918 resultados para fluid shift
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fetal fluids have different vital functions that sustain both pregnancy and normal parturition. The biochemical composition of amniotic fluid during gestation is not well established; thus the purpose of the present study was to determine the biochemical profile of both amniotic and allantoic fluids from mares during initial, mid, and latter third phases of pregnancy. Samples were collected after slaughter, using allantocentesis and amniocentesis. Sixty samples of fetal fluids were analyzed. Alkaline phosphatase (AP), glucose, total protein (TP), urea, creatinine, Ca, chloride (Cl), Na, and K concentrations were measured using commercially available kits. The AP concentration in amniotic fluid was higher than that in allantoic fluid during the three gestational phases (P < .05). There were no differences between glucose mean values of allantoic and those of amniotic fluids (P < .05). However, glucose values were higher in the allantoic fluid in the last trimester of pregnancy. TP was higher in the amniotic fluid than in allantoic fluid (P < .05). Urea values varied among the phases; however, there were no differences between the amniotic and allantoic fluid values (P > .05). Creatinine values were higher in allantoic fluid (P < .05). Na and Cl concentrations were higher in amniotic fluid (P < .05). However, Ca and K concentrations were higher in the allantoic fluid. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
CCTO thin films were deposited on Pt(1 1 1)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using a chemical (polymeric precursor) and pressure method. Pressure effects on CCTO thin films were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and optical properties which revealed that a pressure film (PF) is denser and more homogeneous than a chemical film (CF). Pressure also causes a decrease in the band gap and an increase in the photoluminescence (PL) emission of CCTO films which suggests that the pressure facilitates the displacement of Ti in the titanate clusters and the charge transference from TiO6 to [TiO5V0z], [TiO5V0z] to [CaO11V0z] and [TiO5V0z] to [CuO4]x. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
This issue of the FAL Bulletin proposes a paradigm shift away from the traditional approach to transport policy in the region, so as to better address issues associated with development. It suggests working towards an integrated and sustainable infrastructure, logistics and mobility policy structure based on the principle of co- modality.
Neste trabalho investigamos soluções solitônicas em modelos de Kaluza-Klein com um número arbitrário de espaços internos toroidais, que descrevem o campo gravitacional de um objeto massivo compacto. Cada toro di-dimensional possui um fator de escala independente Ci, i = 1, ..., N, que é caracterizado pelo parâmetro ᵞi. Destacamos a solução fisicamente interessante correspondente à massa puntual. Para a solução geral obtemos equações de estado nos espaços externo e interno. Estas equações demonstram que a massa pontual solitônica possui equações de estado tipo poeira em todos os espaços. Obtemos também os parâmetros pósnewtonianos que nos possibilitam encontrar as fórmulas da precessão do periélio, do desvio da luz e do atraso no tempo de ecos de radar. Além disso, os experimentos gravitacionais levam a uma forte limitação nos parâmetros do modelo: T = ƩNi=1 diYi = −(2, 1±2, 3)×10−5. A solução para massa pontual com Y1 = . . . = YN = (1+ƩNi=1 di)−1 contradiz esta restrição. A imposição T = 0 satisfaz essa limitação experimental e define uma nova classe de soluções que são indistinguíveis para a relatividade geral. Chamamos estas soluções de sólitons latentes. Cordas negras e membranas negras com Yi = 0 pertencem a esta classe. Além disso, a condição de estabilidade dos espaços internos destaca cordas/membranas negras de sólitons latentes, conduzindo exclusivamente para as equações de estado de corda/membrana negra pi = −ε/2, i = 1, . . . ,N, nos espaços internos e ao número de dimensões externas d0 = 3. As investigações do fluido perfeito multidimensional estático e esfericamente simétrico com equação de estado tipo poeira no espaço externo confirmam os resultados acima.
