphorylée, au moins en partie, par la kinase de l'inhibiteur de KB (IKK). Les deux régulations semblent supprimer la fonction RNase de Regnase-1 et permettre ainsi la stabilisation de certains ARN messagers et la production de protéines favorisant la survie. En conclusion, nos études mettent en évidence le rôle-clé de la dimérisation de MALT1 et expliquent l'importance de l'activité catalytique de MALT1 pour l'activation des lymphocytes. Ainsi, nos résultats apportent des connaissances supplémentaires pour le développement de médicaments spécifiques ciblant l'activité catalytique de MALT1, qui pourraient être utiles pour modifier les réponses immunitaires et traiter des lymphomes.
Summary : The chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 and their common receptor CCR7 attract antigenpresenting dendritic cells (DCs) and naive T cells into the T zone of secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and are therefore critically involved in homeostatic T cell recirculation and the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In addition. CCR7 ligands were proposed to mediate T cell exit from neonatal thymus, allowing colonization of T zones in SLOB. The relative contribution of CCL19 and CCL21 to these processes has remained unclear, as they were studied in mouse models lacking either CCR7 or both ligands. The aim of my thesis was to characterize Cc119-' mice and thereby investigate the relative roles of the two CCR7 ligands in development, homeostasis and immune response. The first study addressed the role of CCR7 ligands in DC biology. We found that CCL19 is dispensable for DC migration to lymph nodes and their localization to T zones. Furthermore, a CCL19-deficient environment did not lead to a defect in DC maturation or T cell priming. Therefore, CCL21 is sufficient to mediate CCR7-dependent processes during the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In the second study we investigated how the two CCR7 ligands affect CCR7 expression and function on naive T cells. We found that in SLOB CCR7 is constantly occupied with CCL19 and CCL21, eventually leading to its internalization. The reduced level of free CCR7 on these cells led to diminished ligand sensitivity and consequently impaired chemotactic responses. This effect was reversible by passage through aCCR7 ligand-free environment like the blood circulation. We propose that the different states of ligand sensitivity in SLOB and blood are important to allow for proper T cell recirculation. In the third study the role of CCL19 in neonatal thymus and spleen was analyzed. While neonatal Cc119-!- mice had no defect in thymic egress, we observed reduced T cell accumulation in the spleen but not lymph nodes. We identified reticular stromal cells in the developing white pulp (WP) as the major CCL 19 source. The development of these WP stromal cells as well as their CCL19 expression were dependent on LTalß2+ B cells. In conclusion, we have found that CCL21 can mostly compensate for lack of CCL19 in homeostasis and immunity. In contrast, during development. CCL19 has anon-redundant function for T cell colonization of the spleen.
SUMMARYDiabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency that results from the destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells (Type 1), or in part from beta-cell death and insulin secretion defects (Type 2). Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of beta cell neogenesis (to generate unlimited supply of beta cells for T1D transplantation] or identifying the specific genes that favors insulin secretion or beta-cell survival is of great importance for the management of diabetes. The transcriptional repressor RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) restricts the expression of a large number of genes containing its binding element, called Repressor Element-1 (RE-1), to neurons and beta cells. To do so, REST is ubiquitously expressed but in neurons and beta cells. To identify these essential genes and their functional significance in beta cells, we have generated transgenic mice that express REST specifically in beta cells under the control of the rat insulin promoter (RIP-REST mice). This resulted in the repression of the RE-1- containing genes in beta cells, and we analyzed the consequences.We first showed that RIP-REST mice were glucose-intolerant because of a defective insulin secretion. To explain this defect, we identified that a subset of the REST target genes were necessary for insulin exocytosis, such as Snap25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II, and Ica512, and we further demonstrated that among the identified REST targets, Syt IV and VII were also involved in insulin release. We next analyzed a novel RIP-REST mouse line that featured diabetes and we showed that this defect was due to a major loss of beta-cell mass. To explain this phenotype, we identified REST target genes that were involved in beta-cell survival, such as Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 