925 resultados para cost share


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Para los países emergentes en América Latina y El Caribe se hace necesario determinar la eficiencia de su sistema de salud para generar beneficios a su población desde el indicador de esperanza de vida al nacer y los recursos que se hacen uso desde Colombia en comparación con sus homólogos. Se evidencia que a pesar de Colombia poseer una economía fuerte durante el análisis de los dos momentos se mantiene en la tendencia general de los demás países y con los mismos resultados del indicador. A su vez se concluye que el momento en que se tomaron las decisiones de cambio del sistema de salud es un factor diferenciador en los resultados obtenidos como fue el caso de Costa Rica identificado con el de mejor desempeño en la relación Indicador de esperanza de vida al nacer y Porcentaje de gasto en salud como parte del Producto interno bruto.


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Measuring labor's share of an economy's aggregate income seems straightforward, at least in principle. Count up wage and salary income, along with the value of benefits provided to employees, and divide it by total income. However, one fundamental concept of labor's share in macroeconomic theory is not the amount of aggregate income paid out to labor. Rather, it is the share of aggregate production that is attributable to "raw" units of labor. Or, otherwise stated, it is the share of aggregate income that would have been paid to laborers if they had no accumulated stocks of human capital.1 This share corresponds to an aggregate production function parameter: the elasticity of output with respect to physical (i.e. non-augmented or raw) units of labor (Robert Solow, 1957). In this paper we estimate annual raw labor’s share for the US, 1949 to 1996.


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In this paper, investment cost asymmetry is introduced in order to test wheter this kind of asymmetry can account for asymmetries in business cycles. By using a smooth transition function, asymmetric investment cost is modeled and introduced in a canonical RBC model. Simulations of the model with Perturbations Method (PM) are very close to simulations through Parameterized Expectations Algorithm (PEA), which allows the use of the former for the sake of time reduction and computational costs. Both symmetric and asymmetric models were simulated and compared. Deterministic and stochastic impulse-response excersices revealed that it is possible to adequately reproduce asymmetric business cycles by modeling asymmetric investment costs. Simulations also showed that higher order moments are insu_cient to detect asymmetries. Instead, methods such as Generalized Impulse Response Analysis (GIRA) and Nonlinear Econometrics prove to be more e_cient diagnostic tools.


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We present an endogenous growth model where innovations are factor saving. Technologies can be changed paying a cost and technological change takes place only if the benefits are larger than the costs. Since the gains derived from factor saving innovations depend on factor abundance, biased innovations respond to changes in factors supply. Therefore, as an economy becomes more capital abundant agents try to use capital more intensively. Consequently, (a) the elasticity of output with respect to reproducible factors depends on the capital abundance of the economy and (b) the income share of reproducible factors increases as the economy grows. Another insight of the model is that in some economies the production function converges to an AK in the long run, while in others long-run growth is zero


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El presente trabajo intenta estimar si las empresas emplean estratégicamente la deuda para limitar la entrada de potenciales rivales. Mediante la metodología de Método Generalizado de Momentos (GMM) se evalúa el efecto que tienen los activos específicos, la cuota de mercado y el tamaño, como proxies de las rentas del mercado, y las barreras de entrada sobre los niveles de endeudamiento, a nivel de empresa para Colombia, durante 1995-2003. Se encuentra que las empresas utilizan los activos específicos para limitar la entrada al mercado y que el endeudamiento decrece a medida que las empresas aumentan su cuota en el mercado


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This paper examines the impact on old age poverty and the fiscal cost of universal minimum oldage pensions in Latin America using recent household survey data for 18 countries. Alleviatingold age poverty requires different approach from other age groups and a minimum pension islikely to be the only alternative available. First we measure old age poverty rates for all countries.Second we discuss the design of minimum pensions schemes, means-tested or not, as wellas the disincentive effects that they are expected to have on the economic and social behavior ofhouseholds including labor supply, saving and family solidarity. Third we use the household surveysto simulate the fiscal cost and the impact on poverty rates of alternative minimum pensionschemes in the 18 countries. We show that a universal minimum pension would substantiallyreduce poverty among the elderly except in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay where minimumpension systems already exist and poverty rates are low. Such schemes have much tobe commended in terms of incentives, spillover effects and administrative simplicity but have ahigh fiscal cost. The latter is a function of the age at which benefits are awarded, the prevailinglongevity, the generosity of benefits, the efficacy of means testing, and naturally the fiscal capacityof the country.


