993 resultados para ddc:230


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The geochemical and U-series isotopic characteristics of hydrothermal sulfide samples from the Jade site (127A degrees 04.5'E, 27A degrees 15'N, water depth 1300-1450 m) at Jade site in the Okinawa Trough were analyzed. In the hydrothermal sulfide samples bearing sulfate (samples HOK1 and HOK2), the LREEs are relatively enriched. All the hydrothermal sulfide samples except HOK1 belong to Zn-rich hydrothermal sulfide. In comparison with Zn-rich hydrothermal sulfides from other fields, the contents of Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Au and Hg are higher, the contents of Fe, Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Sr, Te, Cs, Ti and U lower, and the Pb-210 radioactivity ratios and Pb-210/Pb ratios very low. In the hydrothermal sulfide mainly composed of sphalerite, the correlations between rare elements Hf and U, and Hf and Mn as well as that between dispersive elements Ga and Zn, are strongly positive; also the contents of Au and Ag are related to Fe-sulfide, because the low temperature promotes enrichment of Au and Ag. Meanwhile, the positive correlations between Fe and Bi and between Zn and Cd are not affected by the change of mineral assemblage. Based on the Pb-210/Pb ratios of hydrothermal sulfide samples (3.99x10(-5)-5.42x10(-5)), their U isotopic composition (U-238 content 1.15-2.53 ppm, U-238 activity 1.07-1.87 dpm/g, U-234 activity 1.15-2.09 dpm/g and U-234/U-238 ratio 1.07-1.14) and their Th-232 and Th-230 contents are at base level, and the chronological age of hydrothermal sulfide at Jade site in the Okinawa Trough is between 200 and 2000 yr.


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The Zenisu deep-sea channel originates on the Izu-Ogasawara island arc, and disappears in the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea. The geomorphology, sedimentary processes, and the development of the Zenisu deep-sea channel were investigated on the basis of swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar imagery, submersible observations, and seismic data. The deep-sea channel can be divided into three segments according to the downslope gradient and channel orientation. They are the Zenisu Canyon, the E-W fan channel, and the trough-axis channel. The sediment fill is characterized by turbidite and debrite deposition and blocky-hummocky avalanche deposits on the flanks of the Zenisu Ridge. In the Zenisu Canyon and the Zenisu deep-sea channel, sediment transport by turbidity currents generates sediment waves (dunes) observed during the Shinkai 6500 dive 371. The development of the Zenisu Canyon is controlled by a N-S shear fault, whereas the trough-axis channel is controlled by basin subsidence associated with the Zenisu Ridge. The E-W fan channel was probably affected by the E-W fault and the basement morphology.


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Thirty-eight surficial deposit samples were collected from the equatorial North Pacific, and the natural thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of both bulk and clay fraction samples ( < 2 mu m fractions) were studied by the FJ427 - Al automatic TL Dosimeter for the first time. With the measurements of clay mineral composition, element composition by XRD and ICP, the correlations between TL intensity and sedimentary environment proxies were analyzed, such as water depth, ratio of FeO to Fe2O3 contents, LOI, and major clay mineral concentration, and it was found the bulk sample's TL signal was stronger than the clay ones. Usually, increase in the clay components may result in the decrease of TL intensity. From the shape of TL curves, the pelagic sediments can be divided into two groups: the majority group has two glow peaks, in general, the first peak is broad and flat, but the second narrow and sharp; the minority group only has a single peak because the first is absent. The peak centers of TL curves are almost fixed, falling in the temperature sections 230 similar to 260 and 390 similar to 405 degrees C respectively. Lorentz model packed in the Origin 7.5 was chosen to deal with the TL curves. From the processing results, three parameters ( H, C and A), corresponding to the height, center, and kurtosis of TL curve, were obtained to describe the curve characteristics. The correlations between TL curve parameters and sedimentary environment proxies were also calculated. On the basis of the above work, the relationship between TL characteristics and sediment type, mineral composition, sedimentary environment of surface sediments was discussed in the study area, and a conclusion is: sediments from the environment of shallower water, higher organic contents and weaker reductivity have stronger TL signals.


