952 resultados para Well-Behavior
Hydroxyapatite (HA), a stable and biocompatible material for bone tissue therapy, may present a variable stoichiometry and accept a large number of cationic substitutions. Such substitutions may modify the chemical activity of HA surface, with possible impact on biocompatibility. In this work, we assessed the effects of calcium substitution with diverse divalent cations (Pb(2+), Sr(2+), Co(2+), Zn(2+), Fe(2+), Cu(2+), or Mg(2+)) on the biological behavior of HA. Physicochemical analyses revealed that apatite characteristics related to crystallinity and calcium dissolution/uptake rates are very sensitive to the nature of cationic substitution. Cytocompatibility was evaluated by mitochondrial activity, membrane integrity, cell density, proapoptotic potential, and adhesion tests. With the exception of Zn-HA, all the substituted HAs induced some level of apoptosis. The highest apoptosis levels were observed for Mg-HA and Co-HA. Cu-HA was the only material to impair simultaneously mitochondrial activity, membrane integrity, and cell density. The highest relative cell densities after exposure to the modified HAs were observed for Mg-HA and Zn-HA, while Co-HA significantly improved cell adhesion onto HA surface. These results show that changes on surface dissolution caused by cationic substitution, as well as the increase of metal species released to biological media, were the main responsible factors related to alterations on HA biocompatibility. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 98A: 351-358, 2011.
Tonic immobility behavior (TI) is an innate response characterized by profound motor inhibition that is exhibited by prey when physical contact with a predator is prolonged and the situation inescapable. The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) is intimately associated with the somatic and autonomic components of defensive reactions. This study investigated whether the TI response was able to recruit specific functional columns of the PAG by examining c-fos immunolocalization in guinea pigs. In the TI group, the innate response was invoked in animals through inversion and physical contention for at least 15 min. In the control group, the animals were physically manipulated only. Our results demonstrate that the defensive behavior of TI is capable of promoting the expression of Fos protein in different areas of the PAG, with higher levels of staining in the ventrolateral (vI) and lateral (I) columns. In addition, our results demonstrate increased Fos immunoreactivity (FOS-IR) in the dorsal raphe nucleus, the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus and the superior colliculus. In contrast, there were no significant alterations in the number of FOS-IR cells in the inferior colliculus or the oculomotor nucleus. Analysis of the results suggests that neuronal activation after the TI response differs by functional column of the PAG. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tonic immobility (TI) is a temporary state of profound motor inhibition induced by situations that generate intense fear, with the objective of protecting an animal from attacks by predators. A preliminary study by our group demonstrated that microinjection into the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) of an agonist to 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors promoted a decrease in TI duration. In the current study, the effects of GABAergic stimulation of the BLA and the possible interaction between GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors on TI modulation were investigated. Observation revealed that GABAergic agonist muscimol (0.26 nmol) reduced the duration of TI episodes, while microinjection of the GABAergic antagonist bicuculline (1 nmol) increased TI duration. Additionally, microinjection of 5-HT(2) agonist receptors (alpha-methyl-5-HT, 0.32 nmol) into the BLA decreased TI duration, an effect reversed by pretreatment with bicuculline (at the dose that had no effect per se, 0.2 nmol). Moreover, the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors in the BLA did not alter the spontaneous motor activity in the open field test. These experiments demonstrated that the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors of the BLA possibly produce a reduction in unconditioned fear that decreases the TI duration in guinea pigs, but this is not due to increased spontaneous motor activity, which could affect a TI episode nonspecifically. Furthermore, these results suggest an interaction between GABAergic and serotoninergic mechanisms mediated by GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors. In addition, the GABAergic circuit of the BLA presents a tonic inhibitory influence on TI duration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In the field of regenerative medicine, nanoscale physical cuing is clearly becoming a compelling determinant of cell behavior. Developing effective methods for making nanostructured surfaces with well-defined physicochemical properties is thus mandatory for the rational design of functional biomaterials. Here, we demonstrate the versatility of simple chemical oxidative patterning to create unique nanotopographical surfaces that influence the behavior of various cell types, modulate the expression of key determinants of cell activity, and offer the potential of harnessing the power of stem cells. These findings promise to lead to a new generation of improved metal implants with intelligent surfaces that can control biological response at the site of healing.
Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) have been used to study the thermal decomposition, the melting behavior and low-temperature transitions of copolymers obtained by radiation-induced grafting of styrene onto poly (tetrafluoroethylene- perfluoropropylvinylether) (PFA) substrates. PFA with different contents of perfluoropropylvinylether (PPVE) as a comonomer have been investigated. A two step degradation pattern was observed from TGA thermograms of all the grafted copolymers, which was attributed to degradation of PSTY followed by the degradation of the PFA backbone at higher temperature. One broad melting peak can be identified for all copolymers, which has two components in the samples with higher PPVE content. The melting peak, crystal-crystal transition and the degree of crystallinity of the grafted copolymers increases with radiation grafting up to 50 kGy, followed by a decrease at higher doses. No such decrease was observed in the ungrafted PFA samples after irradiation. This indicated that the changes in the heats of transitions and crystallinity at low doses are due to the radiation effects on the microstructure of PFA (chain scission), whereas at higher doses the grafted PSTY is the driving force behind these changes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
An emerging idea is that long-term alcohol abuse results in changes in gene expression in the brain and that these changes are responsible at least partly for alcohol tolerance, dependence and neurotoxicity, The overall goal of our research is to identify genes which are differentia[ly expressed in the brains of well-characterized human alcoholics as compared with non-alcoholics. This should identify as-yet-unknown alcohol-responsive genes, and may well confirm changes in the expression of genes which have been delineated in animal models of alcohol abuse. Cases were carefully selected and samples pooled on the basis of relevant criteria; differential expression was monitored by microarray hybridization. The inherent diversity of human alcoholics can be exploited to identify genes associated with specific pathological processes, as well as to assess the effects of concomitant disease, severity of brain damage, drinking behavior, and factors such as gender and smoking history. initial results show selective changes in gene expression in alcoholics; of particular importance is a coordinated reduction in genes coding for myelin components, Copyright (C) 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.
Theory of Mind (ToM) is the cognitive achievement that enables us to report our propositional attitudes, to attribute such attitudes to others, and to use such postulated or observed mental states in the prediction and explanation of behavior. Most normally developing children acquire ToM between the ages of 3 and 5 years, but serious delays beyond this chronological and mental age have been observed in children with autism, as well is in those with severe sensory impairments. We examine data from Studies of ToM in normally developing children and those with deafness, blindness, autism and Williams syndrome, as well as data from lower primates, in a search for answers to key theoretical questions concerning the origins, nature and representation of knowledge about the mind. In answer to these, we offer a framework according to which ToM is jointly dependent upon language and social experience, and is produced by a conjunction of language acquisition with children's growing social understanding, acquired through conversation and interaction with others. We argue that adequate language and adequate social skills are jointly causally sufficient, and individually causally necessary, for producing ToM. Thus our account supports a social developmental theory of the genesis of human cognition, inspired by the work of Sellars and Vygotsky.
As individuals gain expertise in a chosen field they can begin to conceptualize how what they know can be applied more broadly, to new populations and situations, or to increase desirable outcomes. Judd's book does just this. It takes our current understanding of the etiology, course, and sequelae of brain injuries, combines this with established psychotherapy and rehabilitation techniques, and expands these into a cogent model of what Judd calls “neuropsychotherapy.” Simply put, neuropsychotherapy attempts to address the cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes in brain-injured persons, changes that may go undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or untreated.
The discovery of periodic mesoporous MCM-41 and related molecular sieves has attracted significant attention from a fundamental as well as applied perspective. They possess well-defined cylindrical/hexagonal mesopores with a simple geometry, tailored pore size, and reproducible surface properties. Hence, there is an ever-growing scientific interest in the challenges posed by their processing and characterization and by the refinement of various sorption models. Further, MCM-41-based materials are currently under intense investigation with respect to their utility as adsorbents, catalysts, supports, ion-exchangers, and molecular hosts. In this article, we provide a critical review of the developments in these areas with particular emphasis on adsorption characteristics, progress in controlling the pore sizes, and a comparison of pore size distributions using traditional and newer models. The model proposed by the authors for adsorption isotherms and criticalities in capillary condensation and hysteresis is found to explain unusual adsorption behavior in these materials while providing a convenient characterization tool.
