895 resultados para computer-aided instruction


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A fianco ai metodi più tradizionali, fin ora utilizzati, le tecnologie additive hanno subito negli ultimi anni una notevole evoluzione nella produzione di componenti. Esse permettono un ampio di range di applicazioni utilizzando materiali differenti in base al settore di applicazione. In particolare, la stampa 3D FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) rappresenta uno dei processi tecnologici additivi più diffusi ed economicamente più competitivi. Gli attuali metodi di analisi agli elementi finiti (FEM) e le tecnologie CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) non sono in grado di studiare modelli 3D di componenti stampati, dal momento che il risultato finale dipende dai parametri di processo e ambientali. Per questo motivo, è necessario uno studio approfondito della meso struttura del componente stampato per estendere l’analisi FEM anche a questa tipologia di componenti. Lo scopo del lavoro proposto è di creare un elemento omogeneo che rappresenti accuratamente il comportamento di un componente realizzato in stampa 3D FDM, questo avviene attraverso la definizione e l’analisi di un volume rappresentativo (RVE). Attraverso la tecnica dell’omogeneizzazione, il volume definito riassume le principali caratteristiche meccaniche della struttura stampata, permettendo nuove analisi e ottimizzazioni. Questo approccio permette di realizzare delle analisi FEM sui componenti da stampare e di predire le proprietà meccaniche dei componenti a partire da determinati parametri di stampa, permettendo così alla tecnologia FDM di diventare sempre di più uno dei principali processi industriali a basso costo.


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Recent research trends in computer-aided drug design have shown an increasing interest towards the implementation of advanced approaches able to deal with large amount of data. This demand arose from the awareness of the complexity of biological systems and from the availability of data provided by high-throughput technologies. As a consequence, drug research has embraced this paradigm shift exploiting approaches such as that based on networks. Indeed, the process of drug discovery can benefit from the implementation of network-based methods at different steps from target identification to drug repurposing. From this broad range of opportunities, this thesis is focused on three main topics: (i) chemical space networks (CSNs), which are designed to represent and characterize bioactive compound data sets; (ii) drug-target interactions (DTIs) prediction through a network-based algorithm that predicts missing links; (iii) COVID-19 drug research which was explored implementing COVIDrugNet, a network-based tool for COVID-19 related drugs. The main highlight emerged from this thesis is that network-based approaches can be considered useful methodologies to tackle different issues in drug research. In detail, CSNs are valuable coordinate-free, graphically accessible representations of structure-activity relationships of bioactive compounds data sets especially for medium-large libraries of molecules. DTIs prediction through the random walk with restart algorithm on heterogeneous networks can be a helpful method for target identification. COVIDrugNet is an example of the usefulness of network-based approaches for studying drugs related to a specific condition, i.e., COVID-19, and the same ‘systems-based’ approaches can be used for other diseases. To conclude, network-based tools are proving to be suitable in many applications in drug research and provide the opportunity to model and analyze diverse drug-related data sets, even large ones, also integrating different multi-domain information.


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Nowadays, product development in all its phases plays a fundamental role in the industrial chain. The need for a company to compete at high levels, the need to be quick in responding to market demands and therefore to be able to engineer the product quickly and with a high level of quality, has led to the need to get involved in new more advanced methods/ processes. In recent years, we are moving away from the concept of 2D-based design and production and approaching the concept of Model Based Definition. By using this approach, increasingly complex systems turn out to be easier to deal with but above all cheaper in obtaining them. Thanks to the Model Based Definition it is possible to share data in a lean and simple way to the entire engineering and production chain of the product. The great advantage of this approach is precisely the uniqueness of the information. In this specific thesis work, this approach has been exploited in the context of tolerances with the aid of CAD / CAT software. Tolerance analysis or dimensional variation analysis is a way to understand how sources of variation in part size and assembly constraints propagate between parts and assemblies and how that range affects the ability of a project to meet its requirements. It is critically important to note how tolerance directly affects the cost and performance of products. Worst Case Analysis (WCA) and Statistical analysis (RSS) are the two principal methods in DVA. The thesis aims to show the advantages of using statistical dimensional analysis by creating and examining various case studies, using PTC CREO software for CAD modeling and CETOL 6σ for tolerance analysis. Moreover, it will be provided a comparison between manual and 3D analysis, focusing the attention to the information lost in the 1D case. The results obtained allow us to highlight the need to use this approach from the early stages of the product design cycle.


