997 resultados para product features


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Although metals and nitrogen/sulfur compounds have been the main concern of the petroleum industry, issues concerning the harmful effects on catalysts poisoning and product contamination by other contaminants such as oxygen-containing compounds have been raised. Trace amounts of carbonyl and carboxyl compounds in petroleum products can lead to catalyst poisoning. Additionally, oxygenates may be present in final polyethylene and polypropylene resins, affecting the quality of food packaging. In this work, we reviewed potential analytical approaches for oxygenates determination in petroleum products and report the features of each potential technique.


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Brazilian biodiversity is a colossal source of secondary metabolites with remarkable structural features, which are valuable in further biodiscovery studies. In order to fully understand the relations and interactions of a living system with its surroundings, efforts in natural product chemistry are directed toward the challenge of detecting and identifying all the molecular components present in complex samples. It is plausible that this endeavor was born out of recent technological sophistication in secondary metabolite identification with sensitive spectroscopic instruments (MS and NMR) and higher resolving power of chromatographic systems, which allow a decrease in the amount of required sample and time to acquire data. Nevertheless, the escalation of data acquired in these analyses must be sorted with statistical and multi-way tools in order to select key information. Chromatography is also of paramount importance, more so when selected compounds need to be isolated for further investigation. However, in the course of pursuing a "greener" environment, new policies, with an aim to decrease the use of energy and solvents, are being developed and incorporated into analytical methods. Metabolomics could be an effective tool to answer questions on how living organisms in our huge biodiversity work and interact with their surroundings while also being strategic to the development of high value bio-derived products, such as phytotherapeutics and nutraceuticals. The incorporation of proper phytotherapeutics in the so-called Brazilian Unified Health System is considered an important factor for the urgent improvement and expansion of the Brazilian national health system. Furthermore, this approach could have a positive impact on the international interest toward scientific research developed in Brazil as well as the development of high value bio-derived products, which appear as an interesting economic opportunity in national and global markets. Thus, this study attempts to highlight the recent advances in analytical tools used in detection of secondary metabolites, which can be useful as bioproducts. It also emphasizes the potential avenues to be explored in Brazilian biodiversity, known for its rich chemical diversity.


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Carbon dots (CDs) constitute a new class of carbon-based nanomaterials that measure less than 10 nm and display attractive physical and chemical features such as fluorescence. CDs have been considered the new “power” carbon nanomaterials since their accidental discovery in 2004. This study reports a simple, easy, and accessible experiment for undergraduate courses. The experiment involves the preparation of CDs by pyrolysis using commercial gelatin as a low cost precursor as well as CD purification and optical characterization. The optical properties of CDs such as absorption and emission properties make them a promising material for teaching the basic concepts and techniques used for characterization of nanomaterials. Also, the reactants and final product are suitable for undergraduate courses since they are non-toxic materials. The prepared CDs can be used in such applications as bioimaging, solar cells, and photocatalysis.


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The purpose of this thesis is to develop an environment or network that enables effective collaborative product structure management among stakeholders in each unit, throughout the entire product lifecycle and product data management. This thesis uses framework models as an approach to the problem. Framework model methods for development of collaborative product structure management are proposed in this study, there are three unique models depicted to support collaborative product structure management: organization model, process model and product model. In the organization model, the formation of product data management system (eDSTAT) key user network is specified. In the process model, development is based on the case companys product development matrix. In the product model framework, product model management, product knowledge management and design knowledge management are defined as development tools and collaboration is based on web-based product structure management. Collaborative management is executed using all these approaches. A case study from an actual project at the case company is presented as an implementation; this is to verify the models applicability. A computer assisted design tool and the web-based product structure manager, have been used as tools of this collaboration with the support of the key user. The current PDM system, eDSTAT, is used as a piloting case for key user role. The result of this development is that the role of key user as a collaboration channel is defined and established. The key user is able to provide one on one support for the elevator projects. Also the management activities are improved through the application of process workflow by following criteria for each project milestone. The development shows effectiveness of product structure management in product lifecycle, improved production process by eliminating barriers (e.g. improvement of two-way communication) during design phase and production phase. The key user role is applicable on a global scale in the company.


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Determination of virus diversity in the field is vital to support a sustainable breeding program for virus resistance of horticultural crops. The present study aimed to characterize four field potyvirus isolates found naturally infecting sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) (Sa66 and Sa115) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (IAC3 and Sa21) plants. Their biological characteristics revealed differences among the isolates in their ability to infect distinct Capsicum spp. and tomato genotypes, and in the severity of symptoms caused by these isolates compared to the infection caused by an isolate of Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Absence of cross-reaction was found among the studied isolates with antiserum against Potato virus Y (PVY). However, all isolates reacted, at different intensities, with antiserum against PepYMV. All isolates showed high identity percentage (97 to 99%) of the amino acid sequence of the coat protein with PepYMV (accession AF348610) and low (69 to 80%) with other potyvirus species. The comparison of the 3' untranslated region also confirmed this finding with 97 to 98% identity with PepYMV, and of 47 to 71% with other potyviruses. The results showed that PepYMV isolates were easily differentiated from PVY by serology and that the host response of each isolate could be variable. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein and 3' untranslated region was highly conserved among the isolates.


