1000 resultados para radiation problem
This paper presents a study on the dynamics of the rattling problem in gearboxes under non-ideal excitation. The subject has being analyzed by a number of authors such as Karagiannis and Pfeiffer (1991), for the ideal excitation case. An interesting model of the same problem by Moon (1992) has been recently used by Souza and Caldas (1999) to detect chaotic behavior. We consider two spur gears with different diameters and gaps between the teeth. Suppose the motion of one gear to be given while the motion of the other is governed by its dynamics. In the ideal case, the driving wheel is supposed to undergo a sinusoidal motion with given constant amplitude and frequency. In this paper, we consider the motion to be a function of the system response and a limited energy source is adopted. Thus an extra degree of freedom is introduced in the problem. The equations of motion are obtained via a Lagrangian approach with some assumed characteristic torque curves. Next, extensive numerical integration is used to detect some interesting geometrical aspects of regular and irregular motions of the system response.
TRIZ is one of the well-known tools, based on analytical methods for creative problem solving. This thesis suggests adapted version of contradiction matrix, a powerful tool of TRIZ and few principles based on concept of original TRIZ. It is believed that the proposed version would aid in problem solving, especially those encountered in chemical process industries with unit operations. In addition, this thesis would help fresh process engineers to recognize importance of various available methods for creative problem solving and learn TRIZ method of creative problem solving. This thesis work mainly provides idea on how to modify TRIZ based method according to ones requirements to fit in particular niche area and solve problems efficiently in creative way. Here in this case, the contradiction matrix developed is based on review of common problems encountered in chemical process industry, particularly in unit operations and resolutions are based on approaches used in past to handle those issues.
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the possibility to enhance certain qualities of facial prostheses. Polymethyl methacrylate is still being used as base mate¬rial or clip carrier material, but it is hard and heavy, and debonding of the silicone from the acrylic base material is a frequent problem. This thesis aims to evaluate the use of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) as framework material for maxillofacial silicone prostheses. FRC has been used as reinforcement in removable and fixed partial dentures since the 1990s. This material is lightweight and can be fabricated to compress the margins of the prosthesis slightly, to keep it tightly against the skin during jaw movements and facial expressions. Additionally, the use of a thermochromic pigment, colorless in room temperature and red in a cold environment, was studied in order to evaluate the possibility of using this color changing pigment in facial prostheses to mimic the color change of facial skin in cold weather. The tensile bond strength between pre-impregnated, unidirectional FRC and maxillofacial silicone elastomer was studied. Three different bonding agents or primers were compared. Bond strength was improved by one of the primers and by roughening the surface. The effect of a skin compressing glass fiber-reinforced composite framework on facial skin blood flow was studied by using a face mask, constructed with a compression pad corresponding to the outer margin of a glass fiber-reinforced framework beam of a facial prosthesis. The skin blood flow of ten healthy volunteers, aged 23-25 years, was measured during touch, light, and moderate compression of the skin, by using laser Doppler imaging technique. None of the compressions showed any marked effects on local skin blood flow. There were no significant differences between blood flow during compression and at baseline. Maxillofacial silicone elastomer was colored intrinsically with conventional color pigments: a control group containing only conventional pigments was compared to two test groups with 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermochromic pigment added. The color of the material was measured with a spectrophotometer in room temperature and after storage in a freezer. The color stability of the maxillofacial silicone elastomer colored with thermo¬chromic pigment was evaluated by artificial aging. The color dif¬ference of the L* (lightness) and a* values (redness), comparing color after the samples were stored at room temperature and in a freezer (-19°C), was statistically significant for both 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermo¬chromic pigment groups. The differences in the b* values (yellowness) were statistically significant for the 0.6 wt% group. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation led to visually noticeable and statistically signifi¬cant color changes (ΔE) in all color values in both test groups. The specimens containing thermochromic pigment were very sensitive to UV radiation. In conclusion, a framework of fiber-reinforced composite can successfully be bonded to maxillofacial silicone elastomer, and a framework beam, compressing the facial skin, did not remarkably alter the skin blood flow on healthy, young adults. The thermochromic pigment showed color change in maxillofacial silicone elastomer. However, artificial aging showed that it was too sensitive to UV radiation to be used, as such, in maxillofacial prostheses.
