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AIMS The Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) provides similar clinical outcomes compared with a durable polymer-based everolimus-eluting metallic stent (EES) in stable coronary artery disease patients. ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) lesions have been associated with delayed arterial healing and impaired stent-related outcomes. The purpose of the present study is to compare directly the arterial healing response, angiographic efficacy and clinical outcomes between the Absorb BVS and metallic EES. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 191 patients with acute STEMI were randomly allocated to treatment with the Absorb BVS or a metallic EES 1:1. The primary endpoint is the neointimal healing (NIH) score, which is calculated based on a score taking into consideration the presence of uncovered and malapposed stent struts, intraluminal filling defects and excessive neointimal proliferation, as detected by optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) six months after the index procedure. The study will provide 90% power to show non-inferiority of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. CONCLUSIONS This will be the first randomised study investigating the arterial healing response following implantation of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. The healing response assessed by a novel NIH score in conjunction with results on angiographic efficacy parameters and device-oriented events will elucidate disease-specific applications of bioresorbable scaffolds.
OBJECTIVES To examine whether circulating levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) were associated with ultrasound-assessed intima-media thickness (IMT) and echolucent plaques in the carotid and femoral arteries. To examine preanalytical sources of variability in MMP-9 concentrations related to sampling procedures. SUBJECTS AND DESIGN Plasma and serum MMP-9 levels were compared with ultrasound assessed measures of femoral and carotid atherosclerosis, in a cross-sectional study of 61-year-old men (n = 473). Preanalytical sources of variability in MMP-9 levels were examined in 10 healthy subjects. Main outcome measures were circulating levels of MMP-9 in serum and plasma, IMT of the carotid and femoral arteries, and plaque status based on size and echolucency. SETTING Research unit at university hospital. RESULTS Plasma concentrations of total and active MMP-9 were associated with femoral artery IMT independently of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, and were higher in subjects with moderate to large femoral plaques. Plasma MMP-9 concentration was higher in men with echolucent femoral plaques (P = 0.006) compared with subjects without femoral plaques. No similar associations were found for carotid plaques. MMP-9 concentrations were higher in serum than in plasma, and higher when sampling was performed with Vacutainer than with syringe. MMP-9 levels in serum were more strongly associated with peripheral neutrophil count compared with MMP-9 levels in plasma. CONCLUSIONS Plasma MMP-9 levels were associated with atherosclerosis in the femoral artery, and total MMP-9 concentration was higher in men with echolucent femoral plaques. The choice of sample material and sampling method affect the measurements of circulating MMP-9 levels.
BACKGROUND Recent technical development allows the digital manufacturing of monolithic reconstructions with high-performance materials. For implant-supported crowns, the fixation requires an abutment design onto which the reconstruction can be bonded. PURPOSE The aim of this laboratory investigation was to analyze stiffness, strength, and failure modes of implant-supported, computer-assisted design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)-generated resin nano ceramic (RNC) crowns bonded to three different titanium abutments. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eighteen monolithic RNC crowns were produced and loaded in a universal testing machine under quasi-static condition according to DIN ISO 14801. With regard to the type of titanium abutment, three groups were defined: (1) prefabricated cementable standard; (2) CAD/CAM-constructed individualized; and (3) novel prefabricated bonding base. Stiffness and strength were measured and analyzed statistically with Wilcoxon rank sum test. Sections of the specimens were examined microscopically. RESULTS Stiffness demonstrated high stability for all specimens loaded in the physiological loading range with means and standard deviations of 1,579 ± 120 N/mm (group A), 1,733 ± 89 N/mm (group B), and 1,704 ± 162 N/mm (group C). Mean strength of the novel prefabricated bonding base (group C) was 17% lower than of the two other groups. Plastic deformations were detectable for all implant-abutment crown connections. CONCLUSIONS Monolithic implant crowns made of RNC seem to represent a feasible and stable prosthetic construction under laboratory testing conditions with strength higher than the average occlusal force, independent of the different abutment designs used in this investigation.