Central é um depósito aurífero do campo mineralizado do Cuiú-Cuiú, Província Aurífera do Tapajós, Cráton Amazônico. A zona mineralizada está hospedada em falha e compreende 800m de comprimento na direção NW-SE, seguindo o trend regional da província Tapajós, com largura entre 50 e 70m e profundidade vertical de pelo menos 450m. A mineralização está hospedada em monzogranito datado em 1984±3 Ma e atribuído à Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. Os recursos auríferos preliminarmente definidos são de 18,6t de ouro. A alteração hidrotermal é predominantemente fissural. Sericitização, cloritização, silicificação, carbonatação e sulfetação foram os tipos de alteração identificados. Pirita é o sulfeto principal e os demais sulfetos (calcopirita, esfalerita e galena) estão em fraturas ou nas bordas da pirita. O ouro preenche fraturas da pirita e análises semi-quantitativas detectaram Ag associada ao ouro. Foram identificados três tipos de inclusões fluidas hospedados em veios e vênulas de quartzo. O tipo 1 é o menos abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por uma (CO2vapor) ou duas fases (CO2liq-CO2vapor), o tipo 2 tem abundância intermediária e é formado por inclusões fluidas compostas por duas (H2Oliq-CO2liq) ou três fases (H2Oliq-CO2liq-CO2vapor) e o tipo 3 é o mais abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por duas fases (H2Oliq- H2Ovapor). O CO2 representa o volátil nas inclusões com CO2 e essas (tipo 1 e 2) foram geradas pelo processo de separação de fases oriundo de um fluido aquo-carbônico. A densidade global (0,33 - 0,80 g/cm³) e a salinidade (11,15 - 2,42 % em peso equivalente de NaCl) desse fluido são baixas a moderadas e a temperatura de homogeneização mostra um máximo em 340ºC. Quanto ao tipo 3, o NaCl é o principal sal, a densidade global está no intervalo de 0,65 a 1,11 g/cm³, a salinidade compreendida entre 1,16 e 13,3 % em peso equivalente de NaCl e a temperatura de homogeneização é bimodal, com picos em 120-140ºC e 180ºC. A composição isotópica das inclusões fluidas presentes no quartzo e do quartzo, calcita e clorita mostram valores de δ18O e δD de +7,8 a +13,6 ‰ e -15 a -35 ‰, respectivamente. Os valores de δ34S na pirita são de +0,5 a +4,0 ‰ e δ13C na calcita e CO2 de inclusões fluidas de -18 a -3,7 ‰. Os valores de δ18OH2O e de δDH2O no quartzo e inclusões fluidas, respectivamente, plotam no campo das águas metamórficas, com um desvio em direção à linha da água meteórica. Considerando a inexistência de evento metamórfico na região do Tapajós à época da mineralização, o sistema hidrotermal responsável pela mineralização no Central, inicialmente, deu-se a partir de fluidos aquo-carbônicos magmático-hidrotermais, exsolvidos por magma félsico relacionado com a fase mais tardia de evolução da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. As inclusões aquo-carbônicas e carbônicas formaram-se nessa etapa, predominantemente em torno de 340°C. A contínua exsolução de fluido pelo magma levou ao empobrecimento em CO2 nas fases mais tardias e, com o resfriamento do fluido, as inclusões aquosas passaram a predominar. A partir daí o sistema pode ter interagido com água meteórica, responsável pelo aprisionamento da maior parte das inclusões aquosas de mais baixa temperatura. É possível que parte das inclusões aquosas (as de maior temperatura) represente a mistura local dos fluidos de origens distintas. Essas observações e interpretações permitem classificar Central como um depósito de ouro magmático-hidrotermal relacionado à fase final da formação da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari.
