976 resultados para congenital nasolacrimal obstruction


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A case report of an atipical inferior rectus congenital fibrosis associated with a generalized muscular hypotonia is presented. It shows mild hipotropia with a normal visual acuity and binocularity in infraversion position contrasting with the severe hipotropia and ambliopy found. The surgical procedure took these facts into consideration, so we performed a small retrocess of the muscle with the objective to correct the head position without changes in the reading position. The postoperative results were satisfactory.


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Purpose: To identify improvement in visual performance of low vision students after assessment and management conducted at the Low Vision Service of State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Method: Fourteen low vision students aged six to 30 years, attended in a room with resources for visual deficiency in Americana and Santa Bárbara d'Oeste -- SP during 1998 received complete ophthalmologic examination, specialized low vision assessment and educational intervention. Results: The most prevalent cause of vision loss was operated congenital cataract with four cases (28.6%), followed by congenital bilateral toxoplasmic macular scars and eye malformation, both with two cases (14.3%) cases each. Eight students (57.2%) had acuity classified as severe vision loss, four (28.6%) profound, one (7.1%) moderate and one (7.1%) nearly normal vision. Twelve (85.7%) were behind expected school grade. Optical aids were prescribed for 12 (85.8%) students but only 7 (58.3%) acquired the aids thus improving significantly their school performance. Conclusion: All students improved school performance even considering that 12 (85.7%) had severe to profound vision loss. As a group their performance could even be better if the optical aid prescriptions were acquired by all. This indicates the need of a social work to support such needs. For good results at school and effective student inclusion a partnership between school, family and specialized education is necessary. We recommend to promote the benefits of the resource room.


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PURPOSE: To verify perceptions and conduct of students with visual impairment regarding devices and equipment utilized in schooling process. METHODS: A transversal descriptive study on a population of 12-year-old or older students in schooling process, affected by congenital or acquired visual impairment, inserted in the government teaching system of Campinas during the year 2000. An interview quiz, created based on an exploratory study was applied. RESULTS: A group of 26 students, 46% of them with low vision and 53.8% affected by blindness was obtained. Most of the students were from fundamental teaching courses (65.4%), studying in schools with classrooms provided with devices (73.1%). Among the resources used in reading and writing activities, 94.1% of the students reported they used the Braille system and 81.8% reported that the reading subject was dictated by a colleague. Most of the students with low vision wore glasses (91.7%), and 33.3% utilized a magnifying glass as optical devices. Among the non-optical devices, the most common were the environmental ones, getting closer to the blackboard (75.0%) and to the window (66.7%) for better lighting. CONCLUSIONS: It became evident that students with low vision eye-sight made use of devices meant for bearers of blindness, such as applying the Braille system. A reduced number of low vision students making use of optical and non-optical devices applicable to their problems were observed, indicating a probable unawareness of their visual potential and the appropriate devices to improve efficiency.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of different types of glaucoma at the Hospital das Clínicas of Campinas State University. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 329 patients followed at the Glaucoma Service of Campinas State University from October 1 to December 20, 2000. The frequency of each type of glaucoma and the treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 329 patients examined at the Glaucoma Service: 132 (40.1%) were referred to the service as glaucoma suspects and 197 (59.9%) as glaucoma patients. Ninety of the 132 glaucoma suspects had glaucoma (68.2%) and 42 are still under investigation (31.8%). Among the 329 patients, 283 (86%) had glaucoma, 42 (12.8%) were glaucoma suspects, 2 (0.6%) had ocular hypertension and 2 (0.6%) did not have glaucoma. There were 530 eyes with glaucoma: 298 (56.2%) with primary open angle glaucoma, 108 (20.4%) with chronic angle closure glaucoma, 21 (4%) with glaucoma following cataract surgery, 19 (3.6%) congenital glaucoma and 16 (3%) with low-tension glaucoma. All patients received initial clinical treatment with IOP-lowering medication. After a mean follow up of 10.5 months, 89 (16.8%) underwent laser therapy: 72 (13.6%) iridotomy, 7 (1.3%) trabeculoplasty and 10 (1.9%) panphotocoagulation. A hundred and seventy nine (33%) eyes required surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: The most frequent types of glaucoma were primary open angle and angle closure glaucoma. Low tension glaucoma and glaucoma associated with exfoliation syndrome were uncommon in this population.