Several tests for the comparison of different groups in the randomized complete block design exist. However, there is a lack of robust estimators for the location difference between one group and all the others on the original scale. The relative marginal effects are commonly used in this situation, but they are more difficult to interpret and use by less experienced people because of the different scale. In this paper two nonparametric estimators for the comparison of one group against the others in the randomized complete block design will be presented. Theoretical results such as asymptotic normality, consistency, translation invariance, scale preservation, unbiasedness, and median unbiasedness are derived. The finite sample behavior of these estimators is derived by simulations of different scenarios. In addition, possible confidence intervals with these estimators are discussed and their behavior derived also by simulations.
Intraoperative laparoscopic calibration remains a challenging task. In this work we present a new method and instrumentation for intraoperative camera calibration. Contrary to conventional calibration methods, the proposed technique allows intraoperative laparoscope calibration from single perspective observations, resulting in a standardized scheme for calibrating in a clinical scenario. Results show an average displacement error of 0.52 ± 0.19 mm, indicating sufficient accuracy for clinical use. Additionally, the proposed method is validated clinically by performing a calibration during the surgery.
In the United States, approximately 4,000 pregnancies each year are affected by the two most common birth defects, spina bifida and anencephaly. Studies have shown that exposure to environmental chemicals before and after conception may adversely affect reproduction by inducing cell death or dysfunction, which leads to infertility, fetal loss, lowered weight at birth, or birth anomalies in the offspring. The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between Neural Tube Defect births and residence at conception in proximity to hazardous waste sites in the Texas-Mexico border region between 1993 and 2000. ^ The study design was a nested matched case-control and utilized secondary data from a project, “The role of chemical and biological factors in the etiology of neural tube birth defects births along the Texas-Mexico Border” (Irina Cech, Principal Investigator). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database methods were used to compare Neural Tube Defects cases to controls on status of conception residence occurring within a one-mile radius from hazardous waste sites, as compared to conception residence further away. Information on the exposures was obtained from the OnTarget Database and Environment Protection Agency website. Conditional logistic regression was used for the matched case-control study to investigate the relationship between an outcome of being a case or a control and proximity to hazardous waste sites. ^ The result of the study showed a 36 percent non-significant increased risk of having an NTD birth associated with maternal proximity to abandoned hazardous waste sites (95% CI = 0.62–3.02). In addition, there was a 24% non-significant elevated risk of having an NTD birth when living in proximity to air pollutant sites than when living further away (95% CI = 0.67–2.32). Although this study did not find statistically significant associations, it will expand on the existing knowledge of the relationship between NTD and proximity to hazardous waste sites. ^
Objective. This research study had two goals: (1) to describe resource consumption patterns for Medi-Cal children with cystic fibrosis, and (2) to explore the feasibility from a rate design perspective of developing specialized managed care plans for such a special needs population.^ Background. Children with special health care needs (CSHN) comprise about 2% of the California Medicaid pediatric population. CSHN have rare but serious health problems, such as cystic fibrosis. Medicaid programs, including Medi-Cal, are enrolling more and more beneficiaries in managed care to control costs. CSHN, however, do not fit the wellness model underlying most managed care plans. Child health advocates believe that both efficiency and quality will suffer if CSHN are removed from regionalized special care centers and scattered among general purpose plans. They believe that CSHN should be "carved out" from enrollment in general plans. One alternative is the Specialized Managed Care Plan, tailored for CSHN.^ Methods. The study population consisted of children under age 21 with CF who were eligible for Medi-Cal and California Children's Services program (CCS) during 1991. Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Medicaid Tape-to-Tape data were analyzed as part of a California Children's Hospital Association (CCHA) project.^ Results. Mean Medi-Cal expenditures per month enrolled were $2,302 for 457 CF children, compared to about \$1,270 for all 47,000 CCS special needs children and roughly $60 for almost 2.6 million ``regular needs'' children. For CF children, inpatient care (80\%) and outpatient drugs (9\%) were the major cost drivers, with {\it all\/} outpatient visits comprising only 2\% of expenditures. About one-third of CF children were eligible due to AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). Age group explained about 17\% of all expenditure variation. Regression analysis was used to select the best capitation rate structure (rate cells by age and eligibility group). Sensitivity analysis estimated moderate financial risk for a statewide plan (360 enrollees), but severe risk for single county implementation due to small numbers of children.^ Conclusions. Study results support the carve out of CSHN due to unique expenditure patterns. The Specialized Managed Care Plan concept appears feasible from a rate design perspective given sufficient enrollees. ^