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Mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) samples from the East Pacific Rise (EPR 12 degrees 50'N) were analyzed for U-series isotopes and compositions of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions. The Ra-226 and Th-230 excesses are negatively correlated; the Ra-226 excess is positively correlated with Mg# and Sm/Nd, and is negatively correlated with La/Sm and Fe-8; the Th-230 excess is positively correlated with Fe-8 and La/Sm and is negatively correlated with Mg# and Sm/Nd. Interpretation of these correlations is critical for understanding the magmatic process. There are two models (the dynamic model and the "two-porosity" model) for interpreting these correlations, however, some crucial parameters used in these models are not ascertained. We propose instead a model to explain the U-series isotopic compositions based on the control of melt density variation. For melting either peridotite or the "marble-cake" mantle, the FeOt content, Th-230 excess and La/Sm ratio increases and Sm/Nd decreases with increasing pressure. A deep melt will evolve to a higher density and lower Mg# than a shallow melt, the former corresponds to a long residence time, which lowers the Ra-226 excess significantly. This model is supported by the existence of low Ra-226 excesses and high Th-230 excesses in MORBs having a high Fe-8 content and high density. The positive correlation of Ra-226 excess and magma liquidus temperature implies that the shallow melt is cooled less than the deep melt due to its low density and short residence time. The correlations among Fe-8, Ti-8 and Ca-8/Al-8 in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions further prove that MORBs are formed from melts having a negative correlation in melting depths and degrees. The negative correlation of Ra-226 excess vs. chemical diversity index (standard deviation of Fe-8, Ti-8 and Ca-8/Al-8) of the melt inclusions is in accordance with the influence of a density-controlled magma residence time. We conclude that the magma density variation exerts significant control on residence time and U-series isotopic compositions. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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针对目前刺参养殖过程中亟需解决的种质、环境和产品品质之间日益突出的矛盾,本论文从刺参的自身防御和内分泌机制入手,比较系统地研究了环境胁迫与细胞免疫和应激激素之间的作用机理;并从生理和分子的角度对刺参的夏眠机理进行了初步研究,主要研究成果如下: 1. 查阅国内外大量文献资料,较为系统地综述了海参的免疫体系、生态免疫学研究进展、当前夏眠机理的研究状况和刺参夏眠的基础研究。对刺参生态免疫及其夏眠机理研究提出了新的见解和思路。 2. 研究了温度(0、8、16、24、32℃)和盐度(20、25、35)的急性胁迫(72h)作用对刺参免疫指标的影响。刺参体腔液内几种免疫酶类活性受升温胁迫影响显著;而降温胁迫的影响并不显著。高盐胁迫可使刺参体腔液细胞吞噬活性、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著变化,而对髓过氧化物酶和溶菌酶活性都没有显著影响。从这几种免疫指标变化情况来看,温度胁迫对刺参的影响要强于盐度胁迫,且高温胁迫的影响要强于低温胁迫。 3. 研究了温度(8、16、24℃)、盐度(20、25、35)和露空等急性胁迫(24h)作用对刺参体腔液儿茶酚胺类激素含量的影响。急性温度胁迫能够显著影响刺参体腔液内肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺的含量;而盐度和露空胁迫对刺参体腔液肾上腺素含量、去甲肾上腺素含量以及多巴胺含量都没有产生显著影响。 4. 完成了刺参体腔液几种酶类变化的周年测定(2006年7月到2007年6月)。一年内刺参体腔液内几种酶类变化的转折点为9月份,10月份,1月份,2月份,4月份和5月份。刺参体腔液内几种酶类活性变化与温度和盐度等环境因素并不存在简单的相关关系,因此推测这些显著变化并不是单一温度、盐度等因素作用的结果,还可能与刺参生长、繁殖及其它环境因素的作用有关。 5. 开展了夏眠期间刺参免疫指标的现场研究(2006年7月到11月)。在此期间刺参体腔液细胞总数显著下降;刺参体腔液内免疫相关酶类均在8月份、9月份达到最高值;肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的含量均在8月下旬和11月下旬显著升高,而多巴胺含量则没有显著变化。刺参完全进入夏眠的8、9月份,体腔液内各项免疫指标也都具有显著变化,说明夏眠对刺参机体的免疫状态产生影响。 6. 探讨了刺参夏眠前后肠道基因表达的差异(2007年7月至12月)。抑制消减杂交实验结果表明接头连接效率大于50%,说明连接效率较高。消减效率分析结果表明,消减后进行cDNA保守序列扩增比未消减落后约10个循环才能明显看到扩增产物,说明对共同序列的消减效率比较高。利用抑制消减杂交技术成功构建了符合技术要求的夏眠刺参与未夏眠刺参肠道抑制消减杂交基因文库。


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苔藓动物为一类底栖、滤食性、营附着生活的小型水生群体动物。苔藓动物作为重要的海洋无脊椎动物,在生态上具有重要意义,同时在生物活性物质分离等方面也有重要的应用价值。然而目前对于苔藓动物门的分子系统发生研究还相对较少,对于本门的进化地位尚存在许多争议。本门在后生动物中的进化地位尚未得到确定,它同腕足动物门、帚虫动物门、内肛动物门间的进化关系仍然悬而未决,门内部的系统发生关系也未达成一致。 本研究采用Long-PCR技术扩增了管孔目苔虫扇形管孔苔虫(Tubulipora flabellaris)和唇口目苔虫颈链血苔虫(Watersipora subtorquata)的线粒体基因组,然后利用DNA文库构建结合引物步移的策略获得了它们的线粒体基因组序列。结果显示它们的线粒体基因组具有一些显著的特点:1. T. flabellaris与W. subtorquata线粒体基因组全长分别为13,763 bp和14,144 bp,与其它后生动物相比较小;2. 两个基因组的最大的非编码区都较小,分别为230 bp和100 bp;3. 两个基因组都编码36个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因、2个核糖体RNA基因和22个转运RNA基因。