798 resultados para price and amount


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Enzyme immobilisation is the conversion of a soluble enzyme molecule into a solid particle form. This allows the recovery of the enzyme catalyst for its re-use and avoids protein contamination of the product streams. A better understanding of immobilised enzymes is necessary for their rational development. A more rational design can help enormously in the applicability of these systems in different areas, from biosensors to chemical industry. Immobilised enzymes are challenging systems to study and very little information is given by conventional biochemical analysis such as catalytic activity and amount of protein. Here, solid-state NMR has been applied as the main technique to study these systems and evaluate them more precisely. Various approaches are presented for a better understanding of immobilised enzymes, which is the aim of this thesis. Firstly, the requirements of a model system of study will be discussed. The selected systems will be comprehensibly characterised by a variety of techniques but mainly by solid-state NMR. The chosen system will essentially be the enzyme α-chymotrypsin covalently immobilised on two functionalised inorganic supports – epoxide silica and epoxide alumina – and an organic support – Eupergit®. The study of interactions of immobilised enzymes with other species is vital for understanding the macromolecular function and for predicting and engineering protein behaviour. The study of water, ions and inhibitors interacting with various immobilised enzyme systems is covered here. The interactions of water and sodium ions were studied by 17O and 23Na multiple-quantum techniques, respectively. Various pore sizes of the supports were studied for the immobilised enzyme in the presence of labelled water and sodium cations. Finally, interactions between two fluorinated inhibitors and the active site of the enzyme will be explored using 19F NMR, offering a unique approach to evaluate catalytic behaviour. These interactions will be explored by solution-state NMR firstly, then by solid-state NMR. NMR has the potential to give information about the state of the protein in the solid support, but the precise molecular interpretation is a difficult task.


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En España existe una amplia oferta de empresas proveedoras de Internet (ISP). Con este panorama resulta extremadamente difícil para los clientes elegir el proveedor. Por tanto, este trabajo trata de analizar los factores que contribuyen a la elección de proveedor de servicios de Internet por parte de los clientes. Para ello, se ha utilizado una muestra de jóvenes universitarios a los que se han analizado sus preferencias. Los jóvenes universitarios generalmente constituyen un grupo representativo de las tendencias en este sector. Además, para analizar el comportamiento de los clientes se utiliza por primera vez el análisis conjunto. Nuestros resultados muestran que el precio y la posibilidad de obtener un terminal móvil son los dos atributos más valorados. Por el contrario, otros atributos como la permanencia o el número de megas no son muy tenidos en cuenta por los jóvenes a la hora de seleccionar al proveedor de Internet. Estos resultados proporcionan una información muy valiosa tanto para los usuarios como para las empresas del sector ISP.


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Smartphones are increasingly playing a role in healthcare and previous studies assessing medical applications (apps) have raised concerns about lack of expert involvement and low content accuracy. However, there are no such studies in Urology. We reviewed Urology apps with the aim of assessing the level of participation of healthcare professionals (HCP) and scientific Urology associations in their development.


