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The purpose of this Thesis is to develop a robust and powerful method to classify galaxies from large surveys, in order to establish and confirm the connections between the principal observational parameters of the galaxies (spectral features, colours, morphological indices), and help unveil the evolution of these parameters from $z \sim 1$ to the local Universe. Within the framework of zCOSMOS-bright survey, and making use of its large database of objects ($\sim 10\,000$ galaxies in the redshift range $0 < z \lesssim 1.2$) and its great reliability in redshift and spectral properties determinations, first we adopt and extend the \emph{classification cube method}, as developed by Mignoli et al. (2009), to exploit the bimodal properties of galaxies (spectral, photometric and morphologic) separately, and then combining together these three subclassifications. We use this classification method as a test for a newly devised statistical classification, based on Principal Component Analysis and Unsupervised Fuzzy Partition clustering method (PCA+UFP), which is able to define the galaxy population exploiting their natural global bimodality, considering simultaneously up to 8 different properties. The PCA+UFP analysis is a very powerful and robust tool to probe the nature and the evolution of galaxies in a survey. It allows to define with less uncertainties the classification of galaxies, adding the flexibility to be adapted to different parameters: being a fuzzy classification it avoids the problems due to a hard classification, such as the classification cube presented in the first part of the article. The PCA+UFP method can be easily applied to different datasets: it does not rely on the nature of the data and for this reason it can be successfully employed with others observables (magnitudes, colours) or derived properties (masses, luminosities, SFRs, etc.). The agreement between the two classification cluster definitions is very high. ``Early'' and ``late'' type galaxies are well defined by the spectral, photometric and morphological properties, both considering them in a separate way and then combining the classifications (classification cube) and treating them as a whole (PCA+UFP cluster analysis). Differences arise in the definition of outliers: the classification cube is much more sensitive to single measurement errors or misclassifications in one property than the PCA+UFP cluster analysis, in which errors are ``averaged out'' during the process. This method allowed us to behold the \emph{downsizing} effect taking place in the PC spaces: the migration between the blue cloud towards the red clump happens at higher redshifts for galaxies of larger mass. The determination of $M_{\mathrm{cross}}$ the transition mass is in significant agreement with others values in literature.
Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting from supply voltage fluctuation, which, in turn can be caused by disturbances introduced during power generation, transmission or distribution. The standard EN 61000-4-15 which has been recently adopted also by the IEEE as IEEE Standard 1453 relies on the analysis of the supply voltage which is processed according to a suitable model of the lamp – human eye – brain chain. As for the lamp, an incandescent 60 W, 230 V, 50 Hz source is assumed. As far as the human eye – brain model is concerned, it is represented by the so-called flicker curve. Such a curve was determined several years ago by statistically analyzing the results of tests where people were subjected to flicker with different combinations of magnitude and frequency. The limitations of this standard approach to flicker evaluation are essentially two. First, the provided index of annoyance Pst can be related to an actual tiredness of the human visual system only if such an incandescent lamp is used. Moreover, the implemented response to flicker is “subjective” given that it relies on the people answers about their feelings. In the last 15 years, many scientific contributions have tackled these issues by investigating the possibility to develop a novel model of the eye-brain response to flicker and overcome the strict dependence of the standard on the kind of the light source. In this light of fact, this thesis is aimed at presenting an important contribution for a new Flickermeter. An improved visual system model using a physiological parameter that is the mean value of the pupil diameter, has been presented, thus allowing to get a more “objective” representation of the response to flicker. The system used to both generate flicker and measure the pupil diameter has been illustrated along with all the results of several experiments performed on the volunteers. The intent has been to demonstrate that the measurement of that geometrical parameter can give reliable information about the feeling of the human visual system to light flicker.