and Connexin36, and revealed that another REST target, Cdk5r2 is also involved in beta-cell protection. In a third part, we finally suggest that REST may be important for pancreatic endocrine differentiation, since transgenic mice expressing constitutive REST in pancreatic multipotent progenitors show impaired formation of Ngn3-expressing endocrine- committed precursors, and impaired formation of differentiated endocrine cells. Mapping the pattern of REST expression in wild type animals indicates that it is expressed in multipotent progenitors to become then excluded from endocrine cells. Preliminary results suggest that a downregulation of REST would result in relieved expression of at least the Mytl target, favoring subsequent acquisition of the endocrine competence by endocrine precursor cells.Thus, we propose that the REST/RE-1 system is an important feature for beta-cell neogenesis, function and survivalRESUMELe diabète se caractérise par une déficience en insuline qui résulte d'une destruction des cellules bêta (β) pancréatiques sécrétant l'insuline [Type 1], ou à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline qui peut être associé à la mort des cellules β (Type 2). La compréhension des mécanismes de néogenèse des cellules β, ainsi que l'identification de gènes impliqués dans leur survie et dans le contrôle de la sécrétion d'insuline est donc importante pour le traitement du diabète. Le facteur de transcription de type répresseur, RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor [REST], contribue à la spécificité d'expression dans les neurones et les cellules β, d'un grand nombre de gènes portant son motif de fixation, le Repressor Element-1 (RE-1). Pour cela, REST est exprimé dans toutes les cellules, sauf dans les neurones et les cellules β. Afin d'identifier les gènes cibles de REST ainsi que leur fonction au sein de la cellule β, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques qui expriment REST spécifiquement dans ces cellules, sous la dépendance du promoteur de l'insuline (souris RIP-REST]. Cette expression ectopique de REST a permis de diminuer l'expression des gènes contrôlés par REST, et d'en analyser les conséquences. Nous avons montré que les souris RIP-REST étaient intolérantes au glucose et que ceci était du à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline. Pour expliquer ce phénotype, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que des gènes cibles de REST codent pour des protéines importantes pour l'exocytose de l'insuline, comme SNAP25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II ou ICA512. De plus, nous avons découvert deux nouvelles cibles de REST impliquées dans la sécrétion d'insuline, Syt IV et Syt VII. Par la suite, nous avons démontré qu'une nouvelle lignée de souris RIP-REST étaient atteintes d'un diabète sévère à cause d'une perte massive des cellules β. La disparition de ces cellules a été expliquée par l'identification de gènes cibles de REST impliqués dans la survie des cellules β, comme Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 ou la Connexine36. De plus, nous avons découvert qu'une nouvelle cible, Cdk5r2, était aussi impliquée dans la survie des cellules β. Dans une dernière partie, nous suggérons, grâce à l'analyse de nouvelles souris transgéniques exprimant constitutivement REST dans les cellules progénitrices du pancréas embryonnaire, que REST empêche la formation des précurseurs de cellules endocrines ainsi que la différenciation de ces cellules. L'analyse de l'expression de REST au cours du développement embryonnaire du pancréas indique que la diminution de l'expression de REST conduit en partie, à l'induction d'un de ses gènes cible Mytl, qui favorise la formation de précurseurs endocrines. Nous proposons donc que le système REST/RE-1 est important pour la génération, la fonction et la survie des cellules β.
Memo is a widely expressed 33-kDa protein required for heregulin (HRG)-, epidermal growth factor (EGF)-, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced cell motility. Studies in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, wild-type or knockout for Memo, were performed to further investigate the role of Memo downstream of FGFR. We demonstrated that Memo associates with the FGFR signalosome and is necessary for optimal activation of signaling. To uncover Memo's physiological role, Memo conditional-knockout mice were generated. These animals showed a reduced life span, increased insulin sensitivity, small stature, graying hair, alopecia, kyphosis, loss of subcutaneous fat, and loss of spermatozoa in the epididymis. Memo-knockout mice also have elevated serum levels of active vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D), and calcium compared to control littermates expressing Memo. In summary, the results from in vivo and in vitro models support the hypothesis that Memo is a novel regulator of FGFR signaling with a role in controlling 1,25(OH)2D production and normal calcium homeostasis.
