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Background: Type 2 diabetes is linked to several complications which add to both physical and mental distress. Depression is a common co-morbidity of diabetes which can occur both as a cause and a consequence of type 2 diabetes. Depression has been shown to correlate with glucose regulation and treating depression might prove beneficial for glucose regulation as well as for mental well being. Another complication which might affect diabetes management is cognitive decline. Several risk factors and complications of diabetes might modify the risk for developing cognitive impairment, which is increased 1.5 times among subjects with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, depression and impaired cognitive performance have all been linked to low birth weight. This thesis aimed to explore the effects and interactions of birth weight, depression and cognitive ability in relation to type 2 diabetes from a life course perspective. Subjects and methods: Studies I, II and V were part of the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. 2003 subjects participated in an extensive clinical examination at an average age of 61 years. A standard glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). In addition data was obtained from child welfare clinics and national registers. A subset of the cohort (n=1247) also performed a test on cognitive performance (CogState ®) at the average age of 64. Studies III and IV were randomised clinical trials where mildly depressed diabetic subjects were treated with paroxetine or placebo and the effect on metabolic parameters and quality of life was assessed. The first trial included 14 women and lasted 10 weeks, while the second trial included 43 subjects, both men and women, and lasted 6 months. Results: Type 2 diabetes was positively associated with the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Among diabetic subjects 23.6% had depressive symptoms, compared to 16.7% of subjects with normal glucose tolerance (OR = 1.77, p<0.001). Formal mediation analysis revealed that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is likely to act as a mediator in the association. Furthermore, low birth weight was found to modify the association between type 2 diabetes, CVD and depression. The association between BDI score and having type 2 diabetes or CVD was twice as strong in the subgroup with low birth weight (≤ 2500g) compared with the group with birth weight > 2500g (p for interaction 0.058). In the six months long randomised clinical trial (study IV) paroxetine had a transient beneficial effect on glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (GHbA1c) and quality of life when compared to placebo after three months of treatment. In study V we found that subjects with known diabetes had a consistently poorer level of cognitive performance than subjects with normal glucose tolerance in most of the tested cognitive domains. This effect was further amplified among those born with a small birth weight (p for interaction 0.002). Conclusions: Type 2 diabetes is associated with a higher occurrence of depressive symptoms compared to subjects with normal glucose tolerance. This association is especially strong among subjects with CVD and those born with a low birth weight. Treating depressed diabetic subjects with paroxetine has no long term effect on glucose regulation. Physicians should be aware of depression as an important co-morbidity of type 2 diabetes. Both depression and the cognitive decline often seen among diabetic subjects are increased if the subject is born with a low birth weight. Physicians should recognise low birth weight as an additional risk factor and modifier of diabetic complications.


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Flaviviruses have been shown to induce cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) through the activation of NF-kappa B. Using IKK1(-/-), IKK2(-/-), NEMO-/-, and IKK1-/- IKK2-/- double mutant as well as p50(-/-) RelA(-/-) cRel(-/-) triple mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), we show that this flavivirus utilizes the canonical pathway to activate NF-kappa B in an IKK2- and NEMO-, but not IKK1-, dependent manner. NF-kappa B DNA binding activity induced upon virus infection was shown to be composed of RelA: p50 dimers in these fibroblasts. Type I interferon (IFN) production was significantly decreased but not completely abolished upon virus infection in cells defective in NF-kappa B activation. In contrast, induction of classical MHC-I (class 1a) genes and their cell surface expression remained unaffected in these NF-kappa B-defective cells. However, MHC-I induction was impaired in IFNAR(-/-) cells that lack the alpha/beta IFN receptor, indicating a dominant role of type I IFNs but not NF-kappa B for the induction of MHC-I molecules by Japanese encephalitis virus. Our further analysis revealed that the residual type I IFN signaling in NF-kappa B-deficient cells is sufficient to drive MHC-I gene expression upon virus infection in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. However, NF-kappa B could indirectly regulate MHC-I expression, since JEV-induced type I IFN expression was found to be critically dependent on it.