与典型的动物线粒体基因组相比,它们都缺失了atp8基因;4. 通过对基因排列顺序的比较分析发现,T. flabellaris与W. subtorquata的线粒体基因组基因排列顺序与其它后生动物显著不同,相同的基因块(不包括转运RNA基因)最长分别为4个和3个基因。目前已知的四个苔藓动物线粒体基因组的基因排列顺序也非常不同,说明苔藓动物的线粒体基因组经历了大规模的基因重排过程。 为了探讨苔藓动物门的进化地位,基于26个后生动物线粒体基因组的11个蛋白质编码基因(不包括atp6和atp8)的氨基酸序列,分别采用最大似然法与贝叶斯法构建分子系统发生树。本研究的结果支持冠轮动物为单系群,触手冠动物位于冠轮动物内部。结果显示毛颚动物与苔藓动物亲缘关系接近,然而这需要更多的证据的支持。最大似然法与贝叶斯分析的结果都支持触手冠动物为多系群,却不支持腕足动物门与帚虫动物门亲缘关系接近构成一个单系群的观点。


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本文利用染色体制片、流式细胞术、显微荧光、组织学切片、透射电镜、及荧光原位杂交等技术,从细胞遗传学角度,研究了对虾的染色体和多倍体诱导等问题。以胚胎、无节幼体、卵巢、精巢等为材料,采用空气干燥法制片,获得了刀额新对虾、凡纳对虾和细角对虾的体细胞和减数分裂染色体中期分裂相。结果表明,刀额新对虾的染色体数目为2n = 78, n = 39,核型为2n = 78 = 40M + 10SM + 14ST + 14T。凡纳对虾和细角对虾染色体数目相同,为2n = 88, n = 44。以鸡血细胞为对照,用流式细胞仪(Partec CCAII)对刀额新对虾的细胞核DNA含量进行了测定,其值为鸡血细胞的1.75倍,绝对含量为4.025pg/2c。对细角对虾、日本对虾、刀额新对虾和中国对虾的基因组大小进行了比较,发现四种对虾基因组由大到小的顺序为细角对虾、日本对虾、刀额新对虾、中国对虾,由此推导出对虾科在进化过程中DNA发生丢失的假设。应用荧光原位杂交技术研究了中国对虾18SrDNA序列和(AG)n微卫星序列在染色体上的定位。初步研究的结果发现18SrDNA序列和(AG)n序列分布在中国对虾一对染色体的端粒区域;(AG)n微卫生序列分布在5对染色体上,着丝粒和端粒区域都有分布。本文对分布在热带和亚热带的日本对虾,斑节对虾及刀额新对虾的多倍体诱导进行了研究,成功地诱导出了三种对虾的三倍体幼体,诱导率最高分别达到68.52%、59.99%、49.70%。并进一步探讨了热带对虾多倍体诱导的特点,认为对产卵温度较市制热带和亚热带对虾,冷休克的诱导效果较好。采用热休克、冷休克、CB、6-DMAP、秋水仙素及咖啡因等方法,进行了中国对虾四倍体诱导研究。通过抑制第一极体排放或抑制第一次卵裂等途径,上述方法都获得了四倍体胚胎,最高诱导率达100%。实验中优化了诱导条件,筛选了诱导方法,认为热休克方法最佳。利用显微荧光技术研究精子入卵,原核形成、移动、结合以及再分离的过程,微管、微丝的活动及纺锤体等的动态变化,有助于深入了解多倍体的诱导机理。本文在中国对虾三倍体、四倍体诱导过程中,观察了诱导处理后染色体行为的变化,进一步分析了多倍体的形成过程。实验中发现四倍体诱导中存在细胞形态的特殊变化,认为是由于诱导处理导致的中心体复制异常所致,这也是诱导率降低的主要原因。文中讨论了四倍体诱导的最佳时机的选择即选择染色体已经分开,中心体尚未复制的时刻,并由此讨论了中心体的复制事件。利用组织学切片和透射电镜观察了三倍体成虾不同时期的性腺。结果表明,中国对虾三倍体的卵巢外观上退化明显,在组织学上可分为增殖期、阻滞期和退化期,卵巢细胞的发育大多停滞在卵原细胞阶段,尚未观察到有形态成熟的卵子形成,除少数生殖细胞进入卵黄形成前期,大多数为不定性细胞。三倍体精巢形态发育和组织学结构与二倍体相近,但产生的精子数明显少于二倍体。且输精管、贮精囊也呈退化趋势。精巢中所发现的染色体数在60-80、100-120和230-250区间的非整倍体细胞所占比例很大,其原因可能是减数分裂过程中,染色体发生了丢失。在超微结构上,观察到三倍体卵巢内的卵原细胞线粒体退休。核糖体较少,内质网和高尔期体比较发达,在晚期少数卵母细胞有卵黄颗粒存在。三倍体精巢中精原细胞和精母细胞的细胞器不发达,线粒体少,高尔基体较多;滤泡腔和输精管内精子很少,大小不一。