Cell motility is an essential process that depends on a coherent, cross-linked actin cytoskeleton that physically coordinates the actions of numerous structural and signaling molecules. The actin cross-linking protein, filamin (Fln), has been implicated in the support of three-dimensional cortical actin networks capable of both maintaining cellular integrity and withstanding large forces. Although numerous studies have examined cells lacking one of the multiple Fln isoforms, compensatory mechanisms can mask novel phenotypes only observable by further Fln depletion. Indeed, shRNA-mediated knockdown of FlnA in FlnB¿/¿ mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) causes a novel endoplasmic spreading deficiency as detected by endoplasmic reticulum markers. Microtubule (MT) extension rates are also decreased but not by peripheral actin flow, because this is also decreased in the Fln-depleted system. Additionally, Fln-depleted MEFs exhibit decreased adhesion stability that appears in increased ruffling of the cell edge, reduced adhesion size, transient traction forces, and decreased stress fibers. FlnA¿/¿ MEFs, but not FlnB¿/¿ MEFs, also show a moderate defect in endoplasm spreading, characterized by initial extension followed by abrupt retractions and stress fiber fracture. FlnA localizes to actin linkages surrounding the endoplasm, adhesions, and stress fibers. Thus we suggest that Flns have a major role in the maintenance of actin-based mechanical linkages that enable endoplasmic spreading and MT extension as well as sustained traction forces and mature focal adhesions.
Mutations in humans are associated with several forms of inherited retinal dystrophies, such as Retinitis Pigmentosa which lead to retinal cell death and irreversible loss of vision. Genes involved in affected patients mainly encode proteins related to vision physiology including visual cycle and light-dependent phototransduction cascade. As reported in spontaneous and genetically engineered mouse models, apoptosis is a common fate in retinal degeneration, although the triggered signals to retinal apoptosis remain largely unraveled. Several studies highlighted that many of the molecular pathways involved in ocular diseases rely on caspase-dependent or -independent apoptotic mitochondrial pathway involving the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Anti- and pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 members are present in retinal tissues and are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of several retinal disorders. Since almost no efficient treatments are available so far, it remains a great challenge to decipher the molecular pathways involved in retinal dystrophies and to develop alternative therapies to prevent or inhibit eye defect. Toward this goal, mutation-independent strategies such as molecular therapy provides promising and exciting approaches to deliver anti-apoptotic molecules targeting the Bcl-2 pathway through the use of cell permeable transport peptides. Modulation of common apoptotic signaling pathways may be of outstanding potential to target multiple retinal dystrophies regardless of the primary genetic defect.
NK cell function is negatively regulated by MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. Transduction of the inhibitory signal involves protein tyrosine phosphatases such as SHP-1 (SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-1). To investigate the role of SHP-1 for NK cell development and function, we generated mice expressing a catalytically inactive, dominant-negative mutant of SHP-1 (dnSHP-1). In this paper we show that expression of dnSHP-1 does not affect the generation of NK cells even though MHC receptor-mediated inhibition is partially impaired. Despite this defect, these NK cells do not kill syngeneic, normal target cells. In fact dnSHP-1-expressing NK cells are hyporesponsive toward MHC-deficient target cells, suggesting that non-MHC-specific NK cell activation is significantly reduced. In contrast, these NK cells mediate Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and prevent the engraftment with beta2-microglobulin-deficient bone marrow cells. A similar NK cell phenotype is observed in viable motheaten (mev) mice, which show reduced SHP-1 activity due to a mutation in the Shp-1 gene. In addition, NK cells in both mouse strains show a tendency to express more inhibitory MHC-specific Ly49 receptors. Our results demonstrate the importance of SHP-1 for the generation of functional NK cells, which are able to react efficiently to the absence of MHC class I molecules from normal target cells. Therefore, SHP-1 may play an as-yet-unrecognized role in some NK cell activation pathways. Alternatively, a reduced capacity to transduce SHP-1-dependent inhibitory signals during NK cell development may be compensated by the down-modulation of NK cell triggering pathways.
