969 resultados para second 12 principles


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Metal oxide protection layers for photoanodes may enable the development of large-scale solar fuel and solar chemical synthesis, but the poor photovoltages often reported so far will severely limit their performance. Here we report a novel observation of photovoltage loss associated with a charge extraction barrier imposed by the protection layer, and, by eliminating it, achieve photovoltages as high as 630mV, the maximum reported so far for water-splitting silicon photoanodes. The loss mechanism is systematically probed in metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky junction cells compared to buried junction p(+) n cells, revealing the need to maintain a characteristic hole density at the semiconductor/insulator interface. A leaky-capacitor model related to the dielectric properties of the protective oxide explains this loss, achieving excellent agreement with the data. From these findings, we formulate design principles for simultaneous optimization of built-in field, interface quality, and hole extraction to maximize the photovoltage of oxide-protected water-splitting anodes.


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The increased emphasis within Europe on the role of second-tier cities has implications for the ways in which these urban centres are considered within national spatial planning strategies. In centralised, monocentric states like Ireland, there has been a general ambivalence towards urban policy for cities outside the capital city, and historically this has prevented the development of a strong, diversified urban hierarchy undermining prospects for balanced regional development. This paper examines the extent to which a new found emphasis on Ireland’s second-tier cities which emerged in the ‘Gateways’ policy of the National Spatial Strategy (NSS, 2002) was matched by subsequent political and administrative commitment to facilitate the development of these urban centres. Following a discussion of the position of second-tier cities in an international context and a brief overview of recent demographic and economic trends, the paper assesses the relative performance of Ireland’s second-tier cities in influencing development trends, highlighting a comprehensive failure to deliver compact urban growth. In this context, the paper then discusses the implications of current development plans for the second-tier cities and proposals for Irish local government reform for securing compact urban development.


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Researchers interested in the neurobiology of the acute stress response in humans require a valid and reliable acute stressor that can be used under experimental conditions. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) provides such a testing platform. It induces stress by requiring participants to make an interview-style presentation, followed by a surprise mental arithmetic test, in front of an interview panel who do not provide feedback or encouragement. In this review, we outline the methodology of the TSST, and discuss key findings under conditions of health and stress-related disorder. The TSST has unveiled differences in males and females, as well as different age groups, in their neurobiological response to acute stress. The TSST has also deepened our understanding of how genotype may moderate the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress, and exciting new inroads have been made in understanding epigenetic contributions to the biological regulation of the acute stress response using the TSST. A number of innovative adaptations have been developed which allow for the TSST to be used in group settings, with children, in combination with brain imaging, and with virtual committees. Future applications may incorporate the emerging links between the gut microbiome and the stress response. Future research should also maximise use of behavioural data generated by the TSST. Alternative acute stress paradigms may have utility over the TSST in certain situations, such as those that require repeat testing. Nonetheless, we expect that the TSST remains the gold standard for examining the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress in humans.