Mixed longitudinal designs are important study designs for many areas of medical research. Mixed longitudinal studies have several advantages over cross-sectional or pure longitudinal studies, including shorter study completion time and ability to separate time and age effects, thus are an attractive choice. Statistical methodology used in general longitudinal studies has been rapidly developing within the last few decades. Common approaches for statistical modeling in studies with mixed longitudinal designs have been the linear mixed-effects model incorporating an age or time effect. The general linear mixed-effects model is considered an appropriate choice to analyze repeated measurements data in longitudinal studies. However, common use of linear mixed-effects model on mixed longitudinal studies often incorporates age as the only random-effect but fails to take into consideration the cohort effect in conducting statistical inferences on age-related trajectories of outcome measurements. We believe special attention should be paid to cohort effects when analyzing data in mixed longitudinal designs with multiple overlapping cohorts. Thus, this has become an important statistical issue to address. ^ This research aims to address statistical issues related to mixed longitudinal studies. The proposed study examined the existing statistical analysis methods for the mixed longitudinal designs and developed an alternative analytic method to incorporate effects from multiple overlapping cohorts as well as from different aged subjects. The proposed study used simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed analytic method by comparing it with the commonly-used model. Finally, the study applied the proposed analytic method to the data collected by an existing study Project HeartBeat!, which had been evaluated using traditional analytic techniques. Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in childhood and adolescence using a mixed longitudinal design. The proposed model was used to evaluate four blood lipids adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, and endocrine hormones. The result of this dissertation suggest the proposed analytic model could be a more flexible and reliable choice than the traditional model in terms of fitting data to provide more accurate estimates in mixed longitudinal studies. Conceptually, the proposed model described in this study has useful features, including consideration of effects from multiple overlapping cohorts, and is an attractive approach for analyzing data in mixed longitudinal design studies.^
High-resolution, small-bore PET systems suffer from a tradeoff between system sensitivity, and image quality degradation. In these systems long crystals allow mispositioning of the line of response due to parallax error and this mispositioning causes resolution blurring, but long crystals are necessary for high system sensitivity. One means to allow long crystals without introducing parallax errors is to determine the depth of interaction (DOI) of the gamma ray interaction within the detector module. While DOI has been investigated previously, newly available solid state photomultipliers (SSPMs) well-suited to PET applications and allow new modules for investigation. Depth of interaction in full modules is a relatively new field, and so even if high performance DOI capable modules were available, the appropriate means to characterize and calibrate the modules are not. This work presents an investigation of DOI capable arrays and techniques for characterizing and calibrating those modules. The methods introduced here accurately and reliably characterize and calibrate energy, timing, and event interaction positioning. Additionally presented is a characterization of the spatial resolution of DOI capable modules and a measurement of DOI effects for different angles between detector modules. These arrays have been built into a prototype PET system that delivers better than 2.0 mm resolution with a single-sided-stopping-power in excess of 95% for 511 keV g's. The noise properties of SSPMs scale with the active area of the detector face, and so the best signal-to-noise ratio is possible with parallel readout of each SSPM photodetector pixel rather than multiplexing signals together. This work additionally investigates several algorithms for improving timing performance using timing information from multiple SSPM pixels when light is distributed among several photodetectors.