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A dificuldade em conhecer o histórico de temperatura de um alimento, desde sua produção até o consumo, torna difícil prever sua verdadeira vida-útil. O uso de indicadores de tempo e temperatura (ITT) pode ser uma alternativa inovadora empregada para garantir a validade de produtos de forma dinâmica. Assim, este trabalho visa desenvolver novos indicadores enzimáticos de tempo e temperatura para monitorar a qualidade de alimentos perecíveis durante o seu processamento e armazenamento, baseados na reação de complexação entre o amido e o iodo (azul), e na posterior atuação de uma enzima amilase sobre esse complexo, para causar uma redução da intensidade da cor azul a uma taxa dependente do tempo e da temperatura de armazenagem. Os sistemas inteligentes propostos possuem versatilidade de atuação em função do tipo e quantidade de amilase empregada. Desta forma, foi utilizada uma amilase termoestável para a formulação de um indicador inteligente de processamento, utilizado para o controle de tratamentos térmicos industriais (pasteurização);e uma amilase termosensível na formulação de um indicador de armazenamento, empregada para o controle das condições de temperatura durante a cadeia de frio de produtos perecíveis. Na elaboração dos ITT de processamento foram realizadas simulações em laboratório e testes em planta fabril, os quais avaliaram diferentes concentrações de amilase termoestável nos protótipos de ITT quando submetidos as condições de tempo e temperatura de pasteurização. Os resultados evidenciaram que a resposta de cor dos indicadores foi visualmente interpretada, como adaptável à medição usando equipamentos, apresentando boa reprodutibilidade em todas as condições estudadas. O ITT contendo 6,5 % de amilase termoestável (penzima/pamido) foi aquele cujo resultado melhor se adequou à utilização na validação de cozimento de presunto. Nesta condição, o protótipo anexado à embalagem primária do produto indicou o processo de pasteurização de forma fácil, precisa e não destrutiva. Já durante o desenvolvimento do ITT de armazenamento foram realizadas simulações em laboratório, testes em planta fabril e ponto de venda, os quais avaliaram o uso de diferentes concentrações de amilase termosensível nos protótipos de ITT quando submetidos a diversas condições de cadeia de frio. Os resultados evidenciaram que devido à possibilidade de definir a vida-útil destes protótipos variando as concentrações de enzima termosensível, os indicadores podem ser facilmente adaptados para controlar as condições de temperatura durante a cadeia de diversos alimentos perecíveis. O protótipo contendo 60 % de amilase termosensível (penzima/pamido) foi aquele cujo resultado melhor se adequou à utilização no controle da cadeia avícola. Assim, o ITT indicou visualmente o histórico de tempo e temperatura de produtos à base de frango de forma fácil e precisa. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação das percepções dos consumidores frente ao emprego de indicadores inteligentes em embalagens alimentícias mostraram que o uso de ITT é uma inovação receptiva, com consequente aceitação e intenção de compra elevada pela população brasileira. Assim, com este trabalho espera-se contribuir efetivamente para que o conceito de embalagens inteligentes possa ser aceito comercialmente e que sejam estabelecidas no Brasil normas que regulamentem seu uso, conferindo benefícios à conservação de grande variedade de alimentos.


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Driven by the global trend in the sustainable economy development and environmental concerns, the exploring of plant-derived biomaterials or biocomposites for potential biomedical and/or pharmaceutical applications has received tremendous attention. Therefore, the work of this thesis is dedicated to high-value and high-efficiency utilization of plant-derived materials, with the focus on cellulose and hemicelluloses in the field of biomedical applications in a novel biorefinery concept. The residual cellulose of wood processing waste, sawdust, was converted into cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) with tunable surface charge density and geometric size through 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPO)-mediated oxidation and mechanical defibrillation. The sawdust-based CNFs and its resultant free-standing films showed comparable or even better mechanical properties than those from a commercial bleached kraft pulp at the same condition, demonstrating the feasibility of producing CNFs and films thereof with outstanding mechanical properties from birch sawdust by a process incorporated into a novel biorefinery platform recovering also polymeric hemicelluloses for other applications. Thus, it is providing an efficient route to upgrade sawdust waste to valuable products. The surface charge density and geometric size of the CNFs were found to play key roles in the stability of the CNF suspension, as well as the gelling properties, swelling behavior, mechanical stiffness, morphology and microscopic structural properties, and biocompatibility of CNF-based materials (i.e. films, hydrogels, and aerogels). The CNFs with tunable surface chemistry and geometric size was found promising applications as transparent and tough barrier materials or as reinforcing additive for production of biocomposites. The CNFs was also applied as structural matrices for the preparation of biocomposites possessing electrical conductivity and antimicrobial activity by in situ polymerization and coating of polypyrrole, and incorporation of silver nanoparticles, which make the material possible for potential wound healing application. The CNF-based matrices (films, hydrogels, and aerogels) with tunable structural and mechanical properties and biocompatibility were further prepared towards an application as 3D scaffolds in tissue engineering. The structural and mechanical strength of the CNF matrices could be tuned by controlling the charge density of the nanocellulose, as well as the pH and temperature values of the hydrogel formation conditions. Biological tests revealed that the CNF scaffolds could promote the survival and proliferation of tumor cells, and enhance the transfection of exogenous DNA into the cells, suggesting the usefulness of the CNF-based 3D matrices in supporting crucial cellular processes during cell growth and proliferation. The CNFs was applied as host materials to incorporate biomolecules for further biomedical application. For example, to investigate how the biocompatibility of a scaffold is influenced by its mechanical and structural properties, these properties of CNF-based composite matrices were controlled by incorporation of different hemicelluloses (O-acetyl galactoglucomanan (GGM), xyloglucan (XG), and xylan) into CNF hydrogel networks in different ratios and using two different approaches. The charge density of the CNFs, the incorporated hemicellulose type and amount, and the swelling time of the hydrogels were found to affect the pore structure, the mechanical strength, and thus the cells growth in the composite hydrogel scaffolds. The mechanical properties of the composite hydrogels were found to have an influence on the cell viability during the wound healing relevant 3T3 fibroblast cell culture. The thusprepared CNF composite hydrogels may work as promising scaffolds in wound healing application to provide supporting networks and to promote cells adhesion, growth, and proliferation.