Kombinatorisk optimering handlar om att hitta en bra eller rent av den bästa möjliga lösningen från ett känt antal lösningar eller kombinationer. Ofta är antalet lösningar så enormt att en genomgång av alla olika lösningar inte är möjlig. En av huvudorsakerna till att det forskas inom kombinatorisk optimering är att liknande frågeställningar eller problem uppkommer inom så många olika områden. Påståendet stämmer speciellt bra för kvadratiska tilldelningsproblem(eng. Quadratic Assignment Problem). Sådana problem uppstår då man försöker beskriva en stor mängd tillämpade frågeställningar. Vilken gate skall väljas för flygen på större flygplatser för att minimera den totala väg människorna behöver gå och bagaget förflyttas? Var skall olika avdelningar på en fabrik placeras för att minimera materialförflyttningar mellan avdelningarna? Hur ser ett optimalt tangentbord ut för olika språk? Var skall komponenterna placeras på ett kretskort? De här är alla frågor som kan besvaras genom att lösa kvadratiska tilldelningsproblem. Kvadratiska tilldelningsproblem är dock mycket svåra att lösa. Det beror på att problemet i den standardform det matematiskt formuleras i huvudsak består av produkter av binära variabler. I denna avhandling har problemet omformulerats till en linjär diskret form som innehåller färre variabler. Med omformuleringen har bland annat flera tidigare olösta kvadratiska tilldelningsproblem kunnat lösas till globalt optimum, den bästa möjliga lösningen, för första gången någonsin.
I avhandlingen analyseras betydelsen av kön i den vetenskapliga socialpolitiken vid 1900-talets mitt, i synnerhet med fokus på Heikki Waris (1901–1989) produktion. Waris var Finlands första professor i socialpolitik, som efter andra världskriget etablerades som ett akademiskt ämne vid de finländska universiteten, och Waris blev känd som en av tidens främsta auktoriteter på den finländska socialpolitiken. Vid en tid då välfärdsstaten etablerades och samhället genomgick en snabb moderniseringsprocess, fokuserade den socialpolitiska forskningen på problem och frågor som främst ansågs beröra den manliga delen av befolkningen, såsom alkoholkonsumtion och relationer inom det industriella arbetet. Detta trots att de nordiska staterna senare skulle bli kända som så kallade kvinnovänliga välfärdsstater, där frågor om kvinnors position och jämställdhet beaktades. I avhandlingen belyses hur de texter Waris skrev, samt den forskning som han initierade, skapade ideal baserade på sundhet, ekonomiskt ansvarstagande, aktivitet och medvetenhet samt hur dessa ideal var kopplade till män och manlighet. Förutom att visa hur ideal konstruerades, studeras även de olika formerna och funktionerna av kön i den socialpolitiska litteraturen. Behandlades kön endast som demografisk kategori eller fanns det ett djupare intresse för mäns och kvinnors positioner och roller? Vilka förhållanden ville Waris och de andra socialpolitikerna belysa med att lyfta fram frågor om kön i sina texter? Waris var även en auktoritet på den snabba moderniseringsprocess som Finland hade genomgått sedan industrialiseringen vid 1800-talets slut. I avhandlingen argumenteras för att män och kvinnor på varierande sätt blev symboler för samhällelig förändring. ------------------------ Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sukupuolen merkitystä sosiaalipolitiikan tutkimuksessa 1900-luvun puolivälissä. Lähtökohtana on Heikki Wariksen (1901–1989) tieteellinen tuotanto. Waris toimi Suomen ensimmäisenä sosiaalipolitiikan professorina ja kehitti sosiaalipolitiikkaa akateemisena aiheena Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Waris tunnettiin yhtenä aikansa merkittävimpänä suomalaisen sosiaalipolitiikan asiantuntijana. Hyvinvointivaltion rakentumisaikana sosiaalipolitiikan tutkimus keskittyi miehiin liittyviin ongelmiin ja kysymyksiin, kuten alkoholin kulutukseen. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan miten Wariksen teksteissä, ja Wariksen ohjaamissa väitöskirjoissa rakennettiin terveellisyydelle, elättäjyydelle, aktiivisuudelle sekä tietoisuudelle pohjautuva ihanne, joka oli kytketty miehiin ja miehuuteen. Lisäksi tutkitaan sukupuolen muotoja ja funktioita sosiaalipoliittisessa kirjallisuudessa. Oliko sukupuoli pelkkä väestöllinen kategoria vai osoittivatko sosiaalipolitiikan tutkijat syvällisempää mielenkiintoa miesten ja naisten asemaa sekä rooleja kohtaan? Mitkä asiat huomioitiin sukupuolen avulla? Waris oli myös industrialismin aiheuttaman yhteiskuntamuutoksen asiantuntija. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan miten miehiä ja naisia käsiteltiin eri tavalla muutoksen symboleina.