The development of targeted therapy involve many challenges. Our study will address some of the key issues involved in biomarker identification and clinical trial design. In our study, we propose two biomarker selection methods, and then apply them in two different clinical trial designs for targeted therapy development. In particular, we propose a Bayesian two-step lasso procedure for biomarker selection in the proportional hazards model in Chapter 2. In the first step of this strategy, we use the Bayesian group lasso to identify the important marker groups, wherein each group contains the main effect of a single marker and its interactions with treatments. In the second step, we zoom in to select each individual marker and the interactions between markers and treatments in order to identify prognostic or predictive markers using the Bayesian adaptive lasso. In Chapter 3, we propose a Bayesian two-stage adaptive design for targeted therapy development while implementing the variable selection method given in Chapter 2. In Chapter 4, we proposed an alternate frequentist adaptive randomization strategy for situations where a large number of biomarkers need to be incorporated in the study design. We also propose a new adaptive randomization rule, which takes into account the variations associated with the point estimates of survival times. In all of our designs, we seek to identify the key markers that are either prognostic or predictive with respect to treatment. We are going to use extensive simulation to evaluate the operating characteristics of our methods.^
Phase I clinical trial is mainly designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of a new drug. Optimization of phase I trial design is crucial to minimize the number of enrolled patients exposed to unsafe dose levels and to provide reliable information to the later phases of clinical trials. Although it has been criticized about its inefficient MTD estimation, nowadays the traditional 3+3 method remains dominant in practice due to its simplicity and conservative estimation. There are many new designs that have been proven to generate more credible MTD estimation, such as the Continual Reassessment Method (CRM). Despite its accepted better performance, the CRM design is still not widely used in real trials. There are several factors that contribute to the difficulties of CRM adaption in practice. First, CRM is not widely accepted by the regulatory agencies such as FDA in terms of safety. It is considered to be less conservative and tend to expose more patients above the MTD level than the traditional design. Second, CRM is relatively complex and not intuitive for the clinicians to fully understand. Third, the CRM method take much more time and need statistical experts and computer programs throughout the trial. The current situation is that the clinicians still tend to follow the trial process that they are comfortable with. This situation is not likely to change in the near future. Based on this situation, we have the motivation to improve the accuracy of MTD selection while follow the procedure of the traditional design to maintain simplicity. We found that in 3+3 method, the dose transition and the MTD determination are relatively independent. Thus we proposed to separate the two stages. The dose transition rule remained the same as 3+3 method. After getting the toxicity information from the dose transition stage, we combined the isotonic transformation to ensure the monotonic increasing order before selecting the optimal MTD. To compare the operating characteristics of the proposed isotonic method and the other designs, we carried out 10,000 simulation trials under different dose setting scenarios to compare the design characteristics of the isotonic modified method with standard 3+3 method, CRM, biased coin design (BC) and k-in-a-row design (KIAW). The isotonic modified method improved MTD estimation of the standard 3+3 in 39 out of 40 scenarios. The improvement is much greater when the target is 0.3 other than 0.25. The modified design is also competitive when comparing with other selected methods. A CRM method performed better in general but was not as stable as the isotonic method throughout the different dose settings. The results demonstrated that our proposed isotonic modified method is not only easily conducted using the same procedure as 3+3 but also outperforms the conventional 3+3 design. It can also be applied to determine MTD for any given TTL. These features make the isotonic modified method of practical value in phase I clinical trials.^
