987 resultados para monolithic rod


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对高平均功率输出的激光二极管侧面抽运电光调Q倍频 Nd:YAG激光器进行了研究,当采用90个60W的脉冲激光二极管阵列抽运时,在重复频率为10Hz下,实现了最大平均功率为1180mW的1064nm红外激光输出,光-光转换效率为11%。腔外倍频获得600mW的532nm绿光输出,倍频效率达到50%以上。


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本文设计并实现了一台高重复率,紧凑型微脉冲全固态激光器。YAG晶体, Nd:YAG晶体和Cr4+:YAG晶体键合为一个单块晶体作为谐振腔。优化计算了Cr4+:YAG晶体的初始透过率,耦合输出透射率和泵浦光斑大小。对激光器的性能进行了测试,结果表明该激光器适合于空间激光测距。


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实验研究了激光二极管阵列(LDA)侧向抽运国产Nd∶YAG陶瓷棒的准连续及被动调Q激光输出特性。该陶瓷激光器采用LDA侧面紧密环绕均匀排布的抽运结构,陶瓷棒抽运区域长度为20 mm,其总尺寸为3 mm×35 mm,掺杂原子数分数为~1%。在千赫兹准连续运转条件下,当平-平谐振腔的输出耦合镜透过率为47.3%时,获得最大平均功率23 W的1064 nm激光输出,光束发散角为4.5 mrad,斜率效率达12%。在谐振腔内插入Cr4+∶YAG晶体作为被动调Q开关,成功地实现了陶瓷激光器千赫兹重复频率调Q激光脉冲输出,当Cr4+∶YAG晶体初始透过率为60%时,输出激光脉冲宽度(半峰全宽)可窄至14.5 ns,调Q动静比约为40%。


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We investigate the lasing characteristics of a laser-diode-array side-pumped electro-optic Q-switched Nd:Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser operating at 1000 Hz pulse repetition rate. Using a YAG poltcrystalline rod with Nd3+ concentration at 1 at.% as the gain medium, pumping with 808 nm laser-diode-arrays, the Q-switched laser output at 1064 nm wavelength with 23 mJ pulse energy and less than 12 ns FWHM pulse width are obtained at a pumping power of about 400 W, the slope efficiency is around 15%, the output beam divergence angle is about 1.2 mrad.


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A novel laser resonator for compensating depolarization loss that is due to thermally induced birefringence in active rod is reported. As this new structure being applied to an electro-optic Q-switched LIDA side-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at a repetition rate of 1000 Hz, substantial reduction in depolarization loss has been observed, the output pulse energy is improved about 56% from that of a traditional resonator without compensation structure. With incident pump energy of 450 mJ per pulse, linearly polarized output energy of 30 mJ per pulse is achieved, the pulse duration is less than 15 ns, and the peak power of pulse is about 2 MW. The extinction ratio of laser beam is better than 10:1, and the beam divergence is 1.3 mrad with beam diameter of around 2.5 mm. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We developed a highly efficient diode side-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser with a diffusive reflector as an optical pump cavity. A maximum output power of 211.6W was obtained with an optical -to- optical conversion efficiency of 48.7%. This corresponds to the highest conversion efficiency in the side-pumped ceramic rod. Thermal effects of the Nd:YAG ceramic rod were analyzed in detail through the measurements of laser output powers and beam profiles near the critically unstable region. A M-2 beam quality factor of 18.7 was obtained at the maximum laser output power. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é tratar da simulação do fenômeno de propagação de ondas em uma haste heterogênea elástico, composta por dois materiais distintos (um linear e um não-linear), cada um deles com a sua própria velocidade de propagação da onda. Na interface entre estes materiais existe uma descontinuidade, um choque estacionário, devido ao salto das propriedades físicas. Empregando uma abordagem na configuração de referência, um sistema não-linear hiperbólico de equações diferenciais parciais, cujas incógnitas são a velocidade e a deformação, descrevendo a resposta dinâmica da haste heterogénea. A solução analítica completa do problema de Riemann associado são apresentados e discutidos.


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An erbium-doped phosphate glass fibre has been drawn by the rod-in-tube technique in our laboratory. The gain for the Er3+-doped phosphate glass fibre with different pump powers and with different input signal wavelengths is investigated. The 2.2-cm-long fibre, pumped by a single-mode 980-nm fibre-pigtailed laser diode, can provide a net gain per unit length greater than 1.8dB/cm. The pump threshold is about 50 mW at the wavelength of 1534 nm, and below 70 mW at 1550 nm. The gain linewidth of the Er3+-doped phosphate glass fibre is greater than 34 nm and can cover the C band in optical communication networks.