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Several definitions exist that offer to identify the boundaries between languages and dialects, yet these distinctions are inconsistent and are often as political as they are linguistic (Chambers & Trudgill, 1998). A different perspective is offered in this thesis, by investigating how closely related linguistic varieties are represented in the brain and whether they engender similar cognitive effects as is often reported for bilingual speakers of recognised independent languages, based on the principles of Green’s (1998) model of bilingual language control. Study 1 investigated whether bidialectal speakers exhibit similar benefits in non-linguistic inhibitory control as a result of the maintenance and use of two dialects, as has been proposed for bilinguals who regularly employ inhibitory control mechanisms, in order to suppress one language while speaking the other. The results revealed virtually identical performance across all monolingual, bidialectal and bilingual participant groups, thereby not just failing to find a cognitive control advantage in bidialectal speakers over monodialectals/monolinguals, but also in bilinguals; adding to a growing body of evidence which challenges this bilingual advantage in non-linguistic inhibitory control. Study 2 investigated the cognitive representation of dialects using an adaptation of a Language Switching Paradigm to determine if the effort required to switch between dialects is similar to the effort required to switch between languages. The results closely replicated what is typically shown for bilinguals: Bidialectal speakers exhibited a symmetrical switch cost like balanced bilinguals while monodialectal speakers, who were taught to use the dialect words before the experiment, showed the asymmetrical switch cost typically displayed by second language learners. These findings augment Green’s (1998) model by suggesting that words from different dialects are also tagged in the mental lexicon, just like words from different languages, and as a consequence, it takes cognitive effort to switch between these mental settings. Study 3 explored an additional explanation for language switching costs by investigating whether changes in articulatory settings when switching between different linguistic varieties could - at least in part – be responsible for these previously reported switching costs. Using a paradigm which required participants to switch between using different articulatory settings, e.g. glottal stops/aspirated /t/ and whispers/normal phonation, the results also demonstrated the presence of switch costs, suggesting that switching between linguistic varieties has a motor task-switching component which is independent of representations in the mental lexicon. Finally, Study 4 investigated how much exposure is needed to be able to distinguish between different varieties using two novel language categorisation tasks which compared German vs Russian cognates, and Standard Scottish English vs Dundonian Scots cognates. The results showed that even a small amount of exposure (i.e. a couple of days’ worth) is required to enable listeners to distinguish between different languages, dialects or accents based on general phonetic and phonological characteristics, suggesting that the general sound template of a language variety can be represented before exact lexical representations have been formed. Overall, these results show that bidialectal use of typologically closely related linguistic varieties employs similar cognitive mechanisms as bilingual language use. This thesis is the first to explore the cognitive representations and mechanisms that underpin the use of typologically closely related varieties. It offers a few novel insights and serves as the starting point for a research agenda that can yield a more fine-grained understanding of the cognitive mechanisms that may operate when speakers use closely related varieties. In doing so, it urges caution when making assumptions about differences in the mechanisms used by individuals commonly categorised as monolinguals, to avoid potentially confounding any comparisons made with bilinguals.


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnóstica es evaluar las acciones de la Comunidad Internacional en materia de resocialización de niños soldados desvinculados del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (ERS) en Uganda durante el periodo de 2002 a 2013. Para ello, se hace un análisis de las causas de la existencia de niños soldados, donde se tiene en cuenta la evolución del concepto de la infancia y las particularidades que éste representa en el contexto africano. Así mismo, son analizados los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de asistencia humanitaria para la protección de la niñez enfatizando en los procesos de resocialización brindados a los niños desvinculados del ERS. Esto con el fin de evidenciar las limitaciones de la actuación de la Comunidad Internacional, y brindar una serie de recomendaciones para la implementación de programas de resocialización enfocados en la infancia.


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Los niños que padecen trisomía 21 poseen una serie de características físicas, neurológicas y neuropsicológicas específicas, las cuales han sido investigadas a profundidad en diferentes países, de lo cual se han desarrollado protocolos de evaluación para estos niños acorde a su nacionalidad (García, 2010). A pesar de que Colombia es uno de los países en los cuales el síndrome de Down se presenta con mayor frecuencia, hasta la fecha, no se encuentran estudios que enfaticen en las habilidades neuropsicológicas de esta población específica, por lo cual no se han desarrollado protocolos de evaluación adecuados para los niños con síndrome este síndrome. Esta investigación se llevó acabo con una población de 88 niños a los cuales se les aplicó el inventario de desarrollo BATTELLE, y se identificó que los niños con síndrome Down de 5 a 12 años obtienen un puntaje que se encuentra en 4 desviaciones estándar por debajo de la media típica. Lo anterior demuestra una característica específica de esta población en cuanto a patrones de desarrollo en las cuales, se evidencia dificultad más importante en las área cognición y de la comunicación expresiva. Con respecto a los intervalos de edad se identificó que a lo largo de estos el desempeño en las áreas evaluadas decrece. esto puede estar relacionado con la mayor complejidad de los hitos del desarrollo para una edad esperada. Debido a que los hitos del desarrollo esperados varían a lo largo de los periodos del ciclo vital del ser humano, estos tienden a aumentar su complejidad en etapas del desarrollo más avanzados; como estos niños poseen una serie de dificultades en las funciones ejecutivas y cognición, no lograrán alcanzar dichos hitos del desarrollo.