OBJECTIVE: To systematically review published literature to examine the complications associated with the use of misoprostol and compare these complications to those associated with other forms of abortion induction. ^ DATA SOURCES: Studies were identified through searches of medical literature databases including Medline (Ovid), PubMed (NLM), LILACS, sciELO, and AIM (AFRO), and review of references of relevant articles. ^ STUDY SELECTION AND METHODS: A descriptive systematic review that included studies reported in English and published before December 2012. Eligibility criteria included: misoprostol (with or without other methods) and any other method of abortion in a developing country, as well as quantitative data on the complication of each method. The following is information extracted from each study: author/year, country/city, study design/study sample, age range, setting of data collection, sample size, the method of abortion induction, the number of cases for each method, and the percentage of complications with each method. RESULTS: A total of 4 studies were identified (all in Latin America) describing post-abortion complications of misoprostol and other methods in countries where abortion is generally considered unsafe and/or illegal. The four studies reported on a range of complications including: bleeding, infection, incomplete abortion, intense pelvic pain, uterine perforation, headache, diarrhea, nausea, mechanical lesions, and systemic collapse. The most prevalent complications of misoprostol-induced abortion reported were: bleeding (7-82%), incomplete abortion (33-70%), and infection (0.8-67%). The prevalence of these complications reported from other abortion methods include: bleeding (16-25%), incomplete abortion (15-82%), and infection (13-50%). ^ CONCLUSION: The literature identified by this systematic review is inadequate for determining the complications of misoprostol used in unsafe settings. Abortion is considered an illicit behavior in these countries, therefore making it difficult to investigate the details needed to conduct a study on abortion complications. Given the differences between the reviewed studies as well as a variety of study limitations, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions about the rates of specific-abortion related complications.^
Reef managers cannot fight global warming through mitigation at local scale, but they can use information on thermal patterns to plan for reserve networks that maximize the probability of persistence of their reef system. Here we assess previous methods for the design of reserves for climate change and present a new approach to prioritize areas for conservation that leverages the most desirable properties of previous approaches. The new method moves the science of reserve design for climate change a step forwards by: (1) recognizing the role of seasonal acclimation in increasing the limits of environmental tolerance of corals and ameliorating the bleaching response; (2) including information from several bleaching events, which frequency is likely to increase in the future; (3) assessing relevant variability at country scales, where most management plans are carried out. We demonstrate the method in Honduras, where a reassessment of the marine spatial plan is in progress.
We present a remote sensing observational method for the measurement of the spatio-temporal dynamics of ocean waves. Variational techniques are used to recover a coherent space-time reconstruction of oceanic sea states given stereo video imagery. The stereoscopic reconstruction problem is expressed in a variational optimization framework. There, we design an energy functional whose minimizer is the desired temporal sequence of wave heights. The functional combines photometric observations as well as spatial and temporal regularizers. A nested iterative scheme is devised to numerically solve, via 3-D multigrid methods, the system of partial differential equations resulting from the optimality condition of the energy functional. The output of our method is the coherent, simultaneous estimation of the wave surface height and radiance at multiple snapshots. We demonstrate our algorithm on real data collected off-shore. Statistical and spectral analysis are performed. Comparison with respect to an existing sequential method is analyzed.
This paper describes new approaches to improve the local and global approximation (matching) and modeling capability of Takagi–Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The main aim is obtaining high function approximation accuracy and fast convergence. The main problem encountered is that T-S identification method cannot be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This restricts the application of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used during the last 2 decades in the stability, controller design of fuzzy systems and is popular in industrial control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of T-S identification method with optimized performance in approximating nonlinear functions. We propose a noniterative method through weighting of parameters approach and an iterative algorithm by applying the extended Kalman filter, based on the same idea of parameters’ weighting. We show that the Kalman filter is an effective tool in the identification of T-S fuzzy model. A fuzzy controller based linear quadratic regulator is proposed in order to show the effectiveness of the estimation method developed here in control applications. An illustrative example of an inverted pendulum is chosen to evaluate the robustness and remarkable performance of the proposed method locally and globally in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity, and generality of the algorithm. An illustrative example is chosen to evaluate the robustness. In this paper, we prove that these algorithms converge very fast, thereby making them very practical to use.