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An account is given of activities undertaken during the project, which was concerned with the development of tuna fisheries using rod and live bait, in Mozambique. Major tuna species present in the area are described, and fishing gear and methods used outlined, detailing also catch composition and live bait utilized.


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This study takes a preliminary step towards investigating the reports of poor rod catches of coarse fish in the River Lune. These poor catches and concern over the possible loss of coarse fish from the Lower Lune is investigated, using creel census data from 1991. Historical data is used where available for comparative studies. The conclusion that this report comes to is that there is a problem with the recruitment of coarse fish within the population. Dace, roach and bream all show good growth rates but only poor if any recruitment. Historical investigations suggest that roach and bream may never have successfully recruited without artificial induced conditions. The situation with dace is of more concern as populations in other rivers in Northern England are also in decline, whilst historically they were naturally recruiting.


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The River Lune was at one time one of the best salmon fisheries in England and Wales with very high catches to both rods and netsmen. During the 1960's, the stock was decimated by the disease Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis which caused a dramatic reduction in catches. Catches have not recovered to pre-disease levels. The target egg deposition rate for the River Lune system which should produce the maximum number of surplus fish returning to the system has been determined at 13.8 million eggs. This will require 4,779 adult salmon to survive to successfully spawn. Under current rates of exploitation, the target egg deposition will occur at a declared rod catch of 1,974 salmon and a net catch of 2,627 salmon. Two automatic fish counters are in operation on the river system. Data from these suggest that, within the measures of compliance, the river has met it's target egg deposition for the last 3 years.


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Metrópolis e Gotham são as cidades imaginárias das histórias em quadrinhos que, respectivamente, ambientam as aventuras do Super-Homem e Batman. Estes dois super-heróis foram criados nos Estados Unidos em finais da década de 1930 e continuam a povoar a vida de crianças e adultos oito décadas depois de sua concepção. O objetivo desta dissertação é fazer uma análise das cidades do Super-Homem e Batman em seu contexto de criação por meio de uma análise etnográfica da literatura em quadrinhos. Objetiva-se analisar as representações dessas cidades ficcionais em relação com as questões vividas pelas grandes cidades norte-americanas de sua época, como crime, migração e delinquência. Para tanto, analisa-se as primeiras histórias dos referidos super-heróis publicadas desde a sua criação em 1938 e 1939 até a entrada dos Estados Unidos na Segunda Guerra Mundial, em dezembro de 1941. Discute-se a questão da dupla identidade, da liberdade e do anonimato nas grandes cidades a partir do gênero de super-heróis, bem como contextualiza-se a criação dos quadrinhos como um meio de comunicação de massa nascido no ambiente moderno e urbano. A tese central desta dissertação gira em torno da discussão sobre cidades e Modernidade. Considera-se Gotham e Metrópolis como representações que refletem pontos de vista distintos sobre as grandes cidades modernas. A primeira é uma cidade noturna e violenta de crimes relacionados com a loucura, o crime organizado e a migração. Subjaz aqui a noção de que a modernidade, tendo como locus as grandes cidades, seria um fator que desagrega a vida social levando os habitantes de Gotham City a enfrentar um cotidiano de conflitos, seja com criminosos, loucos ou imigrantes. Metrópolis, por sua vez, enfrenta em seu cotidiano problemas técnicos e crimes de cunho moral, sendo uma cidade diurna de linhas retas e prédios de estilos arquitetônicos modernistas retratados a partir de imagens panorâmicas que destacam seus prédios e arranha-céus iluminados, enquanto Gotham é representada como uma cidade escura de prédios monolíticos que se repetem indistintamente em seu horizonte. Por mais ficcionais, utópicas ou distópicas que possam ser as cidades das histórias em quadrinhos elas são representações que se relacionam com o imaginário da época e sociedade em que foram criadas. Esta dissertação compreende Gotham City e Metrópolis como sínteses de concepções urbanas modernas, relacionando-as com correntes urbanísticas presentes nas primeiras décadas do século XX e com questões colocadas pelo pensamento social da Escola de Chicago de Sociologia.


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During 1993, a comprehensive data set of scale readings, length and weight measurements was established for migratory salmonids on the River Lune. This information was collected using three methods of fish capture: 1. The Lune estuary commercial nets. 2. River Lune Forge weir fish trap. 3. River Lune rod catch scale returns. Additional information was contributed by the Kent, Leven and Duddon rod and commercial fisheries. The data shows that the salmon stock in 1993 was dominated by two year old smolts. This varies from year to year. The sea trout population displays a normal population curve in terms of numbers of fish in each age and weight class. The growth rate of salmon and sea trout is very similar even though salmon have the benefit of high sea feeding.