The subject of this thesis is multicolour bioluminescence analysis and how it can provide new tools for drug discovery and development.The mechanism of color tuning in bioluminescent reactions is not fully understood yet but it is object of intense research and several hypothesis have been generated. In the past decade key residues of the active site of the enzyme or in the surface surrounding the active site have been identified as responsible of different color emission. Anyway since bioluminescence reaction is strictly dependent from the interaction between the enzyme and its substrate D-luciferin, modification of the substrate can lead to a different emission spectrum too. In the recent years firefly luciferase and other luciferases underwent mutagenesis in order to obtain mutants with different emission characteristics. Thanks to these new discoveries in the bioluminescence field multicolour luciferases can be nowadays employed in bioanalysis for assay developments and imaging purposes. The use of multicolor bioluminescent enzymes expanded the potential of a range of application in vitro and in vivo. Multiple analysis and more information can be obtained from the same analytical session saving cost and time. This thesis focuses on several application of multicolour bioluminescence for high-throughput screening and in vivo imaging. Multicolor luciferases can be employed as new tools for drug discovery and developments and some examples are provided in the different chapters. New red codon optimized luciferase have been demonstrated to be improved tools for bioluminescence imaging in small animal and the possibility to combine red and green luciferases for BLI has been achieved even if some aspects of the methodology remain challenging and need further improvement. In vivo Bioluminescence imaging has known a rapid progress since its first application no more than 15 years ago. It is becoming an indispensable tool in pharmacological research. At the same time the development of more sensitive and implemented microscopes and low-light imager for a better visualization and quantification of multicolor signals would boost the research and the discoveries in life sciences in general and in drug discovery and development in particular.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) are intestinal chronic relapsing diseases which ethiopathogenesis remains uncertain. Several group have attempted to study the role of factors involved such as genetic susceptibility, environmental factors such as smoke, diet, sex, immunological factors as well as the microbioma. None of the treatments available satisfy several criteria at the same time such as safety, long-term remission, histopatological healing, and specificity. We used two different approaches for the development of new therapeutic treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The first is focused on the understanding of the potential role of functional food and nutraceuticals nutrients in the treatment of IBD. To do so, we investigated the role of Curcuma longa in the treatment of chemical induced colitis in mice model. Since Curcma Longa has been investigated for its antinflammatory role related to the TNFα pathway as well investigators have reported few cases of patients with ulcerative colites treated with this herbs, we harbored the hypothesis of a role of Curcuma Longa in the treatment f IBD as well as we decided to assess its role in intestinal motility. The second part is based on an immunological approach to develop new drugs to induce suppression in Crohn’s disease or to induce mucosa immunity such as in colonrectal tumor. The main idea behind this approach is that we could manipulate relevant cell-cell interactions using synthetic peptides. We demonstrated the role of the unique interaction between molecules expressed on intestinal epithelial cells such as CD1d and CEACAM5 and on CD8+ T cells. In normal condition this interaction has a role for the expansion of the suppressor CD8+ T cells. Here, we characterized this interaction, we defined which are the epitope involved in the binding and we attempted to develop synthetic peptides from the N domain of CEACAM5 in order to manipulate it.
Rett's Syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by cognitive disability that appears in the first months/years of life. Recently, mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been detected in RTT patients characterized by early-onset seizures. CDKL5 is highly expressed in the brain starting from early postnatal stages to adulthood, suggesting the importance of this kinase for proper brain maturation and function. However, the role/s of CDKL5 in brain development and the molecular mechanisms whereby CDKL5 exerts its effects are still largely unknown. In order to characterize the role of CDKL5 on brain development, we created a mice carrying a targeted conditional knockout allele of Cdkl5. A first behavioral characterization shows that Cdkl5 knockout mice recapitulate several features that mimic the clinical features described in CDKL5 patients and are a useful tool to investigate phenotypic and functional aspects of Cdkl5 loss. We used the Cdkl5 knockout mouse model to dissect the role of CDKL5 on hippocampal development and to establish the mechanism/s underlying its actions. We found that Cdkl5 knockout mice showed increased precursor cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Interestingly, this region was also characterized by an increased rate of apoptotic cell death that caused a reduction in the final neuron number in spite of the proliferation increase. Moreover, loss of Cdkl5 led to decreased dendritic development of new generated granule cells. Finally, we identified the Akt/GSK3-beta signaling as a target of Cdkl5 in the regulation of neuronal precursor proliferation, survival and maturation. Overall our findings highlight a critical role of CDKL5/AKT/GSK3-beta signaling in the control of neuron proliferation, survival and differentiation and suggest that CDKL5-related alterations of these processes during brain development underlie the neurological symptoms of the CDKL5 variant of RTT.