O depósito aurífero de Piaba tornou-se a primeira mina em operação no fragmento cratônico São Luís, noroeste do Maranhão. Seu ambiente geológico compreende rochas metavulcanossedimentares do Grupo Aurizona e granitoides da Suíte Tromaí, entre outras unidades menores, formadas em ambiente de arcos de ilhas entre 2240 e 2150 Ma, juntamente com outras unidades menores. A mineralização é caracterizada por uma trama stockwork de veios e vênulas de quartzo com seus halos de alteração (clorita + muscovita + carbonato + pirita + calcopirita e ouro) hospedada em um granodiorito granofírico fino (Granófiro Piaba) e em rocha subvulcânica andesítica do Grupo Aurizona. O corpo mineralizado é espacialmente limitado à zona de cisalhamento ENE-WSW rúptil-dúctil (Falha Piaba). Estudos petrográficos, microtermométricos e por espectroscopia microRaman no quartzo definiram inclusões aquo-carbônicas bifásicas e trifásicas, produzidas por aprisionamento heterogêneo durante separação de fases, e fluidos aquosos tardios. A solução mineralizadora corresponde a um fluido aquo-carbônico composto por CO2 (5 - 24 mol%, densidade de 0,96 - 0,99 g/cm3), H2O (74 - 93 mol%), N2 (< 1 mol%), CH4 (<1mol%) e 5,5 % em peso NaCl equivalente. O minério depositou a 267 - 302ºC e 1,25 - 2,08 kbar, correspondendo a profundidades de 4 a 7 km, em consonância com o regime estrutural. A composição e o intervalo de P-T do fluido mineralizador, combinados com o caráter redutor (log ƒO2 -31,3 a -34,3) e a sulfetação da rocha hospedeira, sugerem que o ouro foi transportado como um complexo sulfetado. O minério foi depositado em consequência da separação de fase, redução da atividade de enxofre e da ƒO2 pela interação fluido-rocha.
Central α2-adrenoceptors and the pontine lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) are involved in the control of sodium and water intake. Bilateral injections of moxonidine (α2-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist) or noradrenaline into the LPBN strongly increases 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by a combined treatment of furosemide plus captopril. Injection of moxonidine into the LPBN also increases hypertonic NaCl and water intake and reduces oxytocin secretion, urinary sodium, and water excreted by cell-dehydrated rats, causing a positive sodium and water balance, which suggests that moxonidine injected into the LPBN deactivates mechanisms that restrain body fluid volume expansion. Pretreatment with specific α2-adrenoceptor antagonists injected into the LPBN abolishes the behavioral and renal effects of moxonidine or noradrenaline injected into the same area, suggesting that these effects depend on activation of LPBN α2-adrenoceptors. In fluid-depleted rats, the palatability of sodium is reduced by ingestion of hypertonic NaCl, limiting intake. However, in rats treated with moxonidine injected into the LPBN, the NaCl palatability remains high, even after ingestion of significant amounts of 0.3 M NaCl. The changes in behavioral and renal responses produced by activation of α2-adrenoceptors in the LPBN are probably a consequence of reduction of oxytocin secretion and blockade of inhibitory signals that affect sodium palatability. In this review, a model is proposed to show how activation of α2-adrenoceptors in the LPBN may affect palatability and, consequently, ingestion of sodium as well as renal sodium excretion.
INTRODUCTION: Regenerative therapies using biomaterials require accurate information on interactions between the implanted material and the human body. To improve the process of bone regeneration it is necessary to obtain a better understanding of the influence of the surfaces on the early stages of osseointegration. This work aims to investigate the dynamic interaction between simulated body fluid (SBF) and titanium surfaces (Ti cp) immediately after their first contact. METHODS: Ti cp samples were passed through physicochemical treatments after immersion in acid solution, alkaline solution and solutions containing TiO2 and Ca2+, to obtain three different surfaces. These were characterized by electron microscopy and free energy estimates. The evaluation of the interaction with SBF was performed by measuring the dynamic contact angles after contacting the surfaces. RESULTS: The effects of SBF wettability were more significant on surfaces according to high energy estimates. A comparative analysis of the three types of surfaces showed that fluid spreading was greater in samples with greater polar components, indicating that the surface nature influences interactions in the early stages of osseointegration. CONCLUSION: The results indicate the influence of polar interactions in the dynamic wettability of the SBF. It is possible that these interactions can also influence cellular viability on surfaces. Based on these results, new experiments are being designed to improve the presented methodology as a tool for the evaluation of biomaterials without the need for in vivo experiments.