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藻胆蛋白( phycobiliprotein )是某些藻类中一类重要的捕光色素蛋白,由脱辅基蛋白( apoprotein )和四吡咯结构的藻胆素( phycocyanobilin )共价结合组成,具有抗氧化和抗肿瘤等多种生物活性。本实验室利用两种载体pMAL-p2X和pET28a对APC及其亚基分别进行重组表达,产生了MBP-APC、MBP-αAPC(Mα)、MBP-βAPC(Mβ)、6×His-αAPC(Hα)、6×His-βAPC(Hβ)和6×His-APC(HAPC)六种重组别藻蓝蛋白。本研究将表达产物和天然APC一起进行抗氧化活性研究,以期筛选出分子量更小、活性更强的组分。 本研究通过以下模型比较了六种重组别藻蓝蛋白和天然别藻蓝蛋白在体外不同抗氧化模型中的活性氧清除作用: 1. 通过比较对体外纯化学体系产生的羟自由基的清除作用,发现MBP系列的重组别藻蓝蛋白组分对体外化学体系产生的羟自由基均有一定的清除能力,清除活性大小依次为:MαAPC、rAPC、MβAPC、HβAPC、HαAPC、HAPC、Native APC。 2. 通过比较对体外纯化学体系产生的氢过氧自由基的清除作用,发现带有MBP标签的重组别藻蓝蛋白组分除MβAPC 有很低的抗氧化活性外,MαAPC和rAPC均无明显的抗氧化活性;而带有His标签的HβAPC和HAPC均高于天然APC,且随着浓度的提高,清除能力随之提高,呈现良好的量效关系。 3. 通过比较对体外纯化学体系产生的超氧阴离子自由基的清除作用,发现除MβAPC和MαAPC外,不同浓度的天然及重组别藻蓝蛋白组分对超氧阴离子自由基均有一定程度的清除作用,且随着浓度的增加清除率随之增加。其中,rAPC和HβAPC对超氧阴离子自由基的清除效果最强,IC50值分别达到36.98和42.27μg/mL。 4. 通过比较对O2-损伤红细胞膜的保护作用发现,天然及6种重组别藻蓝蛋白及其亚基对O2-损伤红细胞膜的作用均无显著的抑制作用。 5. 通过比较对•OH诱导的脂质过氧化的保护作用发现,,在100~500μg/mL的剂量范围内, rAPC和HβAPC有显著的抑制脂质过氧化的作用,IC50值分别为230.50和217.35μg/mL;HAPC 和Native APC有弱抑制作用;而MαAPC、MβAPC和HαAPC则无明显抑制脂质过氧化的作用。 我们又对其中各组分在不同体系中的抗氧化效果进行比较后发现:不同的抗氧化体系中,各种重组别藻蓝蛋白组分的抗氧化活性虽然各不相同,但带有His标签的重组别藻蓝蛋白组分明显高于带有MBP标签的重组别藻蓝蛋白组分;其中,HβAPC对体外羟自由基、氢过氧自由基、超氧阴离子自由基以及生物互作产生的•OH均有较强的清除作用,有望开发成为新一代抗氧化剂。 本研究筛选出了具有高效抗氧化活性的新型重组别藻蓝蛋白HβAPC(海普克),分子量小,且抗氧化活性比雷普克显著,这为进一步探讨雷普克和海普克的抗肿瘤作用机理提供了资料。


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本论文在解析了南黄海生态环境的基础上,首次研究揭示了浮游植物固碳强度的年际变化及生态反馈机制,获得了东中国近海浮游植物固碳强度及对海域源/汇格局的影响程度;同时,用室内模拟实验探讨了重金属和有机污染物胁迫下海水无机碳体系和源汇格局的变化过程,获得了一些新的认识。主要结论如下: 1. 南黄海浮游植物固碳强度具有明显的时空变化特征,与海域光照、流系和水团变化、海水磷的浓度等因素密切相关,并在一定程度上决定海区碳源/汇的性质。2005年秋季浮游植物日固碳量达9.5万吨,1983-2005年间,南黄海浮游植物固碳强度有降低的趋势,与海水关键营养盐-磷的限制有关。东中国近海浮游植物年总固碳量约为2.2亿吨,约占全球近海浮游植物的年固碳量的2.0%。 在综合分析秋季南黄海水文、化学、生物背景的基础上,系统阐明了海域浮游植物固碳体系的生物地球化学机制。结果表明,2005年秋季南黄海浮游植物固碳强度,即初级生产力变化在 97−701 mgC m-2 d-1之间,平均为307 mg C m-2 d-1;与其关系比较密切的环境因子为海水透明度、盐度、pH、氨氮 (NH4-N)、磷酸盐 (PO4-P) 以及Chl a。在这些因素中,PO4-P对初级生产力的影响最大,显然11月份南黄海的磷是浮游植物生长的限制因子,次之的影响因素是Chl a和NH4-N。 对南黄海源汇格局的研究发现,如果除去涌升流较为活跃的站位(A9、B7、B8、B9、C8、C9、 D9和A1),2005年秋季表层海水pCO2与浮游植物固碳强度明显负相关(r=-0.8,n=23, p<0.001)。在南黄海东部浮游植物固碳强度较高,pCO2值较低;而在西部海区浮游植物固碳强度较低的区域,其pCO2值较高。碳源/汇转折点浮游植物固碳强度为230 mgC m-2 d-1,即小于此值,海区为大气二氧化碳的源,反之为汇,并且CO2汇区浮游植物固碳强度平均值约是CO2源区的2倍多;浮游植物固碳作用,在某一时间和空间尺度内,基本决定了海区的源汇格局。