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The cerebral cysticercosis can produce intracranial hypertension by inflammatory obstruction of the basal cysterns or by expansive lesion in the cerebral parenchima or ventricular cavities. In the latter and in tumor cases the clinical picture is very similar and only after surgery can the etiology be determined. We present 11 operated cases of intracranial cysticercosis which presented the clinical picture of an expansive lesion. There were 7 females and 4 males with ages between 4 and 65 years. Nine patients were admitted because of headache, vomiting and visual disturbances suggestive of intracranial hypertension. One patient was admited with lymphocytic meningitis and another with focal seizures following hemiparesis. Five patients presented focal signs and six edema of the papilla. Epileptic manifestations were present in 45.5% of the cases. A plain X-ray films of the skull failed to reveal calcificatons, however signs of chronic hypertension were present in three cases. The electroencephalogram showed slow focal waves in 8 patients The spinal fluid examination revealed lymphocytosis in 4 cases, increased protein content in another 4 and complement fixation for cysticercosis was positive in 2 cases. The expansive lesions were localized by angiograph and ventriculography. In these the location was temporal in 4, frontal in 3, parietal in 2, in the third ventricle in one and in the fourth ventricle in another. At surgery we removed a large cyst from the cerebral parenchyma in six cases. Around the cyst a thick glial reaction was present. In the other cases the cyst was small but fixed to the ventricular trigone and produced dilatation of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. In two cases we removed a solitary intraventricular cyst from the third and fourth ventricles. In the two children operated upon there were several small hard cysts involving the cerebral parenchyma which displayed intense gliosis. There were no postoperative complications.


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Multiloculated hydrocephalus is a clinicopathological entity consisting of enlarged, loculated ventricles and paraventricular poroencephalic cavities. We present two cases of multiloculated hydrocephalus: one due to infectious process of central nervous system and the other consequent to a congenital malformation. Tomographic aspects of this condition that permit the diagnosis are stressed. The pathophysiology, the management and the prognosis are discussed according to the available literature.


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We present the neuropsychological assessment with computer aid of six cerebral palsy children. Three children had right hemiparesis and three, left hemiparesis. The tomographic examination showed parietal cavities (porencephalic cyst in 4 children, ischemic injury in 1 case and subarachnoid cyst in 1 case). We have proposed to assess the visuo-spatial function since we suspected the children could have disturbance of this function. We did not detect this disturbance. On the other hand, the children had astereognosia and the right hemiparetic children preferred to execute signs on the right part of the computer visor. We discuss and propose explanations for both findings.


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TEMA: o hipotireoidismo congênito é uma alteração metabólica que traz conseqüência graves para indivíduos não tratados e mesmo as crianças que realizam o tratamento podem apresentar distúrbios do desenvolvimento. O Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal, instituído pelo Ministério da Saúde, prevê o acompanhamento longitudinal de indivíduos com equipe multidisciplinar. Entretanto, a Fonoaudiologia não é incluída nesta equipe. Deste modo, considerando a ocorrência de distúrbios da comunicação nestes indivíduos, realizou-se levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados Lilacs, MedLine e PubMed, no período de 1987 a 2007, referente às alterações em habilidades do desenvolvimento decorrentes do hipotireoidismo congênito. OBJETIVO: verificar, na literatura científica, presença de alterações do desenvolvimento em indivíduos com hipotireoidismo congênito e refletir sobre a importância da atuação fonoaudiológica, em conjunto com equipe multidisciplinar especializada, no acompanhamento dos mesmos. CONCLUSÃO: a literatura relata alterações nas habilidades do desenvolvimento (motoras, cognitivas, lingüísticas e de autocuidados) e destaca que crianças com hipotireoidismo congênito são de risco para alterações no desenvolvimento lingüístico e, portanto, necessitam do acompanhamento longitudinal do desenvolvimento comunicativo. Torna-se evidente a importância da atuação do fonoaudiólogo nos Programas de Triagem Neonatal credenciados pelo Ministério da Saúde. Ressalta-se ainda a necessidade de investigações referentes às outras alterações metabólicas contempladas nestes programas, nas quais o fonoaudiólogo pode atuar de modo a prevenir, habilitar e reabilitar os distúrbios da comunicação, contribuindo para o trabalho em equipe, promovendo saúde nesta população.


