996 resultados para samll medical library


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This paper explores the contemporary relevance of sociological theorisations centred on medical power, including the medical dominance and deprofessionalisation theses. To achieve this it examines two issues that have been tentatively linked to the relative decline of the power and autonomy of biomedicine - complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and the Internet-informed patient. Drawing on these two different but interconnected social phenomena, this paper reflects on the potential limitations of power-based theorisations of the medical profession and its relationship to patients and other non-biomedically situated professional groups. It is argued that power-based conceptual schemas may not adequately reflect the non-linear and complex strategic adaptations that are occurring among professional groups.


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This Study is the first phase of a three-phase study continuing over three years. Twent)' health professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds (medical doctors, nurses, allied health professionals) and 20 patients across a range of medical condidons, education, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds, pardcipated in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. Participants described their experiences and percepdons of both effecdve and sadsfying medical consultations and dissadsf)'ing and ineffecdve ones. They also discussed their individual goals and needs in the consultation process. Results indicated that while there were some similarides in consultation goals and needs between health professionals, there were also clear differences across the different discipUnes. In addition, there were clear differences in goals and needs across the twenty padents. These findings are discussed within the framework of communicadon accommodadon theor}' (CAT) and the linguisdc model of padent pardcipadon (LMOPP) and focus on understanding the different dynamics that underpin varying health professional and padent interacdons.


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