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This work quantifies two important epidemiological features of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)/Phaeoisariopsis griseola pathosystem. The first is the effect of the number of nights of leaf wetness on infection efficiency. Infection efficiency was below 10% when inoculated leaflets were exposed to less than two nights of leaf wetness. Optimum infection efficiencies were obtained after three to four nights of leaf wetness, at about 50%. Further nights of leaf wetness did not increase the infection efficiency. The second feature quantified is the relative rate of leaflet defoliation for varying levels of angular leaf spot severity. It increased with disease severity according to a logarithm-like curve, and a relative rate of 0.23 day-1 was estimated for a severity of 18%. The implications of these results on the disease epidemiology are discussed.


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Customer specific functionalities are a challenging part of procurement and invoice automation environments. In Basware Enterprise Purchase to Payment product family the customer specific reports are supported only in a basic level without any seamless interface between all EPP products. Also other customer specific functionalities are not supported as there is no customizable interface between the applications and only the most common features are implemented to the products themselves. In this thesis foundations are created for a new web based value added module where it is possible to create seamless customer specific functionalities throughout the whole EPP product family. The work is implemented in a Proof of Concept type of piloting. The system is created in user centered way where the users are able to explain their requests and determine their needs. The result is an excellent foundation for a module that can be developed further.


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Diplomity tehtiin Pohjoismainen Solumuovi Oy:lle. Tutkimusongelmaksi mriteltiin hyvin selkesti tiedon puute muottien suunnittelusta sek valmistuksesta. Tyn tavoite oli parantaa solumuovituotteiden valmistuksessa kytettvien muottien laatua. Tyn rajaus asettuu uusien muottien suunnittelu- ja valmistusprosessin parantamiseen. Tyss ksiteltiin tmn prosessin lisksi mm. mallisuunnittelua, sek koneen ja prosessien ominaisuuksia niiden muoteille asettamien vaatimusten pohjalta. Muottien ominaisuuksien oikeaoppinen suunnittelu on erittin trkess roolissa tulevien tuotantokustannusten muodostumisessa. Oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla tarkoitetaan tyss muottien eri osa-alueiden toisiinsa kytkeytymisen ymmrtmist, niin muotin toimivuuden, lopputuotteen laadun sek muotin tehokkuuden kannalta. Muottien ominaisuudet mrvt ideaalitilanteessa pitklti koneiden sykliaikoja kytettvn raaka-aineen ja kappaleen dimensioiden lisksi. Tmn vuoksi tilanteessa, jossa itse kone toimii moitteettomasti vakuumin, materiaalinsytn, jhdytyksen ja hyrytyksen osalta, saadaan muotin oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla lyhennetty sykliaikoja ja vhennetty virhekappaleiden mr. Solumuovimuotin suunnitteluperiaatteita on lhes yht monta kuin suunnittelijoita. Mitn yksittist periaatetta ei voida suoraan tuomita vrn, koska nill muoteilla pystytn valmistamaan laadun kriteerit tyttvi tuotteita. Useimmat suunnitteluperiaatteet pohjautuvat kuitenkin vain tietyn osa-alueen hallintaan, jonka jlkeen loput osa-alueet suunnitellaan tmn ehdoilla. Tyss saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, ett muotin tuottavuus on erityisesti kiinni kokonaisuudesta, ei yksittisest osa-alueesta.


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In this thesis the main objective is to examine and model configuration system and related processes. When and where configuration information is created in product development process and how it is utilized in order-delivery process? These two processes are the essential part of the whole configuration system from the information point of view. Empirical part of the work was done as a constructive research inside a company that follows a mass customization approach. Data models and documentation are created for different development stages of the configuration system. A base data model already existed for new structures and relations between these structures. This model was used as the basis for the later data modeling work. Data models include different data structures, their key objects and attributes, and relations between. Representation of configuration rules for the to-be configuration system was defined as one of the key focus point. Further, it is examined how the customer needs and requirements information can be integrated into the product development process. Requirements hierarchy and classification system is presented. It is shown how individual requirement specifications can be connected for physical design structure via features by developing the existing base data model further.


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Diplomityss kehitettiin harustetun 110 kV kannatuspylvn konsepti tuotteeksi. Pylvs on snkestvst terksest valmistettu putkipalkkirakenteinen I-pylvs. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella rakenteesta kokonaistaloudellisesti edullinen. Rakenteen suunnittelussa otettiin huomioon valmistus-, kuljetus- ja varastointi- sek rakentamisnkkohtia. Tyss perehdyttiin pylvsrakenteiden yksityiskohtiin, putkipalkkien liitosmenetelmiin ja pylvn jalan nivelintiratkaisuihin. Snkestv rakennemateriaali otettiin huomioon rakennesuunnittelussa. Rakenteen lujuusteknisen suunnittelun apuna kytettiin eplineaarista elementtimenetelm. Pylvsrakenteen kyttytyminen mallinnettiin geometrisesti eplineaariseksi, ja liitosdetaljien analysointia varten kehitettiin eplineaarisia materiaalimalleja. Rakenteen vrhtelykyttytyminen analysoitiin mys elementtimenetelmll. Lopputuloksena saatiin aikaan pylvs, joka tytt sille asetetut vaatimukset. Pylvs on helposti valmistettava, kuljetettava ja pystytettv.