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OBJETIVO: o presente estudo propõe-se a comparar as dimensões da nasofaringe e as características esqueléticas avaliadas por exame cefalométrico, em indivíduos com padrões morfológicos distintos. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 90 telerradiografias de pacientes de ambos os gêneros, de 12 a 16 anos de idade, as quais foram igualmente divididas em três grupos distintos, referentes aos padrões morfológicos - braquifacial, mesofacial e dolicofacial. Foram realizadas medições específicas da região nasofaringeana (ad1-Ptm, ad2-Ptm, ad1-Ba, ad2-S0, (ad1-ad2-S0-Ba-ad1/Ptm-S 0-Ba-Ptm) X 100, e Ptm-Ba) e relativas ao padrão esquelético da face. RESULTADOS: observou-se que os pacientes dolicofaciais apresentaram menor profundidade sagital óssea (Ptm-Ba) e da via aérea da nasofaringe (ad1-Ptm e ad2-Ptm). Sugere-se que essas diferenças estejam relacionadas a um posicionamento relativamente mais posterior da maxila, comum a esses pacientes. Todavia, não foram detectadas diferenças quanto à espessura de tecido mole na parede posterior nasofaringeana (ad1-Ba e ad2-S0), ou à sua proporção em relação a toda a área delimitada para a nasofaringe [(ad1-ad2-S0-Ba-ad1/Ptm-S 0-Ba-Ptm) X 100]. CONCLUSÃO: sugere-se, portanto, que as características faciais de excesso vertical encontradas em pacientes dolicofaciais podem ocorrer, dentre outros fatores, em virtude da obstrução da via aérea nasofaringeana, uma vez que tais dimensões se apresentaram menores para os dolicofaciais.


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Myelomeningocele (MMC) is a congenital malformation of the neural tube that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. This malformation refers to the caudal non-closure of the neural tube and neural tissue exposure, which lead to neurological problems, such as hydrocephalus, motor disability, genitourinary tract and skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation. Patients with MMC have an acknowledged predisposition to latex allergy and are usually at a high caries risk and activity due to poor oral hygiene, fermentable carbon hydrate-rich diet and prolonged use of sugar-containing medications. This paper addresses the common oral findings in pediatric patients with MMC, discusses the strategies and precautions to deal with these individuals and reports the dental care to a young child diagnosed with this condition.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the agreement between diagnoses of calcified atheroma seen on panoramic radiographs and color Doppler images. Our interest stems from the fact that panoramic images can show the presence of atheroma regardless of the level of obstruction detected by color Doppler images. Panoramic and color Doppler images of 16 patients obtained from the archives of the Health Department of the city of Valença, RJ, Brazil, were analyzed in this study. Both sides of each patient were observed on the images, with a total of 32 analyzed cervical regions. The level of agreement between diagnoses was analyzed using the Kappa statistics. There was a high level of agreement, with a Kappa value of 0.78. In conclusion, panoramic radiographs can help detecting calcifications in the cervical region of patients susceptible to vascular diseases predisposing to myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents. If properly trained and informed, dentists can refer their patients to a physician for a cardiovascular evaluation in order to receive proper and timely medical treatment.