Det är inte ovanligt att man i organisationer ställs inför problem som inte kan hanteras inom befintlig organisationsstruktur. Skälen kan vara att frågorna har många – ibland konflikterande – dimensioner och perspektiv som samtidigt måste beaktas. I den här avhandlingen studeras vilka tankemönster och föreställningar som fanns när grupper av chefer försökte lösa komplexa problem, som inte hade en naturlig organisatorisk hemvist och hur de omsatte dessa tankemönster i handling. Vad kännetecknade det ledarskap som utövades under problemlösningsprocessen? Avhandlingens empiri hämtas från ledarutvecklingsprogram i två internationellt verksamma företag i Sverige, och omfattar 14 verkliga affärsproblem i dessa företag och den process varigenom de löstes. De 14 seminarierna utgör exempel på hur mångdimensionella frågeställningar framgångsrikt hanteras utanför den befintliga organisationsstrukturen. Studien ger, genom att adressera frågor kring tankesätt och ledningsprocesser, en djupare förståelse för förutsättningarna för detta, och lyfter särskilt fram betydelsen av ett ledarskap som inbegriper begreppen intervention, förmåga och omtolkning. Som ett samlat begrepp introduceras bilden att utöva ledarskapet utifrån ett matrix mind. Att påverka strukturer (i vid mening) och därigenom de förmågor som utvecklas, är del i detta ledarskap. Det sker genom interventioner (ingrepp som påverkar relationer i t ex en grupp) och baserades i den aktuella empirin på uppfattningar om värdet av problematisering, erfarenhetsutbyte och av ett språk, som både beskriver och anger inriktning för aktiviteter. Interventioner i strukturer (och till dem knutna processer) beskriver dock bara delvis detta ledarskap. Att leda med ett matrix mind innefattar också ett nyfiket och kreativt förhållningssätt, och att utifrån detta leda omtolkning av problem. I empirin finns flera exempel på detta. Avhandlingen avser att ge ett bidrag inom såväl organisations- som ledarskapsteori.
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceae) is a very widely distributed species in the cerrado and forests in Brazil, from the State of Bahia to Paraná. Its seed germination was analysed under eight treatments using different conditions of light and temperature. Up to 73 days, at least ca. 93% of the seeds germinated in all treatments, except under alternating temperatures of 35°/10°C (62%). Light enhanced germination, except under constant temperature of 25°C when seeds are not photoblastic. At this temperature, the highest percentage of germination was found. Initial vegetative growth was analysed by comparing the effects of shading, by means of different percentages of full daylight (100%, 45%, 10.6%, 4.8%), and soils from cerrado and forest. During 123 days, no mortality was recorded and cotyledons persisted on the seedlings of all treatments. In general, the seedlings of V. tucanorum were found to be more or less indifferent to the soil from cerrado or forest and shading seems to promote height increment. However, total dry mass was larger under a radiation of 45% full daylight and smaller under extreme conditions (100% or 4.8% full daylight).
Combined therapy with radiation and chemotherapy has being increasingly used in cancer treatment. The effect of combinations of taxol (0.08 mug/ml) with doxorubicin (DXR, 0.5 or 1.0 mug/ml) or gamma radiation (20 or 40 cGy) was examined in two different treatment schedules (pretreatment or simultaneous treatment) using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells treated at the G2 phase of the cell cycle. The results showed that taxol did not have a radiosensitizing effect on the chromosomal aberrations induced by gamma radiation nor did it have a potentiating effect on the chromosomal aberrations induced by DXR in CHO cells treated in the G2 phase of the cell cycle
The collagen structure of isolated and in situ liver granuloma from Swiss Webster mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni was sequentially and three-dimensionally analyzed during different times of infection (early acute, acute, transitional acute-chronic, and chronic phases) by laser scanning confocal microscopy and electron scanning variable vacuum microscopy. The initial granuloma structure is characterized by vascular collagen residues and by anchorage points (or fiber radiation centers), from where collagenous fibers are angularly shed and self-assembled. During the exudative-productive stage, the self-assembly of these fibers minimizes energy and mass through continuous tension and focal compression. The curvature or angles between collagen fibers probably depends on the fibroblastic or myofibroblastic organization of stress fibers. Gradually, the loose unstable lattice of the exudative-productive stage transforms into a highly packed and stable architecture as a result of progressive compactness. The three-dimensional architecture of granulomas provides increased tissue integrity, efficient distribution of soluble compounds and a haptotactic background to the cells.
Ionizing radiation can change the molecular structure and affect the biological properties of biomolecules. This has been employed to attenuate animal toxins. Crotamine is a strongly basic polypeptide (pI 10.3) from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom composed of 42 amino acid residues. It induces skeletal muscle spasms leading to a spastic paralysis of hind limbs in mice. The objective of the present study was to carry out a biochemical study and a toxic activity assay on native and irradiated crotamine. Crotamine was purified from C.d. terrificus venom by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration followed by ion-exchange chromatography, and irradiated at 2 mg/ml in 0.15 M NaCl with 2.0 kGy gamma radiation emitted by a 60Co source. The native and irradiated toxins were evaluated in terms of structure and toxic activity (LD50). Irradiation did not change the protein concentration, the electrophoretic profile or the primary structure of the protein although differences were shown by spectroscopic techniques. Gamma radiation reduced crotamine toxicity by 48.3%, but did not eliminate it.