Maceration and supercritical fluid extraction were used to prepare extracts from parts of plants (Holostylis reniformis) collected in two different regions of Brazil. ¹H NMR, HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, HPLC-DAD, GC-MS, and chemometric techniques were used to analyse lignans in the extracts and showed that yields of SFE-CO2 were less than or equal to those of hexane maceration extracts. These analyses, in conjunction with the concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids and their methyl and ethyl derivatives in the extracts, also allowed the chemical composition of parts and provenance of the plant to be differentiated.
In order to establish the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and growth factor insulin-like type I (IGF-I) in the follicular fluid, 26 Murrah breed river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 days postpartum, empty, multiparous, with average live weight of 675 +/- 56 kg and average body condition of 3.5 points on a scale of 1-5, were used in this study. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles with diameters between 8 and 12 mm by OPU, and was not taken into account the stage of the estrous cycle. Using this technique, the wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to collection. Biochemical analysis was performed to glucose and cholesterol through the enzymatic colorimetric method using commercial kit glicose CHOLESTEROL GOD-PAP and CHOD-PAP (Kovalent), respectively. Determination of total protein was carried out by using total protein commercial kit (Kovalent) Biuret method, and the readings were performed using absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Concentration of IGF-I was measured by Radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique using commercial IRMA Kit IGF-I (INMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics were developed using the PROC MEANS procedure of SAS (2009). Concentration of glucose (4.0 +/- 0.75 mmol / L-1) and IGF-I (340 +/- 129.83 ng / mL (-1)) were higher than those reported by other authors in river buffaloes and cows, respectively. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 +/- 0.12 mmol / L (-1)) and total protein (58.4 +/- 4.43 g / L (-1)) behaved inferior to other studies in same species. The results indicated that there is relationship among the nutritional aspects, diameter of follicles aspirated and productive period in the concentration of biochemical indicators.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) are used as Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) therapy and have certain advantages and disadvantages. Extended daily dialysis (EDD) has emerged as an alternative to CRRT in the management of hemodynamically unstable AKI patients, mainly in developed countries.Objectives: We hypothesized that EDD is a safe option for AKI treatment and aimed to describe metabolic and fluid control of AKI patients undergoing EDD and identify complications and risk factors associated with death.Study Selection: This is an observational and retrospective study describing introduction of EDD at our institution. A total of 231 hemodynamically unstable AKI patients (noradrenalin dose between 0.3 and 1.0 ucg/kg/min) were assigned to 1367 EDD session. EDD consisted of 6-8 h of HD 6 days a week, with blood flow of 200 ml/min, dialysate flows of 300 ml/min.Data Synthesis: Mean age was 60.6 +/- 15.8 years, 97.4% of patients were in the intensive care unit, and sepsis was the main etiology of AKI (76.2). BUN and creatinine levels stabilized after four sessions at around 38 and 2.4 mg/dl, respectively. Fluid balance decreased progressively and stabilized around zero after five sessions. Weekly delivered Kt/V was 5.94 +/- 0.7. Hypotension and filter clotting occurred in 47.5 and 12.4% of treatment session, respectively. Regarding AKI outcome, 22.5% of patients presented renal function recovery, 5.6% of patients remained on dialysis after 30 days, and 71.9% of patients died. Age and focus abdominal sepsis were identified as risk factors for death. Urine output and negative fluid balance were identified as protective factors.Conclusions: EDD is effective for AKI patients, allowing adequate metabolic and fluid control. Age, focus abdominal sepsis, and lower urine output as well as positive fluid balance after two EDD sessions were associated significantly with death.