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El consumo de medicamentos es un asunto que actualmente se ha convertido en una preocupación a nivel global, ya que no todos los medicamentos están sujetos a prescripción médica, y esto implica que su consumo dependa de otras fuentes de información, como la publicidad masiva o el consejo de personas legas, entre otros. Esta revisión se basó en la publicidad y el impacto que tiene esta frente al consumidor. La presente revisión se dividió en dos categorías dado la relevancia del tema, en la primera se encuentra las características de los medicamentos de venta libre donde se evidenció cómo funciona el sector de la industria farmacéutica, las características de los medicamentos en general y los riesgos del abuso de este comportamiento. Así mismo, en la segunda categoria se habló sobre la publicidad y mercadeo de ventas libres donde se evidenció el alto impacto que tiene la publicidad en el consumidor, las restricciones que hay en el contexto nacional e internacional.


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In this work, we consider the second-order discontinuous equation in the real line, u′′(t)−ku(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t)),a.e.t∈R, with k>0 and f:R3→R an L1 -Carathéodory function. The existence of homoclinic solutions in presence of not necessarily ordered lower and upper solutions is proved, without periodicity assumptions or asymptotic conditions. Some applications to Duffing-like equations are presented in last section.


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La tesi tratta la storia veterotestamentaria di Iefte (Jdg 10,6-12,7). Il lavoro è diviso in due parti: la prima concerne la formazione del testo biblico e propone una nuova analisi critico-testuale del passo attraverso il confronto tra TM, LXX, Vg e altre fonti. Questo raffronto esamina i rapporti tra il TM e il modello ebraico dei LXX e le differenze tra le diverse recensioni dei LXX; inoltre, lo studio del lessico e dei temi in esso presenti porta alla formulazione di una nuova ipotesi sul tempo della composizione e sulla contestualizzazione storica e letteraria dell'episodio all'interno del corpus biblico. La seconda parte si concentra sulla storia delle interpretazioni del passo nel mondo latino e greco dal I secolo d.C. all'inizio del V secolo, e ha portato alla costituzione di un dossier di brani, esaminati nel loro contesto, che commentano o citano l'episodio. L'attenzione al contesto ha permesso di risolvere alcuni problemi che finora hanno impedito la ricostruzione del percorso esegetico del brano (attribuzione di alcuni frammenti catenari, datazione del De virginitate di Ambrogio, ecc.) Questo nuovo approccio di ricerca combina un'analisi completa dell'episodio biblico con uno studio approfondito della sua esegesi. Rivela così, da un lato, le scelte effettuate durante la composizione di un testo scritturistico problematico, e, dall'altro, i diversi meccanismi utilizzati dagli esegeti per spiegare il significato di una storia in cui la bontà di Dio, che ha tollerato il sacrificio umano, è messa in discussione.