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Pienen ICT-yrityksen kansainvlistymisoperaatioita suunnitellessa tulee huomioida kytss olevat resurssit, kansainvlisten toimintojen aloittamiseen kuluva aika sek sitoutumishalukkuus suhteutettuna riskeihin. Tmn diplomityn lhtkohtana oli mritt kohdeyritykselle, ZapMeet Companylle, suunnitelma kansainvlistymisen aloittamiseksi. Tutkimuksessa selvitetn pk-yrityksille tyypillisi kansainvlistymispolkuja, kansainvlistymisen operaatiomuotoja ja kohdemarkkinavalintoja sek nihin vaikuttavia kriteerej. Tutkimuksen ensimmisess vaiheessa analysoitiin ZapMeet Companyn nykytilanne ja selvitettiin kansainvlistymiseen vaadittavia toimenpiteit. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa pureuduttiin kulttuurin ja operaatiomuotojen erityispiirteisiin valikoiduilla markkinoilla. Teoriakehys, markkinoiden erityispiirteet sek asiantuntijoiden kommentit ja yrityksen resurssit huomioiden diplomityn perusteella muodostettiin suosituksia operaatiomuodon sek ensimmisen kohdemarkkinan valintaan. Lisksi tyss otetaan kantaa vastuun jakoon, tuotteen sopeuttamiseen sek yhteistykumppanin valintaan.


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Tss tyss keskitytn web-pohjaisiin sisllnhallintajrjestelmiin. Teoriaosassa kydn lpi aiheeseen liittyvi tekniikoita, web-ohjelmistotekniikan erityispiirteit ja sisllnhallinnan ksitett ja sen jrjestelmi. Teoriapuolella huomataan, kuinka laajaa osaa liiketoimintaprosesseista sisllnhallinta koskettaa. Siksi sen hahmottaminen on vaikeaa ja sit voi lhesty monesta eri suunnasta. Erilaisia jrjestelmi on lukuisia ja ne soveltuvat erilaisiin tilanteisiin. Kytnnn tyn toteutetaan Codens Oy:n uuden sisllnhallinnan kehitysty. Tavoitteena on saada huomattavia parannuksia vanhaan jrjestelmn. Erityisesti kiinnitetn huomiota sivupohjasysteemiin ja kyttliittymn, johon tuodaan mukaan web2.0:n tarjoamia uusia tykaluja. Jrjestelmn saatiin useita parannuksia, mutta sen kehittmist on viel jatkettava, ennen kuin siit saadaan kaupallisesti valmis tuote.


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The aim of this study was to create an outsourcing process for pharmaceutical product development. This study focuses on two main questions. The first question is What is the outsourcing process model? In the second phase key success factors of the outsourcing process are identified. As a result of the literature reviews, a general outsourcing process was created. Transaction cost economics and resource based view were used to derived a theoretical framework to the process by combining the existing processes presented in the literature. The model of process is considered used to the outsourcing broadly. The general outsourcing process was then developed further with the key factors that affect the success of pharmaceutical product development and the interviews of pharmaceutical outsourcing experts. The result of the research was the process consists of seven phases with key activities and expected outputs for each of the phases. In addition, the strategic decision-making framework for outsourcing decision in pharmaceutical product development is giving as well as the tools for selecting supplier and preparing structured contract. This study also gives some recommendations for managing the outsourcing process.


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The aim of the study was to create an easily upgradable product costing model for laser welded hollow core steel panels to help in pricing decisions. The theory section includes a literature review to identify traditional and modern cost accounting methodologies, which are used by manufacturing companies. The theory section also presents the basics of steel panel structures and their manufacturing methods and manufacturing costs based on previous research. Activity-Based costing turned out to be the most appropriate methodology for the costing model because of wide product variations. Activity analysis and the determination of cost drivers based on observations and interviews were the key steps in the creation of the model. The created model was used to test how panel parameters affect the costs caused by the main manufacturing stages and materials. By comparing cost structures, it was possible to find the panel types that are the most economic and uneconomic to manufacture. A sensitivity analysis proved that the model gives sufficiently reliable cost information to support pricing decisions. More reliable cost information could be achieved by determining the cost drivers more accurately. Alternative methods for manufacturing the cores were compared with the model. The comparison proved that roll forming can be more advantageous and flexible than press brake bending. However, more extensive research showed that roll forming is possible only when the cores are designed to be manufactured by roll forming. Due to that fact, when new panels are designed consideration should be given to the possibility of using roll forming.