估算结果显示,东中国近海浮游植物固碳量约为222×106t a-1,约为东中国近海通过海-气界面总表观碳汇强度每年1369万吨的16.2倍,仅就浮游植物的年固碳量而言,东中国近海约占全球近海浮游植物的年固碳量的2.0%。 研究揭示了近年来南黄海浮游植物固碳强度具有区域与年际变化明显这一显著特点。一般,近岸区(由黄海沿岸水和表层水控制)内,光照是浮游植物固碳的主要限制因子;从2001年后的大多数年份中,中央区(黄海冷水团控制)的浮游植物固碳强度均与磷酸盐浓度显著正相关,但与氮浓度的相关性不大,说明南黄海生态系统普遍存在着磷限制而非氮限制;混合区终年受黄、东海混合水控制,受到光照条件和营养盐浓度同时影响。根据本次观测所获数据,结合以前研究者的调查资料,我们发现从1983年到2005年,南黄海浮游植物优势种由Bacillariophyta变为Pyrrophyta,浮游植物细胞丰度和Chl a明显下降,浮游植物固碳强度几乎下降了二分之一 (由569.50 mgC m-2 d-1下降至306.83 mgC m-2 d-1),说明南黄海在世界边缘海固碳过程中的作用在降低。经过相关水质参数及生态环境变化的分析,以上现象是对关键营养盐磷的限制以及光限制响应的缘故。此外,研究还发现,由于南黄海初级生产者产量下降所引起的一些生态反馈信息,如浮游动物固碳量的下降和鱼类产量的锐减。 2. 室内模拟实验显示,重金属(铅、铜、镉和锌)及有机污染物(乙醇、丙酮、尿素和多灭磷)对水体生物固碳体系有重要影响,较低浓度时可提高水体的固碳能力,相应水体中的DIC、HCO3-和 Pco2 与对照组相比都明显下降 (P<0.01);当污染物达到一定浓度后,水体生物的固碳能力明显下降,其有机碳可降解转化为无机碳。当污染物小于转折浓度水体为大气二氧化碳的汇,反之为源。 水体固碳体系对于不同种类、不同浓度的污染物质所表现的受胁迫情况不同,低浓度各污染物(包括重金属和有机污染物)添加组中(对于重金属为0.1和1µmol•L-1,醇和酮分别为<0.5 mol L-1和<0.75 mol L-1),藻干重及固碳量均要大于初始值,说明适量的外源污染可能会促进藻类生长,提高水体的固碳能力,相应水体中的DIC、HCO3- 和PCO2与对照组相比都明显下降 (P<0.01)。当污染物达到一定浓度后,由于其毒害作用,使得水体内生物的固碳能力下降,甚至分解并转化为无机碳,从会引起DIC、HCO3- 和PCO2含量的升高,其含量上升幅度会因固碳体系对不同种类污染物耐受程度的差异而不同。对于尿素和多灭磷,二者浓度分别达到80和20mgL-1时,水体中二氧化碳各参数仍呈现下降趋势,说明在该浓度范围内,大型藻类(如石莼)仍可利用添加物中的氮和磷,将其做为氮源或磷源,促进水体总固碳量的增加。 污染物胁迫对水体碳源汇能力及格局可起到一定的调控作用,与污染物的浓度密切相关,污染物存在着一转折浓度,分别为5µmol L-1(铜)、20µmol L-1(镉) 0.75mol L-1(酮),当污染物添加小于转折浓度并排除其他影响因素时,水体表现为大气CO2的汇,并且适量的增加污染物浓度会使海洋碳汇能力有所增强;而当污染物超出转折浓度时,水体成为CO2的源,其CO2的释放量是随着污染物浓度的增加而增大。对与研究中其他种类的污染物,在实验室设计范围内,水体始终表现为大气CO2的汇。


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生物质燃料乙醇和沼气都属于发展潜力巨大的生物质能源,大力发展生物质燃料乙醇和沼气对解决当今能源危机、环境污染问题和促进我国经济发展具有重要意义。 本文就海带化工废弃物——海带渣糖化技术、浒苔糖化技术及初步酒精发酵技术、海带沼气发酵技术、浒苔沼气发酵技术进行了可行性研究。 1、海带渣总糖含量为52.6%,海带渣总糖中葡萄糖含量占90.9%,另外还有少量的半乳糖、甘露糖和木糖,这说明海带渣是非常优良的能源生物质。 2、海带渣糖化工艺采取稀硫酸预处理后纤维素酶酶解产糖工艺。海带渣最佳稀硫酸预处理条件为预处理温度121℃、硫酸浓度0.6%、预处理时间60 min,此时海带渣纤维素酶解产糖可达187.8 mg/g干藻。 3、优化了预处理海带渣纤维素酶酶解产糖工艺。各因素对海带渣酶解产糖的影响依次为:pH>温度>时间>酶用量,海带渣纤维素酶解产糖的最佳条件为温度45℃、pH5.2、时间48小时、酶用量16 mg/g干藻,此时糖产量为238.9 mg/g干藻。 4、浒苔总糖含量为67.2%,浒苔总糖主要有葡萄糖、木糖、葡萄糖醛酸和鼠李糖组成,其中葡萄糖和木糖可以做为酒精发酵的原料,这两种糖占总糖含量的51%。 5、以鲜浒苔为原料研究了浒苔稀硫酸水解工艺和纤维素酶酶解工艺。发现浒苔酸水解产糖效果明显优于纤维素酶酶解。 6、以干浒苔为原料研究了浒苔酸解工艺。