Pro graduavhanlingens svenska sammanfattning
The aim of the present study was to establish the extent of in vitro radioresponse of lymphocytes among 62 healthy adults of both genders and to estimate the distribution of baseline micronuclei and radiosensitivity among individuals of the study population using the cytochalasin block micronucleus test. A younger study group consisted of 10 males (mean age, 22.4 years; range, 21-27) and 12 females (mean age, 24.8 years; range, 20-29), whereas an older study group consisted of 18 males (mean age, 35.1 years; range, 30-44) and 22 females (mean age, 38.5 years; range, 30-48). For evaluation of radiosensitivity blood samples were irradiated in vitro using 60Co g-ray source. The radiation dose employed was 2 Gy, the dose rate 0.45 Gy/min. The study revealed a significant gender effect on baseline micronuclei favoring females (Z = 3.25, P < 0.001), while yields of radiation-induced micronuclei did not differ significantly (Z = 0.56, P < 0.56) between genders. The distribution of baseline micronuclei among the individuals tested followed Poisson distribution in both study groups and in both genders, whereas the distribution of radiosensitivity among individuals of the older study group did not fulfill Poisson expectations (Kolmogorov-Smirnof test, P < 0.01). In contrast to a nonsignificant difference in radiosensitivity between males and females of the same age group (Z = 1.97, P < 0.56), a statistically significant difference in radiosensitivity between younger and older group for both genders was found (Z = 3.03, P < 0.03). Since the individuals tested were healthy, the observed variability in radiation response is considered to be an early effect of ageing.
Gamma-irradiation (gamma-IR) is extensively used in the treatment of hormone-resistant prostate carcinoma. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of 60Co gamma-IR on the growth, cell cycle arrest and cell death of the human prostate cancer cell line DU 145. The viability of DU 145 cells was measured by the Trypan blue exclusion assay and the 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5,diphenyltetrazolium bromide test. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation was used for the determination of cell proliferation. Cell cycle arrest and cell death were analyzed by flow cytometry. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), specifically CuZnSOD and MnSOD protein expression, after 10 Gy gamma-IR, was determined by Western immunoblotting analysis. gamma-IR treatment had a significant (P < 0.001) antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect on DU 145 cells. Both effects were time and dose dependent. Also, the dose of gamma-IR which inhibited DNA synthesis and cell proliferation by 50% was 9.7 Gy. Furthermore, gamma-IR induced cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase and the percentage of cells in the G2/M phase was increased from 15% (control) to 49% (IR cells), with a nonsignificant induction of apoptosis. Treatment with 10 Gy gamma-IR for 24, 48, and 72 h stimulated CuZnSOD and MnSOD protein expression in a time-dependent manner, approximately by 3- to 3.5-fold. These data suggest that CuZnSOD and MnSOD enzymes may play an important role in the gamma-IR-induced changes in DU 145 cell growth, cell cycle arrest and cell death.
Due to various advantages such as flexibility, scalability and updatability, software intensive systems are increasingly embedded in everyday life. The constantly growing number of functions executed by these systems requires a high level of performance from the underlying platform. The main approach to incrementing performance has been the increase of operating frequency of a chip. However, this has led to the problem of power dissipation, which has shifted the focus of research to parallel and distributed computing. Parallel many-core platforms can provide the required level of computational power along with low power consumption. On the one hand, this enables parallel execution of highly intensive applications. With their computational power, these platforms are likely to be used in various application domains: from home use electronics (e.g., video processing) to complex critical control systems. On the other hand, the utilization of the resources has to be efficient in terms of performance and power consumption. However, the high level of on-chip integration results in the increase of the probability of various faults and creation of hotspots leading to thermal problems. Additionally, radiation, which is frequent in space but becomes an issue also at the ground level, can cause transient faults. This can eventually induce a faulty execution of applications. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methods that enable efficient as well as resilient execution of applications. The main objective of the thesis is to propose an approach to design agentbased systems for many-core platforms in a rigorous manner. When designing such a system, we explore and integrate various dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms into agents functionality. The use of these mechanisms enhances resilience of the underlying platform whilst maintaining performance at an acceptable level. The design of the system proceeds according to a formal refinement approach which allows us to ensure correct behaviour of the system with respect to postulated properties. To enable analysis of the proposed system in terms of area overhead as well as performance, we explore an approach, where the developed rigorous models are transformed into a high-level implementation language. Specifically, we investigate methods for deriving fault-free implementations from these models into, e.g., a hardware description language, namely VHDL.