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We describe an investigation of the structure and dielectric properties of MM'O-4 and MTiM'O-6 rutile-type oxides for M = Cr, Fe, Ga and M' = Nb. Ta and Sb. All the oxides adopt a disordered rutile structure (P4(2)/mnm) at ambient temperature. A partial ordered trirutile-type structure is confirmed for FeTaO4 from the low temperature (17 K) neutron diffraction studies While both the MM'O-4 oxides (CrTaO4 and FeTaO4) investigated show a normal dielectric property MTiM'O-6 oxides for M = Fe, Cr and M' = Nb/Ta/Sb display a distinct relaxor/relaxor-like response. Significantly the corresponding gallium analogs, GaTiNbO6 and GaTiTaO6, do not show a relaxor response at T<500K (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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The 3A region of foot-and-mouth disease virus has been implicated in host range and virulence. For example, amino acid deletions in the porcinophilic strain (O/TAW/97) at 93-102 aa of the 153 codons long 3A protein have been recognized as the determinant of species specificity. In the present study, 18 type 0 FMDV isolates from India were adapted in different cell culture systems and the 3A sequence was analyzed. These isolates had complete 3A coding sequence (153 aa) and did not exhibit growth restriction in cells based on species of origin. The 3A region was found to be highly conserved at N-terminal half (1-75 aa) but exhibited variability or substitutions towards C-terminal region (80-153). Moreover the amino acid substitutions were more frequent in recent Indian buffalo isolates but none of the Indian isolates showed deletion in 3A protein, which may be the reason for the absence of host specificity in vitro. Further inclusive analysis of 3A region will reveal interesting facts about the variability of FMD virus 3A region in an endemic environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss symmetries and scenarios leading to quasi-degenerate neutrinos in type I seesaw models. The existence of degeneracy in the present approach is not linked to any specific structure for the Dirac neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix y(D) and holds in general. Basic input is the application of the minimal flavour violation principle to the leptonic sector. Generalizing this principle, we assume that the structure of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix is determined by y(D) and the charged lepton Yukawa coupling matrix y(l) in an effective theory invariant under specific groups G(F) contained in the full symmetry group of the kinetic energy terms. G(F) invariance also leads to specific structure for the departure from degeneracy. The neutrino mass matrix (with degenerate mass m(0)) resulting after seesaw mechanism has a simple form Mv approximate to m(0)(I - py(l)y(l)(T)) in one particular scenario based on supersymmetry. This form is shown tolead to correct description of neutrino masses and mixing angles. The thermal leptogenesis after inclusion of flavour effects can account for the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe within the present scenario. Rates for lepton flavour violating processes can occur at observable levels in the supersymmetric version of the scenario. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have identified a novel gene, trishanku (triA), by random insertional mutagenesis of Dictyostelium discoideum. TriA is a Broad complex Tramtrack bric-a-brac domain-containing protein that is expressed strongly during the late G2 phase of cell cycle and in presumptive spore (prespore (psp)) cells. Disrupting triA destabilizes cell fate and reduces aggregate size; the fruiting body has a thick stalk, a lowered spore: stalk ratio, a sub-terminal spore mass and small, rounded spores. These changes revert when the wild-type triA gene is re-expressed under a constitutive or a psp-specific promoter. By using short- and long-lived reporter proteins, we show that in triA(-) slugs the prestalk (pst)/psp proportion is normal, but that there is inappropriate transdifferentiation between the two cell types. During culmination, regardless of their current fate, all cells with a history of pst gene expression contribute to the stalk, which could account for the altered cell-type proportion in the mutant.


