922 resultados para evidence-based practice


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Introduction - Nutritional therapy (NT) is a bioscience-based branch of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with National Occupational Standards (NOS) and accredited training courses which include compulsory clinical training. Approximately 900 practitioners are registered with the voluntary regulator, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), but the number of unregulated practitioners is unknown. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide; nutrition and lifestyle factors may affect recurrence and survival rates. Many cancer patients and survivors seek individualised advice on diet and use of supplements and appropriately skilled nutritional therapy practitioners (NTP) may be well-placed to safely provide this advice. Little is known of NTPs’ perspectives on working with people affected by cancer; this study seeks to explore their views on training, use of evidence and other resources, to support the development of safe evidence-based practice in this important clinical area. Methods – An on-line anonymised questionnaire collected data from participants recruited from all UK registered NTPs. Recruitment was facilitated by the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT). Quantitative data on practitioner characteristics, years in practice, other therapies practiced and work with cancer clients were collected. Qualitative data on types of evidence used, barriers to practice and perceived training and support needs when working with clients with cancer, were collected and analysed. SPSS was used to produce descriptive statistics. Preliminary Results – 274/888 (31%) of registered NTPs participated. 61% respondents had accredited NT qualifications of which 46% were at degree or post-graduate level. 73% (202) participants indicated they also had other higher education qualifications, including 153 (56%) at degree or above. When asked to describe their position on cancer work, 17% respondents (40/238) indicated no interest, and 35% (84/238) respondents already work with cancer clients (cancer practitioners - CP). A further 48% (114/238) respondents expressed interest in starting cancer work, and typically requested specialist training and practice guidelines to support this area of clinical practice. Cancer practitioners (CP) rated searches of peer-reviewed literature as most useful for information to support practice, whereas commercial product information was rated least useful. CPs requested engagement with mainstream medicine, more access to research evidence and professional recognition to facilitate and support work with cancer clients. A need for professional networking, mentorship and/or supervision was noted by CP and non-CP respondents, which is of interest since 81% all participants worked as sole practitioners exclusively or as part of their practice, <1% worked within the NHS. Discussion & Conclusions – This is the first detailed documentation of NTP perspectives on cancer work. A number of areas have been identified for further detailed evidence to be collected using focus groups and interviews, including detailed training needs, communication with mainstream cancer professionals, access to research evidence, and professional recognition. This work will inform and support the development of professional practice guidelines for NT and inform the development of specialist training and other resources.


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Introduction: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Nutrition may affect occurrence, recurrence and survival rates and many cancer patients and survivors seek individualized nutrition advice. Appropriately skilled nutritional therapy (NT) practitioners may be well-placed to safely provide this advice, but little is known of their perspectives on working with people affected by cancer. This mixed-methods study seeks to explore their views on training, barriers to practice, use of evidence, and other resources, to support the development of safe evidence-based practice. Preliminary data on barriers to practice are reported here. Methods: Two cohorts of NT practitioners were recruited from all UK registered NT practitioners, by an on-line anonymous survey. 84 cancer practitioners (CP) and 165 non-cancer practitioners (NCP) were recruited. Mixed quantitative and qualitative data was collected by the survey. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data on the use of evidence, barriers to practice and perceived needs for working with clients with cancer, for further exploration using interviews and focus groups. Preliminary results: For the NCP cohort, exploring themes of perceived barriers to working with people affected by cancer suggested that perceived complexity, risk and need for caution in this area of practice were important barriers. Insufficient specialist knowledge and skills also emerged as barriers. Some NCPs perceived opposition from medical practitioners and other mainstream healthcare professions as an obstacle to starting cancer practice. To overcome these barriers, specialist training emerged as most important. For the CP cohort, in exploring the skills they considered enabled them to undertake cancer work, specialist clinical and technical knowledge emerged strongly. Only 10% CP participants did not want more work with people affected by cancer. 10% CPs reported some NHS referrals, whereas most received clients by self-referral or from other practitioners. When considering barriers that impede their cancer practice, the dominant categories for CPs were hostility or opposition by mainstream oncology professionals, and lack of dialogue and engagement with them. To overcome these barriers, CPs desired engagement with oncology professionals and recognized specialist cancer NT training. For both NCPs and CPs, evidence resources, practice guidelines and practitioner support networks also emerged as potential enablers to cancer practice. Conclusions: This is the first detailed exploration of NT practitioners’ perceived barriers to working with people affected by cancer. Acquiring specialist skills and knowledge appears important to enable NCPs to start cancer work, and for CPs with these skills, the perceived barriers appear foremost in the relationship with mainstream cancer professionals. Further exploration of these themes, and other NT practitioner perspectives on working with people affected by cancer, is underway. This work will inform and support the development of professional practice, training and other resources.