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La presente tesi si propone di trattare il soggetto della screendance, giovane disciplina in continua definizione nata combinando cinema e coreografia, da una prospettiva alternativa, coerente con le ultime trasformazioni sociali. La ricerca, suddivisa in quattro parti, inizia da una ricognizione critica sulla terminologia utilizzata per indicare la screendance nel suo sviluppo storico in Europa e in Cina durante il XX secolo. Adoperando una metodologia basata sugli strumenti della storiografia comparativa, vengono utilizzati come chiavi di lettura i due concetti taoisti di xiang o visione e xing o forma, l’uno riferito al contesto culturale, storico e artistico di una data società umana in un dato periodo storico, e l’altro alludente alle forme artistiche specifiche definite da quei principi. Nel focalizzarsi sul confronto tra i differenti sviluppi della screendance nel corso del XX secolo in Europa e in Cina, nella seconda parte, la tesi affronta una comparazione diacronica delle trasformazioni di xiang delle due aree geografiche, insieme a una comparazione sincronica delle xing, rendendo più evidenti analogie e divergenze di numerosi case studies occidentali e cinesi.  Uno sguardo sul panorama europeo, attento alle differenze nella disseminazione della screendance attraverso i festival in Gran Bretagna, Francia, Belgio e Italia, costituisce il focus della terza parte. Con la quarta ed ultima parte, la tesi riserva ampio spazio alla disamina della situazione contemporanea della screendance, seguendone la diffusione negli ultimi quattro decenni attraverso i festival e, più recentemente, i nuovi canali social di creazione e condivisione di contenuti video, e prospettando un futuro in cui la realtà della screendance europea e quella cinese potranno confrontare le proprie identità culturali. Il ricco apparato documentario include un elenco dei festival di screendance europei e cinesi, e una serie di interviste inedite ai maggiori operatori e professionisti del settore, italiani ed europei.


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BACKGROUND Neuroendocrine neoplasia (NEN) are divided in well differentiated G1,G2 and G3 neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and G3 neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). For the latter no standard therapy in second-line is available and prognosis is poor. METHODS Primary aim was to evaluate new prognostic and predictive biomarkers (WP1-3). In WP4 we explored the activity of FOLFIRI and CAPTEM as second-line in NEC patients in a multicenter non-comparative phase II trial RESULTS In WP1-2 we found that 4 of 6 GEP-NEC patients with a negative 68Ga-PET/CT had a loss of expression of RB1. In WP3 on 47 GEP-NENs patients the presence of DLL3 in 76.9% of G3 NEC correlate with RB1-loss (p<0.001), negative 68Ga-PET/CT(p=0.001) and a poor prognosis. In the WP4 we conducted a multicenter non-comparative phase II trial to explore the activity of FOLFIRI or CAPTEM in terms of DCR, PFS and OS given as second-line in NEC patients. From 06/03/2017 to 18/01/2021 53 out of 112 patients were enrolled in 17 of 23 participating centers. Median follow-up was 10.8 (range 1.4 – 38.6) months. The 3-month DCR was 39.3% in the FOLFIRI and 32.0 % in the CAPTEM arm. The 6-months PFS rate was 34.6% ( 95%CI 17.5-52.5) in FOLFIRI and 9.6% (95%CI 1.8-25.7) in CAPTEM group. In the FOLFIRI subgroup the 6-months and 12-months OS rate were 55.4% (95%CI 32.6-73.3) and 30.3% (CI 11.1-52.2) respectively. In CAPTEM arm the 6-months and 12-months OS rate were 57.2% (95%34.9-74.3) and 29.0% (95%10.0-43.3). The miRNA analysis of 20 patients compared with 20 healthy subjects shows an overexpression of miRNAs involved in staminality , neo-angiogenesis and mitochontrial anaerobic glycolysis activation. CONCLUSION WP1-3 support the hypothesis that G3NECs carrying RB1 loss is associated with a DLL3 expression highlighting a potential therapeutic opportunity. Our study unfortunately didn’t met the primary end–point but the results are promising