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A dramatically different consumption pattern seems to be emerging among a vast group of consumers. This may mean that conventional consumer stereotypes and segmentation theory are becoming outdated. The so called hybrid consumers seem to increasingly opt for both premium and budget alternatives in various product and service categories while mid-priced alternatives are losing share in their consumption basket. Although this type of polarisation, or dispersion, is already recognized as an important change, hybrid behaviour is still largely under-researched. The present study aims to analyze the possible drivers of hybrid consumption and by identifying typical categories and situations of trading up versus trading down derive tentative characteristics of hybrid consumption for further research on the topic. A tentative pattern of hybrid consumption was identified, which relates trading up to high-involvement, discretional spending and trading down to low-involvement necessities. However, it was also found that hybrid consumption transcends product category boundaries and may thus be less straightforward than previously perhaps assumed. In addition, a purchase pattern continuum was developed, accounting for various degrees of hybrid consumption.


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A model equation is derived to study trapped nonlinear waves with a turning effect, occurring in disturbances induced on a two-dimensional steady flow. Only unimodal disturbances under the short wave assumption are considered, when the wave front of the induced disturbance is plane. In the neighbourhood of certain special points of sonic-type singularity, the disturbances are governed by a single first-order partial differential equation in two independent variables. The equation depends on the steady flow through three parameters, which are determined by the variations of velocity and depth, for example (in the case of long surface water waves), along and perpendicular to the wave front. These parameters help us to examine various relative effects. The presence of shocks in a continuously accelerating or decelerating flow has been studied in detail.


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In an epidemiological study of symptomatic human rotaviruses in Mysore, India during 1993 and 1994, isolates MP409 and MP480 were isolated from two children suffering from severe, acute dehydrating diarrhea. Both isolates exhibited 'long' RNA pattern and subgroup I specificity suggesting the likelihood of their animal origin. Both isolates did not react with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for serotypes G1 to G6 as well as CIO. To determine the genetic origin of these isolates, complete nucleotide sequences of genes encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7, nonstructural proteins NSP1 and NSP3 and viral enterotoxin protein NSP4 from MP409 and partial sequences of genes from MP480 were determined. Comparison of the 5' and 3' terminal sequences of 250 nucleotides revealed complete identity of the gene sequences in both strains suggesting that MP409 and MP480 are two different isolates of a single strain. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of VP4, VP7, NSP1 and NSP3 of MP409 with published sequences of strains belonging to different serotypes revealed that both outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 and NSP1 are highly related to the respective proteins from the P6[1], G8 type bovine rotavirus A5 isolated from a calf with diarrhoea in Thailand and that the NSP3 is highly homologous to that of bovine rotaviruses. The NSP 1 protein showed greatest sequence identity with NSP4s belonging to the KUN genetic group to which NSP4s from human G2 type strains and bovine rotaviruses belong. MP409 and MP480 likely signify interspecies transmission of P6[1], G8 type strains from cattle to humans and represent the first P6[1] type rotaviruses isolated in humans. These and our previous studies on the asymptomatic neonatal strain I321 are of evolutionary and epidemiological significance in the context of close association of majority of the Indian population with cattle.


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The alpha-aminoisobutyric acid-D-proline (Aib-(D)Pro) dipeptide is an obligatory Type I' beta-turn forming segment that nucleates hairpin formation.


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We have made concurrent measurements of ionic current and optical transmission between crossed polarisers on several nematics with positive dielectric anisotropy under the action of applied low frequency (< 1KHz) square wave voltages. When the field E is low, the measured current is linear in E and there is no electrooptic response. Beyond some value of the field (E(0)similar to 100 esu), the current becomes independent of the field (phenomenon of limiting current). Further an electrooptic signal is measured at twice the frequency of the applied voltage, which exhibits a peak as a function of the field. The width of the peak is 3 to 4 times the value of E-0, and the signal level at the peak decreases as the frequency is increased. These measurements have been made on three highly polar compounds with cyano end groups. Careful observations do not show any evidence of electrohydrodynamic instabilities in the sample. It is argued that the observations can be understood if at the onset of the phenomenon of the limiting current, a strong electric field gradient is established near one of the electrodes due to the sweeping of an ionic species with high mobility. The field gradient produces a flexoelectric deformation of the director field, which in turn gives rise to the electrooptic effect. At higher fields, the stabilising dielectric torque takes over to suppress this instability.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.