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El arteterapia permite una aproximación creativa biográfica particularmente valiosa en la etapa final de la vida. La persona enferma presenta múltiples necesidades – físicas, emocionales, sociales y espirituales – que solo una atención holística puede pretender abarcar, tal como lo contempla la filosofía de los cuidados paliativos. El arteterapeuta integrado en el equipo interdisciplinar contribuye a aliviar y acompañar el sufrimiento del paciente y su familia. Se presentan aquí las bases teóricas y la metodología de la intervención, así como el marco sanitario en el cual se inscribe.


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Having well-trained staff is key to ensuring good quality autism services, especially since people affected with autism generally tend to have higher support needs than other populations in terms of daily living as well as their mental and physical health. Poorly-trained staff can have detrimental effects on service provision and staff morale and can lead to staff burn-out as well as increased service user anxiety and stress. This paper reports on a survey with health, social care, and education staff who work within the statutory autism services sector in the UK that explored their knowledge and training with regards to autism. Interview data obtained from staff and service users offer qualitative illustrations of survey findings. Overall, the findings expose an acute lack of autism specific training that has detrimental impacts. At best this training was based on brief and very basic awareness raising rather than on in-depth understanding of issues related to autism or skills for evidence-based practice. Service users were concerned with the effects that lack of staff training had on the services they received. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy routes to achieving quality staff training based on international best practice. The focus is on improving the quality of life and mental health for services users and staff as well as making potentially significant cost-savings for governments.


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Enquadramento: É expectável que o pós-parto seja um período de alegria. Todavia, nem sempre é assim, já que pode ser um período marcado por momentos de tristeza, cansaço e desânimo. Reconhecendo as vantagens da amamentação para a saúde e bem-estar do recémnascido e da mãe, acreditamos que esta possa ser preventiva da depressão pós-parto. Objetivos: Obter a melhor evidência científica para compreender se a amamentação tem efeito preventivo na depressão pós-parto. Método: Foi efetuada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a relação entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto através das bases de dados: EBSCO host, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Repositórios institucionais e Google Académico. Selecionaram-se quinze artigos que obedeceram aos critérios de inclusão deste estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos identifica a amamentação como sendo preventiva da depressão pós-parto, destacando a importância da amamentação para a saúde mental da puérpera e consequentemente para a diminuição das hipóteses de desenvolver depressão pósparto. Cinco artigos identificam-na também como sendo um fator de risco e um estudo não encontrou uma associação clara entre a amamentação e a depressão pós-parto. Conclusões: São descritos vários benefícios da amamentação, os quais terão um efeito preventivo contra a depressão pós-parto. Uma mulher informada e apoiada acerca da amamentação será capaz de se sentir confiante no seu novo papel. É essencial um investimento constante por parte da equipa de saúde, iniciado durante o processo do planeamento do casal para a gravidez, e mantendo-se ao longo da gravidez, parto e pós-parto. Palavras-chave: “Amamentação”, “depressão pós-parto”, “prevenção”.


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Objetivo: Identificar estructuras estandarizadas para la formulación de preguntas clínicas en el marco de la práctica basada en la evidencia. Método: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura. La búsqueda bibliográfica se efectuó en las bases de datos MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE y LILACS, y en el buscador académico Google Scholar. Se efectuaron estrategias de búsqueda sensibles y acordes a cada base de datos. Límites de búsqueda: intervalo de tiempo (enero de 1995 a abril de 2015), idioma (artículos en inglés). Se usaron palabras clave libres y descriptores del Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) pertinentes: evidence based practice, question, formulation, well-built question, framework. Resultados: Se encontraron 10 manuscritos que aportaron el diseño original de estructuras para la formulación de preguntas clínicas en el ámbito de la práctica basada en la evidencia. El modelo PICO es la estructura más conocida y comúnmente utilizada en investigación cuantitativa y de él derivan los modelos PICOT, PICOTT, PICOS, PIPOH, PECORD, PESICO. En el campo de la gestión sanitaria la estructura ECLIPSE se erige para formulación de preguntas relacionadas con la gestión. Por último, para la búsqueda de evidencias cualitativas se han configurado los modelos SPICE y SPIDER adecuando sus componentes al fenómeno cualitativo. Conclusiones: Estos modelos estandarizadas se comportan como un instrumento idóneo para guiar la estrategia de búsqueda y delimitar el área de interés. Dada la gran variedad de piezas que integran las estructuras, su conocimiento exhaustivo acrecienta sus usos potenciales. Estas estructuras no deben ser consideradas como una guía rígida a la que ceñirse ineludiblemente.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to describe healthcare professionals' experiences and perceptions of an intervention implemented in an action research project conducted to improve nursing documentation practices in four municipalities in Norway.