硫酸水解干浒苔产糖能力优于盐酸、磷酸和马来酸,水解时间为60 min、硫酸浓度为1.8%的时候可用于酒精发酵的糖(葡萄糖和木糖)总产量达到最大值为230.5 mg/g干浒苔,占此条件下总还原糖产量的48.6%。同时发现干浒苔比鲜浒苔更易被硫酸水解产糖。 7、初步研究了浒苔酒精发酵工艺。初步工艺中酒精产量较低、测得酒精在发酵液中浓度为0.23%(v/v),后续工作中需要对酒精发酵工艺进行优化。 8、海带与牛粪比例为4:1(w/w)是海带与牛粪联合厌氧消化的最佳比例,此时产气时间最长,达到37天,总产气量最高,达到13600 mL。 9、在海带与牛粪联合厌氧消化中,增加接种量到15 g(干重)时发酵周期为39天,总产气量为14630 mL,TS产气量为152.4 mL/gTS,接种量为21 g(干重)时发酵周期为36天,总产气量为14090 mL,TS产气量为138.1 mL/gTS,可见适当增加接种量可促进产气量的增加。 10、浒苔与牛粪比例为4:2(w/w)是浒苔与牛粪联合厌氧消化的最佳比例,此时产气时间为33天,总产气量最高达到6785 mL。 11、在浒苔与牛粪联合厌氧消化中,增加接种量到7.5 g(干重)时发酵周期为38天,总产气量为7470 mL,TS产气量为155.6 mL/gTS,接种量为10.5 g(干重)时发酵周期也为38天,总产气量为7020 mL,TS产气量为137.6 mL/gTS,可见增加接种量可促进产气量的增加。


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Fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy (EEMS) was employed to analyze the 3-dimensional fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea after diatom red tide dispersion. The relationships between fluorescence peak intensity, and salinity and chlorophyll-a were discussed. The centers of protein-like fluorescence peaks dispersed at Ex(max)/Em(max) = 270-280/290-315 nm (Peak B), 220-230/290-305 nm (Peak D), 230-240/335-350 nm(Peak S)and 280/320 nm(Peak T). Two humic-like peaks appeared at 255-270/435-480 nm (Peak A) and 330-350/420-480 nm(Peak C). High tyrosine-like intensity was observed in diatom red tide dispersion area, and tryptophan-like fluorescence was also found which was lower. High FIB/FIS showed that diatom red tide produced much tyrosine-like matter during dispersion. Peaks S, A and C had positive correlation with one another, and their distributions were similar, which decreased with distance increasing away from the shore. Good negative correlations between peaks S, A and C and salinity suggested that Jiangsu-Zhejiang coastal water was the same source of then-L Correlations between fluorescence peak intensity and chlorophyll-a were not remarkable enough to clear the relationship between fluorescence and living algal matter. It was supposed that the living algal matter contributed little to the fluorescence intensity of algal dispersion seawater.