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Spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy, and neuropathy (SPOAN) is an autosomal recessive complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is clinically defined by congenital optic atrophy, infancy-onset progressive spastic paraplegia and peripheral neuropathy. In this study, which included 61 individuals (age 5-72 years, 42 females) affected by SPOAN, a comprehensive motor and functional evaluation was performed, using modified Barthel index, modified Ashworth scale, hand grip strength measured with a hydraulic dynamometer and two hereditary spastic paraplegia scales. Modified Barthel index, which evaluate several functional aspects, was more sensitive to disclose disease progression than the spastic paraplegia scales. Spasticity showed a bimodal distribution, with both grades 1 (minimum) and 4 (maximum). Hand grip strength showed a moderate inverse correlation with age. Combination of early onset spastic paraplegia and progressive polyneuropathy make SPOAN disability overwhelming.


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Glucose enters eukaryotic cells via two types of membrane-associated carrier proteins, the Na+/glucose cotransporters (SGLT) and the facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT). The SGLT family consists of six members. Among them, the SGLT1 and SGLT2 proteins, encoded by the solute carrier genes SLC5A1 and SLC5A2, respectively, are believed to be the most important ones and have been extensively explored in studies focusing on glucose fluxes under both physiological and pathological conditions. This review considers the regulation of the expression of the SGLT promoted by protein kinases and transcription factors, as well as the alterations determined by diets of different compositions and by pathologies such as diabetes. It also considers congenital defects of sugar metabolism caused by aberrant expression of the SGLT1 in glucose-galactose malabsorption and the SGLT2 in familial renal glycosuria. Finally, it covers some pharmacological compounds that are being currently studied focusing on the interest of controlling glycemia by antagonizing SGLT in renal and intestinal tissues.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desenvolvimento de conceitos por cegos congênitos. Participaram sete cegos congênitos, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 8 e 13 anos. Foi solicitado aos participantes que definissem 15 conceitos, subdivididos em concretos e abstratos. As respostas foram agrupadas em 13 categorias. Verificou-se que cada tipo de conceito envolve formas diferenciadas de definição e de utilização de recursos perceptivos. Foram identificados alguns meios utilizados pelo cego congênito na aquisição do conhecimento, evidenciando a multiplicidade de possibilidades de aquisição e expressão de conceitos. As implicações deste trabalho para o processo de ensino/aprendizagem de cegos foram consideradas.


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A infecção chagásica foi averiguada entre moradores de duas microrregiões geográficas homogêneas do Estado de São Paulo, entre os anos de 1976 a 1980. Campos de Itapetininga, na região de Sorocaba e Encosta Ocidental da Mantiqueira Paulista, na região de Campinas, foram áreas de colonização de Triatoma infestans, no passado, tendo permanecido, na primeira, até o início da década de 70, como reduto da espécie no estado. Atualmente as duas áreas são colonizadas por triatomíneos da espécie Panstrongylus megistus. Perfis de títulos sorológicos caracterizaram ambas as microrregiões como áreas de baixa endemicidade; a interrupção da transmissão foi mais precoce na Encosta, com diferença de 17 anos, em média. Em Campos de Itapetininga, a intensa exposição ao vetor é traduzida pela sororreatividade observada nas idades superiores a 20 anos, correspondentes aos nascidos antes de 1956. Dentre os nascidos entre 1972 e 1977, nessa área, permanece uma baixa positividade, podendo, também, associar-se à transmissão congênita. Na Encosta, a média de idade dos sororreagentes corresponde a nascimentos na década de 1930; os níveis de positividade variaram nos municípios que a compõe segundo o desenvolvimento de capital. Após 1984, com a adoção de novos critérios para o uso da sorologia no Programa de Controle, o encontro de sororreagente não tem sido associado estatisticamente a moradores notificantes de domicílios com presença de triatomíneos.