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Neste trabalho é analisado o potencial eólico da região de Évora, tendo sido considerados quatro locais: Mitra, Portel, Reguengos e Colégio Verney. Com os dados de potência obtidos, foram escolhidas duas turbinas existentes no mercado, de potências nominais diferentes, para uma análise mais objectiva do real potencial da região. Apurou-se que, com a instalação de três turbinas menores, se obtém praticamente a mesma potência, por um preço consideravelmente inferior. Foi ainda possível verificar-se que a quantidade evitada de C02 para a atmosfera, ao considerar uma turbina de 5000 W (B) ou três 1000 W (A), é semelhante, concluindo-se que, considerando a eficiência, potencial, preço e emissões de co2 evitadas, a instalação de diversas turbinas A é a melhor opção. Este trabalho reveste-se de particular interesse considerando o facto de ser do conhecimento geral que, nas regiões costeiras e montanhosas, o potencial eólico está bastante estudado, ao passo que nas regiões interiores tal não acontece. ABSTRACT: ln this work, we assess the potential wind power in Évora, and four locations have been considered: Mitra, Portel, Reguengos and Évora. Based on the local wind power potential, two kinds of turbines were selected, for a more objective analysis of the region's useful wind power. It was found that the option for three small turbines allows the extraction of the same wind power that is extracted by the bigger turbine and at a considerably lower installation cost. lt was also found that the reduction in co2 emissions to the atmosphere, when considering the cases of one 5000 W (B) turbine and three 1000 W (A) turbines, is similar, therefore was concluded that, given the efficiency, potential, price and reduction of C02 emissions, the installation of several A turbines is the best option. This work is of particular interest because in coastal and mountain areas the wind potential is quite known, while this is not the case of inland areas.