Background In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), non-professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as fi broblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) can express MHC class II (MHCII) molecules and function as non-professional APCs in vitro.Objective To examine the regulation of MHCII expression in FLS and to investigate the role of FLS as non-professional APCs in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Methods Expression of MHCII, CIITA and Ciita isoforms pI, pIII and pIV was examined by RT-qPCR, immunohistochemistry and fl ow cytometry in human synovial tissues, arthritic mouse joints and human as well as mouse FLS. CIA was induced in mice knockout for the isoform IV of Ciita (pIV-/-), in pIV-/- mice transgenic for CIITA in the thymus (pIV-/- K14 CIITA) and in control littermates in the DBA/1 background by immunising with bovine collagen type II (CII) in complete Freund's adjuvant.Results HLA-DRA, total CIITA and CIITA pIII mRNA levels were signifi cantly increased in the synovial tissues from RA compared to osteoarthritis patients. Human FLS expressed surface MHCII via CIITA pIII and pIV, while MHCII expression in murine FLS was entirely mediated by pIV. pIV-/- mice lacked both inducible MHCII expression on non-professional APCs including FLS, and in the thymic cortex. The thymic defect in pIV-/- mice impaired CD4+ positive selection, thus protecting pIV-/- mice from CIA by preventing CD4+ T cells immune responses against CII and blocking the release of IFN-γ and IL-17 in ex vivo stimulated lymph node cells. The production of T dependent, arthritogenic anti-CII antibodies was also impaired in pIV-/- mice. A normal thymic expression of MHCII and CD4+ T cell repertoire was obtained in pIV-/- K14 CIITA Tg mice. Immune responses against CII were restored in pIV-/- K14 CIITA Tg mice, as well as the arthritis incidence and clinical severity despite the lack of MHCII expression by mouse FLS. At histology, infl ammation andneutrophils infi ltration scores were not reduced in pIV-/- K14 CIITA Tg mice, while the bone erosion score was signifi cantly lower than in controls.Conclusion Over expression of MHCII is tightly correlated with CIITA pIII in the arthritic human synovium. MHCII is induced via CIITA pIII and pIV in human FLS. In the mouse, MHCII expression in the thymic cortex and in FLS is strictly dependent upon Ciita pIV. The lack of Ciita pIV in the periphery of pIV-/- K14 CIITA Tg mice lowered the bone erosion score but did not signifi cantly protect from infl ammation and autoimmune responses in CIA.
An experimental method of studying shifts between concentration-versus-depth profiles of vacancy- and interstitial-type defects in ion-implanted silicon is demonstrated. The concept is based on deep level transient spectroscopy measurements utilizing the filling pulse variation technique. The vacancy profile, represented by the vacancy¿oxygen center, and the interstitial profile, represented by the interstitial carbon¿substitutional carbon pair, are obtained at the same sample temperature by varying the duration of the filling pulse. The effect of the capture in the Debye tail has been extensively studied and taken into account. Thus, the two profiles can be recorded with a high relative depth resolution. Using low doses, point defects have been introduced in lightly doped float zone n-type silicon by implantation with 6.8 MeV boron ions and 680 keV and 1.3 MeV protons at room temperature. The effect of the angle of ion incidence has also been investigated. For all implantation conditions the peak of the interstitial profile is displaced towards larger depths compared to that of the vacancy profile. The amplitude of this displacement increases as the width of the initial point defect distribution increases. This behavior is explained by a simple model where the preferential forward momentum of recoiling silicon atoms and the highly efficient direct recombination of primary point defects are taken into account.
Electrical transport quantum effects in the In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As heterostructure on silicon
Electrical transport in a modulation doped heterostructure of In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As grown on Si by molecular beam epitaxy has been measured. Quantum Hall effect and Subnikov¿De Haas oscillations were observed indicating the two¿dimensional character of electron transport. A mobility of 20¿000 cm2/V¿s was measured at 6 K for an electron sheet concentration of 1.7×1012 cm¿2. Transmission electron microscopy observations indicated a significant surface roughness and high defect density of the InGaAs/InAlAs layers to be present due to the growth on silicon. In addition, fine¿scale composition modulation present in the In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As may further limit transport properties.
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndrome consisting of characteristic dysmorphic features, microcephaly, hypertrichosis, upper limb defects, growth retardation, developmental delay, and a variety of associated malformations. We present a population-based epidemiological study of the classical form of CdLS. The data were extracted from the database of European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) database, a European network of birth defect registries which follow a standard methodology. Based on 23 years of epidemiologic monitoring (8,558,346 births in the 1980-2002 period), we found the prevalence of the classical form of CdLS to be 1.24/100,000 births or 1:81,000 births and estimated the overall CdLS prevalence at 1.6-2.2/100,000. Live born children accounted for 91.5% (97/106) of cases, fetal deaths 2.8% (3/106), and terminations of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis 5.7% (6/106). The most frequent associated congenital malformations were limb defects (73.1%), congenital heart defects (45.6%), central nervous system malformations (40.2%), and cleft palate (21.7%). In the last 11 years, as much as 68% of cases with major malformations were not detected by routine prenatal US. Live born infants with CdLS have a high first week survival (91.4%). All patients were sporadic. Maternal and paternal age did not seem to be risk factors for CdLS. Almost 70% of patients, born after the 37th week of gestation, weighed <or=2,500 g. Low birth weight correlated with a more severe phenotype. Severe limb anomalies were significantly more often present in males.