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Fish Lateolabrax japonicus were exposed to 0.1 and 1 mg/L of anion surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) and to 2 and 20 mu g/L of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) for 6, 12, and 18 days, with control and solvent control groups. Liver antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reduced glutathione (GSH), and glutathione S-transferase (GST), were determined; brain acetyleholinesterase (AChE) and liver inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were also measured. The results indicated that (1) L. japonicus avoided oxidative damage through antioxidant systems; (2) SOD, GPx, and GSH were induced, and GST was inhibited and then induced by B[a]P exposure; and (3) CAT, GPx, and AChE were induced while NOS was inhibited, and GST was induced and then inhibited by SDBS stress in experimental period. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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CoWO4 nano-particles were successfully synthesized at a low temperature of 270 degrees C by a molten salt method, and effects of such processing parameters as holding time and salt quantity on the crystallization and development Of CoWO4 crystallites were initially studied. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). and photoluminescent spectra techniques (PL), respectively. Experimental results showed that the well-crystallized CoWO4 nano-particles with ca. 45 nm in diameter could be obtained at 270 degrees C for a holding time of 8 h with 6:1 mass ratio of the salt to CoWO4 precursor, and XRD analysis evidenced that the as-prepared sample was a pure monoclinic phase Of CoWO4 with wolframite structure. Their PL spectra revealed that the CoWO4 nano-particles displayed a very strong PL peak at 453 nm with the excitation wavelength of 230 nm, and PL properties of CoWO4 crystallites relied on their crystalline state, especially on their particle size. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Geographic and vertical variations of size-fractionated (0.2-1 mu m, 1-10 mu m, and >10 mu m) Chlorophyll a (Chl.a) concentration, cyanobacteria abundance and heterotrophic bacteria abundance were investigated at 13 stations from 4 degrees S, 160 degrees W to 30 degrees N, 140 degrees E in November 1993. The results indicated a geographic distribution pattern of these parameters with instances of high values occurring in the equatorial region and offshore areas, and with instance of low values occurring in the oligotrophic regions where nutrients were almost undetectable. Cyanobacteria showed the highest geographic variation (ranging from 27x10(3) to 16,582x10(3) cell l(-1)), followed by Chl.a (ranging from 0.048 to 0.178 mu g l(-1)), and heterotrophic bacteria (ranging from 2.84x10(3) to 6.50 x 10(5) cell l(-1)). Positive correlations were observed between nutrients and Chl.a abundance. Correspondences of cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria abundances to nutrients were less significant than that of Chl.a. The total Chl.a was accounted for 1.0-30.9%, 35.9-53.7%, and 28.1-57.3% by the >10 mu m, 1-10 mu m and 0.2-1 mu m fractions respectively. Correlation between size-fractionated Chl.a and nutrients suggest that the larger the cell size, the more nutrient-dependent growth and production of the organism. The ratio of pheophytin to chlorophyll implys that more than half of the > 10 mu m and about one third of the 1-10 mu m pigment-containing particles in the oligotrophic region were non-living fragments, while most of the 1-10 mu m fraction was living cells. In the depth profiles, cyanobacteria were distributed mainly in the surface layer, whereas heterotrophic bacteria were abundant from surface to below the euphotic zone. Chl.a peaked at the surface layer (0-20 m) in the equatorial area and at the nitracline (75-100 m) in the oligotrophic regions. Cyanobacteria were not the principle component of the picoplankton. The carbon biomass ratio of heterotroph to phytoplankton was greater than 1 in the eutrophic area and lower than 1 in oligotrophic waters.


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以野外样地调查和室内分析法研究了三江源区高寒小嵩草草甸不同退化演替阶段群落中土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的变化.结果表明,放牧活动明显地影响了土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的含量.不同退化演替阶段期间,高寒小嵩草草甸土壤有机碳、微生物量碳含量在0~10 cm土层明显较高,且随着退化程度的加剧,分布在0~40 cm土层的土壤有机碳、微生物量碳含量明显降低;不同退化演替阶段,高寒小嵩草草甸由于家畜过度的啃食与践踏,不仅使得植物群落发生了逆向演替,而且土壤的肥力水平显著地下降,土壤向退化方向发展;高寒草甸的退化将使土壤有机质大量流失,氮素损失严重.随着退化演替过程的进行,高寒草甸土壤质量和土壤营养的持续供给能力逐渐退化,土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳含量也随放牧强度增加而迅速降低;相关分析表明,土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳与土壤含水量、土壤有机质、土壤速效氮呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),说明土壤微生物量碳可作为衡量土壤有机碳变化的敏感指标,而土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量可作为衡量土壤肥力和土壤质量变化的重要指标.