763 resultados para Waterfronts - Serbia - Belgrad - Competitions


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Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.


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Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.


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Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.


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Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.


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Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.


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The amount of data collected from an individual player during a football match has increased significantly in recent years, following technological evolution in positional tracking. However, given the short time that separates competitions, the common analysis of these data focuses on the magnitude of actions of each player, while considering either technical or physical perform- ance. This focus leads to a considerable amount of information not being taken into account in performance optimization, particularly while considering a sequence of different matches of the same team. In this presentation, we will present a tactical performance indicator that considers players’ overall positioning and their level of coordination during the match. This performance indicator will be applied in different time scales, with a particular focus on possible practical applications.


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Abstract: In this text, we deal with proccesses of appropriation of space in the Dam of Póvoa (Portugal) using a dwelling perspective (Ingold 2009) over the territory. The reconversion of innactive spaces in rural areas into leisure-related ones in a quite common practice in contemporary times.The Spaniards beach is one of the local names given by locals to the Dam of Póvoa (Castelo de Vide), in northern Alentejo (Portugal). In the collective memory of the residents, the Dam (built in the 1920’s) is remembered for the many flowers surrounding the area. This Garden-style aesthetics has outlived the initial function of the Dam (to produce electric power). From the 1960’s to the 1980’s, it was also a popular leisure space for Spanish and Portuguese people. It is not a beach, but being inland, it was the closest thing to a beach the residents had. The centrality of this leisure space in the area only decayed after the construction of swimming pools in the nearby towns. Early in the begginning of 21st century a fire destroyed part of the natural floral landscape of the dam. Abandoned for some years, the place has still been appropriated by leisured people in day-trips (for sight-seeing, pic-nics), fishing competitions, caravan soujorns, and, since 2013, in a music and dance festival named Andanças (www.andancas.net). The research that underlies this paper was carried out between 2013 and 2016 by a team of anthropologists. An ethnography of the Dam and its uses, and of the festival and its participants was carried out. In our working-paper we higlight the main research findings achieved. Key-words: Leisure; Landscape; Tourism; Music; Space; Portugal.


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Based upon qualitative parameters experiments, this study aims to investigate how the elements of the environment, where the coffee is produced, contribute to the final quality of the product. For the analyses, it was used approximately one kilogram of coffee cherry samples collected in 14municipalities previously chosen on the East side of the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The coffee cherry samples were collected and analyzed for each of the two varieties in four levels of altitude for each exposure side of the mountain in relation to the Sun. The quality of the coffee was evaluated through the analysis of its physical characteristics and sensory analysis, popularly known as "Test of drink or Cupping" carried out by three tasters that belonging to the group of Q -Graders, according to the rules of national and international competitions of the Brazilian Association of Special Coffees (BSCA). Were performed analysis by means descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and multivariate analysis, all of them aiming to study the individual sensor y characteristics of quality of the coffee beverage from the ?Matas de Minas? region. Path coefficient analysis also was carried out for the partition of the phenotypic correlation coefficients into measures of direct and indirect effects, in order to determine the individual sensory characteristics that playeda major role in the beverage final score. The results demonstrat e that it is not possible to concl usively establish the differences among coffees evaluated with basis on varieties and environmental factors previously cited. It can be concluded that it is not recommended to associate the quality of coffee only to a specific factor whether from the environment or being it a specific of the culture of coffee. However, the cafes that were evaluated had intrinsic quality, which were derived from the specific characteristics of the ?Matas de Minas? region where they were grown.


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Under land and climate change scenarios, agriculture has experienced water competitions among other sectors in the São Paulo state, Brazil. On the one hand, in several occasions, in the northeastern side of this state, nowadays sugar-cane is expanding, while coffee plantations are losing space. On the other hand, both crops have replaced the natural vegetation composed by Savannah and Atlantic Coastal Forest species. Under this dynamic situation, geosciences are valuable tools for evaluating the large-scale energy and mass exchanges between these diffe rent agro-ecosystems and the lower atmosphere. For quantification of the energy balance components in these mixed agro-ecosystems, the bands 1 and 2 from the MODIS product MOD13Q1 we re used throughout SA FER (Surface Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm, which was applied together with a net of 12 automatic weather stations, during the year 2015 in the main sugar cane and coffee growing regions, located at the no rtheastern side of the state. The fraction of the global solar radiation (R G ) transformed into net radiation (Rn) was 52% for sugar cane and 53% for both, coffee and natural vegetation. The respective annual fractions of Rn used as λ E were 0.68, 0.87 and 0.77, while for the sensible heat (H) fluxes they were 0.27, 0.07 and 0.16. From April to July, heat advection raised λ E values above Rn promoting negative H, however these effects were much and less strong in coffee and sugar cane crop s, respectively. The smallest daily Rn fraction for all agro-ecosystems was for the soil heat flux (G), with averages of 5%, 6% and 7% in sugar cane, coffee and natural vegetation. From the energy balance analyses, we could conclude that, sugar-cane crop presented lower annual water consumption than that for coffee crop , what can be seen as an advantage in situations of water scarcity. However, the replacement of natural vegetation by su gar cane can contribute for warming th e environment, while when this occur with coffee crop there was noticed co oling conditions. The large scale modeling satisfactory results confirm the suitability of using MODIS products togeth er with weather stations to study the energy balance components in mixed agro-ecosystems under land-use and climate change conditions.