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), is a disease that is characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia as well as a defect in T, B and dendritic cells. This leads to recurrent bacterial infection mainly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, as well as inflammatory manifestations, i.e. granulomateous disease, gastro-intestinal disorders and chronic lung disease. Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy reduces CVID susceptibility to bacterial infections to some extend. We analyzed clinical aspects of patients from our database. We recently showed that bacteria-specific CD4 T cells of CVID patients were impaired. We therefor postulated that CVID patients may harbor an acquired T-cell deficiency also called exhaustion. To test this hypothesis, we performed a comprehensive investigation of the functional profiles of bacteria-specific CD4 T cells isolated from 31 healthy individuals and 30 CVID patients. In the present study, we demonstrated that bacteria-specific but not virus-specific CD4 T cells in CVID patients harbored reduced proliferation capacity and expressed high level of PD-1. Interestingly, the blockade of PD-1/PD-1 ligands interactions restored partially bacteria but not virus-specific CD4 T-cell proliferation. Finally, we showed that 1) the level of endotoxins inversely correlates with IgG concentration, 2) IVIG treated CVID patients harbored reduced endotoxemia and 3) IgG concentration exceeding 7 mg/mL strongly reduces both the proportion of CVID patients with detectable endotoxemia and the concentration of endotoxins in plasma. Taken together our observations, suggest that primary B-cell defect(s) in CVID patients leads to recurrent bacterial infections that are associated to an acquired (secondary) impairment of CD4 T cells which may in turn exacerbate the lack of protection against extracellular bacteria.
Le syndrome métabolique (SM) associe dyslipidémie, hypertension, intolérance au glucose, état pro-inflammatoire/prothrombotique et surpoids, dont nous vous présentons une hypothèse physiopathologique émergente. Des recherches récentes ont montré que des dysfonctions mitochondriales induisent l'accumulation intracellulaire d'acylCoA et de diacylglycérol, inactivant la signalisation de l'insuline par un effet direct sur les transporteurs du glucose insulino-dépendants. Un défaut de la phosphorylation oxydative conduirait à l'insulino-résistance. Des atteintes de la fonction mitochondriale sont présentes dans le muscle, le foie, le pancréas et les vaisseaux sanguins et contribuent aux manifestations cliniques. Ces observations des atteintes mitochondriales nous montrent un lien entre la clinique et la physiopathologie du SM. The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic risk factors including: atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, high plasma glucose and a prothrombotic and proinflammatory state, frequently associated to overweight. Impaired cell metabolism has been suggested as a relevant pathophysiological process. Indeed, the accumulation of intracellular fatty acylCoA and diacylglycerol, which then activate critical signal transduction pathways that ultimatly lead to suppression of insulin signalisation. Therefore a defect in mitochondrial function may be responsible for insulin resistance. Moreover, mitochondrial dysfunction has been found to take place in organs such as skeletal muscle, liver, pancreas and smoth vascular cells suggesting that mitochondrial defect could play a critical role in the occurence of cardiovascular diseases.
The reggie/flotillin proteins are implicated in membrane trafficking and, together with the cellular prion protein (PrP), in the recruitment of E-cadherin to cell contact sites. Here, we demonstrate that reggies, as well as PrP down-regulation, in epithelial A431 cells cause overlapping processes and abnormal formation of adherens junctions (AJs). This defect in cell adhesion results from reggie effects on Src tyrosine kinases and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR): loss of reggies reduces Src activation and EGFR phosphorylation at residues targeted by Src and c-cbl and leads to increased surface exposure of EGFR by blocking its internalization. The prolonged EGFR signaling at the plasma membrane enhances cell motility and macropinocytosis, by which junction-associated E-cadherin is internalized and recycled back to AJs. Accordingly, blockage of EGFR signaling or macropinocytosis in reggie-deficient cells restores normal AJ formation. Thus, by promoting EGFR internalization, reggies restrict the EGFR signaling involved in E-cadherin macropinocytosis and recycling and regulate AJ formation and dynamics and thereby cell adhesion.