The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation in 1965 is one of the fundamental milestones supporting the Big Bang theory. The CMB is one of the most important source of information in cosmology. The excellent accuracy of the recent CMB data of WMAP and Planck satellites confirmed the validity of the standard cosmological model and set a new challenge for the data analysis processes and their interpretation. In this thesis we deal with several aspects and useful tools of the data analysis. We focus on their optimization in order to have a complete exploitation of the Planck data and contribute to the final published results. The issues investigated are: the change of coordinates of CMB maps using the HEALPix package, the problem of the aliasing effect in the generation of low resolution maps, the comparison of the Angular Power Spectrum (APS) extraction performances of the optimal QML method, implemented in the code called BolPol, and the pseudo-Cl method, implemented in Cromaster. The QML method has been then applied to the Planck data at large angular scales to extract the CMB APS. The same method has been applied also to analyze the TT parity and the Low Variance anomalies in the Planck maps, showing a consistent deviation from the standard cosmological model, the possible origins for this results have been discussed. The Cromaster code instead has been applied to the 408 MHz and 1.42 GHz surveys focusing on the analysis of the APS of selected regions of the synchrotron emission. The new generation of CMB experiments will be dedicated to polarization measurements, for which are necessary high accuracy devices for separating the polarizations. Here a new technology, called Photonic Crystals, is exploited to develop a new polarization splitter device and its performances are compared to the devices used nowadays.
Abstract (US) Composite material components design and production techniques are discussed in the present graduation paper. In particular, this paper covers the design process and the production process of a carbon-fiber composite material component for a high performance car, more specifically, the Dallara T12 race car. This graduation paper is split in two. After a brief introduction on existing composite materials (their origins and applications), the first part of the present paper covers the main theoretical concepts behind the design of composite material components: particular focus will be given to carbon-fiber composites. The second part of the present paper covers the whole design and production process that the candidate carried out to create the new front mainplane of the Dallara T12 race car. This graduation paper is the result of a six-months-long internship that the candidate conducted as Design Office Trainee inside Dallara Automobili S.p.A. Abstract (ITA) La presente tesi di laurea discute le metodologie progettuali e produttive legate alla realizzazione di un componente in materiale composito. Nello specifico, viene discussa la progettazione e la produzione di un componente in fibra di carbonio destinato ad una vettura da competizione. La vettura in esame è la Dallara T12. Il lavoro è diviso in due parti. Nella prima parte, dopo una breve introduzione sull’origine e le tipologie di materiali compositi esistenti, vengono trattati i concetti teorici fondamentali su cui si basa la progettazione di generici componenti in materiale composito, con particolare riguardo ai materiali in fibra di carbonio. Nella seconda parte viene discusso tutto il processo produttivo che il candidato ha portato a termine per realizzare il nuovo alettone anteriore della Dallara T12. La presente tesi di laurea è il risultato del lavoro di progettazione che il candidato ha svolto presso l’Ufficio Tecnico di Dallara Automobili S.p.A. nel corso di un tirocinio formativo di sei mesi.
This thesis describes the developments of new models and toolkits for the orbit determination codes to support and improve the precise radio tracking experiments of the Cassini-Huygens mission, an interplanetary mission to study the Saturn system. The core of the orbit determination process is the comparison between observed observables and computed observables. Disturbances in either the observed or computed observables degrades the orbit determination process. Chapter 2 describes a detailed study of the numerical errors in the Doppler observables computed by NASA's ODP and MONTE, and ESA's AMFIN. A mathematical model of the numerical noise was developed and successfully validated analyzing against the Doppler observables computed by the ODP and MONTE, with typical relative errors smaller than 10%. The numerical noise proved to be, in general, an important source of noise in the orbit determination process and, in some conditions, it may becomes the dominant noise source. Three different approaches to reduce the numerical noise were proposed. Chapter 3 describes the development of the multiarc library, which allows to perform a multi-arc orbit determination with MONTE. The library was developed during the analysis of the Cassini radio science gravity experiments of the Saturn's satellite Rhea. Chapter 4 presents the estimation of the Rhea's gravity field obtained from a joint multi-arc analysis of Cassini R1 and R4 fly-bys, describing in details the spacecraft dynamical model used, the data selection and calibration procedure, and the analysis method followed. In particular, the approach of estimating the full unconstrained quadrupole gravity field was followed, obtaining a solution statistically not compatible with the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium. The solution proved to be stable and reliable. The normalized moment of inertia is in the range 0.37-0.4 indicating that Rhea's may be almost homogeneous, or at least characterized by a small degree of differentiation.