BACKGROUND: Documentation of individualized patient care is a continuing concern in healthcare services and could impacts the quality and safety of healthcare. Use of electronic systems has made some aspects of documentation more comprehensive, but creation of an individualized care plan remains a pressing issue.

DESIGN: A qualitative descriptive design was used.

METHODS: An action research project was conducted between 2010 and 2012 to improve the content and quality of nursing documentation in community healthcare services in four municipalities. One year after the project was completed four focus group interviews were conducted with healthcare professionals, one for each involved municipality. Two unit managers were interviewed individually. Qualitative content analysis was used.

RESULTS: Three themes emerged: healthcare professionals perceived competing interest; they experienced that they had to manage complexity and changes; and they highlighted a clear and visible leader as important for success.

CONCLUSIONS: Quality improvement activities are essential. Healthcare professionals experience a complicated situation when electronic health record systems do not support workflow. Further research is recommended to focus on the functionality and user interface of EHR systems, and on the role of leadership when implementing changes in clinical practice. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Questions persist regarding implementation of mental health promotion, prevention, and early intervention initiatives in schools. To date, attention has targeted the ‘Whats’ and ‘Hows’ in design and implementation. Ongoing clarification of ‘Who’ the key proponents are working in this space receives less consideration. This paper presents outcomes from a national colloquium involving leaders from organizations committed to school-based mental health practice in Australia. The aim of the colloquium was to introduce the concept of Intermediary Organizations (IOs) examining this for its potential contribution to improved mental health and school improvement. The central challenge for IOs is implementation, that is, assisting in knowledge mobilization connecting research to policy and practice. The colloquium discussion was grounded in an understanding of public value as an organizing principle for improving public sector effectiveness. The participants evaluated the nature, role, and potential contribution of IOs. Three key issues emerged as being central to effective implementation: health promotion and prevention, relational ethics, and evidence-based practice.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The Remote Primary Health Care Manuals (RPHCM) project team manages the development and publication of clinical protocols and procedures for primary care clinicians practicing in remote Australia. The Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association Standard Treatment Manual, the flagship manual of the RPHCM suite, has been evaluated for accessibility and acceptability in remote clinics three times in its 20-year history. These evaluations did not consider a theory-based framework or a programme theory, resulting in some limitations with the evaluation findings. With the RPHCM having an aim of enabling evidence-based practice in remote clinics and anecdotally reported to do so, testing this empirically for the full suite is vital for both stakeholders and future editions of the RPHCM. METHODS: The project team utilized a realist evaluation framework to assess how, why and for what the RPHCM were being used by remote practitioners. A theory regarding the circumstances in which the manuals have and have not enabled evidence-based practice in the remote clinical context was tested. The project assessed this theory for all the manuals in the RPHCM suite, across government and aboriginal community-controlled clinics, in three regions of Australia. CONCLUSION: Implementing a realist evaluation framework to generate robust findings in this context has required innovation in the evaluation design and adaptation by researchers. This article captures the RPHCM team's experience in designing this evaluation.


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By means of evidence-based practice, this paper describes the residential-school component of an accredited online (distance education) undergraduate engineering program in Australia, with a particular focus on how the residential school program is implemented at freshman year. During these residential schools, activities were organised around the respective engineering courses undertaken by students during the semester. Elements considered suitable and worthwhile for inclusion in residential-school programs included: • In-person engagement with academic lecturers, • Practical and laboratory learning activities, • Presentations and interaction with guest speakers from industry, • Industry-based site visits, • Engagement in sole and group-based learning and assessment activities on campus, and • Social interaction with other students. After running pilot residential schools for two years, it was found that a workable format consisted in a two-week residential experience in the first semester, linked to two key freshman courses, Fundamentals of Technology Management, and Engineering Physics. On-campus and online students’ academic grades were compared for both courses over the years 2005 to 2012. We found that for physics lab, on-campus students’ grades tended to be higher than those for online students, and vice versa for technology management. We also conclude that when carefully designed, residential schools for online students do enhance learning for both online students and their on-campus counterparts.


