898 resultados para sisäinen benchmarking
The automobilist Market is more competitive each day, with new products developed by great technological innovations, daily challenging new concepts of Engineering. This monograph aims to explain the development of a brake system project completely, with emphasis on preliminary calculations made from a worksheet in Excel, for a better understanding of the components, which can be improved further in order to achieve the goals of company. It is through the preliminary calculations that we can have a reasonable first system estimate. The whole set is then analyzed for performance, cost and mass by competitors benchmarking. In terms of confidentiality, all data is fictional, but viable. The motivation for this study is approach an extracurricular topic, which essence is designing, base of engineering. The results obtained in software and field tests prove the validity of the study and assist in the continuous improvement of product development
Facing the competitive current market, increases the growing managerial commitment to minimize the frequent occurrence of service failures that characterized the past. Given the fact that the supply of a product in the correct location and on time, undamaged and correctly billed market requirement becomes framed the present work. Based on a case study, supported in parallel bibliographical references in the literature in a company of sugar and alcohol sector, the survey aims to measure and evaluate the real-time delivery from suppliers in order to ensure the best level of service to the company in question by suppliers, by reducing idle time of delivery, since the control system does not supply the pre-established and / or observed above, thus obtaining a better management and supply of replacement material. To assist the work, developed a project in the company in question in order to analyze and identify applications of concepts of lead time along the supply chain through an exploratory study in order to provide a beneficial outcome to the company through monitoring and performance of its suppliers, which will enable an aid to future decision-making
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a success story involving the extending of lean manufacturing practices between a focal firm and its supplier, both located in Brazil, thereby configuring a case of excellence. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case study was conducted involving two companies: Company A, focal, leader in its segment, located in Brazil; and Company B, Company A's supplier, also located in Brazil. Findings – Results indicate there are several mechanisms for extending lean manufacturing practices in the supply chain, such as workshops, training, and integrated teams. These mechanisms are shown and guidelines are also introduced for companies seeking to successfully extend lean manufacturing practices. Originality/value – An original use of define, measure, analyze, improve, control for structuring the extending of lean manufacturing practices to suppliers and, consequently, the importance of the lean six-sigma relationship in this context. Furthermore, the guidelines introduced serve as a benchmark for other companies interested in the topic.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Bound-constrained minimization is a subject of active research. To assess the performance of existent solvers, numerical evaluations and comparisons are carried on. Arbitrary decisions that may have a crucial effect on the conclusions of numerical experiments are highlighted in the present work. As a result, a detailed evaluation based on performance profiles is applied to the comparison of bound-constrained minimization solvers. Extensive numerical results are presented and analyzed.
Breakthrough advances in microprocessor technology and efficient power management have altered the course of development of processors with the emergence of multi-core processor technology, in order to bring higher level of processing. The utilization of many-core technology has boosted computing power provided by cluster of workstations or SMPs, providing large computational power at an affordable cost using solely commodity components. Different implementations of message-passing libraries and system softwares (including Operating Systems) are installed in such cluster and multi-cluster computing systems. In order to guarantee correct execution of message-passing parallel applications in a computing environment other than that originally the parallel application was developed, review of the application code is needed. In this paper, a hybrid communication interfacing strategy is proposed, to execute a parallel application in a group of computing nodes belonging to different clusters or multi-clusters (computing systems may be running different operating systems and MPI implementations), interconnected with public or private IP addresses, and responding interchangeably to user execution requests. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of this proposed strategy and its effectiveness, through the execution of benchmarking parallel applications.
[EN]Gender recognition has achieved impressive results based on the face appearance in controlled datasets. Its application in the wild and large datasets is still a challenging task for researchers. In this paper, we make use of classical techniques to analyze their performance in controlled and uncontrolled condition respectively with the LFW and MORPH datasets. For both sets the benchmarking protocol follows the 5-fold cross-validation proposed by the BEFIT challenge.
The thesis in Urban and Regional Geography titled “URBAN AND TERRITORIAL COMPETITIVENESS IN SUSTAINABILITY. EMILIA-ROMAGNA, REGION OF EUROPE” is divided into two sections. Section one is additionally composed by two chapters (chap. 1 and 2) and deals with theoretical and gnosiological issues. Section two, of two more chapters (chap. 3 and 4), provides practical contributions: these issues give explanatory patterns to interpret the performances of emiliano-romagnoli urban systems. Chapter one is an introductory chapter. It analyzes globalization that involves a larger and larger number of cities, rich or poor. It also considers the so called “digital divide” either as one of the major phenomena of this unhomogeneous development or as an interesting gnosiological and practical challenge of geography. Globalization is now involving all the cities, large or small, but the small ones have higher risks of exclusion: it depends on their more fragile socio-economic, cultural, and environmental urban structure. That’s why European Union (chapter two) promotes policies and endows politics to sustain cities, because urban systems are the basis for the territorial development. So, European, national and local Institutions are firmly interested in promoting urban and local interventions and projects. Section two deals with economic-geography methods, which consists on collecting indicators and the benchmarking methodology. It also specifically analyzes the urban systems of Emilia-Romagna. Consequences of the globalization on the cities are interpreted with a study of their local resources, intended as potentials for their development. The STeMA approach, proposed by Professor Maria Prezioso (University of Roma, “Tor Vergata”) and used by the ESPON (European Spatial Program Observation Network) project, describes the main “determinants” of the territorial and urban development. These are easily comparable to one another (similar or better performing). This approach achieves two goals. On one hand, it is possible to analyze every urban system in its all main characteristics and to preserve its historical and cultural factors. On another hand, each city is “knowable” and “understandable” by all scholars, as it is objectively comparable. So, urban planners can propose specific “multi-level” and “multi-varied” programs of governance. These will face globalization by exalting local empowerment.