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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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Actualmente, la física de plasmas constituye una parte importante de la investigación en física que está siendo desarrollada. Su campo de aplicación varía desde el estudio de plasmas interestelares y cósmicos, como las estrellas, las nebulosas, el medio intergaláctico, etc.; hasta aplicaciones más terrenales como la producción de microchips o los dispositivos de iluminación. Resulta particularmente interesante el estudio del contacto de una superficie metálica con un plasma. Siendo la razón que, la dinámica de la interfase formada entre un plasma imperturbado y una superficie metálica, resulta de gran importancia cuando se trata de estudiar problemas como: la implantación iónica en una oblea de silicio, el grabado por medio de plasmas, la carga de una aeronave cuando atraviesa la ionosfera y la diagnosis de plasmas mediante sondas de Langmuir. El uso de las sondas de Langmuir está extendido a través de multitud de aplicaciones tecnológicas e industriales como método de diagnosis de plasmas. Algunas de estas aplicaciones han sido mencionadas justo en el párrafo anterior. Es más, su uso también es muy popular en la investigación en física de plasmas, por ser una de las pocas técnicas de diagnosis que proporciona información local sobre el plasma. El equipamiento donde es habitualmente implementado varía desde plasmas de laboratorio de baja temperatura hasta plasmas de fusión en dispositivos como tokamaks o stellerators. La geometría más popular de este tipo de sondas es cilíndrica, y la principal magnitud que se usa para diagnosticar el plasma es la corriente recogida por la sonda cuando se encuentra polarizada a un cierto potencial. Existe un interes especial en diagnosticar por medio de la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda, puesto que produce una perturbación muy pequeña del plasma en comparación con el uso de la corriente electrónica. Dada esta popularidad, no es de extrañar que grandes esfuerzos se hayan realizado en la consecución de un modelo teórico que explique el comportamiento de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma. Hay que remontarse a la primera mitad del siglo XX para encontrar las primeras teorías que permiten diagnosticar parámetros del plasma mediante la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda de Langmuir. Desde entonces, las mejoras en estos modelos y el desarrollo de otros nuevos ha sido una constante en la investigación en física de plasmas. No obstante, todavía no está claro como los iones se aproximan a la superficie de la sonda. Las dos principales, a la par que opuestas, aproximaciones al problema que están ampliamente aceptadas son: la radial y la orbital; siendo el problema que ambas predicen diferentes valores para la corriente iónica. Los experimentos han arrojado resultados de acuerdo con ambas teorías, la radial y la orbital; y lo que es más importante, una transición entre ambos ha sido recientemente observada. La mayoría de los logros conseguidos a la hora de comprender como los iones caen desde el plasma hacia la superficie de la sonda, han sido llevados a cabo en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos o la teoría cinética. Por otra parte, este problema puede ser abordado mediante el uso de simulaciones de partículas. La principal ventaja de las simulaciones de partículas sobre los modelos de fluidos o cinéticos es que proporcionan mucha más información sobre los detalles microscópicos del movimiento de las partículas, además es relativamente fácil introducir interacciones complejas entre las partículas. No obstante, estas ventajas no se obtienen gratuitamente, ya que las simulaciones de partículas requieren grandísimos recursos. Por esta razón, es prácticamente obligatorio el uso de técnicas de procesamiento paralelo en este tipo de simulaciones. El vacío en el conocimiento de las sondas de Langmuir, es el que motiva nuestro trabajo. Nuestra aproximación, y el principal objetivo de este trabajo, ha sido desarrollar una simulación de partículas que nos permita estudiar el problema de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma y que está negativamente polarizada con respecto a éste. Dicha simulación nos permitiría estudiar el comportamiento de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir, así como arrojar luz sobre la transición entre las teorías radiales y orbitales que ha sido observada experimentalmente. Justo después de esta sección introductoria, el resto de la tesis está dividido en tres partes tal y como sigue: La primera parte está dedicada a establecer los fundamentos teóricos de las sondas de Langmuir. En primer lugar, se realiza una introducción general al problema y al uso de sondas de Langmuir como método de diagnosis de plasmas. A continuación, se incluye una extensiva revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes teorías que proporcionan la corriente iónica recogida por una sonda. La segunda parte está dedicada a explicar los detalles de las simulaciones de partículas que han sido desarrolladas a lo largo de nuestra investigación, así como los resultados obtenidos con las mismas. Esta parte incluye una introducción sobre la teoría que subyace el tipo de simulaciones de partículas y las técnicas de paralelización que han sido usadas en nuestros códigos. El resto de esta parte está dividido en dos capítulos, cada uno de los cuales se ocupa de una de las geometrías consideradas en nuestras simulaciones (plana y cilíndrica). En esta parte discutimos también los descubrimientos realizados relativos a la transición entre el comportamiento radial y orbital de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir. Finalmente, en la tercera parte de la tesis se presenta un resumen del trabajo realizado. En este resumen, se enumeran brevemente los resultados de nuestra investigación y se han incluido algunas conclusiones. Después de esto, se enumeran una serie de perspectivas futuras y extensiones para los códigos desarrollados.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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The environmental impact caused by the disposal of non-biodegradable polymer packaging on the environment, as well as the high price and scarcity of oil, caused increase of searches in the area of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources were developed. The poly (lactic acid) (PLA) is a promising polymer in the market, with a large availability of raw material for the production of its monomer, as well as good processability. The aimed of this study was synthesis PLA by direct polycondesation of lactic acid, using the tool of experimental design (DOE) (central composite rotatable design (CCRD)) to optimize the conditions of synthesis. The polymer obtained was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The results confirmed the formation of a poly (lactic acid) semicrystalline in the syntheses performed. Through the central composite rotatable design was possible to optimize the crystallization temperature (Tc) and crystallinity degree (Xc). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for percentage of catalyst around the central point (0,3 (%W)) and values of time ranging from the central point (6h) to the upper level (+1) (8h). The crystallization temperature maximum was found for the total synthesis time of 4h (-1) and percentage of catalyst 0,1(W%) (-1). The results of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed higher molecular weights to 0,3 (W%) percent of catalyst and total time synthesis of 3,2h