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Over the last decades, the growing evidence of human-caused climate change has raised awareness of the consequences of exceeding global temperature by 2˚C. This awareness has led to a contemporary approach to the conceptualization and management of green adaptation policies in spatial planning. This thesis aims to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing the adaptability of existing neighborhoods to green strategies. The reliability of the proposed method is examined in the cities of Bologna and Imola and proved to be applicable in other geoghraphical locations. This thesis integrates three key themes of conceptual and implementation principles for urban green adaptation. This thesis initially defines methods for narrowing uncertainties in urban planning energy forecasting modeling by exploring the roles of integrated energy planning. The second is by exploring green retrofitting strategies in building, this thesis examines the effects of various energy-saving factors in roofing scenarios including a green roof, rooftop greenhouse, and insolated roof. Lastly, this thesis analyzes green strategies in urban spaces to enhance thermal comfort through facing urban heat exposure related to urban heat island effects. The roles of integrated energy policies and green strategic thinking are discussed to highlight various aspects of green adaptation on the neighborhood scale. This thesis develops approaches by which cities can face the challenges of current green urban planning and connect the conceptual and practical aspects of green spatial planning. Another point that this thesis highlight is that due to the interdependency of individuals and places, it is difficult to assure whether all the adaptation policies on a large scale are enhancing the resiliency of the neighborhood or they are simply shuffling the vulnerability through the individuals and places. Besides, it asserts that neglecting to reflect on these reallocations of the effects generates serious complications, and will result in long-term dysfunctional consequences.


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In recent years we have witnessed important changes: the Second Quantum Revolution is in the spotlight of many countries, and it is creating a new generation of technologies. To unlock the potential of the Second Quantum Revolution, several countries have launched strategic plans and research programs that finance and set the pace of research and development of these new technologies (like the Quantum Flagship, the National Quantum Initiative Act and so on). The increasing pace of technological changes is also challenging science education and institutional systems, requiring them to help to prepare new generations of experts. This work is placed within physics education research and contributes to the challenge by developing an approach and a course about the Second Quantum Revolution. The aims are to promote quantum literacy and, in particular, to value from a cultural and educational perspective the Second Revolution. The dissertation is articulated in two parts. In the first, we unpack the Second Quantum Revolution from a cultural perspective and shed light on the main revolutionary aspects that are elevated to the rank of principles implemented in the design of a course for secondary school students, prospective and in-service teachers. The design process and the educational reconstruction of the activities are presented as well as the results of a pilot study conducted to investigate the impact of the approach on students' understanding and to gather feedback to refine and improve the instructional materials. The second part consists of the exploration of the Second Quantum Revolution as a context to introduce some basic concepts of quantum physics. We present the results of an implementation with secondary school students to investigate if and to what extent external representations could play any role to promote students’ understanding and acceptance of quantum physics as a personal reliable description of the world.


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Objective To find a correlation between cerebral symptoms at birth and abnormalities found at anomaly scan, through the analysis of sensitivity of the anomaly scan in the prediction of severe CMV neonatal disease. Methods - Design, Setting, Population This was a retrospective collection of all cases of primary congenital CMV infection reported in our unit (Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Policlinico di S Orsola, IRCSS, Bologna) over a period of 9 years (2013–2022). Only cases of fetal infection following confirmed maternal primary infection in the first trimester (MPI) and newborns with confirmed CMV infection on blood/saliva or urine were included. Results Between 2014 and 2022, 69 fetuses had an antenatal diagnosis of primary CMV infection. The infection occurred after MPI in the first, second, and third trimester in 63.7% (43/69), 27.5% (19/69), and 10% (7/69) of cases, respectively. Second-trimester assessment by anomaly scan was abnormal in 10/69 (15%) fetuses: 5/69 (7%) had an extracerebral STA and 5/69 (7%) had a cerebral STA. Normal anomaly scan was found in 59/69 (86%) fetuses. When looking at all fetuses infected in the first trimester, 12.5% (5/40) underwent TOP and 45% (18/40) had symptoms at birth. A mean follow-up of 22.4 months (range 12–48 months) was available for 68/69 (99%) live born neonates. Conclusion Anomaly scan results to have a predictive positive value of 67% fetuses infected in the first trimester. Serial assessment by ultrasound is necessary to predict the risk of sequelae occurring in 35% following fetal infection in the first trimester of pregnancy. This combined evaluation by US and trimester of infection should be useful when counselling on the prognosis of cCMV infection.