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La segmentazione prevede la partizione di un'immagine in aree strutturalmente o semanticamente coerenti. Nell'imaging medico, è utilizzata per identificare, contornandole, Regioni di Interesse (ROI) clinico, quali lesioni tumorali, oggetto di approfondimento tramite analisi semiautomatiche e automatiche, o bersaglio di trattamenti localizzati. La segmentazione di lesioni tumorali, assistita o automatica, consiste nell’individuazione di pixel o voxel, in immagini o volumi, appartenenti al tumore. La tecnica assistita prevede che il medico disegni la ROI, mentre quella automatica è svolta da software addestrati, tra cui i sistemi Computer Aided Detection (CAD). Mediante tecniche di visione artificiale, dalle ROI si estraggono caratteristiche numeriche, feature, con valore diagnostico, predittivo, o prognostico. L’obiettivo di questa Tesi è progettare e sviluppare un software di segmentazione assistita che permetta al medico di disegnare in modo semplice ed efficace una o più ROI in maniera organizzata e strutturata per futura elaborazione ed analisi, nonché visualizzazione. Partendo da Aliza, applicativo open-source, visualizzatore di esami radiologici in formato DICOM, è stata estesa l’interfaccia grafica per gestire disegno, organizzazione e memorizzazione automatica delle ROI. Inoltre, è stata implementata una procedura automatica di elaborazione ed analisi di ROI disegnate su lesioni tumorali prostatiche, per predire, di ognuna, la probabilità di cancro clinicamente non-significativo e significativo (con prognosi peggiore). Per tale scopo, è stato addestrato un classificatore lineare basato su Support Vector Machine, su una popolazione di 89 pazienti con 117 lesioni (56 clinicamente significative), ottenendo, in test, accuratezza = 77%, sensibilità = 86% e specificità = 69%. Il sistema sviluppato assiste il radiologo, fornendo una seconda opinione, non vincolante, adiuvante nella definizione del quadro clinico e della prognosi, nonché delle scelte terapeutiche.


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In the realm of computer programming, the experience of writing a program is used to reinforce concepts and evaluate ability. This research uses three case studies to evaluate the introduction of testing through Kolb's Experiential Learning Model (ELM). We then analyze the impact of those testing experiences to determine methods for improving future courses. The first testing experience that students encounter are unit test reports in their early courses. This course demonstrates that automating and improving feedback can provide more ELM iterations. The JUnit Generation (JUG) tool also provided a positive experience for the instructor by reducing the overall workload. Later, undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to work together in a multi-role Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) course. The interactions use usability analysis techniques with graduate students as usability experts and undergraduate students as design engineers. Students get experience testing the user experience of their product prototypes using methods varying from heuristic analysis to user testing. From this course, we learned the importance of the instructors role in the ELM. As more roles were added to the HCI course, a desire arose to provide more complete, quality assured software. This inspired the addition of unit testing experiences to the course. However, we learned that significant preparations must be made to apply the ELM when students are resistant. The research presented through these courses was driven by the recognition of a need for testing in a Computer Science curriculum. Our understanding of the ELM suggests the need for student experience when being introduced to testing concepts. We learned that experiential learning, when appropriately implemented, can provide benefits to the Computer Science classroom. When examined together, these course-based research projects provided insight into building strong testing practices into a curriculum.


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The article describes an attempt to improve student learning outcomes in a computer networks course by making lectures more active learning experiences. Quick quizzes, group and individual exercises, the review of student questions, as well as multiple breaks, were incorporated into the weekly three-hour lectures. Student responses to the modified lectures was overwhelmingly positive: over 85% of respondents agreed that the lectures aided understanding, with large majorities of the respondents finding the individual activities useful to their learning. Although student examination performance improved over the previous year, performance on an examination question that was designed to examine deep understanding remained unchanged.


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In this thesis, simple methods have been sought to lower the teacher’s threshold to start to apply constructive alignment in instruction. From the phases of the instructional process, aspects that can be improved with little effort by the teacher have been identified. Teachers have been interviewed in order to find out what students actually learn in computer science courses. A quantitative analysis of the structured interviews showed that in addition to subject specific skills and knowledge, students learn many other skills that should be mentioned in the learning outcomes of the course. The students’ background, such as their prior knowledge, learning style and culture, affects how they learn in a course. A survey was conducted to map the learning styles of computer science students and to see if their cultural background affected their learning style. A statistical analysis of the data indicated that computer science students are different learners than engineering students in general and that there is a connection between the student’s culture and learning style. In this thesis, a simple self-assessment scale that is based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy has been developed. A statistical analysis of the test results indicates that in general the scale is quite reliable, but single students still slightly overestimate or under-estimate their knowledge levels. For students, being able to follow their own progress is motivating, and for a teacher, self-assessment results give information about how the class is proceeding and what the level of the students’ knowledge is.