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Introduction: Enteral nutrition is an important therapy for severely critically ill patients. The timing and amount of energy have been highly debated. Objective: The aim of the present study was to directly compare the timing and the caloric targets in critically ill patients. Methods: Retrospective cohort study conducted at a single center, comparing timing and caloric goal for critically ill patients. Patients were stratified according to the start of nutritional therapy (24, 48, or more than 48 h) and the amount of energy delivered (target adequacy of previously calculated percentage in the first week). Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and non-parametric tests for independent samples and logistic regression. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or incidence and percentage. Results and discussion: There were no differences in major clinical outcomes in relation to the achievement of percentage of caloric goal at the end of the first week of the study. The beginning of caloric intake on the first day of hospitalization was associated with reduced mortality in the intensive care unit, but not with hospital mortality. The strategy of an early and limited amount of calories seems to be associated with a better outcome. Prospective studies evaluating and comparing these strategies are recommended.


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A Ce0.5Pr0.5O2 mixed oxide has been prepared with the highest surface area and smallest particle size ever reported (125 m2/g and 7 nm, respectively), also being the most active diesel soot combustion catalyst ever tested under realistic conditions if catalysts forming highly volatile species are ruled out. This Ce–Pr mixed oxide is even more active than a reference platinum-based commercial catalyst. This study provides an example of the efficient participation of oxygen species released by a ceria catalyst in a heterogeneous catalysis reaction where both the catalyst and one of the reactants (soot) are solids. It has been concluded that both the ceria-based catalyst composition (nature and amount of dopant) and the particle size play key roles in the combustion of soot through the active oxygen-based mechanism. The composition determines the production of active oxygen and the particle size the transfer of such active oxygen species from catalyst to soot.