The increase in aquaculture operations worldwide has provided new opportunities for the transmission of aquatic viruses. The occurrence of viral diseases remains a significant limiting factor in aquaculture production and for the sustainability. The ability to identify quickly the presence/absence of a pathogenic organism in fish would have significant advantages for the aquaculture systems. Several molecular methods have found successful application in fish pathology both for confirmatory diagnosis of overt diseases and for detection of asymptomatic infections. However, a lot of different variants occur among fish host species and virus strains and consequently specific methods need to be developed and optimized for each pathogen and often also for each host species. The first chapter of this PhD thesis presents a complete description of the major viruses that infect fish and provides a relevant information regarding the most common methods and emerging technologies for the molecular diagnosis of viral diseases of fish. The development and application of a real time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of lymphocystivirus was described in the second chapter. It showed to be highly sensitive, specific, reproducible and versatile for the detection and quantitation of lymphocystivirus. The use of this technique can find multiple application such as asymptomatic carrier detection or pathogenesis studies of different LCDV strains. The third chapter, a multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and sleeping disease (SD) in a single assay. This method was able to efficiently detect the viral RNA in tissue samples, showing the presence of single infections and co-infections in rainbow trout samples. The mRT-PCR method was revealed to be an accurate and fast method to support traditional diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of major viral diseases of rainbow trout.
In this thesis, new advances in the development of spectroscopic based methods for the characterization of heritage materials have been achieved. As concern FTIR spectroscopy new approaches aimed at exploiting near and far IR region for the characterization of inorganic or organic materials have been tested. Paint cross-section have been analysed by FTIR spectroscopy in the NIR range and an “ad hoc” chemometric approach has been developed for the elaboration of hyperspectral maps. Moreover, a new method for the characterization of calcite based on the use of grinding curves has been set up both in MIR and in FAR region. Indeed, calcite is a material widely applied in cultural heritage, and this spectroscopic approach is an efficient and rapid tool to distinguish between different calcite samples. Different enhanced vibrational techniques for the characterisation of dyed fibres have been tested. First a SEIRA (Surface Enhanced Infra-Red Absorption) protocol has been optimised allowing the analysis of colorant micro-extracts thanks to the enhancement produced by the addition of gold nanoparticles. These preliminary studies permitted to identify a new enhanced FTIR method, named ATR/RAIRS, which allowed to reach lower detection limits. Regarding Raman microscopy, the research followed two lines, which have in common the aim of avoiding the use of colloidal solutions. AgI based supports obtained after deposition on a gold-coated glass slides have been developed and tested spotting colorant solutions. A SERS spectrum can be obtained thanks to the photoreduction, which the laser may induce on the silver salt. Moreover, these supports can be used for the TLC separation of a mixture of colorants and the analyses by means of both Raman/SERS and ATR-RAIRS can be successfully reached. Finally, a photoreduction method for the “on fiber” analysis of colorant without the need of any extraction have been optimised.
This study investigates the growth and metabolite production of microorganisms causing spoilage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillets packaged under air and modified atmosphere (60 % CO2, 40 % O2). Samples were provided by two different retailers (A and B). Storage of packaged fillets occurred at 4 °C and 8 °C. Microbiological quality and metabolite production of cod fillets stored in MAP 4 °C, MAP 8 °C and air were monitored during 13 days, 7 days and 3 days of storage, respectively. Volatile compounds concentration in the headspace were quantified by Selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry and a correlation with microbiological spoilage was studied. The onset of volatile compounds detection was observed to be mostly around 7 log cfu/g of total psychrotrophic count. Trimethylamine and dimethyl sulfide were found to be the dominant volatiles in all of the tested storage conditions, nevertheless there was no close correlation between concentrations of each main VOC and percentages of rejection based on sensory evaluation. According to results it was concluded that they cannot be considered as only indicators of the quality of cod fillets stored in modified atmosphere and air.
Development of new personal mobile and wireless devices for healthcare has become essential due to our aging population characterized by constant rise in chronic diseases that consequently require a complex treatment and close monitoring. Personal telehealth devices allow patients to adequately receive their appropriate treatment, followup with their doctors, and report any emergency without the need of the presence of any caregivers with them thus increasing their quality of life in a cost-effective fashion. This paper includes a brief overview of personal telehealth systems, a survey of 100 consecutive ED patients aged >65 years, and introduces "Limmex" a new GSM based technology packaged in a wristwatch. Limmex can by a push of a button initiate multiple emergency call and establish mobile communication between the patient and a preselected person, institution, or a search and rescue service. To the best of our knowledge, Limmex is the first of its kind worldwide.