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Purpose Alcohol-related disorder in Australia’s night-time economy has precipitated an expanding regulatory and legislative framework. A key feature is the growth of police-imposed discretionary justice, one example of which are Victoria’s banning provisions. Banning notices are imposed on-the-spot, may be issued pre-emptively, but permit no right of independent appeal. However, there has been little analysis of the enactment, implementation or use of police-imposed banning provisions. The paper aims to discuss these issues.

Design/methodology/approach This paper draws upon a detailed examination of the record of parliamentary debate of the banning notice legislation to document how the provisions, and their embedded procedural vulnerabilities, were legitimised. In addition, an analysis of Victoria Police data informs consideration of the ongoing scrutiny of the police power to ban.

FindingsThe absolute discretion afforded to police officers, and a lack of effective oversight, has created the potential for the disproportionate and discriminatory implementation of Victoria’s banning notice powers. The findings highlight procedural vulnerabilities within the provisions, and concern regarding the particular risk of banning notices for vulnerable recipients.

Research limitations/implications
The nature of Victoria’s banning provisions created the circumstances for their inequitable imposition, but public scrutiny of their use and effect is limited. Omissions and deficiencies in the published data restricts meaningful analysis of how banning works in practice.

Originality/value The research underpinning this paper was the first detailed examination of the implementation and ongoing scrutiny of Victoria’s banning notice provisions. The findings presented in this paper highlight key procedural vulnerabilities resulting from the passage of the legislation and the absence of effective oversight.


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La détection du délirium à l’aide d’outils est importante pour pouvoir intervenir le plus rapidement et efficacement possible. Le but de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer l’efficacité d’une intervention de transfert de connaissances (TC) sur mesure auprès d’infirmières sur le taux d’utilisation conforme d’un outil de détection du délirium (ODD). L’intervention auprès d’infirmières a été basée sur les barrières et facilitateurs à utiliser un tel ODD identifiés par un questionnaire (n=30) et deux groupes de discussion (n=4). Les barrières identifiées par le questionnaire reflétaient un besoin de connaissances et d’amélioration des compétences infirmières. L’une des barrières identifiée à partir des groupes de discussion était le manque de connaissances sur les causes possibles du délirium et les interventions infirmières à privilégier selon ces causes. Les activités de TC retenues étaient une capsule clinique sur les manifestations du délirium évaluées par un ODD et une carte aide-mémoire sur des interventions infirmières possibles. Les taux d’utilisation de l’ODD ont été évalués en pré et post implantation d’une intervention de TC (devis pré-post test) à partir d’une revue de 242 dossiers médicaux de patients (avant n=121 ; après n=121). Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre les périodes pré et post intervention de TC (p > .99). Une explication réside dans le taux déjà élevé (> 85%) d’utilisation de l’ODD observé avant l’intervention de TC pour deux des trois quarts de travail. L’intervention de TC basée sur les barrières et les facilitateurs a été appréciée par les infirmières et elle pourrait avoir le potentiel de promouvoir une pratique basée sur les résultats probants.


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na Especialidade de Enfermagem Comunitária


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La détection du délirium à l’aide d’outils est importante pour pouvoir intervenir le plus rapidement et efficacement possible. Le but de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer l’efficacité d’une intervention de transfert de connaissances (TC) sur mesure auprès d’infirmières sur le taux d’utilisation conforme d’un outil de détection du délirium (ODD). L’intervention auprès d’infirmières a été basée sur les barrières et facilitateurs à utiliser un tel ODD identifiés par un questionnaire (n=30) et deux groupes de discussion (n=4). Les barrières identifiées par le questionnaire reflétaient un besoin de connaissances et d’amélioration des compétences infirmières. L’une des barrières identifiée à partir des groupes de discussion était le manque de connaissances sur les causes possibles du délirium et les interventions infirmières à privilégier selon ces causes. Les activités de TC retenues étaient une capsule clinique sur les manifestations du délirium évaluées par un ODD et une carte aide-mémoire sur des interventions infirmières possibles. Les taux d’utilisation de l’ODD ont été évalués en pré et post implantation d’une intervention de TC (devis pré-post test) à partir d’une revue de 242 dossiers médicaux de patients (avant n=121 ; après n=121). Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre les périodes pré et post intervention de TC (p > .99). Une explication réside dans le taux déjà élevé (> 85%) d’utilisation de l’ODD observé avant l’intervention de TC pour deux des trois quarts de travail. L’intervention de TC basée sur les barrières et les facilitateurs a été appréciée par les infirmières et elle pourrait avoir le potentiel de promouvoir une pratique basée sur les résultats probants.


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na Especialidade de Enfermagem Comunitária