All'interno di Vodafone Italia è stato seguito l'intero processo di riorganizzazione del dipartimento di Financial Accounting. Le attività che hanno portato la transizione dalla vecchia alla nuova organizzazione sono: - analisi dei processi di business - intervista clienti interni - benchmarking - monitoraggio KPIs organizzativo - disegno organizzativo - piano di comunicazione - piano di transizione
This thesis presents new methods to simulate systems with hydrodynamic and electrostatic interactions. Part 1 is devoted to computer simulations of Brownian particles with hydrodynamic interactions. The main influence of the solvent on the dynamics of Brownian particles is that it mediates hydrodynamic interactions. In the method, this is simulated by numerical solution of the Navier--Stokes equation on a lattice. To this end, the Lattice--Boltzmann method is used, namely its D3Q19 version. This model is capable to simulate compressible flow. It gives us the advantage to treat dense systems, in particular away from thermal equilibrium. The Lattice--Boltzmann equation is coupled to the particles via a friction force. In addition to this force, acting on {it point} particles, we construct another coupling force, which comes from the pressure tensor. The coupling is purely local, i.~e. the algorithm scales linearly with the total number of particles. In order to be able to map the physical properties of the Lattice--Boltzmann fluid onto a Molecular Dynamics (MD) fluid, the case of an almost incompressible flow is considered. The Fluctuation--Dissipation theorem for the hybrid coupling is analyzed, and a geometric interpretation of the friction coefficient in terms of a Stokes radius is given. Part 2 is devoted to the simulation of charged particles. We present a novel method for obtaining Coulomb interactions as the potential of mean force between charges which are dynamically coupled to a local electromagnetic field. This algorithm scales linearly, too. We focus on the Molecular Dynamics version of the method and show that it is intimately related to the Car--Parrinello approach, while being equivalent to solving Maxwell's equations with freely adjustable speed of light. The Lagrangian formulation of the coupled particles--fields system is derived. The quasi--Hamiltonian dynamics of the system is studied in great detail. For implementation on the computer, the equations of motion are discretized with respect to both space and time. The discretization of the electromagnetic fields on a lattice, as well as the interpolation of the particle charges on the lattice is given. The algorithm is as local as possible: Only nearest neighbors sites of the lattice are interacting with a charged particle. Unphysical self--energies arise as a result of the lattice interpolation of charges, and are corrected by a subtraction scheme based on the exact lattice Green's function. The method allows easy parallelization using standard domain decomposition. Some benchmarking results of the algorithm are presented and discussed.
Recent developments in the theory of plasma-based collisionally excited x-ray lasers (XRL) have shown an optimization potential based on the dependence of the absorption region of the pumping laser on its angle of incidence on the plasma. For the experimental proof of this idea, a number of diagnostic schemes were developed, tested, qualified and applied. A high-resolution imaging system, yielding the keV emission profile perpendicular to the target surface, provided positions of the hottest plasma regions, interesting for the benchmarking of plasma simulation codes. The implementation of a highly efficient spectrometer for the plasma emission made it possible to gain information about the abundance of the ionization states necessary for the laser action in the plasma. The intensity distribution and deflection angle of the pump laser beam could be imaged for single XRL shots, giving access to its refraction process within the plasma. During a European collaboration campaign at the Lund Laser Center, Sweden, the optimization of the pumping laser incidence angle resulted in a reduction of the required pumping energy for a Ni-like Mo XRL, which enabled the operation at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. Using the experiences gained there, the XRL performance at the PHELIX facility, GSI Darmstadt with respect to achievable repetition rate and at wavelengths below 20 nm was significantly improved, and also important information for the development towards multi-100 eV plasma XRLs was acquired. Due to the setup improvements achieved during the work for this thesis, the PHELIX XRL system now has reached a degree of reproducibility and versatility which is sufficient for demanding applications like the XRL spectroscopy of heavy ions. In addition, a European research campaign, aiming towards plasma XRLs approaching the water-window (wavelengths below 5 nm) was initiated.
China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di mettere a confronto due mondi: quello dei DBMS relazionali e quello dei DBMS a grafo, con lo scopo di comprendere meglio quest'ultimo. Perciò, sono state scelte le due tecnologie che meglio rappresentano i loro mondi: Oracle per gli RDBMS e Neo4j per i Graph DBMS. I due DBMS sono stati sottoposti ad una serie di interrogazioni atte a testare le performance al variare di determinati fattori, come la selettività, il numero di join che Oracle effettua, etc. I test svolti si collocano nell'ambito business intelligence e in particolare in quello dell’analisi OLAP.
Valutazione dell’opportunità di fare trading elettrico nell’area CEE. Progetto di analisi di mercato, per l’azienda “C.U.Ra”, operatore del mercato elettrico, sull’opportunità di fare business energetico in Polonia e paesi CEE. Attività sviluppate: •Benchmarking dei mercati evoluti dell’energia •Analisi del mercato elettrico italiano •Analisi dell’attività di trading elettrico: Profit & Loss, Risk Management. •Analisi di Fattibilità •Analisi di sensibilità (What-if): variazione parametrica dell’opportunità • Avviamento del business e partnership con società di consulting polacca