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Neste trabalho foi realizada a análise econômica da produção de juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo em tanques-rede utilizando-se diferentes densidades de estocagem. O experimento foi desenvolvido em área aquícola, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro densidades de estocagem (100, 200, 300 e 400 peixes m-3), avaliadas com seis repetições, em dois períodos de criação: de março a abril de 2005 (52 dias - peso inicial de 43,08 ± 2,98 g e peso final de 262,14 ± 47,86 g) e de março a abril de 2006 (58 dias - peso inicial de 43,16 ± 5,34 g e peso final 314,24 ± 73,30 g). Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis econômicas: custo da ração mais custo do juvenil dividido pela biomassa, em R$ kg-1; porcentagem do custo da ração por quilo de peixe produzido sobre o preço de venda; porcentagem do custo do juvenil por quilo de peixe produzido sobre o preço de venda e; porcentagem dos custos da ração mais do juvenil por quilo de peixe produzido sobre o preço de venda. da menor densidade de estocagem (100) para a maior (400), ocorreu diminuição no ganho de peso diário e elevação do índice de conversão alimentar aparente, mas essa redução não comprometeu a taxa de sobrevivência. Entretanto, o ganho de biomassa aumentou com o adensamento de peixes. As maiores receitas líquidas foram obtidas nas densidades de estocagem de 100 e 200 peixes m-3. Os preços não remuneraram os custos operacionais (efetivo e total) em maiores densidades (300 e 400 peixes m-3). Os melhores resultados para a produção de juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo foram obtidos com densidades de até 200 peixes m-3.


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Silver and mercury are both dissolved in cyanide leaching and the mercury co-precipitates with silver during metal recovery. Mercury must then be removed from the silver/mercury amalgam by vaporizing the mercury in a retort, leading to environmental and health hazards. The need for retorting silver can be greatly reduced if mercury is selectively removed from leaching solutions. Theoretical calculations were carried out based on the thermodynamics of the Ag/Hg/CN- system in order to determine possible approaches to either preventing mercury dissolution, or selectively precipitating it without silver loss. Preliminary experiments were then carried out based on these calculations to determine if the reaction would be spontaneous with reasonably fast kinetics. In an attempt to stop mercury from dissolving and leaching the heap leach, the first set of experiments were to determine if selenium and mercury would form a mercury selenide under leaching conditions, lowering the amount of mercury in solution while forming a stable compound. From the results of the synthetic ore experiments with selenium, it was determined that another effect was already suppressing mercury dissolution and the effect of the selenium could not be well analyzed on the small amount of change. The effect dominating the reactions led to the second set of experiments in using silver sulfide as a selective precipitant of mercury. The next experiments were to determine if adding solutions containing mercury cyanide to un-leached silver sulfide would facilitate a precipitation reaction, putting silver in solution and precipitating mercury as mercury sulfide. Counter current flow experiments using the high selenium ore showed a 99.8% removal of mercury from solution. As compared to leaching with only cyanide, about 60% of the silver was removed per pass for the high selenium ore, and around 90% for the high mercury ore. Since silver sulfide is rather expensive to use solely as a mercury precipitant, another compound was sought which could selectively precipitate mercury and leave silver in solution. In looking for a more inexpensive selective precipitant, zinc sulfide was tested. The third set of experiments did show that zinc sulfide (as sphalerite) could be used to selectively precipitate mercury while leaving silver cyanide in solution. Parameters such as particle size, reduction potential, and amount of oxidation of the sphalerite were tested. Batch experiments worked well, showing 99.8% mercury removal with only ≈1% silver loss (starting with 930 ppb mercury, 300 ppb silver) at one hour. A continual flow process would work better for industrial applications, which was demonstrated with the filter funnel set up. Funnels with filter paper and sphalerite tested showed good mercury removal (from 31 ppb mercury and 333 ppb silver with a 87% mercury removal and 7% silver loss through one funnel). A counter current flow set up showed 100% mercury removal and under 0.1% silver loss starting with 704 ppb silver and 922 ppb mercury. The resulting sphalerite coated with mercury sulfide was also shown to be stable (not releasing mercury) under leaching tests. Use of sphalerite could be easily implemented through such means as sphalerite impregnated filter paper placed in currently existing processes. In summary, this work focuses on preventing mercury from following silver through the leaching circuit. Currently the only possible means of removing mercury is by retort, creating possible health hazards in the distillation process and in transportation and storage of the final mercury waste product. Preventing mercury from following silver in the earlier stages of the leaching process will greatly reduce the risk of mercury spills, human exposure to mercury, and possible environmental disasters. This will save mining companies millions of dollars from mercury handling and storage, projects to clean up spilled mercury, and will result in better health for those living near and working in the mines.