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Los costos de transporte son una de las más importantes fuentes de barreras al comercio. Inspirados por este aspecto, utilizamos un modelo empírico ad-hoc con el fin de examinar los posibles determinantes de los costos de transporte. Utilizando una base de datos de costos de transporte bilaterales para el año 1990, replicamos el trabajo de Limao y Venables (2001) y encontramos que el efecto de su ´índice de infraestructura sobre los costos de transporte no es robusto. Siguiendo a Micco (2004) y Micco y Serebrinzky (2005) calculamos dos ´índices alternativos de infraestructura. Utilizando estos ´índices encontramos que aparte de la distancia, la infraestructura, la estabilidad política, las relaciones bilaterales comunes y los acuerdos de cielos abiertos son otros importantes canales mediante los cuales los costos de transporte pueden reducirse.


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Una selección de clásicos y modernos poemas de diferentes culturas para todo el año. Objetivos: elegir y preparar poemas para: la identificación de expresiones adecuadas, tono, volumen y el uso de voces y otros sonidos; utilizar adjetivos para agregar detalle por escrito; experimentar con el efecto de los distintos adjetivos compartidos a través de la escritura; notar donde se ponen comas en la lectura y examinar sus funciones para ayudar al lector; utilizar el término coma adecuadamente en relación a la lectura.


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Una selección de clásicos y modernos poemas de diferentes culturas para todo el año. Objetivos: elegir y preparar poemas para: la identificación de expresiones adecuadas, tono, volumen y el uso de voces y otros sonidos; utilizar adjetivos para agregar detalle por escrito; experimentar con el efecto de los distintos adjetivos compartidos a través de la escritura; notar donde se ponen comas en la lectura y examinar sus funciones para ayudar al lector; utilizar el término coma adecuadamente en relación a la lectura.


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One of the main challenges for developers of new human-computer interfaces is to provide a more natural way of interacting with computer systems, avoiding excessive use of hand and finger movements. In this way, also a valuable alternative communication pathway is provided to people suffering from motor disabilities. This paper describes the construction of a low cost eye tracker using a fixed head setup. Therefore a webcam, laptop and an infrared lighting source were used together with a simple frame to fix the head of the user. Furthermore, detailed information on the various image processing techniques used for filtering the centre of the pupil and different methods to calculate the point of gaze are discussed. An overall accuracy of 1.5 degrees was obtained while keeping the hardware cost of the device below 100 euros.


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Irrespective of whether an airline has high or low operating costs, a thorough knowledge and breakdown of them is vital in order for management to: • monitor performance (to check if targets / budgets are being met. If not, remedial action can be taken) • set appropriate fares and tariffs • evaluate new routes, aircraft acquisition and outsourcing opportunities


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Outline • How Low cost airlines have changed the EU? • Maturity in Europe? • Market Substitution or generation? • Are LCCs culpable for increasing aviation's carbon footprint? • What makes a successful low cost airline? • LCCs and the long haul market


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Estimates of the Cost difference “The evidence suggests that low-cost no-frills operations can achieve unit costs as low as half those of a major network carrier” CAP 685 Single European Aviation Market: The First Five Years (June 1998)


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Chronic pesticide poisoning is difficult to detect. We sought to develop a low-cost test battery for settings such as Ecuador’s floriculture industry. First we had to develop a case definition; as with all occupational diseases a case had to have both sufficient effective dose and associated health effects. For the former, using canonical discriminant analysis, we found that adding measures of protection and overall environmental stressors to occupational category and duration of exposure was useful. For the latter, factor analysis suggested three distinct manifestations of pesticide poisoning. We then determined sensitivity and specificity of various combinations of symptoms and simple neurotoxicity tests from the Pentox questionnaire, and found that doing so increased sensitivity and specificity compared to use of acethylcholinesterase alone – the current screening standard. While sensitivity and specificity varied with different case definitions, our results support the development of a low-cost test battery for screening in such settings.