To predict the combustion performance in pulverized coal-fired boilers, this paper examines existing indices and develops a maceral index (MI). These indices were compared with the data of 68 coals and blends in a range of the mean vitrinite reflectance from 0.25 to 1.63. The results showed that the fuel ratio and the mean vitrinite reflectance could qualitatively indicate the burnout of the coals and blends. The new MI, MI = L + V/R-2/I-1.25(HV/30)(2.5), provides a useful correlation for the burnout of the coals and blends. The correlation coefficient (I-) is 0.982 for the EER data, and 0.808 for the ACIRL data. The MI also has potential to correlate ignition and flame stability of the coals and blends. The MI predicts the burnout better than the other indices. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mortality of first instars is generally very high, but variable, and is caused by many factors, including physical and chemical plant characters, weather and natural enemies. Here, a summary of detailed field-based studies of the early-stage survival of a specialist lepidopteran herbivore is presented. First-instar larvae of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, a milkweed specialist, generally grew faster and survived better on leaves when latex flow was reduced by partial severance of the leaf petiole. The outcome depended on milkweed species, and was related to the amount of latex produced, as well as other plant characters, such as leaf hairs, microclimate and concentration of secondary metabolites. Even for a so-called 'milkweed specialist', larval performance and survival appears to be related to the concentration of cardenolides produced by the plants (a potential chemical defence against herbivory). This case study of monarchs and milkweeds highlights the need for field-based experiments to assess the effect of plant characters on the usually poor survival of early instar phytophagous insects. Few similar studies concerning the performance and survival of first-instar, eucalypt-specific herbivores have been conducted, but this type of study is considered essential based on the findings obtained using D. plexippus.
This paper proposes an alternative framework for examining the international macroeconomic impact of domestic monetary and fiscal policies and focuses on the distinction between national spending and national production and the reactive behavior of foreign investors to changing external account balances. It demonstrates that under a floating exchange rate regime, monetary and fiscal policies can affect aggregate expenditure and output quite differently, with important implications for the behavior of the exchange rate, the current account balance, and national income in the short run, as well as the economy's price level in the long run. In particular, this paper predicts that expansionary monetary and fiscal policies tend to depreciate the currency and only temporarily raise gross domestic product and the current account surplus, although permanently raise the domestic price level. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Forty-Ninth International Atlantic Economic Conference, March 14–21, 2000, Munich, Germany.
Ontogenetic changes in the photoresponse of larvae from the demosponge Reneira sp. were studied by analyzing the swimming paths of individual larvae exposed to diffuse white light. Larvae swam upward upon release from the adult, but were negatively phototactic until at least 12 hours after release. The larval photoreceptors are presumed to be a posterior ring of columnar monociliated epithelial cells that possess 120-mum-long cilia and pigment-filled protrusions. A sudden increase in light intensity caused these cilia to become rigidly straight. If the light intensity remained high, the cilia gradually bent over the pigmented vesicles in the adjacent cytoplasm, and thus covered one entire pole of the larva. The response was reversed upon a sudden decrease in light intensity. The ciliated cells were sensitive to changes in light intensity in larvae of all ages. This response is similar to the shadow response in tunicate larvae or the shading of the photoreceptor in Euglena and is postulated to allow the larvae to steer away from brighter light to darker areas, such as under coral rubble-the preferred site of the adult sponge on the reef flat. In the absence of a coordinating system in cellular sponges, the spatial organization and autonomous behavior of the pigmented posterior cells control the rapid responses to light shown by these larvae.
Biometrical genetics is the science concerned with the inheritance of quantitative traits. In this review we discuss how the analytical methods of biometrical genetics are based upon simple Mendelian principles. We demonstrate how the phenotypic covariance between related individuals provides information on the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors influencing that trait, and how factors such as assortative mating, gene-environment correlation and genotype-environment interaction complicate such interpretations. Twin and adoption studies are discussed as well as their assumptions and limitations. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is introduced and we illustrate how this approach may be applied to genetic problems. In particular, we show how SEM can be used to address complicated issues such as analyzing the causes of correlation between traits or determining the direction of causation (DOC) between variables. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.