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The dissertation fits the political realignment literature and aims to pro-vide further insights into cleavage politics by investigating voting behaviour in the Western European countries’ national elections. In particular, the dis-sertation focuses on the class and value voting patterns and on the change of these patterns in different countries and over the course of time. Peculiar pro-cesses affected all Western European party systems: whilst the «traditional» cleavage theory accounts for National and Industrial revolutions, those pro-cesses assumed to constitute the «societal modernization» determined chang-es in electoral competitions that questioned the relevance of individuals’ so-cial positions to study electoral preferences. Since the associations between social positions and voting behaviour underpin the so-called political cleav-age, the dealignment perspective assumes them to have been eroding since the second half of the XX century. On the other hand, the realignment perspective argues that the cleavage theory still accounts for individuals’ vote choices: of the four «traditional» cleavages, this perspective hypothesizes new class vot-ing patterns and alignments between electoral preferences and a new line of conflict, that is based on values. The dissertation provides a theoretical ac-count of the realignment of the class cleavage and a new conceptualization of value voting. Then, class and value voting patterns are explored. The analyses employ European Social Survey data and detect general and country-specific patterns. The dissertation adopts a mediation perspective and aims to observe how class voting patterns change when controlling for value orientations. The results are provided with a sensitivity analysis, indeed two versions of the measures computed for value orientations are compared. The findings show that social class continues to affect voting behaviour and that value orienta-tions both mediate this effect and affect electoral preferences.


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One of the most visionary goals of Artificial Intelligence is to create a system able to mimic and eventually surpass the intelligence observed in biological systems including, ambitiously, the one observed in humans. The main distinctive strength of humans is their ability to build a deep understanding of the world by learning continuously and drawing from their experiences. This ability, which is found in various degrees in all intelligent biological beings, allows them to adapt and properly react to changes by incrementally expanding and refining their knowledge. Arguably, achieving this ability is one of the main goals of Artificial Intelligence and a cornerstone towards the creation of intelligent artificial agents. Modern Deep Learning approaches allowed researchers and industries to achieve great advancements towards the resolution of many long-standing problems in areas like Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. However, while this current age of renewed interest in AI allowed for the creation of extremely useful applications, a concerningly limited effort is being directed towards the design of systems able to learn continuously. The biggest problem that hinders an AI system from learning incrementally is the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon. This phenomenon, which was discovered in the 90s, naturally occurs in Deep Learning architectures where classic learning paradigms are applied when learning incrementally from a stream of experiences. This dissertation revolves around the Continual Learning field, a sub-field of Machine Learning research that has recently made a comeback following the renewed interest in Deep Learning approaches. This work will focus on a comprehensive view of continual learning by considering algorithmic, benchmarking, and applicative aspects of this field. This dissertation will also touch on community aspects such as the design and creation of research tools aimed at supporting Continual Learning research, and the theoretical and practical aspects concerning public competitions in this field.


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Obiettivo: Lo scopo principale di questo studio è analizzare lo sviluppo di complicanze cardiovascolari (CV) nei pazienti con neoplasia e malattia moderata-severa da COVID-19 e valutare differenze di genere per il rischio di mortalità intraospedaliera o di complicanze CV. Materiali e Metodi. Popolazione oggetto di studio. Pazienti inclusi nel registro ISACS-COVID 19 (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05188612), dati raccolti a partire da Febbraio 2020 a Luglio 2022. I pazienti arruolati sono stati reclutati da centri ospedalieri di cinque paesi: Italia, Croazia, Macedonia, Serbia e Romania. Le caratteristiche d’inclusione comprendono: età >18 anni, essere ospedalizzati e avere diagnosi certa d’infezione da SARS-CoV2. Gli endpoint analizzati sono stati: mortalità intraospedaliera e lo sviluppo di scompenso cardiaco acuto (SCA) nei pazienti con neoplasia. Risultati. La popolazione finale oggetto dello studio era di 4,014 pazienti ospedalizzati per malattia da COVID-19. Di questi circa l’8% risultava affetto da neoplasia. I pazienti con neoplasia risultavano essere più frequentemente donne (49% vs 40%, p=0.004), con un’età media più alta (68.3±12.95 vs 65.2±15.6, p<0.001) ma con profilo di rischio CV simile ai pazienti liberi da neoplasia. A seguito di analisi logistica di regressione multivariata, le donne non risultavano avere un incremento del rischio di mortalità intraospedaliera (OR 0.83;95%CI 0.66-2.45), mentre la presenza di tumore era significativamente associata ad incremento di mortalità (OR 1.68;95%CI 1.16-2.45). Restringendo le analisi di regressione logistica ai pazienti oncologici, le donne presentavano un incremento del rischio di sviluppo di SC acuto (OR3.07;95%CI 1.14 – 8.30) così come lo era la presenza di tumore al seno (OR 2.26; 95%CI 1.38 – 12.1). Conclusioni. La presenza di neoplasia rappresenta una condizione che incrementa il rischio di mortalità intraospedaliera nei pazienti ricoverati con COVID-19, mentre il genere femminile no. Le donne sembrano avere un rischio aumentato di sviluppo di SC acuto soprattutto se presentano un tumore al seno


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Following the latest environmental concerns, the importance of minimising the detrimental effect of emissions of terrestrial vehicles has become a major goal for the whole automotive field. The key to achieve an emission-free long term future is the electrification of vehicle fleets; this huge step cannot be taken without intermediate technologies. In this context, hybrid vehicles are fundamental to reach this goal. Specifically, mild hybrid vehicles represent a trade-off between cost and emissions that could act now as a bridge towards electrification. Like the industry, also student engineering competitions are likely to take the same route: Combustion vehicles may well turn into hybrid vehicles. For this reason, a preliminary design overview is necessary to pinpoint the key performance indicators for the prototypes of the future.