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This applied linguistic study in the field of second language acquisition investigated the assessment practices of class teachers as well as the challenges and visions of language assessment in bilingual content instruction (CLIL) at primary level in Finnish basic education. Furthermore, pupils’ and their parents’ perceptions of language assessment and LangPerform computer simulations as an alternative, modern assessment method in CLIL contexts were examined. The study was conducted for descriptive and developmental purposes in three phases: 1) a CLIL assessment survey; 2) simulation 1; and 3) simulation 2. All phases had a varying number of participants. The population of this mixed methods study were CLIL class teachers, their pupils and the pupils’ parents. The sampling was multi-staged and based on probability and random sampling. The data were triangulated. Altogether 42 CLIL class teachers nationwide, 109 pupils from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade as well as 99 parents from two research schools in South-Western Finland participated in the CLIL assessment survey followed by an audio-recorded theme interview of volunteers (10 teachers, 20 pupils and 7 parents). The simulation experimentations 1 and 2 produced 146 pupil and 39 parental questionnaires as well as video interviews of volunteered pupils. The data were analysed both quantitatively using percentages and numerical frequencies and qualitatively employing thematic content analysis. Based on the data, language assessment in primary CLIL is not an established practice. It largely appears to be infrequent, incidental, implicit and based on impressions rather than evidence or the curriculum. The most used assessment methods were teacher observation, bilingual tests and dialogic interaction, and the least used were portfolios, simulations and peer assessment. Although language assessment was generally perceived as important by teachers, a fifth of them did not gather assessment information systematically, and 38% scarcely gave linguistic feedback to pupils. Both pupils and parents wished to receive more information on CLIL language issues; 91% of pupils claimed to receive feedback rarely or occasionally, and 63% of them wished to get more information on their linguistic coping in CLIL subjects. Of the parents, 76% wished to receive more information on the English proficiency of their children and their linguistic development. This may be a response to indirect feedback practices identified in this study. There are several challenges related to assessment; the most notable is the lack of a CLIL curriculum, language objectives and common ground principles of assessment. Three diverse approaches to language in CLIL that appear to affect teachers’ views on language assessment were identified: instrumental (language as a tool), dual (language as a tool and object of learning) and eclectic (miscellaneous views, e.g. affective factors prioritised). LangPerform computer simulations seem to be perceived as an appropriate alternative assessment method in CLIL. It is strongly recommended that the fundamentals for assessment (curricula and language objectives) and a mutual assessment scheme should be determined and stakeholders’ knowledge base of CLIL strengthened. The principles of adequate assessment in primary CLIL are identified as well as several appropriate assessment methods suggested.


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In this study, methods of media literacy instruction including analytic activities, production activities, and a combination of analytic and production activities were compared to determine their influence on grade 8 students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours towards commercials. The findings showed that media literacy instruction does improve media literacy skills. Specifically, activities that included an analytic component or an analytic and production component were significantly better than activities that included a production component. Participants that completed analytic or analytic and production activities were able to discern media-related terms, target audience, selling techniques, social values, and stereotypes in commercials better than participants that completed only production activities. The research findings also showed obstacles when teaching media literacy. When engaged in analytic activities, the difficulties included locating suitable resources, addressing the competition from commercials, encouraging written reflection, recognizing social values, and discussing racial stereotypes. When engaged in production activities, the difficulties were positioning recording stations, managing group work, organizing ideas, filming the footage, computer issues, and scheduling time. Strategies to overcome these obstacles are described.


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This paper aims at giving a concise survey of the present state-of-the-art of mathematical modelling in mathematics education and instruction. It will consist of four parts. In part 1, some basic concepts relevant to the topic will be clarified and, in particular, mathematical modelling will be defined in a broad, comprehensive sense. Part 2 will review arguments for the inclusion of modelling in mathematics teaching at schools and universities, and identify certain schools of thought within mathematics education. Part 3 will describe the role of modelling in present mathematics curricula and in everyday teaching practice. Some obstacles for mathematical modelling in the classroom will be analysed, as well as the opportunities and risks of computer usage. In part 4, selected materials and resources for teaching mathematical modelling, developed in the last few years in America, Australia and Europe, will be presented. The examples will demonstrate many promising directions of development.


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Nursing school graduates are under pressure to pass the RN-NCLEX Exam on the first attempt since New York State monitors the results and uses them to evaluate the school’s nursing programs. Since the RN-NCLEX Exam is a standardized test, we sought a method to make our students better test takers. The use of on-line computer adaptive testing has raised our student’s standardized test scores at the end of the nursing course.


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All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.


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Many research-based instruction strategies (RBISs) have been developed; their superior efficacy with respect to student learning has been demonstrated in many studies. Collecting and interpreting evidence about: 1) the extent to which electrical and computer engineering (ECE) faculty members are using RBISs in core, required engineering science courses, and 2) concerns that they express about using them, are important aspects of understanding how engineering education is evolving. The authors surveyed ECE faculty members, asking about their awareness and use of selected RBISs. The survey also asked what concerns ECE faculty members had about using RBISs. Respondent data showed that awareness of RBISs was very high, but estimates of use of RBISs, based on survey data, varied from 10% to 70%, depending on characteristics of the strategy. The most significant concern was the amount of class time that using an RBIS might take; efforts to increase use of RBISs must address this.